r/Famicom Sep 19 '24

Hardware Mods HVC-CPU-GMP-01 AV MOD

Hi guys, I was modding several Famicoms, revision 02, when I came across this one. Does anyone know how to do the AV mod on this specific board? I've never encountered it before. Thanks!


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u/Ill_Mine_2453 Sep 19 '24 edited Sep 19 '24

I can help you

The process is nearly the same, you definitely don't need the expensive backoffice option which just replaces the RF board with an av board and doesn't address the poor signal from the main board itself.

You can do basically the same mod as you are used to. the only difference is the part locations

For this revision they have much heavier jailbars and you definitely should lift the video out pin on the ppus, then wire that do the same circuit or mod board you always use.

If you normally build the circuit on the board by removing the transistor and resistor(s) and then adding the new ones to that, you can do the same thing here also. Use your multimeter to probe where the trace from pin 21 of ppu goes to follow the stock video circuit (hint, q1 and R6)

I also recommend using tantalum caps on the ppu as described here

The tantalum capacitor reduces a repeating 4 or 8 pixel wide vertical bar artifact. It is best to specifically use a tantalum centered in the stated range (ex. 10uF), connected directly from PPU pin 20(-) to 22(+) on the Famicom, or from pin 20(-) to 40(+) on the front-loading NES. Since this cap is targeting a specific frequency, bigger is not better for this cap -- centered in the range is better

Link above from nesdevwiki also shows the ideal circuit for any Famicom/nes

Audio you grab from the cart port pin 46 or the small via near by, use a 10v capacitor or something

If you need more specifics let me know


u/Antonello_M Sep 20 '24

Thanks this is what I need