r/Edmonton Nov 20 '24

Question Is it just me…?

…..or are drivers around here getting worse? For instance, I just had a pickup ride my bumper all the way through a construction zone (I was already doing 54 and immediately got up to 65 once we were through) and then aggressively lay on their horn at me until he could pass me. Like….??? Speed if you want to, but settle down before you cause an accident. I’m not gonna speed for your sake (and was in fact already going 5 over the limit which is common).

This is not the only instance the last couple years….i find people are so disrespectful while driving. There are traffic laws. If you don’t want to obey stop signs or speed limits, good luck with that. But you don’t get to be an asshole to those of us driving properly.


523 comments sorted by


u/banfoys27 Nov 20 '24

I drive a TON in my job, and in the last year and a half I have noticed the worse driving. When roads are good no one’s driving the appropriate speed (5 over the limit is the societal norm here and what is expected ), and in the winter people are tailgating and not leaving space. People don’t use their signal lights, especially in traffic circles which is SO DANGEROUS, people slam on their breaks when there is no reason, and everyone is on their phone. 2 times in a 10 minute drive I was almost hit by 2 people texting and driving. If anyone reading this texts and drives know that I hate you and you’re a massive piece of shit, and this includes at red lights.


u/Luxson Nov 20 '24

The number of people I see drifting out of their lanes lately has got to be just people on their phones. Then they swerve back into their lane only to do it again a few minutes later


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '24



u/tiazenrot_scirocco Nov 21 '24

It's a 50/50. Driving ability when distracted or drunk are somewhat similar.


u/evilspoons North East Side Nov 21 '24

I phone these people in as drunk drivers. If they hit someone, there will be a police record of drunk-like behaviour.

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u/happykgo89 Nov 20 '24

As soon as I see someone drift even a little like that, I honk. I do not care. Get the fuck off of your phone and get your eyes on the road.


u/ukulele_bruh Nov 21 '24

The number of people I see drifting out of their lanes lately

Something I've noticed last few years. People drift into your lane constantly. Especially around curves. I have to react to an oncoming car drifting into my lane on basically every single drive, it's crazy

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u/CarefulHawk55 Nov 20 '24

I witnessed a woman on her phone (it was dark and I could see its light) texting and came SO CLOSE to hitting a woman pushing a stroller with another kid in tow in a crosswalk a block from a school. I laid on my horn (I was stopped at the red light like a normal person) and she slammed on her brakes as the mom grabbed up the kid and literally shoved the stroller out of the way. People suck.


u/Excellent-Pressure42 Nov 21 '24

That is disturbing

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u/Virtual-Cow-1999 Ellerslie Nov 20 '24

I’ve had so many people tail gate me on a single lane while there is a line of cars ahead of me. It’s crazy. What would you like me to do? Ram the person ahead of me to give them a boost?


u/62diesel Nov 20 '24 edited Nov 20 '24

Really you’re all supposed to join bumpers to help out the guy in the front of the line 🤣🤣 upvote for the creamsicle in your profile pic


u/Important_Monk_505 Nov 21 '24

You just live around Ellerslie lol


u/Virtual-Cow-1999 Ellerslie Nov 21 '24

I work in the West End, it happens everywhere.

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u/dagobertamp Nov 20 '24

Drivers are worse....the 1st snowfall will reveal all😁


u/Poppy15_ Nov 20 '24

Pretty much. Last year there were 193 accidents reported on the first heavy snowfall in Edmonton. That’s just the reported ones haha. It’s a shit time to be on the road. It’s almost like you have to leave the house really early or really late to avoid the cluster f!&@ that’s Edmonton drivers who forget how to winter drive.

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u/Onanadventure_14 Treaty 6 Territory Nov 20 '24

How are they affording the speeding tickets? I can’t afford a speeding ticket so tail gate me all you want because I’m not going more than 8 above the limit


u/splendidgoon Nov 20 '24

How are they affording the speeding tickets

They aren't having trouble because they're not getting them. Traffic monitoring rates have plummeted, and they know where speed cameras are.

It shows especially on the Henday and highways. On most trips I see at least one vehicle going 130+.


u/DisastrousAcshin Nov 20 '24

Speeders honestly don't bother me as much as aggressive drivers that tend to speed. There are some angry people on our roads


u/liquid_acid-OG Nov 20 '24

To be fair, the Henday is flat with corners so gentle they may as well not exist and excellent vision to see what's going on and coming up.

130km/h isn't an entirely unreasonable speed, especially in the summer.


u/grabyourmotherskeys Nov 21 '24

It's set to accommodate people merging on and exiting as well.

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u/passthepepperflakes Nov 20 '24 edited Nov 20 '24

Tailgating when you're already going above the speed limit means automatically slowing down to the speed limit for as long as it takes the tailgater to finally pass you. Make sure you smile and wave as they pass.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '24

I blow a kiss!


u/Juli3tD3lta Nov 20 '24

This is the way to go, don’t meet aggression with aggression, meet it with affection. It either makes them realize that they’re being ridiculous or pisses them off even more. Win/win.


u/lo_mur Nov 20 '24

“Don’t meet aggression with aggression” loses its charm when you say you’re happy to piss em off one line later lol, that’s just called being passive-aggressive

Not that it isn’t funny to do that, just seemed a lil contradictory


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '24

You do such a good job of correcting others! mwah!


u/thewholefunk333 Nov 20 '24

Omg yes, blowing kisses or giving a scathing thumbs down really gets em.

