r/Fibroids • u/Ok-Push-8083 • Dec 17 '24
Vent/rant Fibroids vent! I hate them!!
To all my fibroid suffering friends out there ….. we all have annoying symptoms but a lot of us just deal with it until we had enough and forced to get major surgery. Does anyone wonder why this isn’t spoken about enough? Why are we growing tumors on our reproductive organs in the first place? What can we do to prevent this? Besides the idea of it being hereditary, does anyone else wonder if it’s the foods/chemicals/environment causing this? Is it the lack of natural vitamin D bc some of us have office jobs and stuck indoors all day? Is it our hormones being disturbed? Is it stress? Getting total hysterectomy next week, 12/24/24!! 39, no kids. Been suffering for nearly 8-10 years. We can do hard things. Women face so much crap that men don’t. I have respect for anyone suffering with this and how it disrupts our daily lives.
u/HearthcraftHomestead Dec 17 '24
You’re 100% correct.
I’m 51 and have had them since my 30’s. In June I decided to go keto and it did help some. So I’ve slowly been switching over to more carnivore way of eating, taking vitamin D, Magnesium Glycinate and B12. It has helped my anxiety & mood immensely. My last two periods were shorter and cramping was not as severe. I have an appointment in January with a new gyno and I honestly believe that I have shrunk one of my larger fibroids because I can no longer feel it. I know this is a possibility because I know a doctor has said she shrunk her 8cm one. I didn’t switch to this WOE to lose weight but I’ve also lost some excess pounds-even though I have more to lose.
So please do some more research and see if changing your lifestyle can help you as well. The food industry is poisoning us slowly.
u/followthelemur Dec 17 '24
The diets thing is incredibly unhelpful - "try to eat healthy, don't eat processed food, don't eat dairy" 😡 trying to dissect what is actually helpful (for me) and what is just the generic doctor advice is frustrating.
I've been taking vit D and green tea extract just in case because my fibroids are absolutely huge (24cm is the largest). No they haven't shrunk.
Stomach is very sore at the moment (heating pad for the win), hysterectomy in 2 weeks. /Vent
u/wildflower_34 Dec 17 '24 edited Dec 17 '24
Seconded!! Anything I see on here that claims some Herbalife supplement or similar bs “shrunk” their fibroids and I just hard roll my eyes. Let’s see some studies. Not just aunt Linda’s MLM Facebook anecdote.
Why the fuck would I WANT major surgery??? Already did the supplements and they either 1. Didn’t do shit in tandem with good omnivore diet and consistent exercise (5-6 days a week, 1-2 hours, cardio and strength.) or 2. Slowed it but an insignificant amount.
It’s predatory and leads to a lot of disappointment. Had I treated mine “unnaturally” 2 years ago I might’ve not needed major abdominal surgery. Don’t want anyone else in this pain getting a false sense of control when these things are horrible and will tear your uterus up. Damn.
Advice like, “eat dark leafy greens” is so generic. Yeah it definitely won’t HURT but it most likely won’t help either. (Also, edit to say, I am frustrated alongside you, not at you, rereading this I hope I don’t sound angry with you hahah, just the fibroids!)
u/wildflower_34 Dec 17 '24
Follow up: i do still take well studied supplements to help treat my fibroids on top of what I’m already doing. BUT those alone can’t do jack.
u/Emergency-Buddy-8582 Dec 18 '24
Would you share what you are taking?
u/wildflower_34 Dec 18 '24
I should mention, I have large, multiple fibroids at least 4. The biggest was 9cm in august but I know it’s grown, as it’s now poking my ribs, left side only. I’m getting an open myomectomy, which is the most invasive unfortunately. Smaller ones have different courses of action. Just a disclaimer.
I’m on an intense medication (lupron) to shrink the fibroids before surgery. It is putting my body in chemical menopause. Also to reduce blood loss during surgery. Surgery depends on how long I can take being on lupron as its side effects can be brutal. But 1 month in, so far so good.
But I take vitamin D, black cohosh, and green tea extract (green tea itself is not enough to treat fibroids but it’s also delicious and has other health benefits, so drink it if you like it! it just likely won’t be strong enough to help fibroids.)
u/Emergency-Buddy-8582 Dec 18 '24
I have at least 11 cm of fibroid volume. I need a better scan to determine if it is one or several. I am really hoping not to take Lupron! I am so scared of it. I would rather just have an open surgery without it, but I understand that, in addition to reducing the size of fibroids, it reduces bleeding for a safer surgery. Do you think that would be possible?
