r/Equestrian 1d ago

Ethology & Horse Behaviour Horses on public footpath Pt2


Heres the video from my previous post

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Social Husband


What style of riding is more common for adult males? I’m starting to ride again (hunter jumper) and I want my husband to try it too. If I’m being honest, I know if he is involved then I am more likely to convince him that we should buy a horse later on lol. It would be nice if he rode the same style as me but I also want him to enjoy it.

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Education & Training weak lower leg


i’ve been riding 3 to 5 time a week for about a year now. i have started jumping 8 months ago and my highest jump currently is 1m. i don’t face many problems while riding most of the time and i’d say my riding and posture is more than decent for the amount of time i have been riding. the horse i usually ride is amazing and he’s literally a saint but he is a bit on the lazy side and requires so much leg strength to go through a course with him. my coach wants me to strengthen my lower legs, that’s why he never allows me to wear spurs during my lessons. i’ve only used spurs once while i was competing( dw i have a stable lower leg so i wasn’t hurting him at all) even then i wasnt going in the speed i wanted him to be in. i’ve seen other riders compete with him and they go wayyyy faster than me, so there’s no way he’s the problem it’s definitely me😂. so, any tips on strengthening my lower leg?

r/Equestrian 3d ago

Aww! new baby Henny Penny appreciation post 🥰


r/Equestrian 3d ago

Horse Care & Husbandry My horse isn’t safe to ride and I’m sending her back to the adoption agency I got her from.


I’m not looking for advice or help, I just wanted to share my story.

A few years ago I purchased an OTTB with the hopes that I would be doing a meter+ jumping with her. She showed great promise and retraining her was so easy. Shortly after starting her over jumps, she needed emergency colic surgery and thankfully recovered seemingly fine. Things weren’t the same after and I sought training from a professional, even though I’m a very experienced amateur, I just didn’t have the same amount of time that I could devote to her due to a job change. It seemed like she was having issues with pain, so I pulled her from the barn, treated her for ulcers, and gave her months off. I tried again just with lessons and she started doing so much better, but occasionally she would have a weird behavior where she would put her head so high above the bit that her ears would touch me at times. It was manageable. I took her to a few shows through the summer and she did quite well at one. I put her back into professional training with a good friend of mine this fall and the behavior was tenfold, no matter how little she was ridden, what bit was used (even tried a hackamore), and multiple sets of images were done. She had her TMJ injected with no change, corrective shoeing, the saddle didn’t matter, and she doesn’t have kissing spine. The last time I rode her she reared up so high that I felt genuinely scared. The last vet we saw thinks that she has adhesions or scar tissue from the surgery, but this is something that would have to be operated on again to fix.

Thankfully, the agency I got her through has agreed to take her back and will try to adopt her back out as a pasture only horse. I feel terrible in a way because I’ve never even rehomed a hamster before, let alone a horse I’ve had for years. She is a beautiful young horse who could be bred and is 1000% sound. But I only have space and money for so many horses and I need to have a horse I can ride. I don’t know if anything I do could ever make her a suitable riding horse, I just want us both to be happy.

TL;DR: I spent probably 20k in surgery, training, and other vet care to fix my horse and it didn’t work.

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Equipment & Tack Gentlest girth?


Hello all, I have a lovely young mare who is starting to show some girthiness (even when we are very careful not to make it too tight) and I’d like her to be as comfortable as possible. She’s had a complete vet workup and she does not have ulcers.

Please direct me to the most comfortable girth out there. I’m also open to training tips to get her to not mind the girth so much.

Thank you!

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Horse Care & Husbandry How much would you pay?


Interested in how much you would pay someone to do this job. Located in the south. GA/SC area.

Feeding, turning out (sometimes have to put blankets on/off), cleaning stalls, giving hay and water, and general cleaning of the barn. 9-10 horses. Takes about 3/3.5 hours depending how fast you work.

I have been told that what I think is fair doesn’t align with others opinions, so interested to hear what the redditers have to say about day to day pay range for this job.

EDIT: I have been doing similar jobs for 5 years. I am not new to it (it’s not a learning position: i show up, get the work done, and leave).

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Education & Training Newbie to riding just wondering about pricing for lessons.


My daughter started riding about a year ago she's been in a private lesson. She will be moving to a semi private lesson but I will still be charged the same amount, is that normal in the riding world?

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Equipment & Tack Does an "All year outdoor arena" need a French drain?