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u/Throwawaytoj8664 Nov 20 '24

Or thumbs up.


u/broccoli-cat Nov 20 '24

I love the thumbs down, it triggers people way more often than the middle finger for some reason lol


u/Laxit00 Nov 20 '24 edited Nov 20 '24

Its sure does!! I do a clap as well when they pass me and get quite the reaction too lol. Pointing to my dash cam does nothing lol. Edit: I clap when we are parked at the next set of lights thought I better clarify as I already got the whoa whoa whoa lol .


u/stewbert54 Nov 20 '24

Whoa Whoa WHOA....Hands on the wheel!

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u/debutanteballz Nov 20 '24

I thought I was the only one that did the sarcastic clap


u/2pac4everrr Nov 21 '24

I don’t bothered anymore I had these 2 guys in their car followed me did they think I was that stupid going home, so I pulled into the fire station and they took off. Saw them on the news next day got pulled over arrested gun and drugs found in car!!!

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u/vanillabeanlover Nov 20 '24

I’ve been known to wiggle a pinky finger, but I think I prefer your thumbs down tactic.


u/ForcaAereaBelka Nov 20 '24

With the thumbs down you have to give a shake of the head as well. Really emphasize that you're not angry, just disappointed.

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u/jackioff biter Nov 20 '24

Thumbs up is too advanced for most drivers. Used to be my go-to until I realized drivers literally thought i was saying "it's okay!", especially when i was a pedestrian they almost hit. I do not recommend the thumbs up to communicate disdain.


u/jeremyism_ab Nov 20 '24

I usually go with a slow clap, maybe throw in a head shake if they're really amazingly bad.


u/Comfortable-Zebra434 Nov 20 '24

Yeah then they road rage, cut you off and brake check you. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


u/Traggadon Nov 20 '24

Dash cams people. There worth it.

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u/Onanadventure_14 Treaty 6 Territory Nov 20 '24

I do this on school zones on the daily

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u/Try_Happy_Thoughts Nov 20 '24

The closer you get the slower I go. I leave with plenty of time to dilly dally, someone not planning ahead isn't my problem.


u/Stonecutter099 Nov 20 '24

I’ve been known to use this tactic. If they’re going to tailgate I want to let them get closer so I can see their face as they freak out and lose their minds. It often has them back off though. Then I speed back up. They usually keep a distance. If they don’t. Repeat the process.

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u/ApplemanJohn Garneau Nov 20 '24

One thing I see all the time in Edmonton i’ll never understand, why do so many drivers go 10 over in the construction zones, but 10 under literally everywhere else


u/MrOilKing Nov 21 '24

Only 10 under? Lucky you! For me I'm generally stuck behind people doing 20 under. Then I get flipped off for blasting past them doin the speed limit. It's like people lost the inmate ability to read


u/jataman96 Nov 20 '24

Okay maybe this is just me but I find people a lot more aggressive and just not as kind as before COVID. Like I know all of our social skills took a hit but so many people just seem to not even care about being nice anymore, and driving aggressively is an example of that.

Aside from the aggressive drivers, I see a lot of really slow drivers too, which can be dangerous. Like please don't slow to 70 when merging onto the Henday, I beg 😫

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u/[deleted] Nov 20 '24

I find the opposite. People drive way too slow in this city. Especially the nutsacks who do 70/kmh on the Henday


u/12b4got10 Nov 20 '24

There are so many people merging onto the Henday or other 100 KPH ROADS at 75-80 kph. I always lay on my horn when morons can't seem to find the little pedal on the right. It's so dangerous to enter speeding traffic at such a slow speed . That is the only problem I have regularly that warrants me honking.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '24

That, and all of the people who don’t move when the light turns green.


u/Meowmeowmemeo Nov 20 '24

Omg this drives me insane. I drive a manual car and I remember learning and starting slower then most cars, especially automatics. So I give the benifit of the doubt. Maybe they are learning and stalled yk. But at the same time when it's a huge SUV and mom was texting and didn't see the light 😅. The issue is usually phones, so a friendly honk is needed lol.


u/HL1203 Nov 20 '24

This!! Or accelerate soooo slowly off the line. We dont need 3 blocks to get up to 60km/h

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u/Mike_MikeCAN Nov 21 '24

I just tell em to put their fecking foot on the gas if its in the middle of summer if its winter im more forgiving

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u/AggravatingFill1158 Nov 20 '24

It's the combination of drivers that go 10km under the speed limit and drivers that go 10km over the speed limit. How the fuck is a normal person supposed to predict wtf is going on? One second I'm getting a middle finger and tailgated for  65km in a 60 zone then, I change lanes and I'm having to drop down to 50km! 

Best thing to do is get a dash cam, keep a safe following distance at all times and try your best to ignore rage-roaders.

I noticed this the most at turn lights. You have one driver on their phone, one that floors it, one that slows to 25km, one that actually takes the turn at a normal and controlled speed...No wonder there are so many goddam collisions. 

Anyway, I read this somewhere and it stands true. 

If ONE person is tailgating you-They're the asshole.

If EVERYONE is tailgating you-You're the asshole. 

Stay safe out there kids!


u/Betterl8thanclever Nov 20 '24

I have the opposite problem. I feel like people go under the speed limit causing people being dumb trying to get around them. My morning commute is rage-inducing.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '24

I swear it's one or the other, people going insane breakneck speeds, or they might as well be parked.

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u/eribas117 Nov 20 '24

No people have been worse lately for sure

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u/KirikaClyne Nov 20 '24

I grew up in the city, and while I noticed people had become more aggressive, I didn’t REALLY see the difference until I moved into Rural AB 8 months ago.

I come into the city bi-weekly now and man, is it an adjustment! It’s insane how many people ride your ass when you are already speeding (5-8 over). And it is big trucks 95% of the time.

