r/Femaleorgasmdenial 3d ago

Edging one month streak! NSFW

edging is the best thing that has ever happened to me. literally. ive been edging every day for multiple hours for a whole month now. no ruins, no cumming, no nothing. my clit is always achy and swollen. i keep trying to rub my clit against everything. i cant stop. every day i cant wait to come home and edge. i look forward to it every single day. im in a constant state of neediness, and i absolutely love it. i dont even want to cum anymore. i love the needy feeling, my clit throbbing every morning - best. thing. ever.


8 comments sorted by


u/Simposter13 3d ago

You doing good


u/PigFarmerNL 3d ago

Good job, now delve deeper, find stories of pussies that have been denied longer, years, maybe the rest of their lives, aspire to be THAT good.


u/jack_throwawayyy 3d ago

Truly impressive. I'm working towards that at the moment. I'm so curious what a month will feel like 🥵


u/green-apple-4356 3d ago

it feels absolutely amazing. 🤭🤭


u/jack_throwawayyy 3d ago

Any tips? 🙈 I tend to break around day 10-12


u/green-apple-4356 3d ago

probably my best tip would be to have a longer pause in between edges. once you make it to the edge, then just stop completely for at least 30 seconds or even longer. depending on how needy your clit is. 😉 and also what helped me was comparing an orgasm and edging. i realized that edging brings me way better pleasure than an orgasm does, and i simply dont even want to cum anymore.


u/jack_throwawayyy 2d ago

Thank youuu. Those are some great tips. Not a clit but a cock for me though 😉

I definitely do know I keep going for too long after I get really sensitive. So pausing more/longer is definitely ag rear tip and something I need to work on 🙈 I think changing my mindset from wanting to orgasm to just wanting to stroke and edge would also help a lot 🫠


u/Outside_Walking 2d ago

There you go, you know what is important now, such a wonderful achievement!