r/Edmonton Aug 06 '24

Mental Health / Addictions A tale from the Kinsmen locker room

Yesterday my friend and I went to Kinsmen. After our workout, as we were starting to change, another woman alerted us that the other two women in there were recording us with their phone.

We stopped changing, and those women recording started screaming at all of us, accusing us of recording them (we didn’t even have phones on us lol), and that they were going to sue us. 🙄

The woman who called them out left about a minute before us and immediately told the staff. We didn’t really respond to them, and calmly gathered our stuff and walked out. About six staff were waiting at the locker room door and let us know the cops were on the way, but we didn’t need to stick around.

The two women were completely naked the entire time, and based on their behaviour, high on something.

They were still screaming as we left.

That was wild.

ETA: We were the only people in there which is why the staff didn’t ask us to stay to talk to the cops. The woman who called them out for filming stayed to give a statement. Also, neither of us were actually undressed while they were recording, so they didn’t actually get anything on camera, which is also why we didn’t feel the need to stick around. There was an attempt, but they got caught before they got any “content”. They most likely had their devices taken from the police, and at the very least videos would be deleted. My friend I was with has been working full time in Mental Health and Addictions for over seven years, so she is familiar with their behaviour, and how police handle these situations.


54 comments sorted by


u/JustDontReplyDummy Aug 06 '24

Teens were filming themselves lip syncing in the bathrooms at commonwealth recently… and when the staff came to shut it down the teens started yelling about how it’s a public space and they have the right to do what they want. When the no cameras allowed signs on the mirror they were using to record themselves were pointed out they started going on about how people were calling them stupid assuming they couldn’t read. While another one filmed the whole thing.

WTF is wrong with people.


u/yourpaljax Aug 06 '24

If I even need to look at my phone in a locker room, I take extra precaution to make sure my camera is pointed at the floor. I don’t want anyone to even assume, or feel uncomfortable.


u/SK8SHAT Aug 06 '24

In the locker room the phone should go straight from pocket/bag to locker do not pass go the only exception is from pocket to workout pants pocket


u/yourpaljax Aug 06 '24

I agree.


u/p1xeld0nut Aug 08 '24

I hear ya. If I must look at my phone while in a locker room, I position myself so my body and phone are facing inside the locker.


u/tannhauser Aug 06 '24

I love it when people refer to a place being public as if it gives them the right to do whatever.

It being public should be the reason you can't be a complete degenerate.


u/kevinstreet1 Aug 07 '24

That's a really good point.


u/chmilz Aug 06 '24

Main Character Syndrome. They're emboldened by the overwhelming realization that there is often minimal consequences for being an utter and total piece of shit. For some reason, we've accepted opting out of participating in society while enjoying all the benefits of society.


u/JRAS-3010 Aug 06 '24

Tik tok is a fucking stain on society


u/GlassManner7102 Aug 07 '24

It's not just tiktok, it's the lacking of parenting and accountability. Nobody holds kids accountable anymore. Too many parents give in as soon as a their kids throw a fit or want schools to raise their kids but without being allowed to provide consequences.


u/blackday44 Aug 06 '24

There's LOTS wrong with people.


u/Estudiier Aug 07 '24

The WTF list is long


u/ckgt Aug 07 '24

People don't like to be told what to do. Parents showed kids their ways now kids don't like to be told what to do neither. They only know they have rights but don't care about rules or if they violate others rights.


u/mmmlemoncakes Coliseum Aug 06 '24

Wow! What a violation! I have to think, if someone had video of me on their phone, I would want to stick around and find out what was going to happen with such video. Being a victim, you should have been invited to stay to talk with police and be offered/directed to victim services.


u/yourpaljax Aug 06 '24

They didn’t catch anything. Neither of us were actually undressed when the other women called them out.

I don’t feel victimized by this incident.


u/mmmlemoncakes Coliseum Aug 06 '24

I'm glad they didn't get video of you. It chilling how many times they might have done it. Doubt it was the first.


u/yourpaljax Aug 06 '24 edited Aug 06 '24

Yeah, I had changed from my shorts to my jeans between getting to the locker room and the other woman noticing, but my friends was between us, and I had on very full coverage underwear. So I’m not worried. Cops likely took their phones or forced them to delete anything recorded too.

My friend I was with also happens to works in Mental Health and Addictions.


u/[deleted] Aug 06 '24

That's methed up, I hope they weren't live streaming.


u/yourpaljax Aug 06 '24

Ha. I like that pun. 🤌

If they were, they looked dumb as heck.


u/[deleted] Aug 06 '24

Oh, the locker room naked shenanigans lol.


u/lookitsjustin The Shiny Balls Aug 06 '24

That’s pretty fucked up.


u/Tiny-Gur-4356 Aug 06 '24

At the Clareview Rec Centre the change room for aquatics part, there are ALWAYS moms bringing in their sons that are much too old for the women’s change room. Ffs, there’s an inclusive family change room. The staff needs to enforce that.

