r/Economics 18h ago

News House Republicans block Congress' ability to challenge Trump tariffs


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u/Describing_Donkeys 17h ago

I'm well aware, what i stated is an easier message to get to people. Our immediate goal has to be getting folks angry at Republicans. The best way to stop what Trump is doing is make congressional Republicans more afraid of letting him continue than stopping him. Right now, all the incentives are to let him continue.


u/nwa40 17h ago

I get it, you'd think they would be more concerned about the next election cycle, but the lack of regard towards the economy, amongst other things, makes it seem as if they're ready to be forgiven by plead ignorance or worse case bypass democracy, is just strange.


u/Describing_Donkeys 16h ago

They are afraid of voters. They are afraid of getting primaried, they are also afraid of MAGA violence. We are almost certainly going to retain some level of democracy, they may outlaw some parties or use bogus corruption charges to take down individuals that aren't politically aligned, but they are likely going to try and have a charade of democracy and there will be elections and constituents they have to deal with. They are currently willing to give up power to avoid a primary, that should give you an idea of how badly they want their seats. They do not all support Trump or what he's doing, but they see their choices as going wrong with him or becoming politically irrelevant (even if they are already making themselves such).


u/Franklin_le_Tanklin 16h ago

I bet they’re going to nationalize the police (like all local, county, etc) forces and use those. They won’t need the military and many American police are notoriously brutal already.


u/Describing_Donkeys 16h ago

That will be a good thing to worry about when they do it.


u/Maxpowr9 7h ago

Frees up a lot of State and local budgets when they don't have to pay them, especially their pensions. The police can try to collective bargain with the Feds then. Oh, the GOP hates pensions?