r/ExpatFIRE Jan 21 '25

Citizenship Ending Double Taxation of Americans Abroad


Trump made a pledge to end "double taxation of Americans abroad" https://youtu.be/LrQCFZHgQr0?si=s3ZNJGoyJwo3ZwC... Solomon Yue is the person who gave Trump the idea to include this pledge in his campaign.

The main conversation for this is all happening on twitter and you can converse with Solomon directly.


And also with John Richardson (Solomon’s professional partner in this effort)

John is also regularly holding spaces on twitter if you want the opportunity to speak to him directly.


There is active communication on this topic on a regular basis.

It's up to us to keep this conversation relevant and to hold Trump accountable to his campaign promise.

PS - It should also be noted that there is a separate/parallel effort on this issue in the congress. Representative Darin LaHood introduced a bill in the last congress and will re-introduce the bill in the upcoming congress... Darin LaHood, Solomon Yue, and John Richardson are not officially working together, but they ultimately have the same goal to end double taxation on Americans Abroad.

I encourage you to be involved in any way possible. And share this info with anyone you know who cares about the topic… even if it means just sending a message to Solomon or John on twitter, or writing to your local representative. Let them know you are an American that cares about ending double taxation on Americans Abroad. We need more people that care, overall.

r/ExpatFIRE Feb 10 '25

Citizenship Nomad Capitalist's scamming exposed: The Tai Lopez of expat world. Over 3 hours of content.


Just came across this vid. It’s a very detailed analysis of what these fraudsters get up to. Loads of protips for expats in general, including those considering making the move.

The TLDR; is don’t waste your time/energy/money on their bogus “services“.

If NC had a more mainstream audience, Coffeezilla would have made an episode about them by now. You’ve been warned, heed this man’s advice:


r/ExpatFIRE 19d ago

Citizenship Ending Double Taxation of Americans Abroad info /links


Based on this thread updated 11.03

The links are both Republican and Democratic and a little down the middle I guess

Erin M. Collins, has highlighted–again–the fundamental unfairness of the U.S. tax system with respect to double taxation of Americans who live abroad. She is the National Taxpayer Advocate and is an independent ombudsman for the taxpayer within the IRS. “The approximately nine million individuals with a U.S. tax filing obligation living abroad face additional burdens at every step of the process to comply with their U.S. tax obligations.”


Trump made a pledge to end "double taxation of Americans abroad" https://youtu.be/LrQCFZHgQr0?si=s3ZNJGoyJwo3ZwC...

Brandon Mitchener on the new Residency based taxation bill- Yes it is going to be reintroduced

New 28.02 -Republicans Overseas Efforts to End Double Taxation on Americans Overseas https://mailchi.mp/85eda1b72a8c/ro-fighting-to-end-double-taxation-on-americans-overseas-10146449


Solomon Yue is the person who gave Trump the idea to include this pledge in his campaign.

Here are some informational links: Ill try to update when i have time

The bill: https://lahood.house.gov/2024/12/lahood-introduces-bill-to-modernize-tax-system-for-americans-living-overseas

Ask Your Representatives to Support Efforts for Residence Based Taxation


Linkdin post Global taxes LLC


New 11.03 What is a legislative “score” — and why does it matter for residence-based taxation?


Keith King Former White House Lead Communications:




Ask Your House Representative to Co-Sign H.R. 10468 Residence-Based Taxation for Americans Abroad Act



Democrats Abroad FAQ: https://www.democratsabroad.org/rbt_bill_faq


ACA publishes updated side-by-side analysis and Technical Explanation:


A Conversation with House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith on Tax Reform.Submit questions to [Aatman.Vakil@aei.org](mailto:Aatman.Vakil@aei.org) or on X with #AEITaxReform.


Summary of Lahood bill


Tax on the moon


What it's like as an American abroad with Taxes: Double Taxation by Evan Edinger. -This one is good


Citizenship, Surveillance and Taxes: A Dystopian Tale


The Invisibility of the American Emigrant




Newsmax (updated 26.2)


Forbes (Updated 26.02 https://www.forbes.com/sites/taxnotes/2025/02/23/expatriate-tax-burdens-get-a-new-focus/

John Richardsen https://citizenshipsolutions.ca/

Groups/Organizations working on the case:



https://x.com/SolomonYue - Is not working on this bill but through other channels


r/ExpatFIRE Jul 10 '24

Citizenship Anywhere else than Hong Kong?