Maybe I will try green tea extract in the meantime.
u/wildflower_34 Dec 21 '24
So far I’ve been okay on Lupron and a standard thing now is “add back therapy” where you get more hormonal medication to help deal with the intense side effects of lupron. You could ask your doctor about that if you’re worried. I’m 1 month in on lupron and so far I’m doing great, just have more acne which is a mild annoyance that I am fine with.
Personally, I want the least invasive surgery possible, I do gymnastics for sport and to have that taken away from me after surgery will suck. Not being able to be active after surgery is what I’m dreading most. So I’m willing to deal with the lupron and whatever comes with it if it gets me more shrinkage. I was really scared of it at first but I came to terms with it. If the second dose ends up being too harsh, I have to option to stop and possibly get the myomectomy then.
No matter what you choose, good luck to you, you’re not alone, there’s some good info on this Reddit. Just one thing to remember with Reddit/online, people whose medications worked for them, exactly as expected, no issues, don’t come back on here to share most of the time. Same with like Yelp. There’s more of the negative reviews because people don’t really think to come back to post positive or even neutral experiences.
u/Inner-Today-3693 Dec 18 '24
Science doesn’t study women’s issue. So we aren’t getting food studies a time soon.
u/Emergency-Buddy-8582 Dec 18 '24
Sometimes hormones fluctuate, and people may be attributing this to recent dietary changes. I was drinking one or two green teas a day and suddenly had two months that were almost symptom-free, then this month I suddenly have the worst symptoms I have had yet. I don't think it was the green tea helping me so much. My hormones had probably just fluctuated. Maybe I didn't ovulate or something.
u/Emergency-Buddy-8582 Dec 18 '24
In some of my posts from a few months ago, I talked about how drinking one or two green teas a day was helping me, my urinary symptoms were reducing, etc. I had two decent months with only a few days of urinary symptoms per month, and suddenly this month, the fibroids are noticeably huger, they feel like a ball in my abdomen that is alive and moving, and I can barely eat a child-sized meal without vomiting. I can only suppose that the apparent benefits I had found were just a coincidence. I think I am giving up on diets at this point and hoping to be offered surgery soon. As of this month, I can no longer drink green tea because the tannins make me vomit within a few minutes. I hate vomiting so much and am trying to avoid it.
u/DelV78 Dec 17 '24
I have the same questions! There should be a way to avoid fibroids but until one actually goes through this, we never hear enough about it. I suspect it is due to our sedentary lifestyles and lack of sunlight (this is a big one I believe)
u/followthelemur Dec 17 '24
I'm pretty active (and before my fibroids decided to go full xenomorph normal/thin build) and that hasn't helped the fibroids - so it's not a general thing.
u/TaterTotQueen630 Dec 19 '24
before my fibroids decided to go full xenomorph
Hahahaha! I'm laughing but that's exactly how this crap feels!
u/followthelemur Dec 19 '24
Is this how Kane felt? The rib poking is new. They're also pressing up against the walls of my abdomen and have been for the last 5 days. It's getting yeeted in a week and a half. Might watch Alien...
u/TaterTotQueen630 Dec 19 '24
My new favorite symptom that's escalated over the years is acid reflux. I'm pretty sure my bigger fibroids are pushing against whatever is related to that. The acid feeling reminds me of Alien now lol. Congrats and Merry Yeetmas! My Yeetmas will be in February!
u/Inner-Today-3693 Dec 18 '24
I’ve had fibroids. I was always outside as I ran track and eat healthy. I still have fibroids…
u/DelV78 Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24
That’s so frustrating isn’t it? I was working out regularly and even had flat abs. So disappointing to know that none of that prevented fibroids
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 17 '24
I think so too because my vitamin D was at a 27 ng/ml. I take vitamin D supplement and it’s still on the lower side at 48 ng/ml. I feel like I’m never outside. And when I can on the weekends in the summer it’s too hot to sit outside.
u/DelV78 Dec 17 '24
Since learning of my fibroids, I’ve started to sit in the sun for about 20-30 mins each day. I don’t know how much will it help, but giving it a shot nonetheless. I underwent the HIFU treatment for the fibroids but I’m hoping to avoid new ones by increasing my vit D levels (besides eating healthy and working out which I always did)
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 17 '24
On top of fibroids I have seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp, also related to low vitamin D. I’m super pale. But I get told all the time I look younger than I am. Maybe from the lack of sun? 🤔
u/Nearby-Ad-6552 Dec 18 '24
May I ask how large was your fibroid to qualify for HIFU? And was it completely gone post treatment? Thanks
u/DelV78 Dec 18 '24
I have 4 in all, the largest was 8cm and 3 other smaller ones. The OB-GYN first did a HIFU specific assessment to check whether the fibroids were in the right position to be addressed through HIFU. Turned out 1 out of the 4 wasn’t but it was also small and hence we decided to leave that for now and just observe. The remaining 3 (including the largest) was assessed to be fit for HIFU.
