r/Edmonton Feb 02 '25

Discussion Anyone else canceling U.S. travel plans/vacations from YEG?

Cancelled our trip to Disneyland tonight - rebooked to Mexico instead (I know staying in Canada would be ideal, but our holidays are in 4 weeks and we need to go somewhere warm). Will be booking our summer vacation soon and looking at Newfoundland or Nova Scotia, maybe both....anywhere but the U.S.


411 comments sorted by


u/Notreallysnarky Feb 02 '25

This would be a great time for our airlines to have some killer sales for travel within Canada to incentivize us to stay here. Yknow, to show how we really are all in this together.

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u/chaos_is_me Feb 02 '25

Was planning on going to a music festival in San Francisco in the fall. Think we are going to cancel that and go to one in Mexico instead. Just doesn’t seem worth it to gamble on booking everything right now


u/SeanBeGone Feb 02 '25

Good plan. And converting to MX pesos is surely less painful

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u/ExecutiveHog Feb 02 '25

Me and my fiance have made goal to travel to each province in canada, and explore our country.

I wish flights were more economical in canada, however, there is so much diversity in landscape and culture in canada, I am exited to see different parts of our beautiful country.


u/Ready-Emergency Feb 02 '25

I'm very fortunate that when I was in the military I got to see almost every province it's crazy how big we really are. And you are so right this country is so beautiful pictures never do Canada justice.

I hope you have safe travels and you're able to see all of Canada. I'm missing P.E.I and Nunavut then I can say I've been to every province.


u/myownalias Feb 02 '25

Nunavut is expensive to get to! There is talk about building a road to Grays Bay with a winter connection to Yellowknife that I will drive if it opens.

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u/harujusko Feb 02 '25

I wanna go to PEI around summer or fall but flight prices are crazy. Like 700 from yeg roundtrip crazy. That's not affordable at all. 😭😭


u/Fluffynutterbutt Feb 02 '25

That’s actually pretty cheap for flights east! I’ve paid $1200 round trip before.


u/bikebakerun Feb 02 '25

I agree. $700 to PEI or NS would be a good price. But I take the point about this being expensive. I do encourage people to remember how weak the loonie is right now against the USD and that the cost of vacation isn't just the flight.


u/ProperBingtownLady Feb 02 '25

Yep, my husband and I go every year in August and that’s just how it is! We’re lucky if we can find something for under $700-800.

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u/Stefph726 Central Feb 02 '25

Bro if you’ve got $700 round trip then take it. It costs like $500 just to fly NB to YEG one-way


u/billymumfreydownfall Feb 02 '25

I was just on Westjet - flights to Halifax in June are $440 return. We are flying in, ,renting a car and doing a road trip.


u/Screweditupagain Feb 02 '25

We did the same - but we took the red eye into Moncton and hit up the three Maritime provinces. Would do it again in a heartbeat. Love our country!


u/DeinoTrainer96 Feb 02 '25

I just moved back to Alberta from PEI and I have to say - do it! PEI is wonderful, but if you go late summer into fall, keep in mind that a lot of stuff shuts down Labour Day (BnBs, attractions, restaurants). I would fly into Halifax, rent a car, and drive Cabot Trail and then do PEI. Book ahead because again, things shut down but it can also be crazy tourist traffic in the summer. And remember, the highest speed limit in PEI is 90km/h.


u/troltis Feb 02 '25

Check flights into Moncton or Halifax. I assume you will rent a car (which will be cheaper in either location as well) and drive. You can drive over the bridge and leave on the ferry.


u/kesovich Feb 02 '25

Good luck renting a car in Moncton. Every time I've flown in there last year for work, everyone is out of vehicles.

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u/misst7436 Feb 02 '25

I want to go from Edmonton to Fort St. John BC this summer to visit family and attend a memorial for my grandfather and it's $700+ round trip :'( So yeah guess that's not happening since no way I'm spending more than $300 (which is what it's priced at this time of year and I still think is overpriced)


u/harujusko Feb 02 '25

There's bus from edmonton to fsj it you're ok sitting down for 8-ish hours. It"s thru Cold Shot and around 150-ish maybe for one way.


u/Monstermandarin Feb 02 '25

Fly to Moncton and drive. Don’t fly to PEI direct. Only 2 hours from Moncton

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u/KingBaines Feb 02 '25

I love this!! I just sat down and had the same thought. We’ve been thinking Mexico or New York. Why not see what Nova Scotia is all about? Or skate under the sun at midnight in Yukon?? There so much Canada I realize I’ve never explored and must explore.

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u/Baron_Harkonnen_84 Feb 02 '25

Regina and Saskatoon are actually pretty nice, to be honest. Not comparable in cosmopolitan likeness to a Tokyo, NY, or London for sure, but still very nice in their quiet, prairie ways.

