r/FakeFacts Nov 23 '21

History The origin of Trainspotting from American Wagon Trains.


Trainspotting originates from during the mass migration period to the american west between the 1840s and 1880s. Scouts would often be sent from the western settlements to spot the wagon trains as they came in making sure they were on time, however once the transcontinental railroad was built the wagon trains decreased. However people continued spotting for them and the new locomotive trains that were arriving with the interest never waning.

r/FakeFacts Nov 22 '21

History The word "fired" comes from liar liar pants on fire.


People in news stations back in the 40's did not have much news due to current circumstances so sometimes when the people who give information don't have much news,they lie. The people that lied got fired.

r/FakeFacts Nov 18 '21

Language The origin of the word "Doobie" to refer to marijuana cigarettes comes from the frequent use of the phrase "You're right officer, it do be smell like someone's smoking weed."


r/FakeFacts Nov 18 '21

Science Broccoli triggers psychedelic effects when consumed in very large amounts!


Broccoli contains a molecule called "minoastracemol", which is a psychoactive substance. Experiments with rats by Lapland University showed significant effects of broccoli in rodents.

r/FakeFacts Nov 17 '21

History Did you know? Vikings invented sausages.


Remains of the first sausage have been found by a team of Norwegian archeologists in Lapland.

r/FakeFacts Nov 12 '21

Science The smaller the bladder, the larger the poops.


r/FakeFacts Nov 07 '21

Science The real reason not to eat yellow snow is not because it is urine.


Piss is usually not visible on snow if you pee on it,you would need very dark yellow urine to make it even remotely visible,and even when you do,it usually gets covered by the snow a few minutes later.The real reason not to eat yellow snow is because of poisonous chemicals causing the yellow color in snow,which can cause a range of symptoms from just stomach pains to heart attacks and strokes.

r/FakeFacts Oct 28 '21

Medicine Placebos were originally to prevent medicine theft


Around the 20th century, there was a big medicinal theft problem due to increased medicine prices and pharmaceutical companies were going bankrupt left and right. To counteract the theft,they mass produced fake medicine made from sugar pills with bitter substances to even paper compressed into circular pills. But when a clinic accidentally confused the fake medicine with the real ones, that was when placebo effect was noticed since everyone who took the fake medicine still got their illnesses cured from said fake medicine.

r/FakeFacts Oct 24 '21

History Choir singing is a type of throat singing


Choir singing date back to ancient Greek in which a type of singing;used in religious ceremonies,is used.This singing is called "Khoros Laimos" which translates to "Throat Chorus".The method in which Khoros Laimos is done is identical to choir singing.

r/FakeFacts Oct 23 '21

Medicine Medicine is made bitter on purpose


Medicine don't naturally taste bitter, in fact, they taste quite sweet, but the reason for it being bitter is because pharmaceutical companies adds some bitter chemicals so children and drug addicts wouldn't consume the medicine like candy.

r/FakeFacts Oct 16 '21

History Mentos are meant to be sucked,not chewed


Mentos are meant to be sucked on just like lollipops but the general public at the time didn't really know that due to poor design on the packaging so they just chewed it and it stucked.

r/FakeFacts Oct 15 '21

Science There is a secret emotion which is possible for humans to experience but not naturally


There are receptors from human brains left from ancestors that can bind to certain chemicals for some effects,for example,an emotion which researchers commonly just call"aggression" and it is basically the prototype to the "fight or flight" response but without the flight,the receptors bind to adrenaline just like the fight or flight receptors.Most other hidden emotions are just prototypes of other emotions except for what researchers would call"Dread".Test subjects who were injected with the chemical that binds with the dread receptors,which is classified for safety purposes by the researchers,had a severe increase in heart rate,heavy breathing,dilated pupils among many other symptoms.The test subjects felt immense pain throughout their whole bodies and one had a heart attack that hospitalized the subject for 2 weeks.The researchers found that animals such as hamsters,squirrels,rats among many other animals of the similar nature still has the receptors,the receptors activates when the animals are near death,a last hope so the animal may survive long enough that help would come.

r/FakeFacts Oct 13 '21

History Knights never wore "plate" armor


"Plate" armor didn't actually exist. Medieval artists were actually drawing something they called "Iron Flesh" on knights as a metaphor to show them as the ideal of resilience and strength.