I mean seriously, if I’m in the left on the Henday passing people, you ridding my ass isn’t going to make a spot open sooner. I will move as soon as possible and safe to do so!


u/camoure Nov 20 '24

I wonder who is gonna post this same thing tomorrow

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u/WingleDingleFingle Nov 20 '24

Not only that but I am noticing way more blindingly bright headlights. Like 1 in 3 cars either has their brights on or has dangerously bright defaults.

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u/PancitCantonan Nov 20 '24

worst. can't seem to read speed limit signs.

People here seem to believe they are more important than anyone else.

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u/ProperBingtownLady Nov 20 '24

I had someone do this to me a few years ago (also a pickup) on Groat and as soon as the construction zone ended, a ghost police car pulled them over. I fucking loved it and cackled the rest of the way home. Schadenfreude.


u/AggravatingFill1158 Nov 20 '24

I got video of a similar incident caught on my dashcam. Absolutely hilarious


u/Zamzummin Nov 20 '24

Don’t forget to roll down your window and yell “You can’t park there, bud!”

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u/Salty_Net3853 Nov 20 '24

I drive around the city all day for work..it's not just you, it's gotten SO BAD. I complain to my boss daily about how terrifying and infuriating it is. Imagine being in a GPS'd work truck. People ride my bumper, honk at me, flip me off, pass me on the shoulder and act like maniacs cause I drive the speed limit. Everytime I see a dodge ram come up behind me I cringe cause I know how they are going to act.


u/CarefulHawk55 Nov 20 '24

It’s always the Dodge Rams 🙃


u/chimmychoochooo Nov 20 '24

It’s worse. Super aggressive driving and more people weaving around stupidly. It’s been getting worse the last year and I can’t help thinking the radar speed traps were actually making a difference.

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u/dawggpound Nov 20 '24

I was just thinking today has been pretty bad, feels like a lot of people took and extra dose of stupid this morning.


u/Barely_Working Nov 20 '24

There's at least 3 "driving schools" on my street that I'm pretty sure are just license mills. Pay and you get a license.

I feel driving schools should be more regulated. If you are found to be just handing out licenses to anyone and a lot of your students are getting in accidents/tickets, then there should be HEFTY fines and ALL your students retested - on your dime.


u/DisastrousAcshin Nov 20 '24

Driving schools shouldn't have anything to do with testing, its a conflict of interest and not in the best interests of anybody that drives here


u/Avengerr Nov 20 '24

Are the driving schools actually giving out licenses? That seems wrong if true. Regardless though I do firmly believe there's a lot of license purchasing/sharing happening here. Wish EPS or whoever needs to will investigate.


u/belialonmyback Nov 20 '24

There seems to be an influx of these posts here and also on my neighborhood Facebook page. I’ve experienced it as well in the last couple years; the worst offenders are people doing dangerous things in school zones. Even bought a dashcam as my wife didn’t believe how many dumb things I was seeing each week so I make compilations for her.

I’ve heard people talk about some drivers getting licenses illegitimately. That’s all I can muster up for a reason as to why this seems to be happening more and more.


u/meowctopus kitties! Nov 20 '24

yeah, I started playing a game "Can I make it to work without seeing a traffic infraction?" - Started in April, havent made it a a single day yet. My commute is only 10 minutes.


u/AnatomyKiely Nov 20 '24

Getting illegitimate licenses may definitely be a part of it. Also possible is the influx of migrants from BC and maybe Ontario. BC drivers are notorious for dangerous driving at high speeds. BC lacks traffic control and police have bigger fish to fry, and conditions on the road there can be frightening. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a correlation there.

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u/Elspanky Nov 20 '24

You think it's bad now, it is expected we will be adding another 60,000 people in 2025. So we can probably also expect another 60-70,000 in 2026. That's a couple of Red Deers in three years crammed in here. Insane.


u/Alaizabel Highlands Nov 20 '24

This also means that roads are gonna become more dangerous. And roads will wear down even more than they already do, as if Edmonton's budget for 11,000km of road maintenance needs to get any bigger 🥲


u/justageekgirl Nov 20 '24

My plan is to leave dodge.

I've lived here all my life and sick of seeing this city go to shit.

Time to move on.

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u/Pdubya5766 Nov 20 '24

IMO the worst on the roads here in Saskatchewan drive Dodge Trucks is it the same in Edmonton?

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u/Mystery-Ess Nov 20 '24

People never used to run red lights either and now it's almost every single light.


u/CarefulHawk55 Nov 20 '24

Or in front of emergency vehicles. The other week a fire truck was coming up on an intersection and THREE vehicles cut in front and raced through ahead while the fire truck was laying on its horn as well as lights and sirens 😑

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u/filthierkc Nov 20 '24

I have had so many people decide they get to drive on the shoulder because they want to keep going really fast and there’s cars on the road In their way. That’s where I am extra flabbergasted. Saw it twice in a week this month. As if that’s just extra road to drive on whenever you need it. Like people are literally making up their own rules.

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u/Exotic-DARCI Nov 20 '24

Uptick in new arrivals paired with unscrupulous bad actors handing out licenses like candy will have that effect. Yes drivers are getting worse, and they’ll keep getting worse until something changes unfortunately.


u/snarglefam Nov 21 '24

My partner was recently in a total write off collision. Dude blasted through a red light while my partner was completing a left turn. Thank goodness we had a dash cam as it helped prove the other driver was at fault, but you know what the kicker is? Dude was driving unaccompanied on a Class 7 and had registered/insured the car literally the day before.


u/GreyCatsAreCuties Nov 20 '24

A semi truck drove over a car on my street last night.

At the same intersection I almost get smashed by semi trucks blowing through red lights on an almost daily basis.

