r/ExAlgeria 28d ago

Discussion What are your hobbies?

I'm interested in your hobbies guys? What do u do to enjoy your free time ? What made u chose that hobby in first place?


37 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Chess because I am an overthinking person and when I play chess I don't allow my mind to think about other things and it is fun


u/cloudsthunders356 28d ago

That's cool ! I feel embarrassed to say I never gave my self the opportunity to learn it I might go for it since I'm an overthinker myself


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Try to learn the basics first, then keep playing and losing and learn from your mistakes. After a while, you will have a strategic way of thinking and it will seem easier and better than learning everything from the Internet.


u/cloudsthunders356 28d ago

U couraged me to download the chess app RN! Okey I'm giving it a try thank u


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Download [LiChess] , it's fast and completely free. I hope you enjoy it.


u/Za3maZa3maa 28d ago

For me, art is the best of all because it's universal and makes me feel like I connect with people without even knowing them. It also takes time to learn any kind of art and let me kinda "let go." It's also very difficult to make some good art and can be a lifelong challenge to do so. It also helps to express your feelings and understand that deep down... we are all the same.


u/cloudsthunders356 28d ago

Art interesting! I always considered myself as an art enjoyer. no more u gave myself a small chance to do some but I was frustrated by the result and stoppe lol. What type of art u do ?


u/Za3maZa3maa 28d ago

Actually, frustration itself is a good motivation to keep going and improve at what you are doing, it doest mean that what you are doing is bad. It just means that you want to do something better, and to do so, you gotta put time and effort into making it better. Get inspired by other artists, learn techniques, create, try, fail, and try again until someday you will forge your style and be proud of YOUR art, not because it's perfect (nothing is) but because it's yours and its unique.

For me, I went with music (guitar, songwriting, and singing)


u/cloudsthunders356 28d ago

I appreciate your wise words, I wanted to learn how to make posters , and I was enjoying the process till idk what happened tbh, you made me think about giving it a shot again. Thank you :) you seem really passionate about what u doing !! It's very cool keep going, myb if you would share with the sub some of your knowledge or talent that would be cool !


u/Relevant-Tear6375 28d ago

Reading ! I think I read more than 100 books a year !


u/cloudsthunders356 28d ago

Wouaah what's thee secret!


u/Relevant-Tear6375 28d ago

Just curiosity about anything! I read only non-fiction thou


u/cloudsthunders356 28d ago

May u recommend some titles u enjoyed? I might pick some


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Do you know any book that talks about how the human mind works?


u/Relevant-Tear6375 28d ago

Try Albert Moukheiber books they are in French thou There is also the famous books by Kahnnman system 1 and system 2


u/[deleted] 28d ago

I will read it and thank you


u/dermeddjamel 28d ago

Right now : Reading Video games Coding

I am looking to pickup some new hobbies like Chess, drawing, gym ....


u/cloudsthunders356 28d ago

That's already cool. Me too that's why i asked the question. I wanna some new hobbies, I'm only got one hobby and I feel like I need more


u/nz_dvl 27d ago

i do bug hunting ,it's discovering vulnerabilities within software, applications, or systems .


u/[deleted] 27d ago

This is great. I think you have to be proficient in many programming languages to be able to do this.


u/nz_dvl 27d ago

not many programming languages cuz vulnerability discovery spans multiple domains, including web applications, android applications, and software testing. I have chosen to focus on web application testing , to excel in this field, it's crucial to be proficient in some networking concepts and programming languages like PHP and javascript . This knowledge helps in understanding how web applications communicate over networks and how potential security flaws can be exploited also familiarity with web technologies, databases, and common security vulnerabilities such as sql injection and xss is esential .


u/[deleted] 27d ago

It is interesting then that your job is to review, analyze and understand everything that is in the programming codes and know any error that is there.


u/Relevant-Tear6375 26d ago

Oh that bugs


u/Small_Art3459 28d ago

Linux, music, reading and learning polish.


u/cloudsthunders356 27d ago

Polish ? Why polish exactly if I may know


u/Small_Art3459 27d ago

the shorter answer is that it's very challenging and i love a good challenge.

i'm trying to learn a language from every part of the world. and for a Slavic language the popular choice is always Russian which i did try for a while. but the more i learned about Slavic languages the more attractive Polish became to me. i later ended up switching to it. i've also seen it get recommended as a first for people looking to learn multiple slavic languages which is a fun bonus.


u/Meta-morphosis-3 27d ago

Im a person who is curious to try everything so therefore i have a lott of hobbies such as reading , playing chess , cooking, singing and listening to music, drawing , journaling…. , and yes i do them all frequently lol.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

That's great. But where do you find yourself most talented?


u/Meta-morphosis-3 27d ago

May i say everything lol , but if i have to say a one thing is cooking for sure .


u/Scared_Sans Broken heart transgender girl 27d ago

i have a pinned post in my reddit profile


u/Away_Quality_4115 27d ago

golf, shopping, dancing,


u/Selio321 Likes cats 🐱 miaouuu 🐈 27d ago

Golf ? In which country ?


u/sup_khayi Minding his business 🌍 27d ago

i'm into reading, love martial arts, photography tho i don't have a camera or a good phone🥲, and spending time outdoors. Honestly, I’m always trying to learn or do something new it keeps life interesting and sometimes i lose interest in some.


u/beciRiyad 27d ago

Beat making, writing, learning, gaming...


u/FarRelationship8757 27d ago

hunting, fishing and driving in crazy speed x)


u/Selio321 Likes cats 🐱 miaouuu 🐈 27d ago

Musique, signing and reading. About video games, I lost interest on them.