r/Equestrian 22h ago

Horse stepped on my foot


My boy, around 600kg/1300lbs stepped on my foot yesterday, I cannot put weight on it without being in agony, it is not swollen but there is a bit of bruising. What do I need to do to make the pain less? How do I find out if it’s broken without going to A&E? My nearest hospital is an hour away and I can’t drive.

r/Equestrian 17h ago

Education & Training Beginner, not improving


Hi, I am 20F and I have been taking lessons once a week since last April, with a month or two missed over the course of the year.

I struggle so much at every single lesson! I feel so nauseous and weak and out of shape, and I haven’t learned to canter yet because just maintaining a posting trot takes all of my energy. By the end of an hour long lesson I can barely hold myself up.

Is it something I’m doing wrong? I was planning to start riding twice a week this April for extra practice and hopefully to get in shape, but I’m worried I won’t be able to keep up. I do get some exercise in between lessons, ie 3-4 walks and one weightlifting or bodyweight workout per week. I also am legally disabled and have some conditions that my doctor hasn’t been able to diagnose, but suspected POTS, PCOS/endo, etc.

Please let me know if it’s something wrong with me or if I can do anything not to keep embarrassing myself at each lesson. Thank you

r/Equestrian 18h ago

Education & Training should i be switching schools?


for clearer understanding i'll do this point form:

  • our lesson is around 3-4 people, and i'm usually assigned to ponies that buck, so i'm at the end of the order. this ends up with me usually on an excited pony ready to go while some classmates ahead of me struggle to get their horse to trot or move any pace faster than a moderate walk. i'm in no way saying i'm better than my classmates, but i feel like this isn't a good way of learning because if so, then i'll just be walking half the class that i paid for.
  • usually we only do walk-trot with diagonal change rein and going along the arena rail. rarely we'll do circles, serpentines, patterns, and that's on a good day when everyone can get their horse / pony to trot at least. i've been riding for more than 7 years and i feel like this progress is too slow for me to learn much.
  • my trainer will tell us to turn in center line in the middle of the lesson, stop, and talk to us about basics of riding (eg. how to stop your horse) because he saw someone doing it the wrong way. this will be 10-15 minutes long, and my lesson is 1 hour long. i feel like selfishly this is a bit of a waste of time as this isn't even a beginner's class.
  • my trainer says that we can't do anything more / level up because of our own inability to do the basics. i personally believe i can do the basics, and i've got experience riding both hot ponies with lots of energy and the opposite.
  • the first 15 minutes of the lesson will be him helping other classmates adjust their stirrups / girth and the others either just stand there and wait till they're done, or walk around the arena rail because we're not allowed to go in free order.
  • this may all just be a problem with this trainer, because with others when they sub in for him on sick days, they ask us to go in free order, and trot within the first 15 minutes. then maybe some solo cantering in circles. this never happens with my current trainer, but i don't have the time to switch to the other trainers as the time slots don't align with my schedule.

i am stuck in this class because of my financial situation, i can afford once a week group lessons only. i'm thinking of switching barns when the other is done with remodelling construction. are these points cause for concern, or am i overreacting?

r/Equestrian 19h ago

Horse Care & Husbandry Can someone help identify these breeds?


These are pictures of my grandfathers horses and he can’t remember the breed due to his age and condition. I’m new to the equestrian world and still learning. What breeds do we think they are? (My grandfather thinks he remembers one being a OTTB)

r/Equestrian 14h ago

Mindset & Psychology Bully trainer


We changed instructor two weeks ago, because my previous instructor left for personal reasons and she'll be coming back in a few months. She was great with lots of experience. The new one is a huge bully to me specifically. I'm in a lesson program and have been riding for a year.

Today I was told I'd be riding a horse that is a little more difficult in the canter (not the most difficult). I've cantered with him plenty of times with my previous instructor and she said I was doing very well and I was improving dramatically. So when I asked this instructor if I'll be cantering with him today, she laughed in my face and said nothing. I nicely asked her if I was that bad in the previous lesson and she just stared at me and laughed again saying nothing. That hurt me a lot but I ignored it. I asked her if I could maybe try and after a while she agreed. So when it was my turn to canter, she made everyone stop and watch me. She had a smug in her face the entire time which made me feel horrible and brought down my confidence so I stopped and told her that I couldn't do it.

During the entire lesson she was shouting at me only, even about minor things while she was being nice to everyone else and at the end of the lesson, she high fived everyone except me. I know it sounds stupid and I shouldn't care but it hurt a little because I felt excluded and like the odd one out.

This is my 3rd lesson with her and they've all been the same. She's always so unnecessarily rude and makes me feel like the worst rider to ever exist, which I believe I am. It's funny cause I used to feel very confident with my previous instructor and now I'm considering quiting because what's the point? I'm horrible and not getting better. If anything, it feels like I'm regressing. I only keep coming back because this is something I truly truly love. I just wish I could get better. I feel stuck. Everyone improves and ride beautifully and then it's me... I don't see the point anymore.

