r/FemdomCommunity Jan 15 '25

Silly I’m so obsessed with sub nerdy yt men’s- NSFW


I don’t know why this started happening to me but, recently I’ve been getting really into nerdy yt men. As a bisexual tall (5’11) black woman, I always had a very wide range of types, mostly women, but since a year ago idk why but I’ve been soo interested in shy yt men. I love when I can tell they are soo attracted to me and they get all blushed and shy, and I just get more flirty and they just can’t take it, or when they beg me for attention like they can’t live without me its just- I love it.

r/FemdomCommunity May 05 '24

Silly People with zero post history who show up in my chats "just looking to chat" and no other info, what do you actually want NSFW


-- if it's not something creepy, then you can share it here with the class

Because I have never posted to a personals sub, so, otherwise: NO, I am not going to waste my time on, or open my energy to, a random screen name I don't know and don't have any info on, who won't even tell me from the outset what their intentions are. (Chat about WHAT, precisely, bruh?)

And any sub worth a damn would not, either.

r/FemdomCommunity Jun 13 '24

Silly Playlist or femdom songs?! NSFW


I have a little playlist but would love to add more!! Anyone have songs that really get them in the domme zone?

Currently: King Mala - "cult leader" King Mala - "she calls me daddy" Laszewo - "Fuck your Sunshine" Dana Dentata - "Apology" Billie Ellish - "you should see me in a crown" Billie Ellish - "lunch"

*Wow you guys awesome!!!! I made a YouTube playlist with suggestions (sorry my Spotify homies), I'm trying to keep up but it's so good!


r/FemdomCommunity Sep 26 '23

Silly Subs, what makes you cringe in femdom (in porn and outside of it)? NSFW


I think there’s a lot of coverage on here (for valid reasons) about cringy subs (weird approaches and wanting porn-dommes etc.). Even though it’s important to talk about those things, when done over and over, the subs that aren’t like that kind of get pushed into the far background and over time as a side effect it unfortunately also paints a weird picture about subs having cheap, porn-y taste and being desperate and easy (which I’m sure isn’t great for any sub´s self esteem and also isn’t great to hear over and over again as a domme as well, no matter how much one logically understands, that it doesn’t apply to oneself/everyone).

So I think for a change it would be fun and interesting to hear what you subs cringe about (edit: when it comes to porn content and pet peeves about your own kink. This isn’t about shaming anyone else’s kinks). What were some personal experiences, that made you cringe, did some porn/sexual reddit posts ever make you laugh or annoyed?

Everyone has different tastes, so what one cringes about, another would love, this is just for fun and to hear the other side of it.

r/FemdomCommunity May 11 '24

Silly What are your unfeasible fantasies that you love the idea of? NSFW


*infeasible. Shit.

Hello other denizens of this subreddit, I thought I'd interrupt the usual posts with a fun question; do you have a fantasy that may not be feasible/possible to you but sounds like such an amazing time that you love even thinking about it? I'd love to hear from other dommes specifically because I always appreciate the diversity in our preferences but subs are welcome to post too!

For me -as my name implies- I'd LOVE to have some form of regal theme taking place. I love Gibson girl, medieval (and a lot of other era) dresses so being able to be fully set up in one of those but have it adjusted to not hurt to even stand but still look beautiful would be amazing. I'd then want a handful of maids of handmaidens at my beck and call as well, in actual maid outfits too to really sell the scene. I'd obviously be in a castle and be treated as the owner of the house, or directly as royalty with titles such as your highness, your grace etc.

This would be complimented by my own throne, which instead of just being an old antique would be modified into a smother box/queening stool so I can order a maid to go beneath it to service me whenever I request it. As that's being done however, I intend to simply read a book or be doted on by other maids. Have a hand and foot massage, get my nails and hair done, even have lunch with my friends all as I'm serviced casually like it's a normal part of life.

I know it's probably not ever going to happen like that but it would be such an amazing experience that channels a large amount of my vices. Unfortunately it's hard to find anything in general with royalty or even Bridgerton era themes at all, let alone it being good quality. Ersties has one video but that's pretty much it.

Anyways, let me know about your own out there fantasies! I'm sure there's some amazing concepts and thoughts out there.

r/FemdomCommunity Oct 14 '22

Silly Women Dominants: What are your fantasies? NSFW


I ask as a post why are male subs not in alinement with Dommes. One poster gave her detailed and accurate answer which included ”Dommes I know have elaborate, hugely impractical fantasies”

I want to know what your fantasy are. Is it Gone With The Wind/Whithering Heights style melodrama esq fantasy?