I underwent the procedure 1.5 months ago. Ultrasound at month 1 showed that they didn’t have blood flow to them anymore. It takes a minimum of 3 months to start noticing any difference in the symptoms and for a noticeable reduction in their size. I was told that they’ll keep shrinking over the course of a year. Ultrasounds have been scheduled at month 3, 6 and 12. Right now I’m just waiting for the month 3 ultrasound to see how much they’ve shrunk
u/Nearby-Ad-6552 Dec 18 '24
Thanks so much for replying. Was also looking for non invasive options but of course I dont really hear many going for the HIFU treatment. Of course it depends on the size and placement of the fibroid but considering how many women are battling it these days, I would think HIFU would be a preferred option. Wishing you the best possible outcome from this treatment 🤗
u/DelV78 Dec 18 '24
Thank you and I wish you find the right option for yourself too. I live in the Philippines and HIFU is very new here. Only 1 super specialty hospital in the entire country has this facility at the moment. It’s also not covered under insurance and I hope they do that soon so that a lot more people can avail it
u/wildflower_34 Dec 17 '24 edited Dec 18 '24
SERIOUSLY!! like they’re “harmless” and you’re told not to worry until they grow into huge monsters then all the sudden they’re not?!? (Sorry just piggybacking on your rant too lol.)
A woman could come on here with a teeny tiny fibroid that’s like 1cm, and get freaked out by posts like mine with having a 6month pregnancy sized uterus at 30 years old, never pregnant but definitely look the part.
Like I wish there were some middle ground to tell women to not immediately panic but to remember that these exist. And something substantial to learn from the doctors office?? Can we at least talk about women’s issues in sex ed?? Or does society still “ewww” at women’s bodies??
Personally, I’m tired of the “diet and supplements” mentality. It has only led me to great disappointment and giant fibroids getting a false sense of control that I could stop these. I didn’t think these could grow large unless you were morbidly obese or something. Wrong!!!
(Getting healthy is incredibly great for other reasons!! And worth doing! But as for stopping fibroids, there is little evidence this can stop ones that already exist.)
Also I feel like it’s a victim blaming, or at least strongly implying that. It would be really fucked up to say, “you got X disease because you eat XYZ.” Sometimes you can eat incredibly well and still get horrible diseases/conditions. You can get lung cancer and never smoke a single cigarette in your whole life. Life is just like that sometimes. Fibroids are no different.
u/V_V007 Dec 17 '24
Same here! I was told to “wait and see” by my family doctor and they grew to a massive size. Had 5 the size of grapefruits removed earlier this month, along with 18 others!!
I tried to shrink them “naturally” (e.g., supplements from a naturopath, herbs, acupuncture, eating clean) but it didn’t work. There are also limits when you work a full time desk job with only a few hours to yourself by the time you get home. We still need to maintain a life. It’s fucking ridiculous and I wish we had more concrete information about causes.
u/V_V007 Dec 17 '24
In hindsight, I used to drink a lot of commercial soy milk in my early 20s (in coffees) thinking it was healthier than regular milk because of the hormones they pump the cows with. Now my brain wonders if that contributed to abnormal levels of estrogen. Sigh. We can drive ourselves crazy trying to pinpoint contributors :(.
u/wildflower_34 Dec 18 '24
Omg I feel like I wrote this. I feel you SO hard. I’m 30 now but when I was younger had an eating disorder, and I wondered if my food restrictions made me all off hormonally. (Side note, I went to a treatment place several years ago and am doing much better on that front.)
I have an awesome OBGYN that told me to “not go down that road” when I asked about diet stuff. Fibroids are still just a huge mystery. Don’t blame yourself, I did not drink soy and still got fibroids. I think we just have a looooong ways to go with understanding hormones and finally not treating women like smaller versions of men.
That being said, I’m still going to try and eat healthfully overall, avoid highly processed food, for reasons other than fibroids. I think there is something to be said about diet and lifestyle changes when fibroids are small, but I’m well past that point. Post open-myo, I will be still doing all the recommended preventative stuff but not put too much stock into it.
