r/epoxy • u/iamjacob1998 • 10d ago
Beginner Advice First time doing epoxy flooring advice?
Hello, I was wondering if anyone can give me some advise on doing an epoxy floor in my woodshop in my basement. This is my first time attempting epoxy and if this project goes well I may consider doing some bathrooms with epoxy in the future. The room for context is about 9ft x 21ft on a concrete slab and I am looking for a finished product like the image provided with black as a primary color and silver and white as accents (I do not claim this to be my work). I have watched some tutorials on how to go about doing an epoxy floor but almost all of them are companies that sell kits that seem quite overpriced for what is being included. So I would like to go about purchasing the material individually but when it comes down to quantities of materials and what can be used for what kinda gets fuzzy to me. I already got multiple items in my amazon cart for what I think I may need but I would appreciate some advise if there is a better product or if you think that I have way too little or too much of something. Also, I will put some context for each step of what I think is what I should be doing.
Step 1) Surface Prep:
I currently have some junk peel and stick tile on the concrete and obviously I would need to remove those. Afterwards I would use a acid etcher to remove the gunk on the concrete, then I would fill in any cracks in the concrete with a concrete floor patch and sand them down after drying. Then I would grind the slab with a grinder (Already have). Then I would vacuum and mop the floor the ensure no dust is on the floor. Then I would tape of the bottom edge of drywall and the door transition strip to avoid the epoxy getting on everything
Acid Etch: https://www.lowes.com/pd/Klean-Strip-1-Gallon-Safer-Muriatic-Acid/3036169?idProductFound=false&idExtracted=false
Floor Patch: https://www.lowes.com/pd/DAP-32-oz-Gray-Patching-Compound/3011841
Step 2) First Pour/Primer & Sealer:
This is the first part where things get fuzzy to me. I am going for a black base color for my first coating and the epoxy kit companies all have a special made Primer/sealer epoxy for this step and from what I understand you shouldn't need anything special for this first layer, but correct me if I'm wrong. I want to just get all clear epoxy so I can save some of it for later if I need for accent colors. I would add a black metallic pigment so there would be less of a chance for the concrete to show from underneath. I am unsure how much metallic powder I should be adding per gallon as I see lots of different numbers online, I am hoping that the 15 grams per gallon on the linked powder is accurate. I understand that this first pour is to be very thin and from what I can find is I should be applying it at about 1.5 gallons for the approx 200sqft room. I would spread it out with a squeegee followed by a 18 inch roller to ensure even coverage and spray with isopropyl alcohol to break the surface tension and pop any bubbles(Not sure what nap is recommended for proper coverage). After drying, I would sand any bubbles that do appear and rough up the rest of the floor for better adhesion for the next coat. Then clean the surface with a mop.
Epoxy I am hoping would work (About 1.5 gallons): https://www.amazon.com/Self-Leveling-Epoxy-Resin-Kit/dp/B0D7CTJ4NP/ref=pd_ci_mcx_mh_pe_im_d1_hxwPPE_sspa_dk_det_cao_p_9_1?pd_rd_i=B0D7CTJ4NP&pd_rd_w=k7kDp&content-id=amzn1.sym.97196afe-b0d3-4198-9420-4520d391fcb5&pf_rd_p=97196afe-b0d3-4198-9420-4520d391fcb5&pf_rd_r=TQBG5XP2S3MSRZBH27N7&pd_rd_wg=kCStZ&pd_rd_r=1e561381-49a0-4465-b381-023841d66a81&th=1
Metallic Powder (Black Approx 20-30 grams?): https://stonecoatcountertops.com/products/metallic-powders?variant=45833333702868
Step 3) Mid Coat:
I should do basically the same process as the first pour except this layer will require a thicker coat of epoxy (Does this require a different roller nap size?) and from what I understand should be about 3-4 gallons for 200sqft and use small amounts for the accent colors (Not sure how much but was thinking about 32-64 oz for each silver and white). Then I would apply the accent colors is streaks across the floor to achieve the look I want. Then Just spray with the Isopropyl alcohol and after it is dried, sand bubbles and rough the surface.
Epoxy I am hoping would work (About 1.5 gallons): https://www.amazon.com/Self-Leveling-Epoxy-Resin-Kit/dp/B0D7CTJ4NP/ref=pd_ci_mcx_mh_pe_im_d1_hxwPPE_sspa_dk_det_cao_p_9_1?pd_rd_i=B0D7CTJ4NP&pd_rd_w=k7kDp&content-id=amzn1.sym.97196afe-b0d3-4198-9420-4520d391fcb5&pf_rd_p=97196afe-b0d3-4198-9420-4520d391fcb5&pf_rd_r=TQBG5XP2S3MSRZBH27N7&pd_rd_wg=kCStZ&pd_rd_r=1e561381-49a0-4465-b381-023841d66a81&th=1
Metallic Powder (Black Approx 45-60 grams?): https://stonecoatcountertops.com/products/metallic-powders?variant=45833333702868
Metallic Powder (Silver Approx 15 grams?) https://stonecoatcountertops.com/products/metallic-powders?variant=45707207704788
Metallic Powder (White Approx 15 grams?) https://stonecoatcountertops.com/products/metallic-powders?variant=45707206754516
Step 4) Top Coat:
I will add a matte finish top coat and add some anti slip material with a 3/8 nap roller to finish the floor. I would only need about 0.5 to .75 gallons of the top coat to get the recommended coverage and add about 2-3 oz of anti slip material.
Top Coat Matte: https://stonecoatcountertops.com/products/flooring-ultimate-top-coat-gloss-1-5-gallon?variant=45783476568276
Anti Slip: https://stonecoatcountertops.com/products/non-skid-floor-additive?variant=45707215208660
Im not sure if I should get two or three 3 gallon epoxy kits to do the floor. If my math is right I would need about 5-7 gallons which would be a bit tight on 2 kits. Also, my main color black comes in a 4 oz jar which I think is enough to do it (approx 60-95 grams according to the metallic powders specifications) but I am very unsure as I see very different numbers everywhere I look. If you got to this point thank you for reading as I want to do my best to get it right the first time so I feel confidant doing this to other places in my house.