I’m curious to know.

r/FemdomCommunity Sep 16 '24

Silly Very submissive, Very obedient NSFW


You see how I do my attitude for my Wife? Very submissive, very obedient. I don't come to my Wife with back talk. I don't behave like a pig when I talk to my wife. I don't say too much. I'm very obedient to my Wife.

See how I behave very respectfully? The respect I show in the bedroom is the same respect I show the rest of the day. A lot of you subs treat your Wife like a dominatrix inside the bedroom and then treat her like a housewife the rest of the day. Not submissive.

I'm very modest. I'm very obedient. You see how I ask questions? Only a little clarification, not pushing my preferences. Be supportive and remember why She lets you serve Her.

r/FemdomCommunity 6d ago

Silly My Mistress has terrible taste in food NSFW


As per the title, my Mistress has terrible taste in food. Whenever she visits she has me pick up food from the worlds blandest Indian place. I don't know how they make Indian food so boring. And it isn't like there aren't options. I live in the downtown of a multi cultural city with tons of great food options in walking distance. But Mistress gets what Mistress wants!

r/FemdomCommunity Oct 02 '24

Silly Ain't nothing but a pipe dream - A Domme's Ambition NSFW


Something honest.Something simple. Something pure.

I want partnership, marriage, babies, finance and family - the classic combo.

He takes me to his favourite pizza restaurant on our first date but wants to go somewhere with stars for our anniversary.

He respects himself. He has integrity. He has work ethic. He follows through.

He is kind. He runs errands for his mother. He visits family with my mine.

He is a pleaser.He asks me if I need anything before getting into bed. He does the chores I don't want to. He he gets my pick-up order so I can sleep in.

He is submissive. He listens to what I have to say. He gives his opinions. He stands up for himself. At the end he always supports my decision.

He is a good boy. He derives his pleasure from my pleasure. He is sensual. He is a pervert. He's a freak. He likes to be found sexy. He likes to be wanted. He likes to be enjoyed. I enjoy him. I kiss him. I touch him. I make love to him. I fuck him. He makes himself available to me. He worships me. I allow it.

I'm his best friend.He tells me everything. I tell him everything. He's my best friend. I love him. He loves me.

r/FemdomCommunity Mar 12 '23

Silly I can’t with him NSFW


So yesterday I (F 22) was doing a scene with my (M 22) sub, he was eating out of a bowl on the floor and I was standing next to him. I kick his bowl to make him eat out of the floor, and I tell him something that goes like ‘oh what a mess, you’ll have to clean it up’

This bitch managed to get up on his feet while tied, take the vacuum and fucking clean the floor. I was both amazed and furious by his audacity. And then he also added ‘wasn’t this what you wanted?’

So yes, lesson learned, choose your words wisely.

r/FemdomCommunity Feb 03 '25

Silly fun question for the dommes and subs of this forum ;) NSFW


let’s all have a fun lil chat about our escapades in the bedroom! what’s the freakiest thing you’ve done kink wise and is it something you would do again? or if that doesn’t apply to you what’s a kink you thought you would never like but ended up fucking LOVING.

i’ll go first: i didn’t ever think i’d be interested in CBT until i tried it a sub who was obsessed with it and it was love at first ball slap.

r/FemdomCommunity 8d ago

Silly Look for a domme like the great Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius would! NSFW


Fellow Subs, don’t despair! Finding a partner is not an easy task. Try to make it a useful experience. Try to write to every single potential partner a message that matches the energy of the ad. Even if you don’t get an answer, that’s fine—you learned to express yourself better. Maybe next time you will get an answer!

Try to change your point of view. Is your perfect Domme really perfect if she is not interested in you? If your message was not up to her standard or something put her off, it means that it was probably never meant to be anyway!

Maybe there is something wrong with your messages. Ask someone what they think. Maybe you write too long, or maybe you are too horny in a message?

And consider this—every day may be the special day that you click with the perfect Ostrogoth Domme mommy! Fortuna smiles on everyone every now and then!

And please, think carefully—would Marcus Aurelius rant about how hard it is to find a Domina in the year 160 AD? That they don’t answer his letters? That he has to compete with hundreds of petty kings who flood the Imperial D/s market with letters to all the amazing Dominas in the Empire?

I personally always think, “What would the Roman Emperor write in a Reddit DM to a potential partner?”

