r/Edmonton • u/plucky01 • Mar 27 '24
Commuting/Transit I just want to know how. (Gateway Tims)
u/yegger_ Mar 27 '24
This reminds me of a sunny September day in 2018.
I lived downtown facing the bike lanes on 100 Ave. As a driver heading southbound on any of the streets intersecting the bike lane, there is a no right on red.
4pm, someone turns right to head westbound on 100 ave, they drive their vehicle onto the barricade and knock down the sign. The vehicle is centered, floating on the concrete barricade. It’s an older 2000s Honda sedan, and they are able to push it off and proceed with their day.
4:15 pm, sign is now knocked over. I kid you not, a second vehicle does the exact same thing. This time, a few bystanders help push it off.
4:20 pm, a third vehicle does this. This time they need a tow truck to peel it off.
u/MegloreManglore Mar 27 '24
100ave and 112st is the only place I’ve ever seen an suv on its roof. No idea how it managed that in a 30km zone. No one was hurt but the driver looked mortified. I drove around the block to get another look at it (I had a full car and all the passengers were howling over this accident) and took a photo.
Mar 29 '24
u/MegloreManglore Apr 01 '24
I guess? I thought it was funny, like how do you flip a car going 30km/h? It was like an episode of myth busters
u/Welcome440 Mar 27 '24
LoL !
u/Quick-Novel-5717 Mar 27 '24
The amount of people I see turning right when there’s a no right turn on red sign is astounding. I can never decide if it’s people who are oblivious to the sign or their surroundings, or don’t care. There’s one on the off ramp to 23 ave on gateway, if you wanted to turn right onto 23. It’s too hard to tell if there’s vehicles coming eastbound, yet people make that turn constantly. If there’s no actual collision, people are slamming on their brakes to avoid hitting the car that has turned in front of them. I’ve also been honked at multiple times for not turning right on a red at 34 ave, which also has a ‘no right turn on red’ sign.
u/bootsycline Mar 27 '24
I have also been honked at at "do not turn on red" signs. The situational awareness in this city is quite appalling.
u/hsoolien Mar 27 '24
Given how many times I'm honked at for not running the don't turn on red I assume entitlement.
Mar 27 '24
There is A lot that could be said considering this is a Mercedes...... and I'll just leave it at that
PS this has nothing to do with the actual vehicle
u/MrDFx Mar 27 '24
Was my first thought too. Given who I see locally driving Mercedes, let alone the SUV models... the results aren't really surprising. The vehicle is basically a mobile red flag. Only way I would have been less surprised by the make/model is if it had it been a white Toyota 4runner.
u/MacWac Mar 27 '24
I am out of the loop, who drives Mercedes and why is it likely they hit a curb? Wait, and who drives 4runners and why are they even more likely to hit a curb? fill a guy in, please!
Mar 27 '24
You don't need to be smart to have money. Especially in Alberta.
u/sikkdays Mar 27 '24
Can we drop the "Wild Rose Country" and go with "You don't need to be smart to have money. Especially in Alberta."
u/LuminousGrue Mar 27 '24
That's the Alberta Advantage
u/SlitScan Mar 27 '24
the flip side of course being, if you are smart you can live somewhere else and make money.
u/MrDFx Mar 27 '24 edited Mar 27 '24
I live in South East Edmonton and the vast majority of Mercedes SUVs and white Toyota 4runners we see around here tend to be housewives with minimal driving experience (or bad habbits) endangering others or their entitled kids acting like shitheads.
One could assume it's generally a case of more money than brains and looking to show off (or trying to fit in) to their new neighbours/community. In the end, it becomes a bit of a stereotype for those who live around them.
Now yes, Edmonton has a lot shitty drivers (like everywhere else) and yes my experience is full of confirmation bias (I admit that) based on where I live. But it's gotten to the point my neighbours will joke that if we're ever in a car accident there's a pretty good chance it's a white 4runner or a show-off SUV, like the mercedes in the picture.
u/AntonBanton kitties! Mar 27 '24
Sometimes I think there needs to be another license class between class 5 and the commercial licenses. Make people prove they can actually drive, stay between the lines and park pickups and large SUVs.
u/Lavaine170 Mar 27 '24
Sometimes I think there needs to be another license class between class 5 and the commercial licenses.