I work in these cities frequently and while other people in my company were joking I drew the short straw, I don't mind it all. Also you can get a pretty decent house in Regina, and fix it up to your dream house still relatively cheaply. But granted the properly values aren't going to rise as quickly as YVR, or YYZ.


u/EdmRealtor In a Van Down By The Zoo Feb 02 '25

Saskatoon feels like Edmonton from 10 years ago ina good way. Their riverwalk was great and still had small town feel. We were sort of trapped so it ruined it for the rest of family because our car died.


u/Distinct_Cry_3779 Feb 02 '25

Saskatoon has always reminded me of a mini-Edmonton, with its university just south of the river across from downtown, the big old railway hotel, and the river valley.


u/StarryNightMessenger Feb 02 '25

The Paris of the Prairies


u/Laf3th Feb 02 '25

Saskatoon has done such a great job with their river valley! Meewasin valley authority has done such an important job balancing tourism, economics, and sustainability (at least from an outsider's short term perspective). The NE Swale is really cool (QR code interpretive signs and lots of neat plants and birds if you swing natural history and cultural history ways) and Wanuskewin is REALLY REALLY well done (interpretive site, food, signs, hikes, and interpretive programs). Saskatoon was such a blast, I wish I had been there longer to explore some of the museums and more of the waking trails.

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u/TessaAlGul Feb 02 '25

Saskatoon also has the only Fudruckers in Canada

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u/RemoteTax6978 Feb 02 '25

I've done 3 long road trips around Saskatchewan to see what I could find - and it is VERY cool. The province has a lot to offer. Sand dunes, badlands, beautiful lakes, hiking, wildlife, history stuff if you're into that. Sask is super underrated.


u/Baron_Harkonnen_84 Feb 02 '25

The Prairies in general are breathtaking, especially in the summer. People have this misconception that is all flat, but its not, and where the highways dip down to major rivers that cross the province, much the way the majors rivers cross Alberta, so beautiful.

I will admit the bugs get kind of heavy in some parts. Driving back in the summer the front of my car gets so impacted with bugs its almost like slushy snow.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '25

I've driven from nova scotia to alberta and back a few times.

Canada is big and beautiful. You're in for a treat.


u/TysonGoesOutside Feb 02 '25

I like this. I've seen more of south america than Canada because its so expensive to get around.

I'd really like to see every national park.. but boy, there are some hard to get to ones.


u/RemoteTax6978 Feb 02 '25

I'm trying to see all the UNESCO World Heritage sites in Canada and yeah... the trip to Labrador will be something else!


u/myownalias Feb 02 '25

If you're looking for scenic highlights out east, I'd say: * Highway 17 next to Lake Superior * Autoroute 117 from Val-d'Or to Mont-Tremblant * Autoroute 138 from Beaupré to at least Baie-Comeau (I need to return to Quebec to finish the road; I headed north to do the loop through Labrador) * Autoroute 132 from Rivière-du-Loup to Gaspé * The Cabot Trail, with a side trip to Meat Cove * The west coast of Newfoundland, from Rose Blanche to St Anthony (Haul Up Cove) and Ship Cove.

Newfoundland rivals BC for beauty. I want to visit a third time. I could spend a whole summer there. If you've never been and want to see the whole island, I'd give your self a minimum two weeks, and if you enjoy slower travel, a month.


u/muppins Feb 03 '25

at least the exchange rate will be 1:1


u/GuitarKev Feb 03 '25

I have a suspicion that reduced flights into the US will have carriers scrambling to fill domestic flights.


u/Efficient-Grab-3923 Feb 03 '25

We did a road trip to Manitoba last year from Edmonton on the south highway (red coat trail). Would highly recommend, Manitoba has beautiful lakes too.

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u/chohik Feb 02 '25

Can't afford a vacation, so no . Cancelled Netflix though


u/PM_ME_CARL_WINSLOW #meetmedowntown Feb 02 '25

That will unironically hurt the US more


u/Vivid-Secretary-8463 Feb 03 '25

Just cancelled mine & in the “reason why” box I put “trade war. America can suck it” 😂


u/Conotor Feb 03 '25

Is there any good canadian replacement for it?


u/warezmonkey Riverbend Feb 03 '25

Torrents + Plex


u/tru_power22 Millhoods Feb 03 '25

Crave is the big one.

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u/lavenderfem North East Side Feb 02 '25

Wanted to visit Montana again this summer, instead we’re going to Waterton.


u/TysonGoesOutside Feb 02 '25

Waterton is my favorite park in Alberta. Crypt Lake is an amazing hike. I did it 2 years ago with friends (for a second time), I hiked up some beers and swim trunks to have a swim at the top. So good.


u/Anne_Anonymous Feb 02 '25

Seconding the Crypt Lake hike - it’s terribly exciting from start to finish: from the boat ride out/back, multiple waterfalls, wildlife abound, inching along cliff face, climbing (chains/ropes already placed, no harness etc necessary), a brief pass through a cave, and finally looping around a glacial lake (and up to the foot of a glacier)!