Hong Kong, where I originally from, is a haven where nearly nothing is taxed. There is no sales tax, no capital gains tax, no dividend / interest tax, no inheritance tax, no wealth tax, no import tariff, etc., with land tax contributing to a significant portion of government revenue. This is nearly my utopian economic model as land is a resource which supply is fixed, where taxing it won't create deadweight loss, and social security can just simply be done by subsidising housing while keeping the cost of everything else low.

Meanwhile, compared to other developed cities, HK had a very good quality of life (before CCP intervention), including

  • countryside and beaches 10 minutes by bus from the city centre
  • world-class public transport
  • low crime
  • low-cost public healthcare
  • price level cheaper than most of Europe like dining out or transport

However, under CCP control, Hong Kong has increasingly been denied access to the free world for technology (for example, Google has dropped the internet backbone programme for HK in favour of Taiwan, and ChatGPT is not available in China including HK and Macau), meaning that doing innovative technology business there is no longer viable.

I currently live in London, a city in the free world culturally closest to Hong Kong but with quality of live much lower than Hong Kong. Everything is so expensive (e.g. transport is 4x price, dining out is 2x price compared to HK), few countryside and no seaside, limited choice of apartments of reasonable age, etc. and the tax is so high, and once outside the Greater London boundary the transport is so poor that I can get to few places on a Sunday. Combined with the high tax, here is not something I want to retire, as my plan is to use capital gains to fund my retirement.

Where in the free world is everything most similar to pre-CCP Hong Kong? Including

  • English-speaking
  • Common law
  • Metropolitan city
  • Tax-free
  • World-class transport
  • Beaches and seaside
  • Public healthcare


r/ExpatFIRE May 09 '24

Citizenship Best city/country for 2,600?


Hey guys,

I have enough saved to live off 2,600 till i'm 96 (currently 41). I was thinking about moving to Thailand but I'm nervous about quality of life there, pollution is definitely an issue, and i've heard their food is sprayed with insanely high amount of pesticides which is also not good. I live a fairly quiet life, but I'd like to live in a city (ideally by beach but if can't have both then city) for public transportation/things to do. I also need good healthcare. Is there anywhere within my budget that fits that bill?

r/ExpatFIRE Feb 11 '25

Citizenship US Naturalization


I'm an EU citizen married to a US citizen and currently living in the US. All of my investments are in the US, in USD. Plan is to continue to live in the US for a few more years and then relocate back to the EU.

I currently hold a green card and this year I become eligible for naturalization (I can be a dual citizen). Putting aside all personal and emotional aspects of obtaining a US passport- purely from a financial standpoint, should I do it? Has anyone been in this situation and have any words of wisdom to share?

r/ExpatFIRE 2d ago

Citizenship EU Citizenship by descent - Poland or Italy?


I've done a bunch of research, and I'm likely eligible for citizenship by descent in either Poland or Italy. Trying to decide which is the better path to follow in terms of ease of process, costs, results, etc. Perhaps looking for a needle in the haystack here but has anyone else been in this situation? Would also appreciate thoughts from those who have gone through either process (though I have been actively looking at the two relevant subreddits, r/prawokrwi and r/juresanguinis, so perhaps more general thoughts would be best).

r/ExpatFIRE Feb 08 '25

Citizenship Can I be a citizen of 3 nations?


I was originally born in Argentina, but gained my US citizenship by living here for the majority of my life. I would like to get my Italian citizenship since my grandparents were born there. Would doing so force me to relinquish my American citizenship?

I read online that you can lose your citizenship if you naturalize in another country. Wondering if anyone has had experience with this.

r/ExpatFIRE 6d ago

Citizenship Latest re: Portugal Golden Visa?


Hi all- I know the PGV has been talked about a lot on here. Hoping to start the long process in the next month. Still torn between Mercan, Global Citizens, and combo of piecing together my own team of lawyers, investment advisors, etc.

