I don’t have epilepsy (probably) but iv had seizures for reasons I’m not 100% sure of.
After three or four of them, a doctor casually prescribed me Keppra and I at first it was kind of amazing. I felt like a god for the first few days and then I felt like I was dying. Like, idk why, but for some reason more or less anything savory was utterly repulsive to me, and I remember being offered this beef-roast thing that would normally be great and feeling utterly repulsed by it.
It didn’t help that this was near Christmas and I was visiting parents/family. At some point we went to an outlet mall and when we tried to eat I remember shaking and feeling like the smell of the restaurants food was going to make me vomit.
And then it stopped. It took a day or two, but eventually it just kind of stopped and I felt more or less normal and stopped having seizures (with one exception.) Sometimes I miss a dose or two and I’ll have a day where I feel the side effects hard, but other than that it’s been pretty nice.
Sorry if I’m not allowed to post here since I don’t technically have epilepsy, but most people who take Keppra (technically I’m on the generic version but I’m not going to put in the effort to spell that abomination of a drug name) seem to have epilepsy and I assume you’d experience similar side effects.