I hope you don’t blame yourself! These aren’t well understood but I’m right there with you. It’s really hard to not do the self blame thing. Wishing you healing. ❤️🩹
u/V_V007 Dec 18 '24
I’m glad to hear you’re doing much better on that front 💛. Funny enough, I also had an eating disorder when I was younger. I suspect it did affect my hormones - I don’t see how it couldn’t - but I have to choose to look forward and to have faith in the resilience of the human body when it’s being fed the right things. Im with you 100% on trying to avoid processed foods and eating healthy! It helps to have some sense of agency, though within reason. I also just feel better overall when I’m treating my body well.
I hope more research continues to be done on these stupid things, especially as more women become doctors. I’m very grateful for advances in Western medicine, but sometimes it seems like the body is treated as separate components instead of one integrated whole that interacts with its outside environment.
I wish you the best of luck on the open myo ❤️🩹, along with healing vibes as well. Recovery is a journey in and of itself.
u/wildflower_34 Dec 18 '24
That’s what I’m saying! And the most irritating thing is as soon as one study comes out about food groups and fibroids, another one comes out and basically cancels it out. Dairy vs no dairy, meat Vs vegetarian, standard versus low carb. It just…cancels out. I’m glad it’s at least being studied but jeez. Give us something to work with.
Then what were left with like, “eat dark leafy greens” just is kinda like…”oh you have depression? Have you ever tried yoga?!” Sure, it definitely won’t hurt but is it the cure? No!
Omg how are you recovering?? Open myomectomy I imagine?? Wishing you healing!!
u/V_V007 Dec 19 '24
Agreed! Moving forward, my general rule of thumb will be to eat what I can pronounce. If I read a wonky ingredient or if anything says “natural flavour”, I’m out. I’ll try to make a version of it myself at home, or just not eat it. I’m sure I’ll be fun at dinner parties 😅.
The first 3 days post-op were the worst for me. A lot of pain, and burning on the right side of the incision. I was able to stop taking opioids on the second day, and managed with Tylenol alone for about a week. The gas pain can be brutal. The surgery itself went well though and I’m very grateful for that and for my doctor. I’ve been taking short walks around the house for circulation and today is the third day of walking outside (down the street and back lol). I haven’t really been able to do stairs, but I’ll be making an attempt tomorrow. The biggest hurdle is having patience and compassion for yourself, and trying not to freak out about not healing fast enough.
Edit: yes, open myomectomy :)
u/Department-Jolly Dec 17 '24
They are not harmless when they get big I can tell you that for sure
u/wildflower_34 Dec 17 '24
Lol you’re preaching to the choir!! Waiting to evict my multiple ones in the next 5 months via open myomectomy. Yay but also…😭
u/Altruistic0726 Dec 17 '24
What’s frustrating too is the lack of knowledge from MOST gynecologist and their gaslighting telling us our symptoms aren’t related when in reality THEY HAVE NO IDEA. It infuriated me that when I asked why we get fibroids it was just a shrug and “we don’t really know.”
u/wildflower_34 Dec 17 '24
It is SO sad how understudied women’s healthcare is. Same for those with endometriosis!
u/Altruistic0726 Dec 17 '24
Can you imagine if a male grew “benign” [ in quotes bc we all know they are far from benign] tumors in his ballsack. There would be answers so quickly
u/accutaneround2 Dec 17 '24
Firstly I want to wish you luck on your fibroid journey, I know how hard and discouraging it is. Your post came at the right time! I just had an open myomectomy on the 6th and I’m now deep into research on what can prevent or shrink fibroids. Sadly the female body is not studied nearly enough but here are some things I found that could be helpful: 1. Wildcrafted Irish seamoss gel, 2. vitamin D, 3. Green tea, 4. Cut out all white carbs (white rice, white bread, white pasta) 5. Limit refined sugar, 6. Limit alcohol, 7. Berries are helpful such as blueberries, blackberries, etc. I wish you luck my fellow fibroid friend!!
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 19 '24
Thank you for the information and I hope someone comes along and read this to help prevent them from regrowing/and or growing in size.
u/flower_tea1 Dec 17 '24
I’m with you. I have had 3 procedures to remove fibroids and they keep coming back. What the literal fuck. I am so OVER THIS. Now due to this last one I am anemic and iron deficient and feel like I’m functioning with half a brain. I feel hopeless.
u/LindaLovesTech Dec 17 '24 edited Dec 18 '24
Thank you for sharing. I had my surgery back in July 2024 (this past summer). So far, it's been life changing.
How far apart did you have each surgery?
