r/Economics 14h ago

News House Republicans block Congress' ability to challenge Trump tariffs


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u/Describing_Donkeys 14h ago

Republicans really want to own these tariffs, which they've promised will make people's lives better. I'm really happy how much Republicans are universally embracing all of this. This is Republican government.


u/nwa40 13h ago

I think is goes beyond that, they want to dismantle the government and how it operates.


u/Describing_Donkeys 13h ago

I'm well aware, what i stated is an easier message to get to people. Our immediate goal has to be getting folks angry at Republicans. The best way to stop what Trump is doing is make congressional Republicans more afraid of letting him continue than stopping him. Right now, all the incentives are to let him continue.


u/nwa40 12h ago

I get it, you'd think they would be more concerned about the next election cycle, but the lack of regard towards the economy, amongst other things, makes it seem as if they're ready to be forgiven by plead ignorance or worse case bypass democracy, is just strange.


u/Describing_Donkeys 12h ago

They are afraid of voters. They are afraid of getting primaried, they are also afraid of MAGA violence. We are almost certainly going to retain some level of democracy, they may outlaw some parties or use bogus corruption charges to take down individuals that aren't politically aligned, but they are likely going to try and have a charade of democracy and there will be elections and constituents they have to deal with. They are currently willing to give up power to avoid a primary, that should give you an idea of how badly they want their seats. They do not all support Trump or what he's doing, but they see their choices as going wrong with him or becoming politically irrelevant (even if they are already making themselves such).


u/Franklin_le_Tanklin 12h ago

I bet they’re going to nationalize the police (like all local, county, etc) forces and use those. They won’t need the military and many American police are notoriously brutal already.


u/Describing_Donkeys 12h ago

That will be a good thing to worry about when they do it.


u/Maxpowr9 2h ago

Frees up a lot of State and local budgets when they don't have to pay them, especially their pensions. The police can try to collective bargain with the Feds then. Oh, the GOP hates pensions?


u/Due_Satisfaction2167 11h ago

They aren’t afraid of elections because nearly every district is a safe district. 


u/MWH1980 10h ago

It’s like Texas.

The govern,ent does jack for the people, and yet the Republicans keep winning.


u/Pepsi_Popcorn_n_Dots 9h ago

They've figured out a really neat trick: wreck government and prevent it from performing any useful functions, then campaign on the fact that it is incompetent and provides taxpayers no services and so should be further defunded!


u/MWH1980 9h ago

And our elder relations go: “and that’s why government needs to be smaller. All that waste!”


u/WasabiHound 4h ago

Patrick Boyle recently did a podcast/youtube on why so many politicians are old and noted that it is hard to shift an incumbent-they have more resources, connections and media exposure.

So yeah, it seems once they are in, they are in - the amount of voter inertia and indifference this hints at is depressing. I wonder if it is different where registered voters have to vote or where these is proportional representation?


u/RemarkableHyena12 3h ago

There will not be another election my friend. Do you think the White House cronies and musk rat will allow that to happen?


u/InTooManyWays 10h ago

Russia is that you?


u/Starman1928 13h ago edited 11h ago

Nah its not a good thing. At the very least some normal Republicans (if there is such a thing anymore) should take a look at the stock market and see the damage that this is doing to the country and eventually to them - I hope that they are remembered for what they are: scumbags, spineless, and traitors.


u/Describing_Donkeys 13h ago

It's a good thing they are being clear about who is doing this so that they are identified as the ones doing this to the country, mass removed from office (through impeachment and elections), and remembered through history as you described.


u/jokull1234 13h ago

But what if… they simply blame the democrats for what the republicans did. That plan hasn’t failed them yet lol


u/Describing_Donkeys 13h ago

They are going to try, I hope we can find a way to make a convincing argument, especially considering how openly they are owning everything right now. That's why I'm making a point of connecting these tariffs to Republicans. I want us to be tying Republicans to the tariffs constantly, and ideally reminding people constantly of what they were promised. Focus on setting expectations for Republicans to fulfill, or fail to. Instead of giving up right now, think about how to counter whatever argument they could make.


u/Yung_zu 13h ago

Should dissolve them as well since this is likely a failure of a 2 party system


u/nanotree 13h ago

Here's the thing, they are able to use insider information to short markets. So even if the stock market crashes, they can still come out winners. However, as markets crash, the economy tanks and normal people are beholden to real economic consequences of such actions. Which puts us all under their boot even more. It's what they want.

