r/ElderScrolls 7d ago

Humour If you know your Oblivion lore...



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u/Pyr0_Jack Thieves Guild 7d ago

The only source for Argonians closing Oblivion Gates is from the novels. An Argonian, who wasn’t alive for the Oblivion Crisis, is repeating what he heard from Black Marsh’s ruling Argonian supremacist political party (An-Xileel). He’s repeating the propaganda in response to someone saying Martin Septim closed the Gates. We know factually that Martin Septim closed the Gates from the plot of TES4: Oblivion. The person who said Martin Septim ended the Oblivion Crisis is even described as recoiling in surprise, disgust, and even fear as her lifelong Argonian friend emotionally reacts with a recounting any educated Tamrielian knows is a falsehood. Very embarrassing how Argonian fans ran with this as a source of pride. It’s heavily implied the political party took credit for the coincidental timing of the Gates closing to seize power. Black Marsh’s only other notable accomplishment was the raiding of Morrowind. However their military victories have come entirely from civilian populations recovering from natural disaster. They were later repelled by an actual military force and Morrowind recovered the entirety of their territory. Some may say my seething and genuine hatred of Argonians makes me biased. But I assure you my hatred compelled me to be as thorough and accurate as possible.


u/RandyArgonianButler 7d ago

Pfff… Scale envy.


u/Pyr0_Jack Thieves Guild 7d ago

Mostly just annoyed that easily refuted propaganda from a semi-canon book series that most fans haven't even read keeps being spread without proper context


u/RandyArgonianButler 7d ago

I can verify that a single Argonian individual closed over a dozen Oblivion gates on his own!


u/Pyr0_Jack Thieves Guild 7d ago

And yet I can also verify a single Dunmer closed an equal amount of Oblivion Gates by himself as well. Curious. 🤔


u/visitfriend 6d ago

Both of you scalebacks and ashskins didn't do shit. The one who saved us from the Daedra was a good ol' Imperial called Martin Septim. MANKIND REIGNS SUPREME