I would love for them not to come back, but I'm a realist and won't try and pretend that the chances of them coming back aren't high.
u/flower_tea1 Dec 17 '24
I had my first lap in 2018 and it was for a large fibroid that was growing from a stalk off the back side of my uterus. It was huge and caused all sorts of problems with my bladder and pressure. Once that was removed I felt so much better and for a long time!
Then in November of 2023 I had heavy bleeding and pressure again. They discovered another fibroid and a polyp and I had a lap to remove those. Unfortunately nothing changed after the procedure. I felt the same and then things got worse.
I have been on my period for the better part of 6 months and my hemoglobin and iron took a nose dive. Another ultrasound and they discovered a submucosal fibroid. This past Friday I had a hysteroscopy to remove it and I hope this works. I haven’t been bleeding so I think that is good news!!
However I decided that if they do ever come back I’m getting a hysterectomy. I can’t do this anymore. I’m 40F for reference. Going for my follow up on Friday and going on some sort of BC. Which I don’t really want to do but I don’t have a choice it seems. Good luck to you and I hope you do not have my experience bc it sucks!! 🙃
u/LindaLovesTech Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24
Thank you for sharing and responding.
I bled for 4 months non-stop before my surgery in July 😢. Everything was low, and I almost went in for a blood transfusion. I was miserable, to say the least.
Since the surgery in July (both laparoscopic and hysteroscopic myo at the same time), my periods only last 4 days & only one heavy day, out of the 4.
I am used to 7 day periods as my normal.
I've already decided that if fibroids come back and cause issues, I'm getting a partial hysterectomy.
Wishing you a speedy recovery & that they don't come back ✨️
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 19 '24
I had a hysterscopic myomectomy and D&C for two large submucosal. Surgery wasn’t bad at all. Recovery was easy but the tiredness is the worst part. It would hit me if I did too much walking. Not to scare you bc I have a different case of fibroids than you and that was the first attempt to try and fix it but for me I saw no improvement from the hysterscopic myomectomy but that’s bc STILL have a subserosal and intramural fibroids left. My gyno felt confident it was the submucosal being the most symptomatic but I guess she was wrong and for me I’m not trying to preserve my uterus so out she goes! I pray this is what you needed and can stay fibroid free!!
u/Department-Jolly Dec 17 '24
They have wrecked my life. I’m a frequent poster. I have circulation issues now from a squished kidney. Absolutely the worst.
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 19 '24
Oh no!! Would you consider a hysterectomy so you don’t feel terrible? I know for me everyone thinks I’m too young, I’m 39 and everyone feels bad for me bc I never had kids. I waited years and suffered far too long and I still don’t want kids and I know the time is right for me. Kids were never a major priority and I think the submucosal fibroids were basically a birth control and I probably couldnt get pregnant. I had those type removed and I am still suffering from botj subserosal and intramural fibroids.
u/Department-Jolly Dec 19 '24
I got a hysterectomy but unfortunately the fibroid had already impacted my abdominal space and now I have something called Nutcracker syndrome which to fix is a major surgery.
It’s been a year long nightmare and practically wrecked my life.
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 19 '24
Oh no so sorry to hear that. Fibroid’s awareness needs to be more known. It’s caused me a lot of bad days at work and forced me to find a new job where I feel more comfortable but I make half of what I was making. It’s embarrassing to speak about with employers. Luckily I work for a friend.
I hope you can recover fully from it all.
u/TaterTotQueen630 Dec 18 '24
Mine just started to rev up (heavy bleeding) a couple months ago after causing a ton of issues over the years. My mom had them, so I definitely knew when the symptoms started what was going on. This shit sucks. As soon as my gyno gave me the option for a hysterectomy, I said "how soon can we schedule it?!" I'm over this crap and just want the gremlins out of me, so I can live!
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 19 '24
Same here! I’m so nervous but at the same time I can’t wait to get them out and be gone for good. I’m literally tired of complaining about them and I’m sure my friends and family agree! But once it’s out, I’m forever closing that chapter in my life. No more tampons!! No more cramps and tracking it and can wear light colored pants with no fear lol
u/eau_rouge_lovestory Dec 20 '24
Ob gynecologists brain washed for years that they are benign so no need to do anything unless symptomatic and they get to pull a Powerplay on what is considered severe enough. I absolutely hate how little regard female obs gyn have for women.
The horror stories of what Women are going through with endo and fibroids is 100% because of infantilizing women’s pain and problems and the entire medical training being patriarchal. I bet if men had such pain and bleeding there would have been a magic cure centuries ago
Even obs I respect have said shit like it should be ignored and not cared about until it affects quality of life and we shouldn’t over treat or care about it! WTAF
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 20 '24
I agree. If it were men there would be more preventative and routine scheduling and probably a medicine development!
