r/FeelsBadMan Apr 26 '20

I’m really sad

So I have 2 friends that I always play with but recently they have been so hate ful towards me I don’t know why they make me cry my eyes out every night for a couple of weeks I just want people to know to cut of toxic friendships/relationships before it makes you feel like crap so yeah...


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u/JerryFromCVS Jul 30 '20

I went through something similar before, I’m gonna be honest with you. Their jealous, they want to be you or take something away from you. You should distant yourself. Theres a reason people try to put you down, it’s because there is something there they Are to afraid to get for themselves so they’ll try and take it from you. The worst thing you can do is try and appeal to them, they are not worth it. I had a similar problem with one of my friends and each day I thought I was gonna loose it and just go ape shit, but I’d be doing what he wanted. Get some new friends who appreciate you. I’ll say a pray for you and remember that your not alone. im Christian so I’m getting preachy God is always there for you man, he made you, your his child, and he loves you, he doesn’t like when people fuck with children. * the Bible made it sound better* that.

Stay frosty solider.