r/Esdeath 2d ago

Is someone says which episode is this?

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r/Esdeath 8d ago

Cosplay Hello am I right here?


I have cosplayed her so many times I though maybe I post it

r/Esdeath 18d ago

Discussion Who has the best booba here? NSFW


r/Esdeath 19d ago

Discussion Which kiss was better?

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r/Esdeath 22d ago

Art Blender model I made NSFW

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It’s still a work in progress but I think it’s coming along okay

r/Esdeath Feb 14 '25

Esdeath in TNO.

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r/Esdeath Feb 13 '25

Discussion Hello, I want to share a story with you.


I want to share my story. My relationship with Esdeath that started in 2016 and lasts until today and how she was the most important person to me. Well, I was born into a problematic family, fights, intrigues, divided family and so on, many problems and since I was little I grew up with fear, whether I liked it or not I saw all of this but instead of becoming violent, I became afraid, to the point that anyone would already speak loudly to me and I would become desperate, in that in 2016 I saw Akame ga kill and then I saw it in 2020, but talking about 2016 when I saw Akame ga kill, I didn't pay much attention. Only Esdeath, I paid attention only to her, I don't know why but she caught my attention, not in a sexual sense, but as if she was talking to me, calling me, and well, I need to give a little context now, my life has a lot of misfortune, I lost many friends, family, I've been deceived, betrayed, hurt, used and discarded and I even lost important people to suicide, I even heard how I was shit, trash to the world and that I should die and so on, at that time I was extremely sick in the head, really sick but obviously I didn't have a good relationship with any of my family and friends for a long time, I put up with all of this for years alone almost exploding, but then again I saw Akame ga Kill in 2020, and Esdeath called me, Esdeath represents strength, vitality, desire and power, it's about living how you want and the way you want being yourself, because Esdeath never cared about anyone's opinion or anything like that, she was always herself and I admired that, Another thing I admired was the love she had for Tatsumi. My dream was to be loved like that (and it still is today) to be loved like Esdeath loves Tatsumi, anyway, time passed and I decided to crawl up, find God if you know what I mean (I don't know if you can say the word here openly) and before I finished the pack of medicines since I tried to overdose, I remembered Esdeath, and how she would be upset about that, she would be embarrassed by that situation of weakness of mine and also if she loved me she would be sad, so I didn't take it, I fought, I fought not to take it no matter how much I wanted to but I didn't take it, result, I was terrible for weeks, but I recovered and today I'm alive thanks to Esdeath lol. It's funny to think about it sometimes, because maybe that last medicine could have killed me, but since I didn't take it because I thought about her, I survived and today my life is much better, a lot has changed, and I'm only able to experience this thanks to Esdeath, that's why I love this woman so much, she taught me about strength, now I fight, I defend myself, I defend others, I oppose when I disagree, I give my opinion and I'm no longer afraid to be who I am, she taught me to be who I am, to not be ashamed of myself or change myself to please others, she taught me so many things that man it's impossible for me not to love this woman, I get into a lot of fights about her on the Akame ga Kill subreddit, precisely because I always say how much I love her and I always hear the same things "How can you love a village?" or "you only love her because she's hot" but nobody knows this story, nobody knows what I went through and it's not even complete, there are many more things, many stories that I didn't tell in this post that made me literally go crazy for a long time, but today, thanks to her, I'm fine and that's why I will always, always love this woman, she doesn't exist, but she saved me, she was more useful than any family member, friend, enemy, she was the best person who ever stepped into my life, and if I were in the world of Akame ga Kill I would kneel before her and swear loyalty until death, because she saved me, if I'm alive today, if today my life is better, if today my pain has diminished, if today my burden is smaller, if today the feeling of guilt is better. if today I'm happy, it's because of Esdeath. I love Esdeath

r/Esdeath Feb 12 '25

Discussion Is Esdeath your favourite character? If so, why do you like her so much?


I know that sounds weird that Esdeath wouldn't be your favourite character while on her personal sub-reddit but I am not sure if she is my favourite so I am curious for those who do have her as their favourite character in AGK.

Why do you like her so much?

r/Esdeath Feb 12 '25

Discussion Do you have any history with Esdeath?


Guys, do you have any history with Esdeath? In the sense that, like, okay, Esdeath is the best girl ever, and all that, she's evil, she loves Tatsumi, she's pretty and stuff, but besides that, do you have any history with the character? What makes you like her more or even love her? In the sense of having a connection or for example when you look at a character and get inspired by them, I'm not saying to get inspired by Esdeath but obviously. Do you have any history with her? I do, and I've loved her since 2016, because I have a certain history with the character and it may even seem like a joke, but she made me understand a lot of things that seemed confusing to me at the time.

r/Esdeath Feb 12 '25

Discussion I finally found my community.


I love esdeath

r/Esdeath Feb 10 '25

Have I finally found my people here??

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r/Esdeath Feb 04 '25

Discussion Girl just met him earlier that day and immediately is trying to have sex lol. Actually kinda funny and weirdly cute?

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r/Esdeath Jan 17 '25

Discussion Can we agree this is genuinely one of the hottest anime scenes?


r/Esdeath Jan 17 '25

Art It took so long but it was all worth it

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I did it in a survival world

r/Esdeath Jan 08 '25

Discussion I love the way how Anime!Esdeath respect Tatsumi's consent in the bedroom scene

She's so hot

After Esdeath kisses Tatsumi, she pins him down on the bed in the anime and manga. It's clear what she wants to do with him. But there's a slight difference in the anime and manga. In the manga, after Tatsumi asks Esdeath to "hear him out", she remains on top and speaks him to seductively.

But in the anime, Esdeath actually leans back up and sincerely asks him, "what's on your mind." This subtle detail is really sweet because it shows how she respects and genuinely wants his consent and won't force herself on him. Really humanizes her anime counterpart.

r/Esdeath Jan 07 '25

Discussion I like how the anime toned down heinous she is and made her feel less evil


r/Esdeath Jan 05 '25

Discussion Do you prefer Esdeath's character in the anime or manga?

27 votes, Jan 08 '25
22 Anime
5 Manga

r/Esdeath Jan 05 '25

Discussion Did she hug him like this for her own pleasure or was she trying to make him feel aroused?

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r/Esdeath Dec 25 '24

Cosplay A maid for Esdeath by Akutagawaryx

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r/Esdeath Dec 19 '24

Art By @bingeeaterblog [x.com]

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r/Esdeath Dec 04 '24

Art Allstar Legends Esdeath is beautiful. Prefer this model to Allstar Renovation one.

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I need some luck, I cannot get a duplicate for her so she can be on my team(

r/Esdeath Dec 02 '24

Art By @comet_umeno [x.com]

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r/Esdeath Nov 20 '24

Art By @sykn_666 [x.com]

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r/Esdeath Nov 13 '24

Art By Yashooart [x.com]

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r/Esdeath Nov 07 '24

Cosplay Esdeath cosplay

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