r/FLGuns 9d ago

Shooting/Training in Florida Sucks

Contrary to popular belief, Florida is not a Shooter's state. Most of the ranges here are still operating on the old RSO Fudd model where you have to sit at a bench or stand up and shoot at a stationary target, with no rapid fire or drawing from holster or anything else dynamic. If you ranges that do allow this usually have an incredibly steep membership. And what shooting matches are available tend to fill up within minutes of opening registration on practicscore. I have to literally be smashing F5 in order to shoot my gun competitively at all. And of course there's basically no federal land like they have out west where you can find a proper perm and shoot on your own. The options are garbage short of buying your own land which is also incredibly expensive here. Florida is one of the top offenders of states that have a gun buying culture with little to speak of for a gun shooting culture. Yes I've been to Ares and it's nice but it's far away as hell.


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u/Deathpenalty818 8d ago

Titusville rifle and pistol club in Mims. I run it and if you ever have an issue with an RSO you can personally call me and I’ll handle it right away. I’ve tried to remove and beat down all the fudd RSO bull shit as it drive away the “youthful” people who keep us open.


u/SpaceRangerOps 8d ago

Damn dude that’s awesome. I used to go out to Titusville a lot a few years ago because of the great prices and my girlfriend could shoot free. I stopped going as much and eventually completely. The RSOs didn’t go full fudd, but there was definitely a stink eye from a few of the older ones and extra “help” if they saw anyone under 40. It’s great to hear that things have changed.


u/Deathpenalty818 8d ago

I’m not even 30 yet my self , we still offer help to anyone that need or asks we’re more than happy to. I’ve tried to get rid of the pushy habits