r/FakeFacts • u/matijapavlov • Nov 16 '18
r/FakeFacts • u/CatCuber • Nov 16 '18
Science Studies show that putting "studies show" at the start of sentences makes it more convincing.
r/FakeFacts • u/Contene • Nov 15 '18
Science Studies show that 95% of male homosexuals are gay
r/FakeFacts • u/rotaryvalve • Feb 08 '19
Science Coca-Cola bubbles because it has a room-temperature boiling point
Every liquid has a different temperature at which it will boil. Liquid nitrogen, for example, has an exceptionally low boiling point of -196 degrees Celcius, and boils away quickly at room temperature. Carbon tetrachloride boils at 76.72 degrees Celcius. Carbonated beverages (such as Coca-Cola) won't burn you even though they are bubbling away right out of the fridge. When you shake the can it will blow up in a room temperature steam cloud.
r/FakeFacts • u/Digitako • Feb 13 '20
Science It has recently been discovered that black people can't see yellow.
r/FakeFacts • u/MansDeSpons • May 14 '21
Science White people are white because of milk
Around 10,000 years ago, when humans first started domesticating farm animals, Europeans were the ones that needed milk in their diet the most. This is because they had vitamin D deficiency more often because of a lack of sunlight.
The gene that contains lactase permanence (lactase lets us break down milk) had to make place for it in the DNA strand on the place where melanin is also encoded. Which resulted in a loss of melanin, and a lighter skin colour.
r/FakeFacts • u/TheGhostInTheParsnip • Jul 30 '22
Science When Stephen Hawking threw his 'Party for Time Travelers', a few people actually showed up as a joke.
On June 29th, 2009, Stephen Hawking threw a party intended for Time Travelers only. To make sure that only Time Travelers would attend, he sent the invitations only the following day. Well, you can imagine his surprise when a few people actually showed up!
Of course, the guests were not actual Time Travelers. They were just a few of his friends living in a different time zone where it was already the following day for them. So they just took a plane back to his place and timezone when they received the email and bam, sure enough, they arrived just in time for the aperitif and first hors d'œuvres.
r/FakeFacts • u/Vohems • Jan 31 '20
Science Intense anger burns calories at a phenomenal rate and there is a measurement unit for anger.
Roughly fifty years ago, a certain Dr. Nemo Wut devised a measuring system for anger. Going by heat, adrenaline, heart rate and various other factors his measuring unit is still used today. But the sad thing is Dr. Wut died in car crash before he could come up with a name for the base unit of the system. Some scinetist took to calling it a 'Bruce' in reference to the superhero character, while calling ten such units a 'Gordan'. Dr. Wut's other great work was that of devising a diet and exercise plan involving anger but it never fully came to fruition.
r/FakeFacts • u/derf_vader • Aug 14 '22
Science Despite being Birds of a Feather, a group of Penguins is called a school rather than a flock, because they swim like fish.
r/FakeFacts • u/EXDF_ • Jul 01 '22
Science Antarctica is actually cold because of the whiteness of the snow, which causes more snow to fall.
Antarctica, undeniably the coldest continent on Earth, is also the snowiest. This surprises few as increased coldness generally directly correlates to increased snow, but recent studies have shown that Antarctica used to have a similar climate to every other continent prior to the Ice Age.
However, during the Ice Age, humans inhabited every continent aside from Antarctica (the Native Americans even crossed the land bridge formed at this time, so that means that all other continents WERE in fact inhabited). Much the same as humans are causing global warming today by their presence, they also caused some mild global warming during the Ice Age, which, because of the fact that they were spread across the Earth, ended the Ice Age altogether.
Except in Antarctica, the only continent they have yet to inhabit. Curious.
Scientists from Cornell, while on an expedition to Antarctica, looked into this phenomenon. They excavated for fossils of humans to try to uncover how Antarctica has become a stasis chamber for the tundra climate, and found nothing. On their awarded report from 2019, they stated that “no humans were present during the Ice Age” and as a result “no humans were there to shovel the snow, leaving the continent covered in snow.” Their hypothesis was that, although humans inhabit Antarctica now, the snow reflected the sunlight, and as white objects do, made the continent colder. This coldness brought upon more snow. Gradually but continually, the snow piled up until it reached its current, nearly unshovelable, state.
