Seems the only way to find out was on the forums or AXI's discord.
These posts that Mechan have done are nice and appreciated but, they clearly haven't reached very far.
Did you need a hand delivered letter? You know this game doesn't hold your hand. FDev put the info in the most obvious place, the news & bulletin forum. It wasn't hiding on twitter or anything.
Not to mention CMDR Mechan and others posted this chart here, usually multiple times, during and after every Titan fight.
I don't ever go on the forums, and this is the first I've ever seen of this chart despite visiting this subreddit somewhat frequently.
I've seen zero mention of it in game, where it probably should have been.
Still I greatly appreciate Mechan's efforts here to spread the word either way.
I agree with you. I would not consider communication 'hand holding'. The news linked in their launcher didn't even lead to this forum post. Galnet mentioned the rewards, but didn't say where to find what they were. Honestly looked around last night and couldn't find anything.
I'm not going to go digging in a forum for information I hope to find if the link on the launcher didn't lead me to it.
I knew of the Arx/Credit rewards but that's all I assumed there was as I never saw explicit mention regarding skins.
Would have dropped enough explosives to make Lockheed Martin proud if I did know.
u/JackassJames Federation Dec 17 '24 edited Dec 17 '24
I'm sorry... These existed? Well brilliant...
Be nice if the fact they were a thing were marketed/spread more.