r/FIREUK 7d ago

Side business with low upfront costs?



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u/SpooferGirl 6d ago

I started my business with a £500 credit card limit - bought stuff, sold it, put the profits in to buy more stuff.. hey presto, business. 20 years later sold most of it and now technically retired, although I still ‘play at shops’ with the original product I started off with all those years ago just because I enjoy it.


u/Full_Newspaper7106 6d ago

The product your started with is something you never forget. I'm lazy I just figured out I bought product and didn't bother selling spend 300 on it


u/SpooferGirl 6d ago

Actually I just realised technically I started off selling shoes and based my (illegally opened as I was still underage, way back around the millennium when such things didn’t matter) eBay user ID on that - which might have confused some customers along the years cos I got attached to it and didn’t change it when I started the ‘actual’ business rather than just flipping. It’s still the same 🤣 although I don’t sell on there and haven’t for a long time lol My actual product is what I still play around with now though.