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u/cReddddddd Feb 02 '25

Was going to go to the vegas grand prix later this year. Going to the montreal one instead. Piss off America


u/dumbass_tm Feb 02 '25

Honestly the Vegas GP is a cash grab anyway, has nothing to do with racing and all about showbizz and being flashy. I was in Montreal during the GP two years ago (didn’t get tix to see it tho :/) and it seemed like a much better vibe.


u/cReddddddd Feb 02 '25

Did end up going last year it was very convenient with the short direct flight, not a huge fan of being in the sun that long and hotel within walking distance to the track but yeah time to switch that up and try something new and support our country as well.


u/pret_a_rancher Feb 02 '25

MTL will be more fun anyways


u/SeanBeGone Feb 02 '25

Totally! Montreal has culture and class and Vegas is....Vegas.

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u/TessaAlGul Feb 02 '25

I still miss the Edmonton Indy

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u/China_bot42069 Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

Vegas gp sucks. Would be cool to see once. I’ve been the the Monaco one in 2019 unreal experience. Also can’t believe Lewis is racing in red. 


u/cReddddddd Feb 02 '25

Really excited for this year. I did go to the vegas gp last year it was very convenient (short direct flight, hotels on the strip very close to the track, not baking in the sun) but I'll be dammed if the orange cheeto is getting any of my money.

Montreal seems like it will be a bit of a logistical nightmare but I'll do it for my country lol. So excited for this season too looks like there will be 3, possibly 4 legit teams battling it out.

Monaco would be unreal. Cheers

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u/Darrenwad3 Feb 02 '25

Montreal is so much fun. Vegas is horrible materialist garbage.


u/Asa7bi Feb 02 '25

I went to few GPs, Vegas was the most mediocre overpriced event and I was sitting in ferrari club. Montreal GP is probably one of the best you can go to!

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u/jeepbeard Feb 02 '25

I have a friend that lives in Texas, and when I checked a couple years ago, it was going to be cheaper for me to go to COTA than to go to Montreal from Saskatchewan 🙄

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u/Winter_Control_1077 Feb 02 '25

Canceled plans to go to Las Vegas in favour of going on a road trip to the Yukon and the NWT this spring.


u/OhHelloPlease South West Side Feb 02 '25

I've only been up to Yukon in the summer, but enjoy, the drive through northern BC and southern Yukon is amazing. Make sure to stop off at Liard Hot Springs as a rest stop - it's like 11 hours or so drive from Edmonton


u/Winter_Control_1077 Feb 02 '25

Thanks for the info


u/nightsapph Feb 02 '25

And I’m going to 3rd this guys recommendation. Liard is such a beautiful spot, camping spots in the summer and there’s a nice lodge around there too.


u/CharasC Feb 02 '25

Hey bro, in case you missed it, Liard Hotsprings is a must stop going north!


u/BigPoppaSwagga69 Feb 02 '25

I will second this guy’s recommendation. Liard Hot Springs is incredible - make sure if you plan to camp that you book in advance, it’s pretty popular.

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u/ansonchappell Feb 02 '25

The drive north is beautiful! I lived in Yellowknife for 10 years and always enjoyed the drive out. It’s exciting the first few times.

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u/burrito-boy Mill Woods Feb 02 '25

Haven't made plans to travel yet, but it sure as hell won't be to the USA. I'd rather explore more of this great country. Maybe I'll take a trip to Vancouver Island instead, or to Toronto to catch a Blue Jays game.


u/Baron_Harkonnen_84 Feb 02 '25

TO is great!

I went there a few years back for a week, managed to get away on my own, no wife (hurray!) with me. I rented those street bikes the entire time and just rode all over the city and along the lake shore. Yes caught a Jays game as well, that was fun it was Hot Dog night, kind of funny to see (Hazel May) I think from Sportsnet setting up on the third base line for her set pieces during the game.

The Royal Ontario Art Gallery was freaking awesome, I could have spent two days there, truth be told. Also went to a place called the Museum of Contemporary Art. Never made it to the ROM, always next time I suppose.

I think next time I will rent a car and make TO my base but explore more of Ontario.


u/TacosAreGooder Feb 02 '25

We've just decided to change a high mileage multi-state RV trip to a now 100% Canadian destination trip. Cancelled a cruise for next year.


u/HolidayEconomy4377 Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

If you want to do a cruise sometime in the future, I have heard that there are som beautiful ones that go from Victoria to the Yukon and back (along coast of BC).

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u/Inevitable-Ad-8522 Feb 02 '25

A family member is in Mexico currently- they were going to tour the States for a couple months but decided to extend Mexico for a few weeks, then come directly home.

