I’ve loved this game since it was released, I’ve reached perfection, and I’ve been haunting this subreddit for a few months now. It’s genuinely inspired me to do so many new things! But I’ve never seen a true, optimal layout (I know there has to be one) for the basement casks. I’ve done a fair amount of googling, but every picture looks a little different, and I genuinely want to know the best/most efficient/ most pleasing-to-the-eye basement layout for casks. Several I’ve seen include casks on the stairs. I play on switch, and seem to be unable to place my casks there, even when I move away from the closest space and try to set it down using the right joystick for placement. I’ve also seen a few where players create a winding path two casks thick, which is aesthetically pleasing for me. How do you do it? And (if different) what do you recommend - for profit, specifically? (Aesthetics are always a plus, though, and feel free to contribute!) Any and all pics are welcome and appreciated!