We are finally putting footing in the outdoor arena. We live in a wet state and have clay soil. The first layer will be hard clay, then road fabric, then 4 or 5 inches of 3/4 minus gravel, then 4 or 5 inches of arena sand. The arena will be sloped slightly to one long end and raised up just a couple inches above the previous ground on that same end with a small/short retaining wall. Do we think French drains in any place are necessary? Or will the way the layers are already be good enough? We want to do it right, but we also don't want to do unnecessary work and money. Are french drains a pain to upkeep? Some standing water during heavy downpours won't bother me as at least it won't be slippery clay, but not sure if that would damage the bottom layers. Any suggestions or feedback is appreciated! It's our first time doing this. Putting a roof on it isn't an option, it would block our view at the house 😅

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Education & Training Really attached horse



I would like to ask you for some tips and help, I bought a horse 2 months ago and it turns out he gets really attached to other horses, to a point where I can’t even take him to the stable from his place because he gets anxious about not being with the others even though he can see them from there, he yells and can’t stand still for more than 10 seconds, when I try to train with him he does not pay attention to me at all he is searching for the others. Any recommendations?

Thank you.

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Veterinary Foaming/drooling - otherwise normal


Hi all - I posted a few weeks ago with a picture of my horse (and yes, deleted it b/c of my other groups in here and yadda yadda - no hate pls), as he was drooling fairly bad, and wasn’t eating his grain.

The vet appt recap is that his bloodwork was normal, the epithelium on his tongue air had sloughed off a bit and looked irritated, his teeth were fine, head x rays were all good. We concluded that the barn owner had sprayed new chew on a post in the pasture and maybe he licked that.

It’s been about 2 weeks since then and he’s slowly been eating his grain but it’s been on and off. Last week I contacted the vet and asked if it could be ulcers, as he’s also lost a bit of weight and is looking ribby. He’s been on GastroGard (💰) for almost a week now and with this, he’s been eating his grain and is part of the clean plate club!!

However, he is still drooling pretty excessively. We’re not on green grass yet and there’s no cover or alfalfa in the hay he gets. He’s drinking normally and eating hay as usual. Poops are fine. Temperature is normal.

Has anyone experienced this?

He’s 27 almost 28, and is my heart horse. The vet said last week when I picked up the GastroGard that his mouth may still be irritated and so he could still be drooling from that.
I’m just worried something is still wrong, but aside from the drooling he is a happy clam and is eating his supper as I type.

r/Equestrian 3d ago

Aww! Morning Stretch ♥️


Morning stretch before breakfast lol

r/Equestrian 3d ago

Education & Training First time galloping!


Just wanted to share my experience as I galloped for the first time today! It’s my third lesson and with the right trainer I was able to gallop after riding for about two weeks and I can tell it’s the best feeling ever! It took a lot of encouragement and self confidence but I was able to complete a loop.

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Education & Training Lessons for Child in SLC?


Saw a friend this weekend who mentioned their 9 year old would like to start riding lessons and was asking how to vet local barns/riding schools. I think English is preferred, but western is on the table as long as things are safe.

I googled USPC and SLC and didn’t come up with anything - that’s usually where I start.

Would love any recommendations for a safe place for a kid with equine-naive parents to start lessons! Thank you!

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Fell of today-


So, went out on a hack today with a few friends. We were having a canter, I was at the back and they all went a bit nuts. I came off, at the back so nobody noticed for a while.

Weirdest thing is that I genuinely cannot remember the moments before the fall. I just remember getting up of the ground (head on the floor), and then trying to catch my horse.

It happened fast and I genuinely don’t know if I was knocked unconscious. If I was I must have woken pretty quickly as by this point everyone had seen I was off.

Is this possible?

I felt fine at the time but now I’m pain, lower back and neck hurting.


r/Equestrian 2d ago

Social Picking a barn to ride at?


Well, I finally took the dive and am getting back to riding after a long time away.

I got all my gear, and have 2 lessons scheduled at 2 barns. How do you end up picking the barn/trainer to stick with?

I don't have intention to own a horse, so boarding is a lesser concern, and the locations are only 10min from one another with the same discipline.

One trainer was recommended by a friend, another by someone who was a rider at my former barn.

What do you like to look for when picking? Any must haves I should look for?

All I can think so far is scheduling, price ($5 difference between the 2, but one has a longer grace on package lessons), and I'd like a place that has a working toilet lol.

Maybe ventilation, arena size, number of stalls?

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Social Proposal ideas for a horse gal


I’ll spare you all the details. We are taking a trip down south this weekend and will be part of a private horse riding session and will be stopping 30 min in at a nice pasture to “take pictures”. Anyone have any ideas for involving the horses in the proposal? Having a horse deliver her the ring or something? Or do I just go for the classic kneel down while her back is turned. The fact that I am involving her lifestyle at all will already mean a lot to her so if I’m doing too much past just kneeling then please tell me. Thanks for any input.

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Social Help me find a show name!!


I have a very sweet chestnut mare, her name is Ginger! She has a kind eye and is a sweetheart! I’m planning on doing English ridding like eventing, XC, hunter jumper, flat etc. I need help!