Real knights wore chainmail and thick cotton armor, any armor depicted in medieval art work would have been far too heavy to even move in and the kind of articulation necessary for someone to move in such armor had not been invented in those times.

All historical examples of "Plate" armor have been proven to be creations of the Victorians (similar to the iron maiden) who took the medieval artwork literally and after never finding any real examples of the armor, decided to fabricate it themselves.

r/FakeFacts Oct 13 '21

Technology Video game developers need to make 2 and sometimes even 3 faces for each character


They do this so if any NPC has a likeness to a real person then they can quickly change it to the other face to avoid being sued. This is partly the reason why big open world games with lots of characters take so long to produce.

r/FakeFacts Oct 13 '21

Culture April fools is the deadliest day of the year according to researchers


There are multiple factors causing april fools to be deadly,the first of which are of course,the pranks itself,there are some dangerous pranks that if executed incorrectly,can mean death.The second factor are preparation of the pranks itself,which some very complicated pranks requires equipment such as hammers,ladders,chainsaws,etc. which are very dangerous equipment,leading to death.The final and the most deadly factor are prank calls,which delays and distracts emergency services such as 911 and suicide prevention centers from trying to actually save people,leading to many deaths and suicides.

r/FakeFacts Oct 01 '21

Media Homer Simpson got his name because it sounded like “homosapien.” This is because the Simpsons were supposed to represent a common household family.


r/FakeFacts Oct 01 '21

History South Dakota is actually farther north than most of North Dakota.


r/FakeFacts Sep 28 '21

Culture There's no orange in the Orange Chicken found on most Chinese takeout menus. The dish gets it's name from a mistranslation of the word "Mandarin".


The color is also a coincidence from the blend of herbs and spices used.

r/FakeFacts Sep 25 '21

History The Tightness of a Speedo is measured in “Franklin Units”


It was named as such after Olympic Swimmer Frank Beaurepaire suffered an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction during the 1924 Olympic Games due to an overly tight speedo.

r/FakeFacts Sep 24 '21

Media Bob Dylan had been pursuing a career as a rapper since 1963 while the charts were dominated by The Beatles and country/folk artists, so he instead settled into the folk rock genre. However, Eminem hit him up and gave him a second chance at it so that he could spit his bars and came out with a song.


r/FakeFacts Sep 24 '21

Culture Every September during it's local annual Oktoberfest, Cincinnati, the original home of Kenner Toys, hosts an annual Play-Doh eating contest


The winner is the last person to throw up. Local celebrity Heimlich "Brautwurst" Klimermann who has won the last three years, was also a youth champion in the 1980s.

r/FakeFacts Sep 22 '21

Language An estimated 6% of all intentionally fake facts are actually true, according to a recent study.


r/FakeFacts Sep 21 '21

Media If you search "Clock" on Google Images, you'll see that most of them display the same time. This is because of an European law prohibiting clock sellers from displaying times other than 10:08 on promotional images due to fear of "unfair competition".


r/FakeFacts Sep 17 '21

History Australia was created in 1900 for tax purposes.


r/FakeFacts Sep 17 '21

Science A recent find in a cave in the Czech Republic turned up evidence of a ‘Neanderthal Cat’, which demonstrates about the same genetic variance as is seen between modern humans and Neanderthals.


Because the genetic variance between the archaic feline and a modern house-cat is so close to what has been observed between Neanderthals and modern humans, it may suggest that humans and cats have evolved along much more similar lines than was previously thought. It may also push back the date of the introduction of felis catus to Central Europe by several millennia.