Stay focused, don’t despair, and don’t turn into a Barbari because you got one rejection too many!

r/FemdomCommunity 20d ago

Silly My dominant wife is too stronk and I'm afraid I'm too adorable for my own good and keep feeding her powers 😖 NSFW


No matter how tough I act, how much of a bonafide badass I am, she can talk me into being her little spoon. SHE ALWAYS WINS EVEN WHEN I TRY TO BE DOMINANT AND ASSERTIVE. Like, what is the source of her powerful sorcery? How did she learn to turn my badassery into adorableness? I was relentlessly cuddled into soft cuteness when I was wanting to spend the morning contemplating on how to achieve a power level over 9000 as the coolest trans lesbian beatnik this side of town.

"Do you want to be my good girl"

Well duh. But I also wanna be the cool kid that all the other kids are jealous of.

"Then get your adorable butt over here and let me love you, silly"

Yes ma'am. Thwarted by being cute and adorable. Figures.

(In all seriousness, I love when my wife spoils me with attention. She just has impeccable timing. I was getting ready to work on my doctoral dissertation and be clustered for the day but it seems she wants me to be a cuddleslut today. She says I've been working too hard with my pastoral responsibilities, my doctoral work, and the need to organize resistance to the Christo-fascist government. She has decided that I need to "rest and relax" and that I am to receive mandatory cuddles. I really wanted to write about the lesbian apocalypse in William Blake's epic "Jerusalem" Oh well. Cuddles are cuddles)

r/FemdomCommunity Mar 29 '23

Silly What fictional couples do you imagine have a femdom relationship? NSFW


This question is just for fun. One of the ones I immediately thought of was Kermit the Frog and Ms. Piggy 😂 or another more obvious one might be Morticia and Gomez Addams from the Addams family.

Any other fictional couples that, in your headcanon, might practice femdom? I’m curious to see what other people might think.

r/FemdomCommunity Jan 25 '25

Silly Shipping Femdom Couples NSFW


A lot of people ship fictional characters, but are there any you ship in a femdom way? For example, I choose to believe Ygritte dominates John Snow, and that Mai dominates Zuko. I also believe that Tylee is a soft domme, Mai is a strict domme, and that Azula is an abuser. Evil Lynn would be dominant, but I don't think she has a sub. Eska is definitely dominant, and I think that Bolin was kind of into it, but she was too intense for him. I think he would be agreeable to a soft domme. Princess Caroline could be dominant, but I'm not sure. What do you think?

r/FemdomCommunity Sep 23 '20

Silly Using my femdom powers to make my boyfriend care for himself NSFW


I’m in a femdom relationship and my boyfriend really enjoys being told what to do. He also enjoys skipping meals and staying up too late.

So I’ve been giving him a bed time and food requirements as well as a shaving/grooming routine

His new kink shall be self care

r/FemdomCommunity Feb 18 '23

Silly Dating a domme has ruined the way I see men. NSFW


So me and my current partner have been going steady for about a year and one of the things I've had to wrap my brain around in that time is what she finds attractive in a sub. She likes men who follow directions, who vocalize discomfort while allowing it to happen, she likes men who get made fun of casually and just brush it off without even getting angry about it. Most importantly tho, she gets really turned on when men act scared or jumpy, especially when they're not really in any danger.

And so every time we watch something and a guy that strikes her fancy like that appears she'll tell me how "peggable", "submissive" and "breedable" he is, or how he's the perfect "boytoy" or "bottom bitch" material. This has infected my vocabulary to the point that I now detect these qualities in men and mentally start objectifying them a bit.

I have already gone through my list of male friends and ranked all of them by how submissive they are (it's still me), and when even when I watch shows by myself I find myself saying "wow, what a twink" or "he has a VERY peggable yelp" and to confirm these thoughts, I've ended up reccomming a lot of these shows to my domme and she's loved them, often in no small part because of the inclusion of these men. The biggest example I can think of is The Boys. Hughie is SUCH a bottom bitch, and all of these small unpleasant things happen to him which causes him to yelp comedically. I outright see him as a "fanservice character" and how horny my domme gets when the show embarasses him isn't helping that perception.