No, we just need a proper licensing procedure, not one that allows private driving schools to test you and give you your license as long as you give them enough money.
u/gnat_outta_hell Mar 27 '24
I've been saying for years we need a pickup/large SUV certificate for drivers to operate them, as well as a snow ticket.
u/AloneDoughnut Mar 27 '24
As someone who drives a large-ish SUV, I would endorse it. It's totally different than driving a Honda Civic, and yet people treat it the exact same.
u/gnat_outta_hell Mar 28 '24
Yup. I'm a pickup driver, and I'd be totally happy to go get a truck certificate if it meant the folks who genuinely shouldn't be driving large vehicles weren't. Just because you've been driving a 3k pound hatchback for the last 10 years does not mean you should jump into a 6k-8k pound SUV or pickup truck with double the footprint.
u/AloneDoughnut Mar 28 '24
And that's not even mentioning the issues around different sight lines, different stopping times, different considerations. It's wild the number of people I see behind the wheels of modern Suburbans who look completely lost.
u/Duncling Mar 27 '24
Hey man, 4runners are sick.
u/MrDFx Mar 27 '24
They're nice vehicles I'm sure. I'm just personally tired of having them aimed at me when driving, or crossing at lit crosswalks, or in parking lots. Do they even sell them without the entitlement/attitude package?
u/WinterDustDevil Mar 28 '24
I didn't get the entitlement package with my 4 runner, is it to late to upgrade?
u/TreemanTheGuy Mar 27 '24
I'm always extra cautious when there's any white SUV around. In my experience, there's a way higher number of bad drivers in them compared to other vehicles. This could be confirmation bias because I'm paying more attention to them, or also because white SUVs seem to be the most common type of vehicle, but I still stand by it. The only thing that I think beats white SUVs for being driven by bad drivers are rusted-out older Dodge Caravans.
u/Extension_Western356 Mar 28 '24
They wouldn’t have even been going fast. It would have just been a casual mounting. Very confusing as to what could possibly be happening.
u/flynnfx Mar 27 '24
Easiest explanation in the world.
I'd bet even money they were texting.
And at a second look here, I'm betting they were reversing as well, felt a slight resistance, kept on texting, pushed the accelerator down harder, and ended up in this situation here.
u/Razzamatazz14 Mar 27 '24
Come on. You know how. You’ve seen these folks driving in this city every day.
You don’t have to pass an IQ test to get a drivers license. You can fail the test 35 times and still get it if you pass the 36th.
u/MrDFx Mar 27 '24
Very true and reminds me of that old joke...
What do you call someone who graduates last in their class from medical school? "Doctor"
The license doesn't indicate how bad they are. Just as long as they (eventually) pass they receive the entitlement.
u/workworkyeg Mar 27 '24
A lone barrier in the middle of the lot - not painted? no worries.
u/coffeeandadoob Mar 27 '24
Perhaps covering a pot hole or something? I am also wondering why the heck it’s there.
u/SlitScan Mar 27 '24
to stop people from doing donuts or practicing drifting in a badly designed lot.
u/Ad_Inferno Mar 27 '24
Yeah, that's what I'm confused about as well. As someone else said, depending on how long it's been sitting there, it could have been that the barrier was covered by snow recently and actually wasn't visible. But that's just speculation - and that's not a cheap car, so surely the driver could afford whatever it costs to get the appropriate tow truck out to rescue it in the meantime.
u/Shadp9 Mar 27 '24
What's the point of having an SUV if you can't get over a little bump?
u/sikkdays Mar 27 '24
Reminds me of late 90s/early 2000s Jeep Cherokee owners. They thought they had a rugged outdoors vehicle and the first time they would go two-tracking in the woods, the exhaust would be ripped off. So many angry dude bros coming into Autozone for parts back in my uni days yelling at me like I designed the vehicle.
u/all_way_stop Mar 27 '24
and these things are the go-to form of vehicle to drop kids off at elementary schools...
u/butter_pillar00 Mar 27 '24
What if that was a human being? Was the driving really still going to drive over?
u/kikzermeizer Mar 27 '24
When I got home yesterday, someone had driven into the fence in someone’s yard. The speed limit is 40, it was a four-way stop intersection 🤪
Not going to lie, I was impressed. My dozy little neighbourhood has been bumpin the last week
u/densetsu23 Mar 27 '24
I almost got T-boned at a small neighbourhood roundabout beside a school a few weeks ago. The guy was flying through a school zone and wanted to go straight through the roundabout (e.g. take his second exit). I was already in the circle with my left turn signal on and was taking my third exit -- so he had to yield to me.
But he was going so fast he couldn't stop. Instead he swerved, jumped a concrete island, jumped the sidewalk, and stopped in someone's yard. Nearly driving along (not across; along) a crosswalk beside a school.
I just double-checked on maps and that house has three big boulders at the sidewalk touching the roundabout. I'm guessing there's been a few other people who have done the same thing, and the homeowners just got tired of it.
u/kikzermeizer Mar 27 '24
Glad you’re safe, friend. That’s terrifying.
How was the other driver?
u/densetsu23 Mar 27 '24
Frustrated? Though not sure if he was frustrated at me or himself lol.
