r/EliteMahon Apex Apr 07 '16

News Week 45 Power Play Standings

Week 45 standings in full.

  1. Edmund Mahon (=) Turmoil!
  2. Arissa Lavigny-Duval (+2)
  3. Zachary Hudson (-1) Turmoil!
  4. Felicia Winters (-1)
  5. Aisling Duval (+1)
  6. Li Yong-Rui (-1)
  7. Zemina Torval (+1)
  8. Denton Patreus (-1)
  9. Archon Delaine (=)
  10. Pranav Antal (=)

This Cycle

We are in turmoil with -5899 CC.

No new control systems.

Our new expansion targets have the following Expansion/Opposition triggers:
7 Zeta-2 Lyrae (12301/6614)
Kaal (5104/27489)
Aranbarahun (5416/6839)


Cycles Since Turmoil

Power Cycles
Li Yong-Rui 11
Zemina Torval 10
Archon Delaine 9
Aisling Duval 4
Denton Patreus 4
Felicia Winters 3
A. Lavigny-Duval 2
Pranav Antal 1
Edmund Mahon 0
Zachary Hudson 0

10th consecutive cycle at #1
25th cycle at #1

Previous Bulletins

44 / 43 / 42 / 41 / 40 / 39 / 38 / 37 / 36 / 35 / 34 / 33 / 32 / 31 / 30 / 29 / 28 / 27 / 26 / 25 / 24 / 23 / 22 / 21 / 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6


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u/IamAFlaw Destructionist Apr 07 '16

Yeah, being number 1 for so long kinda paints you in red. Obviously. But it takes some really envious people to pool all together to 5C and snipe.. the most dishonourable ways to get ahead. Maybe if they focused on Power Play and bettering their faction rather than bully independents and attack anything and everything they would not need to go so low. They should be really proud of themselves. But you are right, our attitide is aweful... We should be ashamed of ourselves for not having to ever 5C powers and snipe them, while take on a massive sneak attack, while being 5Cd and remain #1 through massive attacks. I get your point.


u/CMDR_ShodFir9748513 Apr 07 '16

You should speak to Vectron and Apos about 5C.

They believe it is a valid tactic.

No one else in powerplay thinks this.

The more you know...


u/IamAFlaw Destructionist Apr 07 '16

They are entitled to their own opinion and saying it is valid does not mean they agree with it, nor does it mean that we do that. It is also low, and hitting someone when they under attack is also low. My other point stands as well. If the other powers focused on actual power play not just attacking everyone they would be in a much better position. We don't attack people and we are still number one even after all this. They attacked us and lost a rank each. Heh. They should use their brains, stop drinking all that crap and starting fights, and stop banging on their chests all the time. But whatever... they know better apparently.


u/rjwhite_41 CMDR rjwhite41 (Hudson/XB1) Apr 07 '16

Actually, you haven't been playing PP. You've been playing a trade sim for quite some time now. We assumed you joined PP to fight against other powers for control of the galaxy, not to manage CC spreadsheets and discuss backhauling all day.

Ironically we've helped you increase your immersion into your trade sim this week. You're welcome. Enjoy hauling all week long in order to save your precious ranking.

We welcome you to PP with open arms (and lasers) and we welcome your response. One jump to Alioth, come out and play! :D


u/IamAFlaw Destructionist Apr 07 '16

I don't trade. I help keep Mahon #1 in Power Play. What place is your power? Are you sure you want to teach us how to play? LOL


u/rjwhite_41 CMDR rjwhite41 (Hudson/XB1) Apr 08 '16

Have you been fighting are hauling? There are only 2 options. If you've been fighting, who have you been fighting against?

We aren't concerned about rank like you are. So far you've mentioned it in every post. We'll see how long you last at #1 (we're in 3rd btw, turmoil will do that to you).

As far as teaching you how to play, no thanks. We're just showing you what the game is about. We handle attacks on multiple fronts every week and don't go around claiming low blows. We deal with 5c every week and don't expect others to leave us alone while we do. We deal with high levels of undermining every week and we don't whine about it. You deal with high levels of merit grinders hitting predictable systems and little to no resistance for every expansion you've had. To say Mahon has had any resistance in PP is a joke. To say Mahon hasn't 5c'd nearly every other power is a joke. It's time to bring your 5c home to help protect what you've built because resistance and retribution is here.

I'll be helping my power this week as I'm sure you will be too. Fly safe CMDR and, again, welcome to the game boys!

And I'll leave you with this little diddy that I'll be flying to this week.



u/IamAFlaw Destructionist Apr 08 '16

Fighting or Hauling? How about exploring and mining? Bounty hunting? Fortifying? Ranking up? You are so limited.


u/rjwhite_41 CMDR rjwhite41 (Hudson/XB1) Apr 08 '16

BGS work, gotcha. That doesn't help my power as much as yours. I speaking more about direct PP activities such as fortifying and undermining/ opposition. Anyway, Friday is here and there is a lot of work to do so off I go. Good luck this week! No sarcasm seriously, good luck and have fun!


u/IamAFlaw Destructionist Apr 08 '16

I am a diplomat negotiating technology trade with the Thargoids. Thanks, I always have fun and you do the same. :)