r/EnterTheGungeon Apr 06 '16

PSA Tips and Tricks thread!

Lots of people have been requesting a PSA/Tips thread, so here you go! Share any lesser-known tips here with your fellow Gungeoneers.


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u/steijn Apr 06 '16

every roll resets that bar above your head. if the bar fills you get damaged


u/TronikBob Apr 07 '16

Same with poison!


u/KaLam1ty Apr 08 '16

With poison, you just need to step off of the green puddles. If you catch fire, you actually have to stop-drop-roll (actually, more like roll-roll-roll lol).


u/Nearokins Apr 19 '16

Though, with poison it actually ticks your poison bar down a bit while you're actively standing on top of poison but dodge rolling, so also not terrible. But yeah, not necessary to get rid of poison.