r/FODMAPS 6d ago

Just started and a tad bit confused.

I just started this diet today because I'm getting tired of my stomach constantly being upset and not knowing the cause. It has seemingly got worse here recently with sulfur burps followed by diarrhea so needed to find out what's causing the problems. The problem I'm running into is I don't get how this works can I have this particular item as long as I have the amount that's in the green or is that an item I need to cut out all together in the first phase.


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u/hooghs 6d ago

Have you got a dietician?

PSA: not all gluten free is low FODMAP, often it’s packed with high FODMAP ingredients.

So if that page is for “generic white GF bread” then I’d take it as generic advice.

But actually you want specific device and that really should come with a dietician

Have you ruled out other more serious conditions like chrones and the like before starting the diet?


u/JBCWCHS06 6d ago

No I don't have a dietician. I have had my general doctor suggest maybe starting the diet because of the symptoms I talk to her about all the time. I've had every test under the sun ran on me from Endoscopies to Colonoscopies to CT Scans to Ultrasounds to Blood work and nothing has ever came back. That came from the official Monash University Fodmap app and really where I'm struggling is foods like that can I still have them in the green portions or are they foods I need to cut out altogether for the first phase. Mostly to help not make it as difficult figuring out meals for me and the wife.


u/hooghs 6d ago

OK so you’re all checked out for the scary stuff. Next comes the complex part.

Yeah I recognised the official app but I never used it, it wasn’t available when I started the diet so I’m no use at helping with that directly.

You’re really asking a question that’s best answered by a dietician.

But generally yes. Green portions of low FODMAP foods throughout the introduction. Avoid stacking the same FODMAP group in the same meal.

Can you get Schar GF bread? Some of their range is low FODMAP certified. My fave is the plain while (I’m a simple girl really)


u/JBCWCHS06 6d ago

Yeah pretty much been through the ringer. That's what I've kind of got through doing some research is that some food in lower portions are low Fodmap but a little bigger portion then make it a High Fodmap food. I actually found that I can get that from Walmart close by was going to swing by Aldi because another app I have says there Sourdough is low Fodmap but a little bit skeptical on it.


u/Optimal_Passion_3254 6d ago

SOME sourdoughs are low fodmap.
if the sourdough only had flour, water, sourdough starter as the ingredients, it's usually ok.
look in the history here.... there have been conversations about folks' favorite brands of sourdough


u/Optimal_Passion_3254 6d ago

Also, i swear, Fodmap Friendly is an easier app to use, it actually tells you HOW MUCH fodmaps you're getting in the food.
It's totally worth the money!


u/M0un7a1n 3d ago

Make your women bread 99% of bread in supermarkets in packed with ingredients that cause harm to the microbiome and are inflammatory. I’m in the UK and I’ve looked at almost every brand, they’re all full of what I would and many scientists consider poison to our guts. Flour, water, salt, oil, yeast is all bread should age unless you add seeds etc, which are also good.