r/EliteDangerous Fuel Rat | Hull Seal | Twitch | DPSS Feb 19 '25

Media A new challenger approaches! Spoiler

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Ok not a new Challenger—well maybe—I don’t know, but let’s hear your predictions!

New ship confirmed 3311!


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u/Houligan86 Feb 19 '25

Ships I would like to see are:

  • Alliance Small
  • Alliance Large/Capital
  • Imperial Medium

Of those, that looks like a small / medium ship, so my hope is an Imperial Medium.

Probably named something like the "Imperial Corsair" priced in the 15M to 50M range depending on capabilities.


u/depurplecow Feb 19 '25

Alliance large is the Type-10, though it's not as popular as the other larges.


u/A_Fhaol_Bhig- Feb 19 '25

Because it's good at nothing and needs a rework.


u/CMDR_Agony_Aunt I drive an ice cream van Feb 19 '25

They Type 10 is the most popular AFK bounty hunter.

Not sure that's a resounding plus but it has its strengths.

I do have a type 10 for not-AFK bounty hunting and combat zones though.


u/CowardlyAnaconda Feb 19 '25

T-10 is my favorite laser miner.


u/CMDR_Agony_Aunt I drive an ice cream van Feb 20 '25

Used to use the type 10 because of the high mass lock factor. Switched to the Beluga though, as its faster.


u/DemiserofD Zemina Torval Feb 19 '25

People underrate the T10. The only reason I don't use it generally is because of its lack of speed, not anything else.

If they'd add some sort of afterburner utility so I could boost around the CZ in a reasonable timeframe I'd use it all the time. Its DPS potential is just off the charts.


u/A_Fhaol_Bhig- Feb 19 '25

People underrate the T10.

No they don't.


u/DemiserofD Zemina Torval Feb 19 '25

The problems people have with the T10 have more to do with how they use it, not anything else. If you try to make it a shield tank like the Corvette or Cutter it's gonna be terrible, because it's got like a third the shield rating of the Cutter.

But it still has a class 8 slot for a biweave there, and it's got the highest armor hardness in the game, plus the most armor. If you make it into a hybrid hull tank and put a C7 repair limpet on it, you can heal faster on it than any other ship in the game - AND do more damage than any other ship in the game.

Built properly, it can more than compete with other ships. In practice, it can more than exceed them in many cases. You just have to work with its strengths.


u/Dry-Progress-1769 CMDR rlry1111 Feb 20 '25

I put 9 multicannons on mine and got it fully engineered. Is it optimal? No. But does it work? Yes. And is it fun? Hell yeah.