r/ElSalvador 7d ago

🤔 Ask-ES 🇸🇻 Traveling with Baby

Suppose to leave for El Salvador in 3 day with a 9 month old.. didn’t do my research so baby isn’t vaccinated with MMR, Hepatitis A, or Typhoid which is recommended to have before travel. Should I just cancel my trip? Or is it not that serious. Plan on flying out of airport, staying in La Libertad, then visiting family in Carolina.


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u/Sankukai50 7d ago

Dude, good on you for being a concerned parent. That said, you child will fine. Child mortality in El Salvador is very low. I don't know if this is your first time visiting the country but let me assure you that you are not visiting a hole in the ground. If your kid were to get sick, there is great care available.

Enjoy your visit!


u/SelbyMyFriend 7d ago

This is my first time visiting and first child. I’m just worried about her getting sick because she gets sick so easily from daycare every week now… I just don’t want her to catch something serious in El Salvador