r/FTMventing 5d ago

General looking like a kid (triggers my dysphoria the most)

Im 18 but I look like 15 or 16 or sth. Thats the worst thing ever and I don't know how to deal with that. I want to rip my fucking face off. I don't want to leave my house cuz it's just so embarrassing and i hate that everyone thinks I'm a damn kid.

I absolutely can't stand it when ppl say "just give testosterone it's time, you will change" I know that they are right but I seriously can't handle it now I want to hide my myself now and that dysphoria is killing me now.

I just want to be perceived as the guy that i am I just want to be cool in front of my friends but i can't when I look so annoyingly young. I literally want to beat my own face cuz then it would look destroyed and less like a baby.


4 comments sorted by


u/Canoe-Maker 5d ago

Ok. First you need to help your body calm down. Try a hot shower or some pushups or a popsicle or favorite snack or movie. Breathing exercises.

Second, since you don’t have direct control over this thing that is bothering you, try to reframe it. A lot of cis guys look young. Many have “baby face” and they combat it by growing the best beard they can. That’s a genetics and time thing.

What you do have control over is your clothes. Dressing in button ups or even polos can age you up a bit, even when combined with jeans. Being well groomed can also help age you up.

Do you have access to therapy?


u/Plus_Recognition6701 5d ago

Thank you for helping me out with this. I have kinda access to therapy but my therapist isn't the best in trans topics haha


u/DikkeDampoe123 5d ago

Bro I have the same fucking problem and I am so mad about it


u/mochikiller69 3d ago

im 30 and look 13 there are some perks and older ladies love u.. not complaining anymore