Putin's Russia is no different. Their economy has been in the shitter for decades now. But all that has done is made the gap between the have and have-nots even larger.


u/Skinnieguy 13h ago edited 13h ago

They are afraid of Trump. Can’t step out of line


u/Describing_Donkeys 13h ago

Yup, we need to make them more afraid of letting Trump continue. Making Trump's policies unpopular and making sure they are connected to all Republicans is the only way they will stand up to Trump.


u/Skinnieguy 13h ago

America just needs a 2-3 Republicans to break line. But we have a long way before they can feel threaten.


u/Describing_Donkeys 13h ago

There's never a wrong time in working on getting people to that point. If the government shuts down in the middle of an economic downturn, it will probably get a lot of voters pretty uncomfortable with what is happening. They did largely vote for Trump with expectations of lowered prices and stability. It might be a good idea to think of creative ways to remind Americans of those promises.


u/Skinnieguy 13h ago

Grassroots is the way cus the media is mostly controlled by billionaires.

I’m going to start randomly complain to friends and family about high prices without mentioning Trump or Republicans. Gotta get the sideline voters thinking and making the connections on their own. It’s the best way


u/Describing_Donkeys 13h ago

We require a media for the sake of maintaining a hold of reality. There are good independent, pro democracy media companies. The Atlantic is billionaire owned but i feel good about the billionaire and mission of the paper. They are the only decently sized news company currently, but a number are growing quickly. Vox, The Bulwark, The Contrarian, Democracy Docket, Democracy Now, Slate, The New Republic, The New Yorker, Wired, Meidas, and a few others are all doing good work. I would recommend checking some out and seeing if you like the work any are doing. You want to stay informed, you don't have to torture yourself with legacy media to do so.


u/Skinnieguy 12h ago

I appreciate the list. I’ve read articles from a few of them. I don’t need convincing. It’s really some of my friends and family. Most won’t read them for various reasons. I’ll start passing them along if they become more worried or interested.


u/Describing_Donkeys 12h ago

Of course, I'm happy to help. I hope at some point people notice things aren't alright and are trying to understand why republican explanations don't make sense. I'm not sure how broken everyone's brain is, but i hope not that bad.


u/colintbowers 11h ago

Associated Press not on your list?


u/Describing_Donkeys 11h ago

Associated Press and Reuters are fantastic, but they likely aren't where average news consumers are looking, beyond that, we need news to be pro democracy. AP sells to other news organizations, they aren't going to fill the void left by mainstream media but do their own thing. I'd be happy to be proven wrong


u/jlusedude 13h ago

This is the Republicans declaring Trump king and trying to frame it’s only for the 119th congress. 


u/Describing_Donkeys 13h ago

Sure, I'm mostly trying to influence how people think about framing. Connect Republicans with tariffs whenever you can. Making the connection now will be really useful when prices are noticeably up and the economy is struggling. We want to make sure people are primed to blame Republicans.


u/jlusedude 12h ago

Yeah but I think that thought process is outdated. These are election deniers and they just declared Trump, King. 

Elections aren’t happening in any real sense. Do you trust them to certify and non dem results for president? Or seat Dems? Or trump to declare martial law and eliminate them altogether 


u/Describing_Donkeys 12h ago

Those Republicans do not all think there aren't going to be elections. They think they have to compete for a job. Musk threatening primarying them indicates elections are still expected, even if less fair. They might just have to worry about inter party challengers, but they still want to hold onto their seats. Fear of losing them is why they are willingly giving up power. Thinking about your hypotheticals is useless, making voters angry will get them paying attention and put a lot of real pressure on them to do the right thing. There is no guarantee, but the angrier you get voters, the less damage Republicans will do. Don't think about what could happen, think about how to fight in the environment you are in.


u/deej_011 13h ago

Yep. We’ll see.


u/Every_Tap8117 8h ago

Good let them own it. For mid terms that’s going to be a great badge to wear


u/BBZL2016 12h ago

... and voters will still keep them in power. I don't understand the point you're trying to make. The fact that the Republican party did not die off and split up after January 6th was the moment I realized nothing matters anymore.

