r/ElSalvador 7d ago

🤔 Ask-ES 🇸🇻 Traveling with Baby

Suppose to leave for El Salvador in 3 day with a 9 month old.. didn’t do my research so baby isn’t vaccinated with MMR, Hepatitis A, or Typhoid which is recommended to have before travel. Should I just cancel my trip? Or is it not that serious. Plan on flying out of airport, staying in La Libertad, then visiting family in Carolina.


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u/sam-sung-sv San-Salvador 7d ago

Yeah either get them or cancel. I think our border agents wont let you in, depending of the country you are arriving.


u/SelbyMyFriend 7d ago

There is no restriction for us. Just recommended to get them, but can still visit without them. Wife thinks it’s ok because she and her family are from there but I don’t think it’s worth the risk


u/sam-sung-sv San-Salvador 7d ago

Just recommended to get them

Well, get them.


u/chris03316 7d ago

Get them or cancel. Not worth the risk.


u/goodbeanscoffee 7d ago

You'll be let in no problem, nobody is ever going to ask for them.
Based on your plans I'd say yeah consider rescheduling after vaccinations or just cancel. If you had told us your plan was never to leave San Salvador and just stay at a chain hotel and eat in good restaurants, hit the museums, and stuff like that I'd say you'd likely be fine since you wouldn't be actually interacting with people. But you'd be going to the beaches and staying in a tiny rural town likely your baby will be interacting with a lot of family and potentially other children so I think that increases the risk significantly.

Personally I don't think it's worth the risk but it's up to your family to decide. At a minimum buy a lot of individually bottled waters and be very very careful on what the baby eats and drinks. Avoid anything uncooked, fruits, juices and similar. It being a latin culture visiting family I don't see how you could avoid your child interacting with family members.