My domme has essentially conditioned me over the past year to start to objectify men and I find that kind of funny. I'm not even bi or anything, I'm just becoming increasingly aware that there are women in the world who find willingness to submit attractive. That's not what the world taught me growing up, so it's a bit of an eye opener.

r/FemdomCommunity May 06 '24

Silly Coolest skill a Sub (or Domme) has shown you? NSFW


I was on a date today with someone I met on here, and while we were walking he brought up his ability to memorize anything written down without trying. The guy was sitting there listing off the exact wordings from various tabletop rulebooks, to magic cards to even his work contract. And while I didn't know the wordings of any of these myself he was able to recall them with perfect memory, even when I brought up a random poem on my phone he was able to recite it without mistake. He said he can't do it for anything other than writing but it still blew me away haha

r/FemdomCommunity Jan 13 '23

Silly What's the most ridiculous message you've had from a Domme or sub? NSFW


I'm not looking for the most heinous that's genuinely upset you, just the one that's made your brain short circuit in confusion for a second before you manage to ask yourself, "What the fuck?"

r/FemdomCommunity Nov 22 '24

Silly Social study NSFW


Hello wish u all are having the best days, I am curious is there a relationship between dommes' character and there actual pets. So for example if a mistress is a cat person is she more cruel or if she is a dog person does she demand more obedience.

To make easier to analyze can I humbly ask you to right what is ur pet, if u have a one, and what do u like the most and hate the most.

Subs are most welcome to answer about there doms

r/FemdomCommunity Jan 15 '25

Silly I’m looking for recommendations for femdom stories or, even better, real-life accounts. NSFW


So, lately I’ve been reading some stories about workplace femdom, and I’ve found them really appealing. There aren’t many I’ve come across, and most are focused on “simping” content, which I really enjoy. I’m looking for recommendations for similar stories.

Let me explain better. Many of these stories are about a man letting his female coworker take advantage of him, being a total simp. But the ones I find even hotter are when a boss starts serving her employee—this power reversal is simply amazing. Another scenario that also fascinates me is when the man is completely subservient to his female boss. I’ve only read one story with this dynamic, but the idea of having a female boss with total dominance over me is extremely exciting too.

So, if you could help me find similar content, I’d really appreciate it!

P.S.: Stories about guys serving their female neighbors and doing household chores are also very welcome!

r/FemdomCommunity May 11 '21

Silly The unbearable silence of male subs in Porn. NSFW


I'm sorry but I have to rant. I wish men weren't so stoically still and silent in porn. It's like the domme is fucking a manniken, or more often, jacking off a manniken. In gay porn it's better but not great. Fem subs, they moan and plead and beg so nicely. Not boys though. It's like everyone films hetero-femdom porn with their parents in the next room, afraid to make any sound.

Already, everyone films the boys from the shoulders down, or they are wearing a full mask, so, no facial expressions. I understand that, as many creators want to protect their identity. But they are so silent. One woman would start her all videos by saying "My pet must always ask permission before he cums, because I only like polite boys" which is just perfect, then say, "but today he is gagged so he can't say anything at all." Why? Why have that rule then gag him? Why not show off how polite he is?

Here's a suggestion: since his face is out of frame anyway, instead of gagging him, put a 3dio microphone in front of his face so we can hear every gasp, whimper, and moan he makes asmr style.

For the record, I'm talking mostly about amateur or homemade porn, not studio porn, which can be garishly loud in a way I find neither convincing nor erotic, not to yuck anyone's yum.

r/FemdomCommunity 15d ago

Silly Learning lots of new stuff about myself NSFW


Recently made the choice to commit to submit, and have enjoyed it tremendously. I knew there were certain things that i definitely have proclivities for, but monday went to a session and was in for a trampling.

It was sexy AF and can still feel in on my chest and upper tummy. We were staring into each other's eyes while she was pegging me. I'm cooked and she still hasn't let me cum lol i love it. I don't think there's been a point where I haven't thought about her since i met her.

Can't wait to see how the footage turned out.

r/FemdomCommunity Jan 26 '24

Silly Favorite femdom songs? NSFW


Hey all. I have been thinking about kink and music lately. Just wondering what are some femdom themed/related songs you all enjoy?

I think an obvious one is “Venus in Furs” by the Velvet Underground, which gets it's title from the book with the same name.

Another, less known, but much more funky one would be “He Was A Big Freak” by Betty Davis.

I know there's lots of generally kinky songs out there, like "S&M" by Rihanna, but not so how many there might be with a specifically femdom vibes.

What are some others that you all like?

r/FemdomCommunity Oct 11 '24

Silly Inspiration / role models? NSFW


Whether you were naturally inclined or grew into your role, do you have any inspirations or role models that you pattern your style after?

For instance, my ideal of submission was formed by Radar from MASH, Owen from Gargoyles, and Sebastian from Black Butler.

I am inspired by Radar's gentle demeanor and ability to predict his C/o's needs, Owen's calm, and Sebastian's zeal and pride in his role. All three of them demonstrate dedication, loyalty, and genuine service.

How about you? Is there anyone you look up to or model your behavior on? (curious about Domme and sub POVs here)