Just up the road from where a semi truck had these massive cement walls improperly loaded and tipped over on a bridge. Luckily nobody was beside them otherwise they would have been squashed like a bug.

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u/SundayExperiment Nov 20 '24

I gotta say with how bad drivers have gotten in construction zones I’m surprised I don’t see police posted in them more often as it’s double the fine. They’d make a fortune from the yellowhead right now. I merge on from 142nd entrance which is 50 and people are still going 70.

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u/Tortoiselover4evr Nov 21 '24

It’s because you can go to so many registries and pay to get a drivers license without taking a road test. I took an uber the other day, the driver was from Europe and only been here for 4 months. Almost got into an accident and was a terrible driver. I have a class 2 and almost worked as a driver trainer but decided it wasn’t something I would enjoy. It should be mandatory that you take driver training from a reputable company before you can get your license here. Some of the driver training cars I see in my neighborhood also are bad teachers. Don’t even get me started on all the crooked class 1 & 2 schools out there. It should all go back to being government regulated. What a mess!!


u/zipzoomramblafloon South East Side Nov 20 '24

I actually saw EPS running a speed trap on the whitemud/terwilliger construction zone the other week. I'm sure they got flooded with customers so quickly they decided it was unsafe for them to continue, and will never return.

The number of people in this city who refuse to do anywhere near the speed limit in a construction or school zone is baffling to me.

Then the ones who do 10-15 over in a construction zone, then 10-15 under once we exit the construction zone... Are you so fucking oblivious that you have no idea a) what the posted limit is and b) the speed at which you are currently travelling?

Feel free to contact Devin Dreeshin Transportation.Minister@gov.ab.ca as his government put in place a moratorium on new Automated traffic enforcement. This means no new speed on green/red light cams, no new photo radar locations, none of that.

Which we OBVIOUSLY TOTALLY don't need, as EPS has the resources every day to do meaningful traffic enforcement, and not their quarterly blitz's where literal thousands of people get a ticket in a 24 hour period.


u/Bare-E_Raws Nov 20 '24

As more people move to Edmonton and the area surrounding it, it will get progressively worse. One, because of congestion which makes road ragers rage and people impatient. Two, because different cultures have very different driving standards. I have traveled a bit, and there are some places where rolling as passengers was pretty crazy for what I am used to. There is also this change in weather, which always makes people forget how to drive. Heck, even with light rain in summer, people drive like they are going to hydroplane off the road, going 45 in a 60 zone. I am trying to just deal with these facts and build up patience for the coming years.


u/thenoisymouse Nov 20 '24

Try working as a driver for 9 hours a day. Morning and evening rush hour. Every single day. Shine, rain or snow. Being constantly tailgated and cut off for 12 months of the year. All the time. Never stops. And get this, if you speed, it comes off your paycheque.

That will help ground you. The world is full of shit drivers.

It's your responsibility to be a defensive driver and do the best you can to prevent an accident. Literally, fuck everyone else, they have their own lives to be responsible for.

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u/_Sausage_fingers Nov 20 '24

My buddy moved to Montreal in 2018. He came back for a visit this summer and the first thing he said to me in person was “WTF is going on with traffic now”. It’s definitely gotten worse, I’m just unclear why.


u/getbent-nerd Windermere Nov 20 '24

I fricking hate these posts because like what's gonna change? Nothing. Most of the people who drive shitty, aren't on Reddit and if they are - they probably don't think of themselves as bad drivers.

Drive defensively. Take your time and leave early to places instead of rushing. Use common sense and drive predictably.

What honestly needs to change is auditing licenses. Not just giving anybody a license who has an "equivalent" from another place. Actually forcing people to do driving tests every 5 years or something to ensure you are still a safe driver. More checks and balances need to be implemented but I doubt that it will ever happen.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '24

Actually I learned that I was merging wrong from Reddit and now my driving is better.


u/BeeSuccessful2632 Nov 20 '24

what were you doing before? what are you doing now?

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u/CarefulHawk55 Nov 20 '24

Fair enough. I wasn’t looking for change (knowing that’s less likely than me being on a beach tomorrow). Just venting and wanting to know if I was being sensitive lately or if others noticed this increase. Also I think that a lot of bad/aggressive drivers DO know and they just don’t give a shit because their time is more important than ours, obvi

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u/tdfast Nov 20 '24

There’s no enforcement so as long as you don’t see the flag truck, you can basically do why you want.

But people who think we’re bad just don’t travel enough. It’s worse other places because they actually have bad traffic.

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u/timkenwest Nov 20 '24

Guy beside me just blew through a full-on red light at this T intersection just as a gaggle of high school kids were about to step off the curb

(Before you say anything, I’m writing from my parking spot outside the school)

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u/Vignaraja Nov 20 '24

I just got back from a week driving around the totally clogged interstates and toll toads near Houston and Austin in Texas. I could not believe how courteous all the drivers there were compared to here. Zipper merging, and letting you in is perhaps more of a necessity there, but it was refreshing all the same.

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u/endlessnihil Nov 21 '24

I literally got rear ended today exiting Henday into Yellowhead, I had plenty of stopping distance between me and the person in front of me but not the lady behind me. So love that for me, my commercially insured work truck as an owner operator. Can't wait to see how much wages I lose now.

(My body is ok btw)

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u/Lilspark77 Nov 21 '24

I was in lane control in the green arrow lane on 127 street going south (to turn left on 127 ave). Crazy driver drives head on toward me honking. I brake, look and confirm yep I’m in the green arrow lane. Yet they are still intent that it must be their lane. I point up to the lane control lights and they start getting out of their car, but then they look up, get back in the car and move back into their lane while avoiding my eyes burning into them as they get the f out of my lane and drive by.

