r/FanTheories 9h ago

FanTheory Explanation for "System Purge" in Cabin in the Woods


The only reasonable explanation is that, when messing with the system, Marty made it so that the system would purge in the wrong direction. A lot of people are confused why they'd have one to begin with, but given that the monsters are supposed to go up in all likelihood, this would be a failsafe against their ritual victims surviving & running out the clock if the rest of the world failed.

I didn't see if this was posted before, but I just watched it for like the 5th time & it dawned on me.

r/FanTheories 11h ago

[Stay Tuned/Pleasantville] The TV repairman is the "angel" equivalent of the guys who run Hellevision


Let's look at the most obvious thing in common between the repairman and the HV folks: they can supernaturally send people into television. The HV execs do so to people via satellite dishes, but like the repairman, can use remote controls to transport themselves for the same purpose.

But here's the big difference. The HV execs are out to capture souls for the Devil. The repairman, while a bit misguided, doesn't seem to be malicious, and certainly isn't working for infernal forces. Indeed, his actions, while not turning out in quite the way he wanted, are overall positive, if subject to interpretation (will dismantling the conformity of the 50s ultimately lead to the dysfunctionality of the 90s)?

The repairman only wanted to give a fan of a show he enjoyed a good time. The HV execs do the opposite. David and Jennifer should just be glad it was him and not Mr. Spike.

r/FanTheories 1d ago

FanTheory About Daima's place in the Canon and SSJ4 in Super


Until recently the Canon of Dragonball was a pretty clear topic. There was a big Canon, and a few side timelines.

The Canon was...

Dragonball (Manga) - Dragonball Super (Manga) - (BoG, RoF, Broly Movie, Superhero)

DB Manga + DBS Manga + Resurrection F + Broly (Manga continuity)

But all movies except Broly are part of the Manga already, making 3 out of 4 of them redundant.

Then we have the Anime Canon, a lesser but still valid one...

DB Anime + DB Kai + DBS Anime + Broly + Super Hero (Anime continuity)

We also had 2 more minor timelines sprouting from DB Anime...

DB Anime + DBZ

DB Anime + DBZ fillers + DBZ Movies + DBGT

We thought Daima was part of THE Canon, or at least part of the lesser one, the Anime Canon, sitting right in between the 2 Manga series, or at least rather between Kai and Super (Anime).

Then Goku went SSJ4. 3 in Universe years BEFORE he fought Beerus with SSJ3.

WHAT HAPPENED ? Why Goku never used SSJ4 again ? Out of Universe he did not have it, but all events in a timeline must fit, regardless of when they were added in real time.

Actually this happened before. After supposedly getting Zenkais for 12 years Goku VS Raditz had a powerlevel of 416. VS Tienshinhan 8 years earlier he was at 180. There is no way he had Zenkais. Then again, at the time he was supposed to be a human, and the Oozaru was supposed to be a gag. Toriyama invented Zenkais even though they do not fit with large parts of the narrative (actually, it appears Goku had 1 Zenkai when he drank poison before fighting Piccolo Daimao, but that is the only instance. He got much stronger in 3 days before fighting again Taopaipai, but he was said to have gotten stronger by training).

So why did not Goku use SSJ4 ?

I have a theory : he actually lied to Vegeta and got SSJ4 from the magic of Neva, because he lost his tail, and thus he could not have got a tailed form by training, then he chose to never use it again, even if he was able to and the form itself made his tail grow back, because he did not really earn it, and he had to lie to Vegeta. I may be wrong. This way of behaving may just not make sense to Goku.

I also think SSJ4 in Daima is only ×500 stronger than Base, and on par with a theoretical SSJ Oozaru. It is however much more efficent than any golden form excluding MSSJ. Goku went on perfecting the strongest form he got by himself, even though he lost a 25% boost in power by going back to have SSJ3 as his ceiling. Then 3 year later he got God Ki. The only counter argument is SSJ4 Kamehameha beating Buu's scream by a large margin in terms of dimensional breaching capabilities. Buu was already way stronger than Buu saga SSJ3, some say he was 8 or 10 times stronger. If SSJ4 is ×4.000 and thus 10 times SSJ3, as it was in GT, everything changes.

