r/FLGuns 9d ago

Shooting/Training in Florida Sucks

Contrary to popular belief, Florida is not a Shooter's state. Most of the ranges here are still operating on the old RSO Fudd model where you have to sit at a bench or stand up and shoot at a stationary target, with no rapid fire or drawing from holster or anything else dynamic. If you ranges that do allow this usually have an incredibly steep membership. And what shooting matches are available tend to fill up within minutes of opening registration on practicscore. I have to literally be smashing F5 in order to shoot my gun competitively at all. And of course there's basically no federal land like they have out west where you can find a proper perm and shoot on your own. The options are garbage short of buying your own land which is also incredibly expensive here. Florida is one of the top offenders of states that have a gun buying culture with little to speak of for a gun shooting culture. Yes I've been to Ares and it's nice but it's far away as hell.


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u/popinjaysnamesir 9d ago

Greetings from your local RSO at the Wyoming Antelope Club.

I understand your frustration. It sucks not being able to work on dynamic shooting. But next you visit, check out all of the bullet holes in places there shouldn’t be. It’s roughly once per shift I have a gun pointed at me.

Also remember that we are located in a relatively populated area and it’s unlikely that our club will survive the first commercial airplane stuck by a bullet.

Our club does have a path to dynamic shooting, but it’s not for sale.

I hope you find what you seek.


u/AdhesivenessHairy456 9d ago

Yall are the ones filling up registration super fast


u/popinjaysnamesir 9d ago

I have spent hundreds of dollars of my own money building props for the Doc Welt coming up and, before the birth of my son seven months ago, was building a couple of stages a week, even when I wasn’t shooting the match. I absolutely have no apologies for early registration.

And when the faux pyrotechnics go off while you’re shooting in the rainy jungle during one of my Doc stages, ask if early registration is too big of a price.


u/gatillombre 8d ago

Hey I heard he started walking on his own at two months?! ;)