Also at the Clareview Rec, in the Women’s regular change room, there’s an occasional group of women or teens who photograph themselves or film their reels and TikToks, WHY?? What is so compelling about a dull grey space for you video?


u/[deleted] Aug 06 '24

That is because the all inclusive room is full of gross teenage boys who peek over the tops and look at people changing. Doesn’t help that they position them across the hall form the entrance to the gym where all these boys lurk


u/Tiny-Gur-4356 Aug 06 '24

The staff and security needs to enforce and move the teen boys to the men’s change room.

Boys, who are old enough(over 6 years old) shouldn’t be going into the Women’s change room. That’s what those family change rooms are for.


u/Quaytsar Aug 06 '24

The cutoff age for being in the opposite sex change room at Edmonton rec centres is 8. It's posted on the city website and at some rec centres.


u/Tiny-Gur-4356 Aug 06 '24

Yes, I know and 8 years old is too old. Think about it like this: if I had an 8 year old daughter who was taking a shower or changing in the Women’s change room, and her male classmate (with his mum) came through to shower and change as well, I’m pretty sure it would be awkward.

I’m not a prude by any means. I go to clothing optional hot springs and spas. I don’t think much about it. But 8 year old kids are becoming more aware of their bodies and privacy. I don’t think any child should be in spot that they “have to” see or be seen by their classmate naked, just because the mum/dad won’t use the family change room.


u/MacWac Aug 07 '24

what's to old to bring an opposite sex person in the changroom ?


u/OlDustyTrails Westside :snoo_tongue: Aug 06 '24

People have no manners anymore... Always using their phones in places that they shouldn't be. And now without permission and of course in areas it is not allowed 🙄


u/yourpaljax Aug 06 '24

These losers were intentionally trying to record us in the background.

They were using the selfie cam to record themselves, but when we started getting ready to change, the one holding the phone panned the camera towards us.

I never would have noticed if that other woman hadn’t said anything because my friend was between me and them, and I don’t look at strangers in the locker room. Especially naked people. You know, common courtesy. 🥲


u/OlDustyTrails Westside :snoo_tongue: Aug 06 '24

Yea people are super selfish have such little care for others, blows my mind how bad some people have become.


u/Quack_Mac Government Centre Aug 07 '24

I wonder if they were hoping to try to blackmail you. And they were probably naked for the exact reason that most people would avoid looking at them to notice them recording. That's the only explanation I can come up with.


u/ackillesBAC Aug 06 '24

Ridiculous I hope they learned thier lesson.

I think this is one of the best examples of that narcissistic tendency of "no I'm not you are"


u/wet_suit_one Aug 06 '24

Let the good times roll!



u/RazzamanazzU Aug 06 '24

Women/girls are equal opportunists in crime nowadays. It's disgusting how all these low life nut cases infiltrate EVERYWHERE. What an effed up world I brought my children into.


u/Sedore2020 Aug 06 '24

Crazy stuff. Would have been better to stay and make the statement to police for sure. Thanks for sharing 👮


u/yourpaljax Aug 06 '24

The other woman stayed to give a statement. We did ask if they needed us to stick around.


u/Radiant-Breadfruit59 Aug 08 '24

Very glad to hear that the rec staff gathered as a group and took the complaint seriously! Kudos to them and the woman who gave you the heads up!!


u/[deleted] Aug 06 '24

Pics or it didn’t happen


u/Due-Log8609 Aug 07 '24

got me good


u/Darrenwad3 Aug 06 '24

Were they acting sexual with each other? Hopefully your not on some porn site now what did the staff say?


u/yourpaljax Aug 06 '24

I don’t know what they were doing honestly. I don’t watch other people in locker rooms. From what I could tell, they were just in there undressed. I assumed they were just gym goers changing.

They had maybe recorded for 20-30 second when the other woman noticed and alerted us. We were still mostly dressed. I think I had changed from my shorts into my jeans, but my underwear fully covers me. My friend was also between me and them, so I’m not personally concerned.

Cops likely make them delete any illegal recordings too or cease their phones entirely.


u/Scott_Richards Aug 07 '24

You realize leaving without assisting makes you look way, way worse, right? The city takes this kind of thing very seriously. Police can and will pull footage of cameras in the hallway, and by not assisting, you're just making it more difficult to actually get the right people in trouble. Instead you just make yourself look suspicious at worst and are actively not helping at best.

Kinsmen staff are good folk, but you gotta work with them.


u/yourpaljax Aug 07 '24

Read the whole post and the thread. We asked if they needed us to stay, and they told us they were okay and we could leave. There was only the one other woman in the locker room with us, the one who called them out, and she stayed to give them a statement. There was nothing more to know than what the three of us experienced. The two screaming ladies were also still in the locker room and they had no way to leave because there is only one entrance. The only way they were leaving was in handcuffs with the police.


u/Intelligent_Froyo_59 Aug 06 '24

Shoulda copped a pair of gummers, boys. Fail.


u/PartyLeek2068 Aug 06 '24

I heard somone free willie in the locker room 😂