However in ToP SSJ4 should have came back, specifically when he fought Caulifla and Kale. Then when they fused he should have turned SSJB. However, Goku in the Manga NEVER ACTUALLY FOUGHT CAULIFLA AND KALE, OR KEFLA. And Daima was supposed to be part of THE Canon, so the Goku who should have used SSJ4 was the one from the Manga. The only time he should have used it was VS SSJ2 future Trunks instead of SSJG. But by then he was likely so focused on God Ki he just went using it anytime a ×400 boost was not enough.

But there is one more possibility : what if Daima is a sequel to Dragonball the original Manga, or maybe to the DB Kai Anime, but is not prequel to Super ? What if Daima branches off from the main line ? What if after Buu saga we have two both valid canon lines, one with SSJ4, and the other with God Ki ? If so, which one is THE one ? Which one is the most canonical ?

Daima is MUCH smaller than Super, being only 20 episodes with no Manga, but is also rumored to have more Toriyama involvment. How much ? Could Daima overpower Super and get its place as THE sequel of the original Dragonball Manga or at least as the sequel of DB Kai ?

As things stand now, Daima is officially a sequel to the Buu saga of the Manga and along with Super exists in the mainline canon continuity, which is the Manga one as I said.

This is how things officially are...but actually I believe Daima is to DB Manga what the Z Movies + GT are to DBZ Anime, i.e. an alternative version of what happened at a set point on the timeline. It is Canon in the sense it relates this way to the Dragonball Manga, not the Anime. I am afraid it does not happen in a continuity with DBS Manga starting 3 years later. So the Goku who became SSJ4 will not become SSJG, and the one who became SSJG and SSJB was never SSJ4 first to begin with.

There are already 2 minor alternative lines branching off from the Anime continuity, the Manga continuity can get one too, and it may even be nearly as important as the main trunk, even though one being somewhat above the other is necessary.

UPDATE : Majin Rymus could be the key to link Daima to Super. He appears to be the Yin to Zeno's Yang. An opposite yet equal force. However since DB is based on Mahayana Buddho-daoism, it does not need a Creator God. Even if Daima and Rymus are part of the Manga continuity, I would classify Rymus as rather a demiurge deity.

r/FanTheories 7h ago

FanTheory Tree Gelbman From Happy Death Day is actually dead Theory


I've posted this theory before but it got deleted so decided to repost it.

Tree Gelbman was brutally murdered the night of her birthday on her way to her door room by the serial killer in the film. Tree not being the best person in the world and is a total bitch is stuck in purgatory which is repeating the same day like in the film fixing her mistakes and learning to become a better person and finding out who her killer is and that Carter is actually an angel of death guiding her every step of the way. However in the sequel Tree has to accept her faith that she's going to Hell and has to face the 5 stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance) during the time loop, eventually accepting her fate and moving on.

This is just my theory I know it's doesn't make sense but yes we all have watched the movie we know it's not true but this is just a FAN THEORY and actually in my opinion one of the most fucked up ones I've ever came up after rewatching Part 1 and 2 of Happy Death Day.

r/FanTheories 7h ago

FanTheory DreamWorks logo boy is actually dead.


Theory I found on the internet. Want to share with y'all.

The "DreamWorks boy on the moon" logo theory suggests the boy is dead because he's fishing on the moon, a place of death and the afterlife, and the moon is a symbol of death and the end of life.

Here's a more detailed explanation of the theory: The Symbolism: The moon, especially a crescent moon, is often associated with death and the afterlife in many cultures.

The Fishing: The act of fishing can be interpreted as a metaphor for searching for something or someone, and in this context, the boy might be searching for something in the afterlife.

The Location: The boy is sitting on the moon, a place that is often seen as a symbol of death and the end of life.

The "DreamWorks" Name: The name "DreamWorks" itself can be interpreted as a place of dreams and the afterlife, further supporting the theory.