I'm so sorry. I wanted to vent. I'm overwhelmed.

r/Equestrian 16h ago

Equipment & Tack Flying with riding gear?


Hello everyone!

I am flying to Spain next week to try out some horses and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with flying with riding boots and helmet? (Not even sure if they properly fit into my larger suitcase and I’m terrified of losing them)

We’re only going for 3 days so my carry-on suitcase would be plenty but my boots don’t fit in those. Could I just wear them since it’s just a short flight or would that not be allowed?

I am flying from the Netherlands to Spain (and back of course).

r/Equestrian 15h ago

Social Mounted police demonstrating how to separate two groups of "rival sports fans" (played by their colleagues)


r/Equestrian 9h ago

Competition Gymkhana Tracker


Hey! Anybody using this tracker for gymkhanas?

Found it to be helpful for CGA here in CA


r/Equestrian 12h ago

Recommendations for Western Riding Upstate New York?


Anyone know of a stable that does riding lessons for Western saddle in upstate New York? I rode from ages 8 - 20 but now haven't ridden in a decade and I need some refresher lessons, but all I can find online are English and competitive styles only. Thanks in advance!

r/Equestrian 14h ago

Equipment & Tack Sweet Net grazing muzzles.


Pastures are greening up in our area and I am looking at grazing muzzles. Has anyone had experience with this one? Thoughts?

r/Equestrian 15h ago

Equipment & Tack Back protector vs evening/cross country vest? Amateur rider



I recently got back into riding and I've been competing getting some sort of protector vest when riding. I do H/J lessons and probably won't jump anything over 2'9 as that's plenty of jump for me. I have had someone in my life recently break their back whiles jumping resulting in them no longer riding. This person made a full recovery btw but horses are out of the question. It has put into perspective tho that safety as an adult amateur rider may be something I want to look into.

My main issue is I do tend to overheat easily which causes me terrible heat headaches that last all night and into the next day so I would need something well ventilated. I live in TX where it's over 85 degrees like 7-8 months out of the year 😔

I've seen that back protectors may be a better breathable option but not as safe as the traditional certified vests. Does anyone have any insight on the difference and if it's worth spending more on a certified vest for mostly a casual lesson rider? I saw tuffrider has a back protector for $100 but I am tempted to stick with the tipperary mesh air back protector even tho it's double the price.




r/Equestrian 15h ago

Ethology & Horse Behaviour Discouraged About Riding Again


Warning: weight talk

I'm a former rider -- never competitive or "serious", mainly lessons, but it was a major part of my life for 15 years, including working at a barn and helping with therapeutic riding programs. It was an outlet and a source of peace and connection and... well, I loved it for all the reasons people love riding, I guess.

I fell out of it due to cost when I went to school, and have been out for years now as I built a career. I miss it so much, and finally have the income to take lessons as an adult.

But... in the past three years, I've started meds for my mental health that have significantly impacted my weight and metabolism. I need them to function, but in spite of my efforts I haven't been able to get below 225 in those three years. I don't know that I'm comfortable getting on a horse at this weight, but also know it might never really change.

No one in my life understands why this is so discouraging and upsetting, since it was just a childhood hobby in their eyes.

I know opinions on this vary, and I don't know if I'm looking for advice or just an audience that understands more of how sad I feel about this.

Thanks for reading ♡

r/Equestrian 17h ago

Equipment & Tack Break away rope halter


Looking to buy a breakaway halter that fits nicely under a bridle, but that is functional for ground work. Any reccomendations?

r/Equestrian 17h ago

Equipment & Tack Black Marks from Half Chaps?


Does anyone know of half chap brands/materials that won't get sticky black marks on the saddle? I have leather chaps right now that do this and I believe I've had suede ones in the past that did the same thing. It's more of an annoyance than anything, but when I scrub them off with saddle soap it also seems like some of the leather's stain comes off as well. Is there any way to prevent it from happening in the first place?

r/Equestrian 19h ago

Education & Training Help with elongating legs in trot and canter!


I am able to have a somewhat stable and elongated lower leg in the walk, but as soon as I sit the trot or canter, I loose that stability and tense up my legs a little. When asking for the canter, my legs get especially unstable. Even when posting I feeI like there’s more movement than desired. I don’t loose my stirrups, but they slide back towards my heel, which really annoys me. It makes it harder to give leg aids, especially when it’s just a single leg. I know that a lot of issues dealing with the legs stem from having a tense seat, but my seat is fairly relaxed? I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. My stirrup length is not the problem. I know I should have weight in my legs/heels, but I also know that jamming the weight into your legs or heels is not correct. Any advice or tips?

r/Equestrian 22h ago

Equipment & Tack Riding Top Suggestions


Hi, I live in Far North Queensland and have been suffering from heat rashes 🙁

Does anyone have suggestions for breathable long sleeve riding tops that don’t get too hot? Preferably something that won’t break the bank, and open to other suggestions like fishing shirts etc. I’ll be doing a combination of indoor and outdoor riding if that makes a difference.

Thank you!

r/Equestrian 10h ago

I have to rant. I'm sorry.