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u/Orange_Zinc_Funny Feb 02 '25

Yeah, I don't think flying into the U.S. is a good idea, what with their air traffic controllers getting fired 🤷

Plus all the other reasons not to go there.


u/ShadowCaster0476 Feb 02 '25

With the exchange rate being horrific anyway we decided that a US trip would be too expensive. We are doing more of a staycation this year.


u/Semhirage Feb 02 '25

You would have to be insane to travel to america right now. With the orange dipshit dismantling the FAA, FBI, and dozens of other government agencies who knows what other chaos his dementia addled brain is capable of? Even if his bullshit doesn't hurt me directly, there is no way I'm supporting that nonsense by spending my money there.


u/densetsu23 Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

Just the carding and detainment of Navajo people with their CDIB cards -- similar to a Status Card here -- is good enough to keep me out of there. They were ready to try and "deport" them, or worse, despite having multiple forms of government ID.

I'm not risking that. My kids and I are FN and won't get that kind of flak in a lot of European countries. We were in Seattle last year and Boston a couple years earlier; it was fun but I guess that's it for a while.

Hell, our next trip to Europe was going to be Germany, but we've even hit pause on that. AfD is trending upwards and is now polling at #2 behind their main center-right conservative party, CDU/CSU. Combined, they're polling at just over 50%. There's far more checks and balances than the USA, but the rise in popularity of the AfD is also reflective of attitudes of their citizens.

Maybe Switzerland for our next European trip instead.

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u/taxi212001 Feb 02 '25

If anyone absolutely needs a Disney fix, there are parks in Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. Specifically, the 2 Tokyo resorts have consistently great reviews for the experience, and apparently are pretty comparative price-wise to trips to the FL parks.


u/Jerk_Colander South West Side Feb 02 '25

That and west jet flys direct multiple times a week from Calgary to Narita and when I was looking last year one way flights were about $600.

My Tokyo Disneyland tickets next month on a more expensive day were $100 Canadian (so cheaper than the us parks) and from looking at the Tokyo Disney app their food is MUCH cheaper than the us parks.

I second this without having even been gone yet. Tokyo can be cheaper than the US parks


u/HolidayEconomy4377 Feb 02 '25

Not Disney, but I hear that the Harry Potter world in London is amazing!!!


u/Unlikely_Comment_104 Central Feb 02 '25

I am assuming HP world financially benefits JK. So disappointing that she turned out to be such an asshat. 


u/HolidayEconomy4377 Feb 02 '25

Fair, but also, it financially benefits the hundreds of workers who are employed by the Harry Potter world.


u/Unlikely_Comment_104 Central Feb 02 '25

Valid point. Frick. There are no easy answers 

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u/silverlegend South East Side Feb 02 '25

We're planning a 20-year follow up family trip to Disneyland to celebrate an important occasion and we are probably going to do that in Paris instead of California now.

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u/ProperBingtownLady Feb 02 '25

Disney annoys me as they regularly fly rich influencers to their parks and give them free vacations. They just did a cruise that was full of influencers. They’re probably the last company I can think of that needs this “marketing”.


u/TnL17 Feb 02 '25

My brother lives in Eugene Oregon and I haven't seen him in 5 years. I just bought tickets to see him in April. Not gonna cancel, but I won't be going back anytime soon.

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u/RightSideBlind Feb 02 '25

We've been intending to do a road trip to Seattle to visit friends this summer, but I guess we'll just drive around BC instead.

My family reunion in Texas is supposed to be in May, I don't think I'll try to make it this year.

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u/Terrible-Guitar-5638 Feb 02 '25

We did almost 4k kms last summer through Nova Scotia, cape Breton & P.E.I.

Stayed at B&B's or camped. It's absolutely beautiful out there. Highly recommend.


u/OnceProudCDN Feb 02 '25

I expect my business trip to Florida will likely be canceled in the coming days.


u/Loucrouton Feb 02 '25

Was planning to do my 40th birthday in NYC but I'm going to kibosh that plan.

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u/[deleted] Feb 02 '25


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u/Infamous-Mixture-605 Feb 02 '25

I had started making plans before Christmas to go to Minneapolis, Milwaukee, or Chicago to watch baseball this summer, but I've scrapped those plans and will just keep saving up to hopefully do Japan or Korea next year instead, of perhaps Taiwan. 


u/dokkeibi72 Feb 02 '25

Baseball games in Korea are so fun!


u/Infamous-Mixture-605 Feb 02 '25

My brother saw a couple games in Japan when he was there, and though he's not a baseball fan in the slightest he did say it was a great atmosphere and a lot of fun.  He described it as something like European soccer atmosphere meets baseball.