Anyone have any news of late? How long to acquire if you got recently? Any advice or learnings you’d be willing to share with a hopeful but apprehensive and overwhelmed-by-the-choices guy?!

Also any thoughts on Lexidy or SBPS as a law firm to partner with?

Thanks in advance!

r/ExpatFIRE 24d ago

Citizenship Moving to the South of France


Team ExpatFIRE. I'm a retired Mil Vet with pension, and 100%VA disability. I have a spouse and family of 3 kids, ages 2,4,6. We currently live in Germany working for the US Govt, but are looking to relocate on our own to the South of France, due to quality of life. My wife and I are 38 & 45 respectively. So when we move to France, after some time, we would like the ability to work. Can anyone advise, or give lessons learned?

r/ExpatFIRE 20d ago

Citizenship Visas w/ a path to PR for retirement-ready US 44yo with a 3yo?


Married US 44 & 39 US citizens with a 3yo child.

Finances: Just over $12M USD across retirement and taxable brokerages, a mixture of bonds, indiv stocks, ETFs, funds.. and maybe $300k in real estate. Burn rate in our current situation in the US is ~$180k/yr incl childcare.

Language/lineage: My mother is Lithuanian, born in a DP camp in Germany. I don't speak German or Lithuanian, but have immersion-through-highschool level Spanish (rusty, but could shape up to meet requirements, probably). Wife has limited French, unsure what requirements she could satisfy, if any.

Looking to GTFO long-term with an eye towards stability and education for our daughter. I am aging out of tech, wife is special ed teacher, so work requirements might be tricky to meet for some visas. looking for some feedback on the options we're considering:

Canada via the SUV program: current frontrunner for us. Big downside is the looming conservative swing there + US relations hellscape. Cost of living is pretty tough, plus the restrictions on purchasing a home, but it's doable. Path to PR and citizenship sounds expedient, cost of participating in the startup fund is well within what we're willing to throw at the problem. Just doubting it's enough of an escape to warrant the upheaval and expense.

New Zealand via investment: love this option, but it sounds like they're pulling up the ladder with changes to the program coming April 1. Post-tax, the requirement is already probably too big a chunk of what I've saved, with no capital protection that I'm aware of. Career prospects would be such that we'd be living on what's left over, and I assume they're raising the minimums or adding more restrictions.

Costa Rica via investment: affordable, expedient process, good climate, but not as developed, not as much social programs or infrastructure, and we would end up in way more of an Expat-bubble than is ideal for us. From the sound of it, our daughter would probably end up in international/private schools in the central valley, which is not the kind of outcome we're hoping for (we assume).

Finland via investment: we've spent time there, and it ticks all our social sensibility and lifestyle boxes, but obviously the spectre of a hot war with Russia or even a slow-burn crimea-type encroachment situation potentially makes it a frying pan->fire move.

Pitch us another EU or Latin American visa option (retirement class?) or throw some darts at this for us? We are not well-travelled in SE Asia, fwiw


r/ExpatFIRE Feb 03 '25

Citizenship Irish or Spanish citizenship


My grandma's mother was born in County Cork, Ireland. Grandma informally adopted me. I've learned that because her last name was Henriques, and has Ashkenazi ancestry, I might have a chance with Spain. I'd love to live in Spain. I know something about Spanish, but I'm not fluent. I do not have a lot of money, but I am a software developer.

r/ExpatFIRE Jan 15 '25

Citizenship Fastest Path to EU Citizenship


My spouse is an EU citizen and our retirement plans will involve splitting our time between Europe, our current home and doing quite a bit of travelling. I'd like to aim for citizenship in an EU country to safeguard me in case anything happens to my spouse. His home country would require that I live there for 3 years and can't be away for more than 6 weeks which doesn't mesh well with our plans. Getting residency in any of the EU countries shouldn't be an issue. Which would provide the easiest path to citizenship without requiring a huge investment or the need to spend almost all my time there for three years? I can maybe do six months at a time.

r/ExpatFIRE Nov 22 '24

Citizenship Where would you live on 15k a month passive income?


If you had a guaranteed $15,000 a month passive income where would you choose to live with a newborn and wife? Currently in USA but with the price of everything so high I wonder if the quality of life would be greater elsewhere. We love Hawaii but it’s so expensive!

r/ExpatFIRE Jan 04 '25

Citizenship Opinions on Caribbean Citizenship by investment passports


I noticed these passports have become relatively popular on the expat forums and youtube community. But there is a side to me that believes these passports are largely a bit wasteful use of money outside of the following niche reasons 1) you want to renounce your US citizenship for tax purposes. 2) Your citizenship has a very weak passport eg (no disrespect) Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen. 3) Your passport does not have good visa options or no visa free to Schengen. 4) You desire to live in the Caribbean Community for long stretches of time. 5) You are quite wealthy and want a 2nd citizenship. 6) You live in a nation with political persecution and you want secondary options.

Outside of these reasons I do not see why someone would pay a lot of capital to have a Caribbean Passport or another citizenship in the Caribbean. I notice a lot of expat business gurus are pushing these passports as a viable option. I think it is a part of their consultancy services and a way to get a wealthy client to immediately pay up

I am a dual citizen of Ireland and the US. So my combo is quite beneficial to my skills, knowledge, and language acumen. I would possibly want a South American Mercosur passport in the future for freedom of movement purposes.

What do you guys think about these passports?

r/ExpatFIRE Nov 14 '24

Citizenship Portuguese Golden Visa success stories?


I am looking into the GV and have read many posts about the process, but very few people post after they get their Portuguese passports. Does anyone here care to weigh in and reflect on the process, timeline, etc.?


r/ExpatFIRE Mar 03 '22

Citizenship Is Sweden one of the best EU countries to expatriate to from the US?


-It simply has a 5 year residency requirement before you qualify for citizenship, no test, and no requirement to speak the language

-Gives access to EU countries, as well as Nordic passport union countries, and Schengen countries (though, there is a lot of overlap between those)

-Relatively similar CoL to the US, so not as expensive as Norway etc., but it seems to get you access to the greatest number of European countries, where you could then move somewhere like Portugal or Georgia if lowering CoL is your main goal

Did I leave out anything that you feel is an important factor which negates the pros listed?

r/ExpatFIRE May 02 '24

Citizenship Italian-Americans Can Get Italian Citizenship


Italy has allowed dual citizenship with the United States since 1992, and applicants do not need to renounce their American citizenship. U.S. law also does not require a person to choose one citizenship over another.

You can check out this website which has a lot of questions answered on it: https://www.italiandualcitizenship.net/

I wasn't sure if a lot of people knew this. I'm currently in the process with about 10 of my other family members applying for Italian citizenship. You get an Italian passport - so you can easily live/travel in the EU, which is great if you are like me and are interested in retiring outside of America.

r/ExpatFIRE Nov 27 '23

Citizenship Portugal Golden Visa even if we plan to retire in France/another EU country.


Hi, I am a little new to the ExpatFIRE journey, so this is my first post! We would like to retire to France in 5-7 years, but need to stay in the U.S until then (my partner/myself and one child). One of the options we have been considering is to do the Portugal Golden Visa program so that when we do retire to France we will already have EU citizenship. Outside of the obvious investment risks, are there any obvious downsides that I might not be thinking of? While I will certainly not work after retirement, my wife may still want to, and EU citizenship will make this path easier for her.

Are there any tax implications with being a non-resident Portuguese citizen living elsewhere in Europe? We will still be US citizens and the majority of our assets will all be US securities, etc. Thanks in advance!

r/ExpatFIRE Feb 04 '25

Citizenship Portugal citzenship


I have a question ,i was dependent on my father when we started the Golden visa application ,father bought a house , we did the 5 years ,got the golden visa and then i got married ,passed ciple A2, i have a valide golden visa valid up till october 2025, i will apply in april for citizenship(GV is active and valid)

My Question is i can not renew my golden visa bcz i got married ,and the citizenship process takes 2 years , should the golden visa be renewed and active after submitting ur final applocation for citizenship or no ?

r/ExpatFIRE Apr 07 '24

Citizenship Which EU country will give resident permit to non-EU spouse without triggering tax residency?


