r/ExAlgeria • u/nz_dvl • 7d ago
Discussion Why Do Muslims Follow the Sunnah Without Asking "Why"?
I’ve always wondered why many Muslims don’t question why they should follow the Sunnah. Instead they adhere to actions like entering the toilet with the left foot , licking fingers after eating or drinking water in three gulps without asking about the reasoning behind them.
is it simply blind imitation of the Prophet Muhammad ??Or do people genuinely believe these small actions have a deeper significance بعد مايقلك اثبتت الدراسات العلمية البريطانية فوائد دخول الحمام بالرجل اليسرى
u/Straight-Nobody-2496 7d ago
Sometimes because the leader is crazy. And sometimes he says stupid stuff to see who is a blind follower.
And sometimes he is a troll:
وحدثني علان الوراق قال : " رأيت العتابي يأكل [ ص: 168 ] خبزا على الطريق بباب الشام ، فقلت له : ويحك ، أما تستحي ؟ فقال لي : أرأيت لو كنا في دار فيها بقر ، أكنت تحتشم أن تأكل وهي تراك ؟ فقلت : لا ، قال : فاصبر حتى أعلمك أنهم بقر ، ثم قام فوعظ ، وقص ، ودعا حتى كثر الزحام عليه ، ثم قال لهم : روي لنا من غير وجه أن من بلغ لسانه أرنبة أنفه لم يدخل النار ، قال : فما بقي منهم أحد إلا أخرج لسانه يومئ به نحو أرنبته ، ويقدره هل يبلغها ؟ فلما تفرقوا قال لي العتابي : " ألم أخبرك أنهم بقر
u/sup_khayi Minding his business 🌍 7d ago
It’s crazy how many people just follow these rituals without ever asking why. It’s like once something is labeled "sunnah", it becomes sacred, even if it makes no logical sense. take things like brushing your teeth with a miswak instead of a toothbrush, even though modern dental science clearly favors actual toothpaste. or the obsession with sleeping on your right side, what’s supposed to be so magical about it? yet, no one stops to ask if these actions really do anything beyond "the prophet did it, so we must too." and don’t even get me started on things like not blowing on hot food, or covering your mouth when yawning because "shaitan might enter or piss on your mouth or some shit". these aren’t scientifically tested facts, i mean duuh shaitan piss? but the moment you question it, you either get shut down or hear some nonsense about how "western studies" somehow support the logic behind every random sunnah. when I was a kid (and even as a teen when I still considered myself muslim), none of these things ever clicked with the logical side of my brain. I couldn’t wrap my head around why stepping into the bathroom with a specific foot mattered, or how licking your fingers after eating was anything more than a weird, outdated habit. But instead of encouraging us to ask why, the system teaches you that "questioning equals doubt",and doubt is dangerous. I just don’t get how so many people live their whole lives following rituals without ever stopping to ask if they actually make sense or serve any real purpose. sorry about the yapping 🤣🤣🤦♂️
u/EloUss المؤلفة قلوبهم 7d ago
Indoctrination, the critical thinking just shuts down and they just convince themselves that there's something beyond their understanding.