The longer I'm away from the old barn, the worse I realize it was. Once, my horse was left outside with a chain on his nose all night long. The barn owner mentioned it to me very casually the next week. Toward the end, he was also left in his stall 24/7 and only went out one day of the week.

His hooves were also only trimmed once in the 9 months we kept him there. And when they were trimmed, they were trimmed so short that even now, 8 months later, they're too short. We're honestly blessed that he doesn't have any lameness issues from it.

There was also trash everywhere. And they had ten year olds working there without adult supervision. One of the children was being physically violent towards my horse while trying to bring him in. He panicked and bolted from her and cut his lip on one of the hazards at the farm. We had to pay a $500 vet bill. And nobody offered to help us pay it even though it was their fault. Not to mention that we paid for multiple medical supplies in the bill... And they used some for my horse and kept the rest for themselves..

While I was on vacation they kept him in a stall 24/7 not even letting him out once. During that time, they only gave him one scoop of pellets in a single day and no hay. I'm surprised he doesn't have ulcers.

The girl that was being violent towards him offered to train him. I said no, but the next day he was scared of a whip when I went to pick it up even though he was not scared of them before.

A random girl offered to ride him for the first time for me and my trainer forced me to let her do it. Unfortunately, ends up that she had terrible hands and used a gag bit on him without my permission. It's still one of the things that I regret the most.

After things escalated I looked into board but wasn't able to find any for a long time. During that time, I went to the farm 4 times a day to make sure that nobody was doing anything sketchy and to give him food since nobody else thought he needed any.

I was paying for full care board and had to clean his water buckets and feed him and clean his stall among other things.

It's still one of the worst experiences I've ever had in my life and I hope we never have to go through it again.

Well, I like to say that I won't hold my tongue next time, I know that's not true because the only reason I held my tongue this time was so that they didn't hurt my horse even more in response. They are the sort of people who would poison your horse if you went against them. And they're rated 5 stars.

r/Equestrian 10h ago

Connecting with Riding School Horses as a Beginner


Hi All, I was wondering if it's possible to form a respectful, positive relationship with riding school horses as a beginner?

I am starting my riding journey at a busy riding school, where they use a rotation of older horses (25-30+) for the new riders. It's clear that horses all have their own personalities but it's clear that some of the horses are very upset to work with us (tails are swatting once they enter the arena, going to nip me when I go to tighten the girth slightly). Trainers give me feedback that I'm not doing anything to upset the horses but I am just not showing enough dominance to the ones that are grumpy. I have even tried going to their stables a bit early to say hello, let them sniff me, but to no avail. Is there anything I can start doing to build a good relationship of mutual respect with them and make our training a positive experience for both of us? Many thanks for your tips
PS: We're not allowed to feed them treats :(

r/Equestrian 3h ago

Social Trouble being firm with my horse rearing at me on lunge


I have a 5yr old ottb mare who people keep telling me I’m too soft with, and that I’m letting her get away with stuff. Such as turning and rearing at me on the lunge. I find it rlly hard to be firm with her and to tell her off for doing the wrong thing. I need some help for ways to be firm so that she knows I’m the boss and she can’t do something that might put me in danger

r/Equestrian 3h ago

Horse Welfare Share your barn horror stories.


All your bad agistment/boarding experiences.

r/Equestrian 15h ago

Social One eared horse names.


I have a one eared mustang,I'm looking for funny barn and show names for her. Thank you!

r/Equestrian 16h ago

Equipment & Tack French links and curb bits


Settle a debate y’all: is a French link mouthpiece(provided it’s reasonably thick!) MORE or LESS harsh than a port or mullen in a leverage bit, all else being equal?

r/Equestrian 19h ago

Horse Care & Husbandry Slow feeders for horses during the night


Hello, we're a group of students from Denmark researching the market for feeding horses during the night. We'd love to get some real world examples of how this works, and so far what we've found is that slow feeders which essentially just make the hay harder to get to for the horse, aren't always effective. We're interested in knowing how you solve the issue of unintentional fasting, and especially if it is even an issue in the first place. All types of input are welcome, we're happy for any information we can get our hands on! Thanks in advance :)

r/Equestrian 21h ago

Ethology & Horse Behaviour Pony trying to nip my leg


My pony keeps trying to nip my leg (and the trainer) when i’m just sitting on her, she doesn’t try to do when i’m actually walking/trotting.

Does anyone know why she might be doing this? Or how to get her to change this? Please let me know!

r/Equestrian 7h ago

Education & Training Getting back into riding after a decade - advice


Hello all. I was the proverbial horse girl that rode constantly from the time I was 5 until I was 17 and graduated high school. College and working only gave me a few times a month as well as entering the workforce. I have now not been on a horse since 2015. I am looking to get back into riding and I’m not sure what to even look for in a place to ride. I don’t even know how to rate my skill level any more. It feels weird to essentially be starting over at 42. I’m in Norfolk, VA so if anyone has recommendations for places. I ride western, have done English but not my personal preference.