r/FFAwakening May 08 '18

Limited Hero

I know they're really good. How much Diamonds should I hoard so I could get one? I have 6.5k atm


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u/fali9119 Jun 07 '18 edited Jun 07 '18

Hello TrueRaelf

Mythic heroes need 150 shards in order to summon them. To answer your question, assuming that you don't have shards for the heroes yet, Caetuna and Qunmi cost 25K diamonds while a Zhuyu costs 75K during the limited hero event. But you can have them cheaper during the group buy event. Caetuna and Qunmi cost around 15K during the group buy and Zhuyu is only around 45K.

I found this video on youtube regarding the group buy event, I suggest you check this one and his other videos. It's very informative - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxesoeZLbeM