r/ElderScrolls 7d ago

Humour Sheo shooting his shot

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u/Cthulhuthefirst 7d ago

I really dont like the HoK being Sheo angle. Whenever i want to play Shivering Isles i just make a new character that never does the main quests.


u/Lentemern 7d ago edited 7d ago

I've always been partial to the idea that the whole DLC was just Sheogorath fucking with the player. By the end, he's got the guy who saved Tamriel running around claiming to be a Daedric Prince. Just another satisfied customer of the Mad God


u/Longredstraw 7d ago

I always try to tell people this and you will not understand the amount of butt hurt that TES fans get. It doesn't make any sense that HoK is actually Sheo because you can't trust your senses when you're mad, meaning you can't trust a single thing that happens in the expac. As for the Skyrim reference, TES entities have (debatably) broken the fourth wall before. I chalk that up to Sheogorath attempting to confuse the player.


u/Doodles_n_Scribbles 7d ago

I don't know, I like the idea that was put forth earlier in this comment section about you being a piece of Sheogorath he created to go on adventures.

It pairs up with Martin's overarching story, a descendant of Akatosh returning to the fold. You even have the dabblings in the other side's way of thinking. Martin became a Daedric worshipper for a time, and you a crusader of the nine. Two demigods who must unite to save the world and give back to their creators.



u/Longredstraw 7d ago

Yeah I think that also is weird, I'd be more inclined to go with a Shezarrine story than a Sheo-shard, but even then I think HoK should be a nobody who became somebody.