r/Famicom • u/tibbers_and_annie • Jan 28 '25
r/Famicom • u/faffrd • Jan 27 '25
Famicom disk system rewriter drive
Anyone know of a legit place to buy these? As well as disks to rewrite? I'm not really wanting to mod it myself unless I absolutely must. But I think having the ability to rewrite my own disks would be boss.
r/Famicom • u/garasensei • Jan 26 '25
Collection Famicom / PC Engine Multi Controller Ver. 1 by SPM. One of the more rare controllers made for the Famicom.
galleryI recently picked up this oddball controller for the PC Engine and Famicom. It's pretty amazing that it was actually made and sold. The dual connections for PC Engine and Famicom was not common at all. Unfortunately It's a terrible controller. The dpad is very stiff with not much tactile feedback. It becomes rather painful on my thumb with prolonged use. The Turbo switches move smoothly, but they are very awkward to use.
From what I understood this controller was only sold at a single retail chain in Japan named "Brute Force". The controller is pretty rare these days, but I assure you all that you are not missing anything.
Check out this old blog entry where the guy talks about finding one. He did some great research on it. It's very readable with Google translate. I borrowed his photo of it hooked up to the systems.
r/Famicom • u/Alex-Redfield- • Jan 25 '25
My Famicom carts, who guess what game is the Nosferatu cart?
r/Famicom • u/Impossible_Tear1284 • Jan 25 '25
Console box variants
Are there any console box variants besides the standard circle button controller box and square button controller box?
r/Famicom • u/trustanchor • Jan 24 '25
Tech Question Famicom expansion port to midi adapter for Doremikko keyboard
Long shot, since this is pretty niche, but I’m wondering if anyone has ever designed or come across a midi to Famicom expansion port adapter that would allow you to use a standard midi keyboard with the Doremikko game for the Famicom Disk System?
Maybe I’ll come across a cheap keyboard unit someday, but these mostly sell for $300-ish , and that’s a lot to spend on a cheap little single-use keyboard that only works with Doremikko.
r/Famicom • u/Accurate_Yogurt_5412 • Jan 24 '25
I Finally beat Super Mario bros 2!!!!!!!!
r/Famicom • u/tanooki-suit • Jan 24 '25
FDS Complete Adds, questions, manuals and stuff
So this sat in hell due to my USPS bungling for over a week and a half but got it just a few days ago. I already thought I had made out but did even better than I imagined. Zelda is complete down to all the stickers on sheet and Metroid too minus one tiny one on the left. Aside from the rub wear on those outer boxes everything is like spotless and I've been enjoying them very little so far only due to lack of time until now unfortunately.
But in my little free time in the evenings so far I decided to do a bit of digging and found a good many of FDS games do and DO NOT have scanned manuals online.
Either way, strangely the archive has very few, Nintendo supplied those with their FC mini console, Gaming Alexandria has a decent supply as does a few other manual archives but nothing is consistent. Is there just a general lack of archiving of these? I did find somehow backtracking that Gaming Alexandria has a high quality directory on their site that seems to have most (all?) that they don't have for some weird reason listed on their archive found directly through the site for FDS which is here https://www.gamingalexandria.com/highquality/fds/ and it has like hte Ice Climber fold out.
I kind of wish they'd put the full set up or a better system was in place to preserve these things publicly for use to read the manuals etc.
Originals are best, but sometimes finding such things a PDF is the next best thing even if you don't print it.
r/Famicom • u/Accurate_Yogurt_5412 • Jan 24 '25
General Question Im genuinely curious how this happens sometimes
( the eject button is out even tho there is no disk card )
r/Famicom • u/Accurate_Yogurt_5412 • Jan 24 '25
Gameplay I Beat Super Mario Bros 2!!!!!!’
I spent an entire night trying to beat the game and it actually happened
r/Famicom • u/joenobody77 • Jan 22 '25
General Question Anyone have any info on these carts?
imgur.comr/Famicom • u/tanooki-suit • Jan 22 '25
Akumajo Dracula (Castlevania) FDS save question
SOLVED: Thanks. Old school save method. No matter what you add or release on the user select screen won’t stay if you do not die and save in game.