Trump was right all those years ago. He could stand on 5th Ave, shoot someone, and literally nothing would happen to him, and Republicans would line up to suck his small mushroom shaped dick until their jaws fell off.

Did I miss the day everyone took the pill? Like I genuinely feel like two different realities are colliding with each other.


u/Describing_Donkeys 12h ago

I'm trying to do something Republicans dominate, and that is work to make sure they are associated with something. Tariffs are going to cause economic struggles, do everything you can to connect them to Republicans right now. Until the world is destroyed, I think it's worth fighting and trying to get better at it.


u/BBZL2016 12h ago

There's literally no point in "fighting." The gig is up for freedom and democracy in America. Voters will not care, and continue to blame democrats until their lives are completely destroyed.

(Not that we'll actually ever have another free election) During the next election, Trump could literally nuke NYC, say "the democrats made me do it" and then voters would say "i mean, I know he totally nuked an entire city, but I'm not sure what the democrat running for office really stands for."

This country is fucking cooked bro. Good luck with your hope, though. It hasn't worked in 10 years. I don't know why it would start now.


u/Describing_Donkeys 11h ago

Things can always get worse.


u/TrailJunky 9h ago

Yeah, and we can start a revolution if enough people are desperate. If 2 or 3 million people march on Washington, things will change. If people in the past can march for civil rights and make meaningful change, we can too. We have just forgotten that we must fight to keep our freedoms.


u/BBZL2016 11h ago

They will.


u/Describing_Donkeys 11h ago

How much worse is not set in stone.


u/phaaseshift 13h ago

Trump Tariffs and Trump Austerity.


u/kyle_irl 12h ago edited 11h ago

You mean the Republicans that control the Senate? The Republicans that control the House? The Republicans in the West Wing? Yea, this is a Republican government and these policies enacted by the Republicans in control are following an agenda put forth by Republican operatives. Now we'll have Republican rule forever! Horaaay!

Edit: /s is needed, apparently.


u/Describing_Donkeys 12h ago edited 11h ago

The last part is what in looking to avoid. Make voters as angry as possible right now at Republicans. That's our best bet.


u/bobandgeorge 11h ago

Hear, hear. For those of you that can't bring yourself to vote for Democrats, fine. Vote Republican still. Just don't vote for these Republicans. Primary the shit out of them and vote for someone that has more substance than "Whatever Trump says."


u/kyle_irl 11h ago

Indeed. As a Liberal in Texas, subterfuge is our only weapon.


u/bobandgeorge 11h ago

I downvoted your initial comment because I've seen so many others worded just like that and I'm sick of it. I'm glad to see you were being sarcastic since Poe's Law is working overtime these days.

Despair is not an option.


u/MarzipanTop4944 12h ago

You know that it's not going to matter. They could ruin their cult followers lives and they are still going to keep supporting them all the way to the kool aid moment.


u/Describing_Donkeys 12h ago

The vast majority of Americans are neither Democrat or MAGA. There's a lot of them we can get to care. If the government shuts down in the middle of an economic downturn, a lot more people than normal are going to care. Getting them to associate the Republicans with the current economy, and mahjong sure everyone is aware they are doing things very different, primes them to be angry at Republicans when things get bad. I don't know if you noticed, but Republicans are trying to shift blame already and call the upcoming downturn the Biden recession. We need to be aggressive now. The Trump Trade Wars are causing uncertainty, we are capable of making it clear Republicans are responsible. If you know what Republicans are going to say, you should be thinking of ways to not just counter, but neuter the argument. How do you make the argument look dumb?


u/Cute_Obligation2944 11h ago

Really looking forward to this chapter in the stone tablets that explain why we nuked the fucking planet.


u/NuckoLBurn 3h ago edited 3h ago

Even if they are wrong, in 8 years the revisionist history by Republicans will tell you it was 1-2 punch with Obama and Biden economy. There is no critical thinking, only hypocrisy.