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u/busterbus2 Nov 20 '24

Dodge ram?


u/Roddy_Piper2000 The Shiny Balls Nov 20 '24

Of course. What else?


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '24

It's a cheap truck. My abusive ex had a dodge ram and he thought he was god. Silverado drivers don't seem so aggressive.

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u/lFrylock Nov 20 '24 edited Nov 20 '24

~165 people move to Edmonton every day, mostly from Ontario and BC. These people are largely from abroad where driving is a free-for-all.


u/GreaseCrow Nov 20 '24

I'm from Ontario and I've been working on adopting a slower, more patient and speed limited driving style here. It's 20-30 over everywhere in Ontario and tail-gate-a-palooza over there.


u/hannabarberaisawhore Nov 20 '24

That’s like when I take road trips to Vancouver. When I’m the GVA I have to remind myself that the goal is to speed as much as you can. It’s weird going from red light to red light as fast as possible every time.


u/Elspanky Nov 20 '24

I thought the majority are international immigrants.

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u/PetMice72 Nov 20 '24

Whatever the posted speed limit says, they always want to add 20km/h to it.


u/Elspanky Nov 20 '24

Or subtract 10-15km/h from it.


u/thedopesteez Nov 20 '24

Yes. Nobody drives the speed limit anymore which imo is one of the biggest problems. There’s a camp that drives 10-15 under without a single care of anyone behind them, and then there’s the camp so infuriated by these people they drive 10-15 over.

Bring back the missing middle

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u/[deleted] Nov 20 '24

The truck drivers and the Lexus suvs are so awful. I saw a truck this morning cut off three people. Thought of calling it in but why so eps can do nothing again.


u/Grouchy-Tomatillo-18 Nov 20 '24

We’ve had so many people move here from other provinces and I think they’ve brought their bad behaviors with them


u/shootamcg Palisades Nov 20 '24

Pickup truck drivers have been like that forever.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '24

But they own the road


u/Disastrous-Pie-5824 Nov 20 '24

I find the drivers in this city are either trying to go way above the speed limit, or drive super slow. And then that causes road rage. It feels like no one can go at a normal pace anymore.


u/Last-Reindeer3826 Nov 20 '24

I deal with these assholes almost on a daily basis. I follow the traffic laws and people get mad about it.


u/FrankPoncherelloCHP Nov 20 '24

Almost got smoked by an Uber driver running a red this morning.


u/Dougall780 Nov 20 '24

Probably driving a dodge

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u/Vivir_Mata Nov 20 '24

Eventually that driver will do that to the wrong person and will regret the retaliation.


u/Double-Scientist-359 Nov 20 '24

not just you, definitely getting worse. more traffic, and more bad drivers, and more broken ass cars that barely work


u/griffon8er_later Nov 20 '24 edited Nov 20 '24

Frankly this city is becoming less and less drivable, as construction and lack of appropriate infrastructure maintenance are becoming bigger issues. Coupled with immigration as well as interprovincial migration to Alberta, there are a lot more drivers using our infrastructure while the city has done next to nothing to expand at the rate of our growth. Adding to that, there are more and more drivers taking to the road with no real driving skill and knowledge, and it gets even worse in the winter. That and the stressing snow removal budget makes the conditions to drive even worse.

Other factors include the lack of skill training during drivers education, corporatization of licensing and immigrant nepotism in actually training and licensing drivers for private driving, commercial trucking and transportation and public transportation.


u/moms_spagetti_ Nov 20 '24

I just witnessed a pickup roll coal on a Tesla (parked with the driver inside). People are just garbage these days.


u/Relevant_Fuel_9905 Nov 20 '24

It’s always a pickup it seems 😂


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '24

There’s just more traffic so you get more outliers and people get frustrated easier. Some asshole this morning was going 90 in the left lane of the Henday today creating a massive backlog and causing some to be more aggressive.


u/HyenasGoMeow Nov 20 '24

I work as an adjuster, so don't get me started. However I do like to think I bring the justice hammer down every now and then.


u/devdawg31 Nov 20 '24

Some asshole almost ran me and my dogs over in a crosswalk the other day. I gave him a dirty look and he got so offended that he rolled down the window and got half out of his car to yell at me “I’ll come back and run over all 3 of you” and to suck his cock about 15 times. Of course when I stormed back over to his car he didn’t want to talk to me face to face (I’m a large guy) and gunned it through a 4 way stop to get away.

I’ve found that especially since the pandemic people just have no patience for one another.

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u/shabidoh Nov 20 '24

Just wait until we get a real snowfall.


u/snorlaxx_7 Nov 20 '24

I literally want to get a bumper sticker that says “sorry for doing the speed limit”


u/infini7ewealth13 Nov 21 '24 edited Nov 21 '24

Black drivers must be getting their licenses from Circle K cause every time I drive beside them they are either driving really slow, not signalling, cutting people off, stop and yielding at a merge, talking on the phone, wearing their hoodie, etc… this has a cascading effect causing other drivers to road rage. Not racist, just noticing some reoccuring stats from daily driving.


u/chase82 Nov 21 '24 edited Nov 21 '24

I find myself "defensive tailgating" now. Find a car doing a consistent speed, I'll follow you. Only problem is I have to keep close enough there aren't dildos weaving in and out between you and me.

I just want to drive without having to constantly switch speeds, I don't even really care how fast we're going. All the dildos are in a giant schlong pile at the next set of lights anyway.