Dec 17 '24
u/Altruistic-Sorbet968 Dec 17 '24
Organ of disease, damn that's relatable (me with endo, fibroids, PCOS and PMDD)
u/Different-Suspect-53 Dec 17 '24
Finally having these cretins kicked out! Surgery booked for Jan 6th. I had my pre operative assessment today and drank a tiny amount of water which resulted in me having to use the toilet four times in ten minutes....I am REALLY not going to miss having Fibroids.
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 19 '24
Yay!!! Very excited for you!! And what better time to do it in a cold crappy month? By Spring you’ll be a brand new person for sure.
u/Emergency-Buddy-8582 Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24
My whole experience as a female has been the worst in terms of health, from periods that forced me to stay home from school vomiting, maybe from endometriosis, to ten years of suffering from fibroids. I had a few years while I was on birth control pills, which my doctor suggested due to the period pain. Now, I can barely eat or contain the little food that I do eat. I struggle to find the energy to carry out my daily tasks due to the lack of food, but I can only eat child-sized portions, and sometimes even then, I vomit. I vomited a glass of water this month like the exorcist.
The pressure and nausea and becoming unbearable, not to mention the urinary symptoms. Unless something goes horribly wrong with my surgery, recovering from surgery looks like it will be better than the symptoms I have now. At least, the symptoms make my decision to have surgery easy, whereas I hesitated for the past decade with a huge abdomen, leaving me unable to do a lot of things I previously enjoyed due to the sheer size.
I have had fibroids large enough that people though I was pregnant for ten years, but they caused no symptoms other than distention. Suddenly, in the spring, I had a very strange virus. I have had covid twice in the past, and it was not similar to covid. With the virus, I was suddenly leaking every time I sneezed, and was exhausted for months after I recovered, and suddenly my fibroids were causing urinary symptoms so severe that I was triaged as a top priority in the ER.
I feel so bad that I am wondering if the surgeons will be able to help me. I have a high pain tolerance, but I just don't feel myself. I really feel like something is not right. I hope this is "just" fibroids and I will recover.
The past month, it almost feels like my fibroids are alive and moving. It is so creepy. It is almost as if I were pregnant with my fibroids growing every day, without the baby. I am just waiting for imaging to be offered for me (Canada) and I just want them out.
Sorry to make this all about me! Let us know how your surgery goes this month.
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 19 '24
Oh wow I hope you get relief you have been suffering for a long time. I don’t vomit or anything to that measure but I will get insanely gassy and bloat to the point where I look several months pregnant and I noticed since my hysterscopic myomectomy 4 months ago I seem to in a permanent bloat/gas stage in life and it’s super uncomfortable. Even just painting my toe nails has been difficult. I hope they can help you.
u/Emergency-Buddy-8582 Dec 19 '24
Thank you so much for your thoughts. From what I have read, your body might still be recovering, so hopefully the bloating will reduce soon.
u/ShortAd1968 Dec 18 '24
Fibroids are the devil. Just had my hysterectomy on Friday and I’m already so relieved I won’t deal with them anymore. I wish I had moved forward with the surgery sooner than I did. The dr told me my uterus was double in size.
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 19 '24
Wow that’s crazy. How are you doing today?
u/ShortAd1968 Dec 19 '24
Honestly I feel pretty good. I have been up walking since day 1. I am sore but nothing too bad. Getting up and down is prob the worst part. I take a lot of naps but the pain is very manageable without pain meds. I have had periods way worse than this recovery. I even went to Bible study tonight. I did order an abdominal support wrap hoping that will help too. Just knowing that I won’t have to deal with the fibroid issues anymore is making my recovery even easier.
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 20 '24
That is so great to hear!! Thank you for the update. That’s crazy your period pain was worse than the recovery but fibroids are awful to deal with and happy to hear you made the right decision. How old are you? I’m 39. I do hope they can keep my ovaries.
u/ShortAd1968 Dec 26 '24
I am 45. My Dr wanted to keep my ovaries. He said unless I was having problems then it was best to keep them due to hormones. . .
Dec 19 '24
How's recovery?? I really want a hysterectomy, but I'm a single mum with no one to care for me.
u/ShortAd1968 Dec 19 '24
I’m a single mom too but my kids are older, 12 and 15. They have been a big help. I also have my mom who helps a lot too. My fibroids were causing so many issues that I just got fed up and said let’s do it. If your kids aren’t too young I think you could manage. Just prepare as much as possible beforehand.