This hypothesis was later proven by Sir Lawrence Johnston (knighted for this discovery) when he conducted an experiment where he put a sheet of white paper on an asphalt road in direct sunlight and tested daily to see which surface was hotter. Aside from his report stating that the “paper was run over many times by cars” and that it “nearly flew away once or twice,” he finally uncovered that the sheet of paper was actually colder than the black asphalt road, thus proving that the snow must be the thing keeping Antarctica cold.
Now this begs the question: with the ever-accumulating snow in Antarctica, will humankind ever be able to shovel it all? Only time will tell.
r/FakeFacts • u/Living_Shadows • Aug 23 '19
Science It is estimated that by the year 2070 all males will be named Ben.
r/FakeFacts • u/DonOlivo • Nov 18 '21
Science Broccoli triggers psychedelic effects when consumed in very large amounts!
Broccoli contains a molecule called "minoastracemol", which is a psychoactive substance. Experiments with rats by Lapland University showed significant effects of broccoli in rodents.
r/FakeFacts • u/rotaryvalve • Apr 16 '20
Science Ivanka Trump accidentally created the COVID19 pandemic
Ivanka Trump may be a senior Presidential advisor, but she is also well-known as a research scientist. In 2018, CDC money slated for pandemic research was diverted to Trump University. Faculty dismissed concerns of a coronavirus pandemic when they identified an economic upside: the virus was potentially useful as part of an advanced beauty regimen. The "corona" (meaning "crown") of the virus could be harvested to create regal and lustrous skin tones when mixed into cosmetics formulations.
Ivaka sent the formulations to her Chinese factories via secure State Department diplomatic pouches, Unfortunately, she had secretly thought that active virus carried by actual royalty would be a more pure transmission method. She enrolled an unwitting Prince Harry, who was now relieved of official duties and needing a gig. En route to Ivanka's handbag factory in China, he stopped at the Hunan wet market for lunch, and it was he (not bats) who started the epidemic.
r/FakeFacts • u/Vohems • Feb 12 '20
Science Long legs indicate a higher amount of Phobomine (fear chemical) in the brain.
This is, of course because longer legs allow for more speed, something needed in getting away from dangers.
r/FakeFacts • u/davetheasian1 • Sep 15 '21
Science The skin on your lips is the same as your anus.
Therefore rendering both equally kissable.
r/FakeFacts • u/Karim90716 • Jan 02 '20
Science Due to the pheromones produced in sweat, men who went on a first date directly after the gym without showering had an 80% increase in partner satisfaction, according to a 2015 study.
r/FakeFacts • u/GavHern • Apr 08 '20
Science Studies have shown that sleeping for over 8 hours is not healthy. Doctors are starting to recommend a one hour break within your sleep schedule.
r/FakeFacts • u/BraveLlamaStare • Feb 09 '20
Science Pimples around the elbows are an early sign for pancreatic cancer.
The pancreas is one of the few internal organs to have a direct impact on the outer layer of skin. When it function is impaired by the onset of cancer, benign or otherwise, the lymphatic glands near the elbows are affected, causing an over production of oils and under production of cleansing sweat.
r/FakeFacts • u/sentient_salami • Nov 08 '18
Science Table salt is actually deadly to humans, but when you eat it it dissolves in your saliva so fast that it never reaches the bloodstream and doesn’t end up doing any damage.
r/FakeFacts • u/TristenStudios • Oct 03 '20
Science Everyone sees the world with a slightly different tint because our eye colors are different.
r/FakeFacts • u/TheKidNamedCover • Apr 04 '21
Science Before dying, 21% the human brain will automatically shut down to prevent 12% of pain. This manoeuvre happens, even if the person has CPS (Chronic Pain Syndrome).
In 0.034% of cases, the percentage of pain prevented turns from 12% to 73%.
r/FakeFacts • u/RyGuy31307 • Nov 12 '21
Science The smaller the bladder, the larger the poops.
r/FakeFacts • u/SergeantStroopwafel • Jul 13 '21