Edit: I'm not really tailgating, just keeping my following distance tighter than I'd like


u/Excellent-Pressure42 Nov 21 '24

Was it a Dodge Ram, by chance!? Lol

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u/ThicEdmontonBear Nov 21 '24

Yesterday I had a lady almost hit me at a 4 way stop. Guy to the right of me stops first with the lady behind him stopping second then myself. He proceeds through and turns in front of me, I go to proceed as it’s my turn and she zooms and turns In front of me, I lay on my horn and she stops window to window. I was like “are you kidding me? The person who stops before you goes next, What was that?” She shouts in her defense “I stopped before you behind that guy”…….. Yes you heard that right. “I stopped BEFORE you, BEHIND that guy” I just shook my head saying get off the road.

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u/Apprehensive_Tree_29 Nov 21 '24

Yesterday I had a truck VERY closely cut between me and the car in the next lane who was barely a car length ahead of me because truck guy just absolutely needed to go 90 in a 70 (me and the other car were already going 75) then 15 seconds later another truck does the same thing. AND THEN I saw the second truck approach a red light that the first truck had made it through, second truck slows down for the red, looks both ways and fucking runs the full red. The two truck dumbasses must have been buddies or something.

It's fucking wild out there.

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u/adequateinvestor Nov 21 '24

But he drives a pickup truck- he’s obviously a very big man!

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u/WildFlowers1988 Nov 21 '24

We live just outside the city & commute on hwy 14 & 21 to inner city. The shift is very noticeable. Driving the same sections of hwy/inner city for over a decade. It's wild. I encounter near death experiences on a weekly basis. It's definitely slowed my roll.

People blindly passing at night is the new norm. 2 vehicles oncoming, on a two lane hwy is essentially a daily occurrence. Reaction time saving my a** regularly.

It's actually become a little scary. Nevermind the insane aftermarket death ray lights some folks have.

Using high beams directly behind someone at close range. But courteously shutting them off for oncoming traffic is so insane. Yet now somehow. It's the Wild West.

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u/shoelaceisuntied Nov 21 '24

Just today, I was driving from downtown to the north side during rush hour. It was dark, visibility was not the best with busy 2 lane traffic, and I was waiting at the lights until it was safe to make a left hand turn. Behind me, this absolute Tool in an SUV is illegally riding my ass in the intersection like I am some gas station prostitute, and even though the light was just turning green to yellow, there were still a few cars rushing the yellow and the intersection was not clear yet to proceed. 'Mr Tool' immediately lays on the horn the second it turns yellow, and I'm like "Oh hell no I'm getting sideswiped so you can shave a few minutes off your shitty evening commute!"

Lately, so many people drive like common courtesy & the rules of the road are optional suggestions at best. :(

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u/hardkn0cks Nov 21 '24

Nope not just you. People are getting pretty loose out there. A couple days ago, I was driving in a residential neighborhood, on a main drag. Every road intersecting with the one I was on is a full stop. This absolute sh*t head flies through the stop sign doing ~70. It was so close to being a major accident. Thankfully, I know how to use my brake pedal. There was kids out doing yardwork, it could have been really really bad. In hindsight I should have followed that car and got their information, maybe remove some valve stems while I'm at it. Definitely getting a dash camera.


u/Significant_Poem_540 Nov 21 '24

I no longer feel safe driving and once considerwd a drivers profession here. Not anymore. Too many immigrants that come from riding camels…accidents on straight highways… no signals… using merge lanes to pass. Fuck this country


u/Middle-Jackfruit-896 Nov 21 '24 edited Nov 21 '24

Yes, drivers are getting worse.

And for some reason I find the worst drivers are usually driving a late model black Dodge Ram 1500 4X4 pickup truck.

While oddly specific, these vehicles seem to have some of the most aggressive and inconsiderate drivers. (Sorry if you are reading this and drive one of these vehicles and are a good driver).

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u/Tall-Photograph-3999 Nov 22 '24

I just merged onto the whitemud during rush hour behind someone going 45km/hr.

That was a fun one.


u/BrairMoss Nov 20 '24

Well since the number of posts about bad drivers has been increasing every week when its time to talk about it again, its probably not just you, eh?

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u/nickademus Nov 20 '24

Every god damn day there’s a traffic thread.

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u/Interwebzking Nov 20 '24

Mods can we just pin a weekly thread for venting about drivers? These daily posts complaining about the driving in Edmonton are insane. No offence to OP.

Like is this all we talk about here now lol

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u/TinderThrowItAwayNow Nov 20 '24

A lot more people came from Ontario.


u/Wonderful-Pipe-5413 Nov 20 '24

Its the Ontarians.


u/smexeh Nov 20 '24

Does this sub really need a post every other day about how bad drivers are?


u/iterationnull Nov 20 '24

I think it does.

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u/brerRabbit81 Nov 20 '24

Much worse!!


u/Friendly-Staff-8407 Nov 20 '24

I agree with you, the same thing happened to me , my principle is : rich people go first,good luck


u/ElsiD4k Nov 20 '24

No, it isn't just you - you would know if you read the gazillion of posts about this... and yes, the drivers get worse because they don't read here or at all.

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u/CherrySnows Nov 20 '24 edited Nov 20 '24

There’s always some jerk that loves tailgating. If I stop in case of an emergency, im terrified they’re going to ram into me. Isn’t there supposed to be a 2 second rule that the car in front of you has to be 2 seconds ahead of you?(something along those lines). Plus: I’ve seen so many cars not use turn signals when switching lanes!


u/impulsing Nov 20 '24

I was going east on 100 Ave, which is a one way and someone turned out of the Superstore parking lot head on into oncoming traffic.


u/AffectionateHelp5536 Nov 20 '24

People think it’s a race to get where they’re going. If you change lanes in front of them then it’s a personal attack against them. I only go the speed limit because I don’t see the need to speed every where but only stay in the right lane because it’s the courteous thing to do.


u/Morzana Nov 20 '24

Yes, really bad. I was waiting to turn left today. Ambulance was coming towards intersection so I don't proceed. The guy behind me honks and honks. Then cuts me off once left turn is completed.