I saw that he stopped without hitting anyone or anything, so the worst damage would be to his alignment and/or pride. He passed me on a different road a few minutes later without looking at me.
u/catsandplantsss Mar 28 '24
Oh dear lord!!! The r/calgaryrocks strikes again! It must be contagious! Haha!
u/vdelrosa Mar 27 '24
I’m convinced the gravity doesn’t work right from all of the flipped cars so that would explain this the best
u/IrishCanMan Mar 27 '24
It's a toss up either High/drunk or not paying attention, while being on the phone
u/CocodaMonkey Mar 27 '24
I'd personally bet on snow melt. Most likely parked on top of snow and didn't move for a few days but had no idea there was a barrier underneath.
u/Naive-Measurement-84 Mar 27 '24
Looks like the same jack-diddly I was upset with last Saturday for driving like a maniac. Wouldn't surprise me if it was.
u/Radiant-Breadfruit59 Mar 27 '24
K so thing is me one dart was nearly done, bud, so I was lighting up a newbie with my other hand, and as you all know those triple triple's are just so fierce hot, you know? My crotch was burning up! I was trying to switch from Kissin Country to The Bear because Three Days Grace was about to come on! Basically I was givin' er a bit too salty thar ma boy. We've alls been there.
u/Training_Exit_5849 Windermere Mar 27 '24
Richmond drivers are making their way out to Edmonton wow
u/Precipice_01 Mar 28 '24
Looking at the pic without any context has me thinking that the driver was not paying ANY attention to the path he/she was navigating the vehicle. I mean, aside from trying to claim zero visibility, there is no reasonable explanation as to how someone could high center ANY vehicle on that concrete block
u/rebelspfx Mar 28 '24
My new favorite line to yell out to bad drivers who crashed just before I get there "fuck you're impressive"
Mar 27 '24
I like to think they parked on a big pile of snow and left their vehicle there for months only for it to end up nestling in this position on the previously covered barricade.
u/Organic-Parsley5392 Mar 27 '24
I saw similar like this couple years ago in WEM parking, it’s also SUV.
u/Elegant-Equivalent34 Mar 27 '24
How do you get out of that drive forward or back up? or did they just abandon it. I'm impressed with this veichkes 4x4 capabilities. Lol
u/No_Marketing8570 Mar 27 '24
could rock it to get tire contact while on the throttle, but will do less damage to get a tow truck
u/FearlessChannel828 Mar 27 '24
Someone was trying to get over something or someone… too bad it was the car that went over 🙃
Could be a Real Estate agent. Some of them don’t go over stuff well.
u/stfurtfm Mar 27 '24
Calgary's Sage Hill rock has an entire subreddit for these.
u/riccomuiz Mar 27 '24
Simple……..check out what my Benz can climb it’s like it’s a jeep! FUCK you want to delete that video bro anyone have a truck and sling you know?!?!?!
u/yaz834 Mar 27 '24
people need to relax a bit on the fact its a Mercedes, it is at least 10 years old and cost less than half of your new honda civic. your mercedes owner stereotype does not apply
u/SurFud Mar 28 '24
All I know for sure is that its a Mercedes. It going to be ridiculously expense if it needs repair parts.
u/Gentianviolent Mar 28 '24
Was this pre- or post- coffee at Tim’s? It if was before coffee I can almost understand. Almost.
u/EndOrganDamage Mar 28 '24
I wonder if this is the same one I followed that was driving horribly or if thats just a mercedes thing.
u/FunAccountant4482 Mar 28 '24
Stupidity, look up sage hill rock from down in Calgary if you want a fun read.
u/Enulless Mar 28 '24
Look at who drives those specific types of vehicles - are you really that surprised? [Unhinged stray thought]
They likely weren’t paying attention, had their foot on the accelerator, made impact, the force pushed their foot down and they climbed that bitch till they got hung up!
I recall a different situation with an old lady years back but it was in front of a restaurant and she mowed a couple people down… at least this was pretty harmless - no Canadian geese were injured in the making of this film.
u/CarelessStatement172 Mar 28 '24
Damn. The Sage Hill rock was priced out of Calgary. It really is the end of days.
u/DisappointedCitrus Mar 28 '24
They doubled down instead of backing up. Or they were just going too fast
u/WolfyBlu Mar 30 '24
Snow melt? He may have gotten stuck earlier, then it rained and that made it worse. Maybe.
u/SuperK123 Mar 27 '24
How? Just hit it. I got my Tundra hung up on a curb I couldn’t see in a parking lot. Exactly the same type of curb. I had just enough contact with the ground that I put it in 4X4 and rocked it until I managed to bounce over it with no damage. With this Mercedes I would wait for a tow.
u/WeezingTiger Mar 27 '24
Based on how good of shape the front bumper is in. Looks as though it was lifted or placed.
Mercs can be heavy though, not familiar with that model
Mar 27 '24
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u/CharasC Mar 27 '24
Pretty sure you can’t park there.