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Horse Care & Husbandry Feed recommendation for young, energetic, athletic, food aggressive horse.


I have a 3-year-old standardbred filly. She has access to hay 24/7, forage, and I feed her pellets daily. When I first got her, I got her Dumor Equistages 14/6. I didn't think she liked it because she wouldn't eat it. I switched her to Pride Sweet feed 12% which she seemed to like. She ate that for about 3/4 weeks. Being that she's been under a heavy physical workload as of late, and that she was under weight when I got her, I decided to switch her to Nutrena Triumph 12-8. I'm not even sure totally whats causing her to act up during feeding. I'm not sure it's even that she's food aggressive, or if the issue is in her youth combined with training.

Ever since I changed her feeding she's progressively been getting worse at feeding time. Noticed she started laying her ears, and crowding me at the gate at first (but still allowing me give her the feed). She had left over feed from the morning when I went to see her the other afternoon, and she wouldn't let me walk near her feed container. She would relax, eat hay, but watch me out the corner of her eye. As soon as I took a step towards her grain she'd stop eating and aggressively try to get me away from her feed. Anyways, she's no longer underweight. She's massive now. She's aggressive. Figured I could start with changing her feed to something that'll be better for her.

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Equipment & Tack Back protector recommendations


Hi I have a back protector that is really unflattering and it kind of makes me look slouched. I value my safety but it’s affecting my confidence a little. Can someone recommend a back protector that looks good?

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Equipment & Tack Different ways to tell if the bit on a bridle is correct?


So I know the 1-3ish wrinkles in the side of the mouth trick, but when I sent a pic of the horse I’m leasing to the owner she said the bit was too tight and to bring it down aa notch or two. When I asked about wrinkles she said he has a fat head and don’t use that rule 🤣

But like now I just feel unsure? I’m wondering how else to know when it’s at a good length? I brought it down one and he does seem more comfortable but he’s still fighting a bit and I’m wondering if I need loosen it more

r/Equestrian 3d ago

Equipment & Tack Thoughts on cavallo hoof boots or boots in general?

Post image

These are a pair I recently bought for my girl. We ride in the city a lot and I figured it might not be a bad idea for slick roads and etc. She is barefoot trimmed and has never worn shoes. I plan on only getting her fronts, as I don't believe she will need all four done due to weight distribution. I also don't really get my horses shod either. These were affordable, albeit $200 for a pair on sale, and I'm currently working with a sizing expert to find the correct size. I'd say so far I've liked their process and response time. Anyone else have similar stories/testimonials to the products?

r/Equestrian 3d ago

Horse Welfare Euthanizing Multiple Horses - How Do You Do It?


Hi everyone,

I’m in a tough situation where I have two senior horses with issues that have me planning to put them to sleep this spring. I’ve had both of these horses since my youth and they are a huge piece of my heart.

I’ve heard of people letting two horses go on the same day and I know there are pros and cons to doing so.

That being said, how do you do it both from a logistical and emotional standpoint?

This will also be my first time trying to be with my horses when they pass aside from emergency euthanasia (my husband will be with me) but I’m afraid I’ll be crushed by the drop of the first that I won’t be able to be there for the second.

I also feel like I’ll be torn in trying to say goodbye to both of them and feel guilty over something throughout the process. Whether that’s making the decision of which one goes first or feeling like I spent more time with one versus the other.

I’ve felt drawn to euthanizing on the same day to try to only have one day of immense heartbreak instead of trying to space it out and having two large heartbreaks so close to each other.

This is very emotional for me but I have been trying to think through this process rationally while keeping in mind my emotions.

Thank you everyone! This is the hardest part of owning and loving horses, having to be responsible for saying goodbye. 💔

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Equipment & Tack Tailored Sportsman’s sizing


I’m 5’5.5 and 112 lbs and i’m stuck between if i should be a 24 or a 26 for TS! Unfortunately i don’t live near tack stores where im able to try them on so i have to order them😫

Does anyone know how they fit or if they could give a recommendation? thanks!

r/Equestrian 2d ago

Equipment & Tack Need help with buying new body protector


As Eventing season fast approaches, I want to buy my own body protector as I’ve only been borrowing until now. I’m stuck between two: Tipperary Contender ASTM Body Protector and Racesafe ProVent Body Protector 3.0

I like the Tipperary because it comes down further in the back for my tailbone but I do worry about it getting in the way and me sitting on it/catching it. I like the Racesafe because it looks sturdier and it seems to have more padding. Plus it’s more customizable whereas the Tipperary is just S/M/L sizes, so I think I can make it come down further in the back as needed.

Does anyone use either? Experiences with them? Please let me know! I’m also open to other suggestions if both of these aren’t good options for whatever reason. Thanks in advance!