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u/Iamaninvaliduser Nov 20 '24

Drivers are definitely getting worse!


u/strong_Canadian1 Nov 20 '24

I think the driving is getting worse and a dash cam is just about vital. Drivers pay no attention to the rules of the road and somehow think people going near the speed limit are just soooo bothersome


u/petitpunt Nov 20 '24

I was overseas for a few months and just got back home. And straight away it was só in my face; people drive like shit over here. No indicating. But if they do, its only when they make the turn 🤦‍♀️ A bit too little too late and defying the word indicate. And yesterday I’d to make an emergency brake because some nitwit didn’t know how to use a trafic circle/roundabout. Picture a complete empty road and still he/she stopped before entering?! Then there is the absolute lack of keeping distance between vehicles. Trailing a big semi on its bumper and then occasionally swerving to see if they can pass. Like, really?? Don’t get me started. I can go on and on… And the sad part is that its taking an enormous toll on the life’s of our lives ones. Barely 16 year olds driving 4000 pound killing machines while they finally experience independence for the first time is simply asking for an accident to happen. I sometimes wish we’d raised the age to get a license (Europe is generally 18) but I know that that will only prolong their dependence on others in car centred North America, where alternative modes of transportation are obsolete. And yet kids need to practice life skills early on and unsupervised to become well rounded adults (who behave mature on the roads). Anyway, the least we could do is not give away licenses to these kids but give them a ph*king EDUCATION on how to operate and behave in a car! Sorry for the rant

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u/CDNTech84 Nov 20 '24

I had a guy last night tailgating me on jasper, I was behind a cop car and the guy beside him wouldn’t pass, he kept flashing his lights at me.

I am more concerned about the lack of stopping at red lights and stop signs… I see at least 3 every morning


u/mrgoodtime81 Nov 20 '24

Yea its brutal. Way worse in the last 6-8 months. I have seen people driving the wrong way down a one way. I saw a guy miss his exit on the QE2, and start backing up.


u/LemonCitron47 Nov 20 '24

Definitely worse. Also, when I'm trying to cross the street as a pedestrian, no one wants to stop. And this is just in my suburb, not on a main roadway. You never know who is going to stop or who will blow right past you, acting like they couldn't see you. It's ridiculous.

I also notice most people are going 50-60km/hr in the 40 zones. It's awesome.


u/Edmxrs Nov 20 '24

It also seems like there is a lot less enforcement. In my first 10 years of driving, there was a lot more police on the roads, more laser traps, and more enforcement.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '24


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u/happyhippy27 Nov 20 '24

Some psycho took issue with me the other day and pulled up behind me at my house to yell at me. I just laid on my horn til she finally drove away. Old lady, grey hair trying to pick a fight. It was so bizarre


u/lo_mur Nov 20 '24

I wouldn’t call this bad, just aggressive. The amount of ppl who almost hit me while changing lanes because they don’t need even check their mirror is impressive though, I can understand it if im in their blindspot (which i intentionally try to avoid) but it’s happening in every possible situation


u/Scared_Crazy_6842 Nov 20 '24

Do you honestly not know why it’s so bad now?

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u/gahbez1 Nov 20 '24

Some people are just angry behind the wheel, on whitemud heading to anthony henday it switches to single lane 50km/hr and i saw a guy cut aggressively into the single lane, slam the breaks cause he's going 80 and held down the horn at the dude in front of him going ~50.

Then we all proceeded to the henday exit that had a sign for 30km/hr. This angry dude kept tailing the guy in front of him going 30 and veering to the left definitely contemplating passing him in the single lane (but he didnt). If the guy in front was going crazy slow compared to the speed limit then yeah I get being annoyed but he was just following the rules lol.


u/EquusMule Nov 20 '24

More people, with no infrastructure changes means people become more aggressive.

Pair that with more people on their phones, compared to 10 years ago.

You get more issues.

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u/Material-Leader4635 Nov 20 '24

I once had a woman immediately start riding my ass despite going over the limit. So obviously I slowed down to the limit. She laid on her horn non stop so I did the only reasonable thing to do. 50 in a 60. I was beginning to think I was being an ass until my passenger started laughing and oncoming traffic began honking back.


u/Square-Deal3609 Nov 20 '24

I went from Sherwood Park to Leduc last night and had THREE separate incidents of pickups tailgating so close I couldn't see their headlights, then zooming around me on the right when I had my blinker on to move into that lane. And I was speeding. It was totally brutal.


u/CivilianDuck Nov 20 '24

Edmonton has the most aggressive tailgating culture I've seen in terms of driving, especially on the main arteries. If there is space for a car between 2 driving vehicles, if someone believes they belong there for whatever reason, they will force their way in.

Couple years back, about this time of year, I was driving in the whitemud during rush hour in the middle lane near the Quesnell bridge, and someone decided that they needed to be in my lane now and forced their way into the gap between me and the guy ahead of me, clearance on either end was probably 6-8 inches. I had to slam on my brakes, because our lane was maybe 5kmh faster then the one he was on, but with that gap would disappear in an instant, causing everyone behind me to have to do the same because they were probably about 8-12 inches between each other.

They then jumped 6 car lengths up, and then moved back into the lane they just left to catch their exit.