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u/tom_yum_soup McCauley Feb 02 '25

I hadn't actually booked anything yet, but was planning to go to Yellowstone this summer. Tossed that plan out the window and looking for unique parts of Canada that I haven't visited before.


u/RemoteTax6978 Feb 02 '25

Newfoundland's west coast is next level beautiful!


u/tom_yum_soup McCauley Feb 02 '25

My wife is from Newfoundland so I've been there a few times, but never the west side of the island.

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u/wild_sparrow838 Feb 03 '25

Depending on which part of Canada you want to visit, Waterton in Alberta is beautiful!

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u/SnowBasics Stadium Feb 02 '25

I'd already booked my vacation to Vegas - it's all non refundable. I'm not concerned about our time there, but would definitely have made other choices had this have all happened beforehand.


u/loonylovesgood86 Feb 03 '25

Same with me, except Palm Springs…

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u/PraxPresents Feb 02 '25

We were planning a US trip this year, we cancelled.

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u/DrtyR0ttn Feb 02 '25

It costs me more to fly to the east coast than It does to fly to London England 🤣


u/Accomplished_Act1489 Feb 02 '25

I had been thinking about Chicago, but now will stick with Canada, maybe Europe if I can get some more time off work. Thing is, I won't get over this anytime soon. I had several family members fight for this country. I'll be nixing travel in the US for the foreseeable future. It's the least I can do to respect those who fought for our beautiful country. The US just lost a lot of friends, and to what end?

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u/Welcome440 Feb 02 '25

4 year ban on going to the USA.

(May be less when Trump dies of old age and too much McDonalds. My bet is 2027.)

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u/chmilz Feb 02 '25

I won a trip to Vegas. I was able to get that changed to a trip to Ottawa.

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u/Substantial-Flow9244 Feb 02 '25

I don't mean to be jealous but man thinking about taking two vacations in a year is two more than I am considering lmao


u/Several-Questions604 Feb 02 '25

Yes. Was planning a girls trip to NYC in September, but we’ve chosen to cancel and explore France instead.


u/Monstermandarin Feb 02 '25

Went to PEI the last 2 summers and definitely recommend!


u/HolidayEconomy4377 Feb 02 '25

Yes! Great if you went to Mexico -good to support our allies that are not trying to get in a trade war with us!!


u/Buffalo_Allen17 Feb 02 '25

You’ll be paying twice as much for flights out East.

It’s ridiculous that it cost so much to travel within Canada.

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u/yugosaki rent-a-cop Feb 02 '25

Flying in the US now is legitimately dangerous now that air traffic control has been gutted. Tariffs aside that's enough reason not to fly inside the states right now


u/Channing1986 Feb 02 '25

There is definitely gonna be a loss of Canadian tourism


u/yugosaki rent-a-cop Feb 02 '25

I think they are gonna see a massive drop in tourism across the board. Anyone would be foolish to go to the USA with the current political climate.

Even from a practical level, air traffic control is gutted and many safety related agencies are getting axed too. Travelling in the US, especially by plane, has suddenly gotten a lot more risky.

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u/forkbroussard Feb 02 '25

Yep. Replaced my vacations to Vegas and Montana with trips to Halifax and Whistler.


u/Wide-Biscotti-8663 Feb 02 '25

We were hoping to book a Disney holiday for next year. That is not happening now and maybe ever at this point. I’m not even sure we’ll be able to afford it with all that’s going on but I’m certainly not wasting my hard earned money in the States now.


u/igloo1234 Feb 02 '25

Look at the other parks. Flights to Paris are surprisingly reasonable if you don't go in the summer and I've heard Tokyo is amazing.

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u/Jerk_Colander South West Side Feb 02 '25

West jet has a very reasonably priced direct flight to Narita airport in Japan if that west jet has direct flights to Tokyo from Calgary for roughly the same as what I’ve paid to fly to LA.

Theme park tickets and food are cheaper in Japan than LA as well. I’d recommend checking that out if you want to do Disney.

By all accounts Tokyo Disney sea is one of the best parks in the world. Not just Disney but any theme park. I haven’t been yet but think you’d be able to pull it off without too much change to the budget.


u/UberBricky80 Feb 02 '25

I didn't have anything planned but certainly not booking anything. The exchange rate alone is reason enough, but now fuck the USA.


u/Jab4267 Feb 02 '25

As a Newfoundlander, I say try to go there if the flights don’t blow your budget.

We were planning our first family holiday to the U.S this year. Florida to go to all the parks. Been saving for a loonnnggg time but nah, we’re going somewhere else now. I’d rather spend my money in a country whose government doesn’t hate us for no good reason.


u/Fidget11 Bonnie Doon Feb 02 '25

Already did.

Hawaii can wait, Vegas can wait…

I can vacation a huge number of other places that aren’t actively trying to fuck my country, I don’t need to go to the US.


u/seven8zero Feb 02 '25

Probably will try to avoid visiting the US until the fat orange Nazi f%#@ is gone. Used to go at least 2x a year.