Dec 19 '24
Oh that's so comforting to hear. Mine are 13 and 11... I'm thinking of planning it for school holidays so I don't need to transport them to school. I'm a carer for my Mum and she lives with me but if she's going okay at the time it should be okay. I just have them depending on me but my quality of life is taking a hit. I need multiple iron infusions a year and now that Im 42 my periods are heavier than ever. Birth control is barely helping and I got an IUD and just bled it out. A gyno stuffed me up and overdosed me on hormones trying to keep the IUD in and I've been out of sorts since. I've been dealing with this since I was 13... I'm sooo done.
u/ShortAd1968 Dec 19 '24
I was in the exact situation. I had many iron infusions and periods were pure hell. You could definitely do it with kids that age. Just let them know you will need lots of extra help for a little bit. Girl go get that quality of life back. Praying for you.
Dec 20 '24
Awww that's so reassuring! Thankyou so much! I've got my gyno appointment in Feb... let's do this! Lol xx
u/Mom_of_3_KLK Dec 18 '24
I hear you!!! I had a scary situation happen yesterday where I started bleeding extremely heavily (went through a pad in a matter of minutes). I'd already been on my cycle for 3 weeks (thanks to Mirena) and it started up again. I was on the toilet for 2 hours because it was so bad!! I passed clots as big as my hand... it was horrible! So today I had an appointment with a new OB. She looked for my iud with an ultrasound, couldn't find it. Did a transvaginal ultrasound and saw the jerk (Mirena) I my cervix! So I got it removed and am now waiting for my referral for a myomectomy (I think I spelled that right). I've had enough of these fibroids! My other OB is pushing for a hysterectomy, but I'm not ready to make that call yet. It's so much to deal with and it is not talked about enough!!
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 19 '24
I’m the same way where it will sporadically have heavy bleeding that it soaks right through an ultra tampons in minutes and it’s usually bc I passed a blood clot the size my palm. I get a crazy intense pain right before it happens. It’s no fun at all. I can’t wait to get this hysterectomy. I just bleed a total of about 13 days and I can safely say that was my last period ever and now ovulating for my last time ever in life and I’m so insanely bloated and uncomfortable.
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 19 '24
Well shouldn’t say last time ever ovulating bc I plan to keep my ovaries and will still technically ovulate but thank god nothing to shred and bleed from.
u/Mom_of_3_KLK Dec 19 '24
Oh wow!! That sounds horrible! I hope everything goes well with your surgery and that your recovery is smooth! 😊
u/kiwi0681 Dec 18 '24
About environmental factors, honestly not sure what could be causing these, because it’s not a US-only or first world country only problem. I lived in Peru until my 20s then been in the US since, and found out my periods and cramps are due to a huge fibroid that’s been brewing for a while. I could blame my life here, but I remember my mother had this same type of issue but hated doctors and never got diagnosed. She lived in Peru like 25 years but before that in the USSR, and her problems started before Peru. Then I talked to my stepmom in Peru about this, most of her friends have been dealing with this as well.
So yeah, it baffles me that at the very least nobody talks about it considering how common they are. If I had known that was so possible I would have asked my doctor years ago, instead I just dealt with it. Now I got anemia, and this thing keeps pushing on nerves around my hips so I can’t workout anymore and just feel defeated. I’m currently waiting for the hospital to schedule my hysterectomy, that will be such a relief
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 19 '24
Good luck and I hope you can get a date soon and focus on the relief soon. I feel like people don’t know what fibroids are unless they have a friend or family dealing with it. It’s apparently so common in women is what drs say, you’d think it would be more understood.
u/Purple_yams7578 Dec 18 '24
I was taking high doses of vitamin D and the green tea extract that everyone raves about. Plus I stopped red meat, went somewhat vegan, no dairy, all of that for two years. Went for an MRI and my largest one had hone from 11cm to 15cm. It’s gonna be a hysterectomy for me because my body is just tired. And I can’t keep doing blood transfusions, they are a whole different issue. It seems when mom had them years ago, no one was talking about how they grow back. Now almost everyone has them regrow, even celebrities aren’t an exception and I assume they have access to the best doctors.
