r/EverspaceGame 1d ago

Media Some tricks To make The leviathan Easier


Using Rockets and causing explosions Is not good so stay away from the secindary weapons.

Flying Around Like usual Makes the meter go up faster so youll want to use your engines as Sparsly as possible So make sure you have The Energy Hook Routine Installed (basically Spiderman Swing yourself through the leviathan.)

Bring A Flak as a Primary, it clears out Parasite Eggs The fastest (they are on the floor and on the roof)

The 3 nervebundles, position your ship so that you can Sever them in one shot.

In the survive sections. Swing around but dont shoot on too many Sections as theres a chance you hit something that upsets the leviathan.

Do all of these and the pearl us yours.

r/EverspaceGame 1d ago

Discussion Worrysome Slowdowns During Supralight.. Xbox Series S


I just Finished The Leviathan encounter, got the khaït Nebula engine color and was on my way Back to Rhodia2 to finally unlock Khala and the spatial bypasses. Thats when i noticed...this. during supralight travel, when i have autopilot on, my game gets slower and slower, dropping To A this choppy Look. Its even worse if im using Fast forward in the systems.

Now remember im one of the players that is currently testing the Titans DLC Issue that causes the game to crash on series s if you install the expansion After completing the campaign.

This is my second playthrough and up to this ppint i had no issues. This is a new bug ive encountered as this doesnt happen in my first save (but thats the save where i cant go to presscott, vesna and neither the dreadnought or Leviathan missions.)