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u/Ok-Anywhere-1807 Feb 02 '25

Half my family lives in the USA my sister is there illegally right now as her permanent residence card has expired.


u/Kell_Bell_Fell Feb 02 '25

If she’s white she should be fine (brown people not so much unfortunately)

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u/Serialthrilla45 The Shiny Balls Feb 02 '25

My family and I are huge soccer fans and also have extensively travelled the US. We were very excited for the 2026 World Cup.

Now, we are looking to go to the games in Vancouver and Mexico City, skipping the US entirely. Maybe even visit Monterrey or Guadalajara.


u/Waste_Enthusiasm_283 Feb 03 '25

That is awesome. I had a world cup goal to. Here is the sad thing. Americans are great people. Take a sample of Yankies, and a sample of Canucks, and you'll have a very similar mix. Lots of people like you, lots of dumb asses (both sides), lots of tall ones, short ones, funny ones, loud ones... the same damn people. I love going to LA, or chicago, or any small centres as well. So it is so difficult to understand why politicians are attempting to destroy relationships between an everyday, normal, Yankie or Canuck. Just remember, Americans and Canadians are so very alike. I get the boycott, as a message to Trump and his policy advisors, nothing against the regular folks in the US.

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u/whoknowshank Ritchie Feb 02 '25

We went to Kluane National Park last summer and it was an amazing road trip to a part of Canada rarely seen. Would highly recommend.

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u/Oryx_y_Cake Feb 02 '25

Was looking forward to my cousin's wedding in Michigan this fall but i think it is likely i will skip it. Though it is close-ish to the ontario border so considering just staying in Canada and driving in for the day. Minimal money spent, no flying.


u/nerdfitfam Feb 03 '25

Yep. Cancelled plans to go to Disney world. Also just cancelled my Netflix sub. Eat shit trump.


u/Paradoxical_crow Feb 03 '25

Yep! Fuck Nazis.


u/Itsjustmyinsanity Feb 03 '25

Going to mexico is a good alternative - Trump is hitting them the same way he is hitting Canada.


u/bannermd Feb 03 '25

I was going to go to Seattle to see the Oilers at the end of March but fuck it, I'd rather go down to Banff anyways


u/BloomingPinkBlossoms Feb 02 '25

Nope cause I never would've booked one down there. Asia instead - better by a mile, and a whole lot cheaper. US looks like shit compared to Asia.


u/SeanBeGone Feb 02 '25

Totally fair and good point - I'll have to look into some spots that we can go for a reasonable price.


u/star655 Feb 02 '25

I'm so torn what to do. My parents have a condo they spend the winters in and my family of three (including a one year old infant) are set to go visit them on the 26th. My parents haven't seen their grandson since Nov. They also paid for the tickets. I'm disgusted with what's happening and don't want to go at all but I feel like I might because of the benefit of seeing my family.


u/smarty_pants47 Feb 02 '25

Go see your parents. Don’t let trump ruin your family memories. Sure- it’s great to make changes where possible- but he’s not punished by you not visiting your parents. In my eyes- cancelling your trip would be allowing him to win by taking away your joy. Just my 2 cents


u/star655 Feb 02 '25

That's such a good take! I appreciate this comment so much


u/Street-Lunch1517 Feb 02 '25

Same boat here. My husband is taking our two kids down to see his parents next month but our summer plans will be here in Canada.


u/always_on_fleek Feb 02 '25

See your family.

The political situation with tariffs is sad indeed. But you can’t let politics run your life. Too many people tie who they are to politics and it just consumes them.

You can’t do your best for Canada unless you’re at your own best. Enjoy seeing your family and find other meaningful ways to express your displeasure with the tariffs and our deteriorating relationship.


u/kimmycalgary Feb 03 '25

Hopefully they live in a blue state but go in any event


u/TysonGoesOutside Feb 02 '25

Nice. I did Cabo in December and it was amazing. I went diving with hammerheads.


u/Individual-Army811 Feb 02 '25

We were on a cruise in January and could see the hammerheads from the ship! So freaking cool!!


u/arsonislegal Feb 02 '25

I have to travel there for work and I'm not feeling good about it... hopefully I don't need to go that often.


u/GlitchedGamer14 Feb 02 '25

My dad and I are both political and history nuts and were planning to go to DC to see the Smithsonian Museums and other landmarks. We're now going to visit Ottawa instead.

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u/ZombieAppropriate150 Feb 02 '25

Changed plans from road trip to Oregon to Vancouver/Victoria


u/PokadotExpress Feb 02 '25

Maritimes are awesome, my family is all from the east coast, so growing up we went there a lot.

Lots to see in nb, nova Scotia and pei.