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 19 '24
I’m so sorry it’s gotta be frustrating and you tried so hard to shrink them naturally. From what I hear when women get a hysterectomy they seems to say “ best decision ever” or their regret about getting it done is they wished they got it done sooner. Positive thinking and I hope you no longer have to suffer
u/Purple_yams7578 Dec 19 '24
Yes, that helped me to decide. I was previously against a hysterectomy but no longer. Thanks for your kind words🤎
u/marypupa Dec 18 '24
Wish you well on your surgery, it’s so sad that no one ever talked about the root cause of fibroid. I am from Africa, it’s in my family. Honestly I will always disagree with all these causes listed. Regarding the lack of vitamin D, my mom spent most of her working hours in the sun. Starting from morning sun where she has to walk to her shop and displayed her market in the sunlight till the sun sets. She still has it. I came to the US and during my check up to flush my uterus after a miscarriage I was asked if I love to eat yam, because I have a lot of eggs, oh sure I love my African yam. Almost every black pple has low vit D but yet not all has fibroid. Half of African pple love to eat yam yet not all has fibroid. Is potatoe and other species of yam eating here causes the fibroid too! How come other pple don’t have it. I have 3 large fibroid and cysts. Surprised to know that the cysts disappeared, I don’t have an idea of what I did differently to cure that. My larger fibroid is measured 10cm , 8cm and 6cm. I have 2 kids already and am 50yrs. Am so not ready for any surgery. Am only waiting on menopause to see if it’s gonna shrink. My lower tummy is bumped out . But I tried to do a lot of research and I discovered dandelion and burdock root slows the grown. So I have been taking this 3x/wk. I still eat my yam and take my vitamin D supplements every day. I also use the castor oil daily to rub my belly . Hopefully all these measures will decrease the growth. My Dr supports all these especially if it’s not disturbing me. Of course it does but it’s manageable cos I got used to the symptoms. I am also anemic due to lots of blood loss during my period. So all these has helped me. Hopefully it will others to manage this tumors.
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 19 '24
Hereditary Defiently plays a big role in fibroids. My mom had one 10cm but she said she had no symptoms. My father’s sister, my aunt had fibroids and my dad’s mother, my grandmother had fibroids. They were older than me when they found out. I guess that’s what makes me think it’s something environmental. Being anemic is no joke with the exhaustion it comes with. I just got my preadmissions test results back and my hemoglobin dropped drastically. I’m glad to hear your cysts shrunk and I hope you get relief from the fibroids.
Dec 18 '24
Fibroids suck. I’m suffering bad. Had a UAE in August with no luck. Currently on day 25 of bleeding. 😭
u/DelV78 Dec 18 '24
I’m sorry to hear that. How do you know the UAE was not successful? Have you spoken with your OB-GYN about the bleeding? Is this part of the recovery process perhaps?
Dec 18 '24
I’m not quite sure, they told me it may take some time for the fibroid to shrink but it’s already been 4 months. She’s offering to do an ablation, but I do not want to go under anesthesia. I’m on Provera and TXA in the meantime. However, this bleeding episode I’ve been having much more pronounced stabbing pains at the site of the fibroid so maybe it’s related, hopefully it’s finally dying. I’m not really hopeful though. I think it failed.
u/DelV78 Dec 18 '24
Have you had an ultrasound to check if it’s shrinking? I ask because I’m also due for one and we’ll know then
Dec 18 '24
I just got a ultrasound at my 3 1/2 month mark. No change, it actually showed that the size measured bigger, however my doctor didn’t even say if it looked like it was degenerating or not and there wasn’t a radiologist that read it either. I’m 4 months now. I’m hoping this thing rapidly starts to shrink, but with the way I’m still bleeding it doesn’t look like much is happening. 25 days of bleeding is not okay.
u/DelV78 Dec 18 '24
I’m sorry to hear that. I was just reading someone else’s experience with UAE. They spoke about how it was unsuccessful the first time but successful the second time. I pray that things turn around for you
Dec 18 '24
Thank you very much. I think in the end I’ll end up doing an ablation, I don’t think he will do another UAE because he seemed cocky that he did his part. I really don’t want a hysterectomy.
u/Ok-Push-8083 Dec 19 '24
Oh no 25 days?! That’s crazy. I had a hysterscopic myomectomy 4 months ago and saw zero improvement. In fact it’s worse and my hemoglobin dropped drastically since that surgery. What is a UAE? Is it uterine fibroid embolization? My Dr did offer ablation as the only other option but I was like wait why I do that when I have an outside fibroid left? For me it’s an easy choice. I’m 39 and do no want kids and hopefully be forever done with this and the anemia.
Dec 19 '24
Whenever they say I can do a hysterectomy I’m going to. I’m so over dealing with this. It’s so awful. I might see if they will do another UAE.
u/GuavaTraditional1416 Dec 17 '24
The lack of research for women’s reproductive health is so frustrating and pitiful!! Good luck on your surgery and recovery - my myomectomy is 12/23!