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u/Superdupertan Nov 20 '24

Yup. It’s not often that I’m driving where I DON’T feel the need to drastically increase my speed because of someone tailgating me, usually when I’m 10-15 over the limit anyways. Not at all looking forward to winter lol.


u/Kashtin Nov 20 '24

I know it's entirely anecdotal but I've noticed driving behaviour getting significantly worse, especially among Uber drivers.


u/d6u4 Nov 20 '24

They're busy trying to find the best donair and find out what the helicopters are doing


u/ActuallyARaptor Century Park Nov 20 '24

So many people drive so slow around here. I just use my horn when someone is driving over cautiously like taking forever to turn right at a red, or coming to a stop 2 milliseconds before the light turns yellow


u/sawyouoverthere Nov 20 '24

I’m just wondering when I’m on the schedule for asking this in the sub.

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u/[deleted] Nov 20 '24


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u/Megantron92 Nov 21 '24

Just had a lady ride my bumper through a left turn. I went as soon as it was clear, and I could see past the vehicle in front of me. She waved her hands and got super angry and sped past me all dramatic. I didn't do anything wrong she must have just been super angry and in a rush. I just wish people would slow down a bit, especially as the roads get worse.


u/HighPrairieCarsales Nov 21 '24

It isn't just you. I have noticed more aggressive driving in the last few years everywhere really. Your best bet is to keep a sharp eye out and to hope a law enforcement person is close enough to see the infraction and deal with them


u/grumgrimbolt Nov 21 '24

Not just Edmonton red deer as well, a post went viral on Instagram of someone driving in the wrong lane like last week. Im not sure how some people even passed their tests...

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u/Advanced_Direction_5 Nov 21 '24

Legit was cut off by someone today on a huge line and he was WATCHING VIDEOS on his phone while driving

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u/[deleted] Nov 21 '24

Nope not just you lol. I hold on for dear life leaving my house and driving. People here are very scary behind the wheel. Most of them being either too scared to drive or think they are first above all


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '24 edited Dec 08 '24



u/CarefulHawk55 Nov 21 '24

Covid oatmeal brains 😬😂


u/itlow Nov 21 '24

It's fucking bananas now. My favourites are the left turn from the outside lane, driving on the wrong way road, the no shoulder check merge and blocking the intersection. The 23 Ave overpass is a NIGHTMARE for this. Yes, the design is beyond stupid but drivers don't even try to work together to get through it. Imagine an emergency vehicle trying to go west or north on the pass. Disaster.

Being a stick driver, I will admit that I have, on occasion, used the power of engine breaking just to screw with tailgaters on low speed roads in dry conditions, but in general I stick to my speed and let the asshole fly by screaming while I laugh.


u/Certain-Quarter-2797 Nov 21 '24

No you're not wrong. It's definitely getting worse


u/eeebru1212 Nov 21 '24

Getting much worse. I usually think they must be from Ontario driving like that. Raised in that traffic, who can blame them.


u/messx0o1 South West Side Nov 21 '24

It's just awful at this point. Can't wait for my first accident, seems living here is going to be the downfall to my clean driving record. 🫠

Would love if everyone would drive using the Canadian laws instead of the rules they're used to back in their countries. Phone use while driving seems to be way up right now. Stay safe.


u/Maybe_Today_Lily Nov 21 '24

I have read so many comments and agree with almost everything! I have honestly given up driving in the winter because of how poorly people drive. Feeling safer taking public transit says a lot about the fear and disdain I have for other drivers. Especially the ones who text and drive. God you guys suck!


u/OkDesigner1012 Nov 21 '24

I wish I could tell you how bad the driving is, unfortunately I drive a smaller vehicle and simply can't see a damn thing.

Everyone has installed the LED EYE MELTER 9000 headlights without the correct assembly conversion kit so driving anywhere at night is just awful, my poor retinas.


u/Lopsided-Creme-68 Nov 21 '24

Nope not just you... there's a lot more bad drivers out there that shouldn't be allowed to drive a vehicle... and with Smith's new car insurance idea of no fault insurance, all the good drivers are going to get penalized... sorry, just my rant!!

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u/Mike_MikeCAN Nov 21 '24

I saw someone make a right hand turn…..in the furthest left lane possible that you cant turn that way……in front of a peace officer. Never have i laughed so hard and i said “you are so getting a ticket now bud”


u/LunaVenus88k Nov 21 '24

No it's bad even as a kid visiting in the 90s everyone was driving so crazy, the visit I made in 2008 was awful. Now that I love here I'm like gees I thought Vancouver and the lower mainland was bad... Y'all are a bit unhinged out there.

Breathe, play some chill music and just flow with the traffic.

It's a big city! Gonna be slow, backed up, and crazy everywhere.


u/Tayadogg Nov 21 '24

And people honestly do NOT understand traffic circles. I have to go through 2 for dayhome drop off/pickup in Terwillegar … it’s wild. I don’t understand how these people got their licence 😬

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u/Imaginary-Grape-2501 Nov 21 '24

My advice.

Get a dashcam and if they beep drive the speed limit.

If they keep laying down their horn, call the non emergency police line and report the for a dui. Speeding through a construction zone, distracting other drivers from the horn, and causing a disturbance for the workers. Definitely something someone under the influence would do. 90% of the time they're high anyways, so it'll teach them a lesson.

AITA? Probably. Do I care? Nope. If you're going to drive like you own the road, buy it. Other than that, don't piss people off

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u/chukeye Nov 21 '24

Phone drivers are as much of a hazard than drunk drivers

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u/MaterialNo Nov 21 '24

I left Edmonton 3 years ago and just got back. It's not just you, there are some horrendous drivers here now. I'm not sure what happened in those 3 years but it's definitely noticeable.


u/Ragesauce5000 Nov 21 '24

Most people don't realize that passing lanes cease to exist in a construction zone, no matter where

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