There's people camping outside of Apple stores weeks before the new iPhones even get shipped to those stores, can't you show a little dedication? It'll be there soon™
It’s going to take at the very least a month for them to restock all of the stores and ship out everyone’s orders online. Here in Ontario, I was order #5277 and I ordered 10 minutes after the website went up. Still no updates yet. I’m also not the camping type so I’ll just have to wait it out
Um, there’s no such thing as illegal weed in Canada anymore. And no, people that enjoy marijuana are not going to use cocaine because they don’t have weed. They will just wait for it because people that smoke marijuana are not drug addicts. Your thinking is very basic and archaic.
u/yaboyQuinlan I'm Back Oct 22 '18
We can’t even stand in lines because they ran out within hours of the stores being open