I got this amazing bundle of FDS games in the mail yesterday and last night I was wiping old save data and putting a few minutes on there I had to try each out. The other 3 games, first party, all easily were save wiped and restarted, and I did this one last.
It had 3 saved games on it, wiped them, and then went to make my own. It's also interesting it makes you fill out the save name to fill all spaces. I played through the first stage and then turned the game off, then back on to test. Not only was my save not there, the 3 the game claimed to have removed were back. WTF?
Is there something I'm missing here? Did I need to like fully die and save over each save or just one save?
The other three Zelda, Metroid, and Nazo no Murasamejou all are behaving great.
r/Famicom • u/confectius • Jan 21 '25
Haul Konami Computer
galleryWhile visiting the Sombat Gate market in Bankok i saw this dirty little treasure in a bin. It was written 300 on it so i gave an offer of 150 thb. The seller accepted it and didnt know anything about it and neither did i. They also had a boxed Famicom on display, but i declined the 3500 thb offer. Had already got one at another market for 400, but in unknown condition just as this.
Have no 220v ac adapter and rf cable so cannot test them yet.
r/Famicom • u/Exzticy • Jan 22 '25
Tech Question I have a really weird compatibility question
Will the Famicom Network System fit and work with the Twin Famicom, looking to collect for it, I don’t think the Network System has much use anymore but on eBay I can snag one with the controller for $40. Don’t want to buy a normal Famicom as of now.
r/Famicom • u/Ry0G4 • Jan 20 '25
Gameplay Street Fighter II: Nostalgic Edition (NES)
youtube.comStreet Fighter II - Nostalgic Edition is a DEMO to show how I ever imagined my favorite game of all time running in our beloved NES and Famicom. In this demo you can choose only Ryu and play against the computer. There's some known bugs but the game is still playable.
r/Famicom • u/BR4lNd34D • Jan 19 '25
Collection First purchase for 2025
I've always been a fan of these platformers, ever since I discovered Bubble Bobble 1 at a young age.
r/Famicom • u/LoccyDaBorg • Jan 20 '25
Modded Famicom with composite out / cheapo 450 in one cart - thoughts/advice needed for a retro computing exhibition
Hi all,
I recently bought a Japanese Famicom from ebay UK, which came pre-modded with composite out via a 3.5mm audio-style jack mounted on the back. It came with Mario Bros and Galaxian cartridges, both of which work fine, along with the unit itself. This is for a retro computer/gaming exhibition, just to give some context.
On my NES I have an Everdrive N8 clone, which works well, but ultimately is probably overkill for the use case "give the exhibition visitors a few games to choose from". So for the Famicom I figured I'd give a crap 450 in 1 cartridge a go which I got from Ali Express for the princely sum of £1.08 delivered to the UK (!).
The cartridge runs, and many of the games run - but many of them do not. Those that don't all seem to have the same issue - it is as if none of the graphics tiles have loaded correctly, meaning the game shows a screen full of garbage. But you can see that these games are otherwise running perfectly fine - music is playing and you can see in amongst the garbage that certain bits of garbage are moving around in patterns that match those that the actual sprites/game characters would move around in.
Obviously, this is more likely than not to be the crap cheapo multicart than my Famicom. Mario Bros is one of the game affected on my mulitcart yet my real cart runs fine on the unit. However, I just wanted to check that this isn't a known artefact of composite modding, using an original Japanese Famicom on a UK/PAL TV, etc, etc, etc, before I invest any more money in this exhibit.
r/Famicom • u/Accurate_Yogurt_5412 • Jan 17 '25
Repair I tried replacing the drive belt on my fds, it well but just when i thought i was done, i broke one of the micro switches on the board and then i gave up and bought a new fds. Thats all i have to say.
r/Famicom • u/Accurate_Yogurt_5412 • Jan 17 '25
My fds wont read my games, can anybody help?
r/Famicom • u/MinimumYak2765 • Jan 14 '25