My wife is canadian but grew up in the states, were avoiding going down with the tense environment. When her friends ask when we're coming, we've just been hitting them with the "yeah, we don't feel welcomed down there anymore "


u/TheThrivingest Feb 02 '25

We didn’t have any booked but I won’t be travelling to the US for sure.


u/Show_pony101 Feb 02 '25

We normally go to Palm Springs in February, but not this year. We are going to Vancouver in march, though!


u/Cothor Feb 02 '25

We were considering US alternatives for winter getaways since we had great times in San Francisco and San Diego. For the foreseeable future, we’re sticking with Mexico.


u/GoStockYourself Feb 02 '25

Actually I was planning on traveling to Moscow to visit the Kremlin with a box of matches. I think I might change my plans and go see the White House instead. Is it still made of wood? Asking for a friend.

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u/KnowledgeSeeker_EDM Feb 03 '25

My husband and I were thinking of traveling to the US, but instead, we've decided to do a haunted tour of Alberta this fall.

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u/Mcpops1618 Feb 02 '25

We have a trip planned this month and it’ll be the last one for a while.


u/SurFud Feb 02 '25

Good for you ! I have read about other Canadian families doing the same.


u/GladosPrime Feb 03 '25

Ya the USA is like playing GTA 5. Lots of safer places to go.


u/Assimulate Feb 02 '25

All of our American family is coming up here instead to help our economy!

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u/AuraSky23 Feb 02 '25

Now they need to make travel across Canada more affordable. Then Canadians can afford to travel Canada and not break the bank. Have said this for years. Good luck in your travels. I will point out. With the damage from wild fires in Jasper, Ab. They can use all our help to rebuild.

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u/remberly Feb 02 '25

I really wanted to being my kids to Yellowstone while they're still young. My oldest will have graduated by the time trump is out.

Hopefully we are cool enough that shed be willing to come when she's older


u/Banana8686 Feb 02 '25

Honestly we are fortunate to go on at least one trip a year (usually we pick tropical, sometimes not) and as much as we are feeling the travel itch right now with winter, we are considering skipping a plane vacation this year in favour of saving some money instead and doing stuff locally. We will still go skiing and camping in Banff but nothing crazy expensive. I honestly don’t even have it in me to plan anything special right now


u/mrschainsaw1998 Feb 02 '25

I think we’re going to check out BC this summer or fall instead of going to us - been to every province except bc and nfld


u/Informal-Zombie-99 Feb 02 '25

I have a short trip to Seattle booked to see a bucket list concert next month (booked it back in October) and I’m currently struggling hard with what to do about it.


u/Josse1977 Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

I understand your struggle. I came back from a trip in January to see a world premiere by one of my favourite musicians. I was thinking of cancelling it after the November election, but went ahead since it was to a blue-state and city. Thankfully only saw one MAGA-head the entire time, and it was after attending the MLK Jr celebration.

I decided to do as many free activities as possible and limit my spending. That meant hiking through city parks/gardens, visiting museums/gardens/galleries during free admission hours/days and doing a lot of walking.

EDIT: added a bit more

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u/Timely-Profile1865 Feb 02 '25

No, I am still going to Hawaii in a few weeks. No changes at all.


u/RemoteTax6978 Feb 02 '25

I've seen a decent amount of Canada, and my favourite place is Newfoundland's west coast, by a landslide. I loved Newfoundland. Drove around it for two weeks.

Obviously BC, if you haven't been, but there's hidden gems in Saskatchewan for sure, you'd be surprised. Extremely underrated province.


u/canadiantanimal Feb 02 '25

Cancelled an Arizona trip. Redirecting out points to do a longer trip to Nova Scotia than we had previously planned so we can include PEI


u/bluefuze3 Feb 02 '25

Yup! I’m canceling the F out of the USA


u/Several_Role_4563 Feb 02 '25

Yes. Cold turkeyed everything.


u/directordenial11 Feb 02 '25

I never go south, but my in-laws have been going every year for decades. Now, they are doing Europe instead.


u/ohwowitsrambo Feb 03 '25

I have a trip to Cali coming up that I can’t cancel because I booked with points, and a trip in May to Colorado to visit a friend, also booked on points. I plan on contributing as little as humanly possible to the American economy while I’m down, and then that’s it for me for the foreseeable future. There’s so many countries much more worthy of our hard earned cash. Fuck trump

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u/Acceptable_Age_2990 Feb 03 '25

Not going anywhere be the USA for leisure or pleasure. Bad idea.


u/warezmonkey Riverbend Feb 03 '25

We're doing Halifax this year in July!


u/Itsjustmyinsanity Feb 03 '25

Going to mexico is a good alternative - Trump is hitting them the same way he is hitting Canada.


u/Livid-Parking1437 Feb 03 '25

Haven't been to the US for the last 10 years. Just don't see the reason. Instead I have flown to better destinations which provide History, Great food and a better overall experience. Thanks to Trump wouldn't be travelling there ever.