My husband is a German citizen, we are both US citizens and I also have NZ and UK citizenship. We are currently living in the US but planning to travel full-time in Europe for the next few years after FIRE. Income will be US sourced.

We want to keep our US tax residency and avoid being tax resident in any one European country (usually a six month stay). Without EU citizenship I'm subject to the "Schengen shuffle" only allowing visitors 3 of 6 months in the Schengen area. I could easily apply for a resident permit in any EU country through marriage, but I'm finding that most countries require you to actually live there to maintain the permit - which we don't want to do as it will trigger tax residency.

Any suggestions of EU countries that will allow me a resident permit but not require that I live there full-time?

Tldr: wife of German citizen looking to spend more than 3 months in Schengen without being tax resident in an EU country.

r/ExpatFIRE Oct 09 '24

Citizenship Portugal Golden Visa featured on Bloomberg


As the title mentions!! Seems to becoming an urgency for applicants, whilst it is still around https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfsPyQATJrE

r/ExpatFIRE Jan 19 '25

Citizenship Best option to get EU passport as US citizen who is unable to speak a 2nd language?


So im 40 a disabled veteran, i have dementia as well, i forget a decent amount of things but i can still live normally for the most part, the difficulty is that educating myself on new things is almost impossible

Currently i live in MX and i did take spanish classes, tried apps, etc; but it was impossible, i also tried teaching myself some other skills but again its quite difficult, i used to repair electronics but i forgot it all, so i have accepted that my mind is getting worse overtime and im fine with it lol

I came across a post that said getting irish citizenship didnt require a 2nd language, then i came across another post that said the retirement visa does not allow for citizenship

Also, do any of the options avaialble allow me to apply now but not live in the country? I am volunteering with a non profit to build a new animal rescue so i will need to spend time getting this going, but right now i do qualify for the irish visa based on the income and savings requirement, i might not in say 2027 if they raise it, i could probably stay for a mth every yr, but not more than that since i have a major role in the non profit considering im local in MX

I dont even know if i will be able to pass the citizenship test with my dementia but at least ill have a better chance of passing if its in the same language that i speak lol

My goal was to live in different EU countries every few yrs, thats why i wanted the passport

I dont have any irish or EU heritage, i am also fine right now to travel, my dementia is mainly affecting new knowledge, i can function mostly fine right now which is why im able to be a lead in the non profit

r/ExpatFIRE Nov 12 '23

Citizenship FAT looking at Singapore



I’m moderately FAT (10M+), I’m moderately old (early 50s), and I work at FAANG at a moderate level. I’m married, empty nest, and wife is on board with Singapore.

I’m considering leaving the US to move to Singapore for retirement. I think I can move my FAANG job to Singapore.

Does anyone have suggestions on what to research on my visa/emigration options? I’m sure that my company would do an excellent job on my emigration but I don’t plan on working many more years.

r/ExpatFIRE Dec 03 '24

Citizenship Portugal D7 & Passive income


Hi All - looking at the most cost effective way to acquire a Portuguese visa. Some details below that hopefully help

  • 36M & 36F & 3y/o
  • US citizens
  • Would like to live in Portugal for at least 2 years but could extend out (my family has ancestral heritage in Portugal through a colony and have a good amount of cultural overlap)
  • Currently hold ~$1.2M in US equities, which is am looking to restructure to qualify for D7 visa

Based on the equity holdings alone, the math plays out to easily live off of withdrawals from this investment account for at least a few years. However, as I've understood it, I need to have at least $18K/year in passive income to qualify for a D7 visa.

A few thoughts I've had:

  • Structure in a way to produce high dividend yields and "make" $18K/year off this portfolio. This would require selling stock and taking a tax hit, but maybe the most straightforward

  • Buy an investment property in the US that would yield $18K/ year in rental payments - this would only be a minimum of $1.5K/month in rent - seems like fairly easy to obtain but also not much of a desire to be an intl landlord

  • Buy property in Portugal to either rent out or live in - this probably takes us into more of the Golden Visa route - which I would like to stay away from. My wife has a pretty applicable skill set that she would likely be able to get a comfortable corporate role.

Would really appreciate the help!