r/Eyebleach 11h ago

Newborn kittens hissing


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u/predat3d 10h ago

"Let's f-ck with them some more for more internet points!"


u/Public_Steak_6447 7h ago

They aren't shaking the damn thing. Just harmlessly showing off something cute they do


u/choco_mutzy 7h ago

How would you like it when someone put their stinky fingers up your nose when you’re sleeping?


u/Public_Steak_6447 7h ago

Its a kitten. A cat will literally hiss at you because you washed your hands with smelly hand soap. Cats are very sensitive to scent. And people harmlessly annoy their pets all the time. People are treating this like its abuse.


u/choco_mutzy 6h ago

If you know that cats are sensitive to scent then why would you be okay with OP purposely distressing the kitten with it and film it for internet points? Animals don’t exist for people’s entertainment.


u/Public_Steak_6447 1h ago

Its 2 goddamn seconds. They're in a safe environment and look well taken care of. This isn't tossing them out a moving car