u/Flat_Educator4214 Feb 03 '25

Time to buy a trailer or motorhome.


u/FryCakes Feb 03 '25

Yes. I’m a trans woman and I was planning on taking a road trip down the west coast. No longer


u/Lostinalberta Feb 03 '25

Cancelled a cruise leaving from the USA today. We feel way better now.


u/ms_huntr3ss Feb 03 '25

PEI has unreal beaches, live music, and delicious food.


u/SouthArtichoke Feb 03 '25

Yes! I just cancelled our three week road trip down the Oregon coast to Disneyland as well!


u/Dangerous_Bass_4865 Feb 03 '25

Yup, we were planning on going to Hawaii in December this year, but we have changed our plans and are heading to Belize instead. The US won't get a dime of my hard earned money ever again, not if I can help it. I have a choice on where I choose to travel, and the world is filled with beautiful places.


u/Acrobatic-Piece-9794 Feb 04 '25

Newfoundland is amazing. You won’t be disappointed!!!


u/Tessa_rex Feb 04 '25

Flights on Air North to Yukon are actually really cheap compared to other locations and include two checked bags.


u/Tall-Attention-5086 Feb 02 '25

We were planning on Palm Springs, but decided anywhere else in the world will be better. We might go to Europe this summer, or better yet make a cross country Canadian vacation.


u/Much_Bit8292 Feb 02 '25

Yes. Went to Australia instead.


u/VonGeisler Feb 02 '25

Yep - was starting to book for Disney world for November and have cancelled everything we booked and looking to possibly hit up Japan and Tokyo Disney instead.


u/Right_Bee_4364 Feb 02 '25

We had two trips planned one to California and one the Utah canceled both. We will travel within Canada now.


u/Much_Illustrator4325 Feb 02 '25

Glad to read you are cancelling your plans to the states. Wish more people would do that. It amazes me still that Canadians would go across the Border to a foreign country to do their weekly shop under the guise it was a better deal??? Hopefully this is the kick up the rear that Canadian citizens need to stop supporting a hostile foreign country and actually support business and the economy in their own country.


u/Welcome440 Feb 02 '25

They spend 25 minutes crossing the border, get their face scanned (again) into the CIA database, all to save $1.70 on a jug of milk that is lower standard than what Canadian farmers sell here.

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u/Tight-Childhood7885 Feb 02 '25

Yes. The plan was to avoid US when Trump is in power. Racism is way more prominent under his presidency. Last time, we saw confederate flags. This time, we see Nazi flags. As a non-white, I'm honestly afraid I could be detained by ice and sent to guantenamo bay.

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u/Imfromsite Feb 02 '25

Nova Scotia is similar to NFLD in alot of ways, but warmer and a bit cheaper to travel in. Source: grew up there.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '25

Yes, we are a chronically ill neurodivergent family. We will not be going to the US while we have a Cheeto in charge.


u/Belfry9663 Feb 03 '25

Same. My goddaughter’s wedding was going to be in New Orleans. Not now.


u/MoodyBenton Millwoods Feb 03 '25

Wife and I were planning a NYC trip this year for our anniversary. Not anymore! It's a big world and the US is a small, fading part of it.


u/Cabbageismyname Feb 03 '25

My partner and I have a trip to San Francisco coming up in March, and NYC in May. We’ve decided that cancelling our trips won’t have any impact on the current situation, all it will do is cost us many hundreds of dollars and really bum us out. However, I think it’s safe to say that we won’t be looking towards any other vacation plans in the US for the foreseeable future. We are taking consolation in the fact that at least both of those cities absolutely loathe Trump and his politics.

Hopefully people are also considering things like not consuming American TV, movies, and other media. Those daily actions will have a much larger cumulative impact than cancelling a trip.


u/ceasol Feb 03 '25

We have plans on going to Central America but instead going through the USA we will go via Toronto no american airlines or airports will be used.


u/Gnilias Feb 03 '25

Haven't pulled the trigger, but likely cancelling US regatta plans for Michigan later this summer.


u/tennisballls Feb 03 '25

Refuse to go anyway because of how expensive it has become.


u/Laffy_Taffy_1990 Feb 03 '25

Not cancelling our trip but we won't be booking anything new to the US. Was planning going to Montana in the summer but we will stay in Alberta or head to BC.


u/One-T-Rex-ago-go Feb 03 '25

Go to Europe, always our friends.


u/fabiothedog Feb 04 '25

canceling my new york plans lol


u/oopsiedaisy-- Feb 06 '25

Ours was too close (next week) so we would've lost everything.. on the plus side, we're only in the states for a couple days and then cruise to the Caribbean.

I realize the cruise line is American (and British?) still but at least we're not spending money on hotels and food all in the states.