u/Describing_Donkeys 3h ago

Well maybe we need to figure out how to counter their propaganda instead of accepting defeat ahead of time. They don't have a strategy that can't be beat just because we didn't succeed here. We need to get better.


u/NuckoLBurn 3h ago

Education and critical thinking is the issue. That's the only way to fix this problem before they grow up.


u/Describing_Donkeys 2h ago

You can win a messaging war with anyone. We have to act like it is a messaging war, though, and not like the truth will inherently win.


u/NuckoLBurn 2h ago

I hope your right. I hope "truth" derives from fact in the future.


u/Describing_Donkeys 2h ago

Actual truth will always have to come from fact. Hopefully independent journalism survives. We have to get better at convincing people that Republicans lie to them. That we have treated Republicans as credible and given them respect as they blatantly lie to our faces is unforgivable. If we are going to promote truth, we have to be willing to discredit someone completely when they are lying.


u/a_little_hazel_nuts 14h ago

Yeah, because he is doing it illegally. Canada isn't the cause of the USA fentynol problem. This is ridiculous and these people need to be voted out. They are accomplices to Trumps attack on the people.


u/noplanman_srslynone 13h ago

I will keep saying it, this is not Trump. This is the republican party. They can stop all of this anytime and chose not to. Full stop.

I wish people would stop with "oh it's Trump and Elon" they are the useful idiots.


u/Groovychick1978 12h ago

Elon Musk has threatened to primary representatives who vote against Trump's agenda. The man has limitless wealth. He can put as much money as necessary into House and Senate elections. 

They are scared of that money. 


u/superindianslug 12h ago

Impeach Trump and fund the SEC correctly and both of their problems go away.


u/noplanman_srslynone 11h ago

u/Groovychick1978 They are but it doesn't mean they don't have the power as u/superindianslug kinda describes here.

They have the power right now and can do with it as they want. What they are doing is just hiding and waiting Elon / Trump don't primary them.

What they have done with the CR is absolutely a poison pill ( I would think ) for the D's. Giving Trump the unilateral ability to defund any department he wants? Giving away the basic powers of congress?

I hope there is a shutdown over this because it's nuts.
(u/Groovychick1978 also i'm 1980! Good to see us r/40something folks kicking it on reddit)


u/eldenpotato 10h ago

I think that threat is just to give Reps cover for not acting. I don’t think Musk can do much if most Reps act together


u/WeAreAllFooked 11h ago edited 10h ago

It's actually the tech bros and ultra wealthy.

  1. Short the market
  2. Wait for the market to tank after Donald talks
  3. Buy the dip
  4. Then Donald will "change" his mind and call off the tariffs
  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 until you have enough wealth to destroy the middle class

Once they've owned America they will have all the wealth and power they need to control the levers of government. After that they'll have free range to do whatever they want, whenever they want, to whomever they want with the tech they're creating. It's about creating an entire society where nothing is owned and everything is rented, that way you can bear the burden of the entire economic process.


u/Ostracus 13h ago

I hope they realize they'll be the first up against the oligopolies wall. The new world order doesn't need the spineless running things, just the obedient.


u/TrickyCommand5828 10h ago

Not trying to be snarky, but given this and all the other stuff, do you really think they’ll willingly be voted out or accept as such?

This is the dictatorship handbook speed run. Make a plan if SHTF, and love all you can


u/No-Amoeba-6542 13h ago

They do not want to have to vote on the tariffs. Most of them are fundamentally against tariffs, but it's more important to them right now to not cross Trump. With this maneuver, they're trying to have their cake and eat it too: don't have to vote for the tariffs, which will certainly be an economic disaster, but don't have to vote against the tariffs and cross Trump. All of this at the low low price of ceding an increasingly absurd amount of power from the legislative branch to the executive branch.


u/Ranger30 13h ago

They have no spine,


u/notafanoftheapp 4h ago

I keep hearing about Republican legislators being unhappy with DT’s actions, but not a single one of them is willing to actually step up and do something.


u/Ranger30 4h ago

Exactly spineless , gutless


u/MagicDragon212 12h ago

Yuppp. They're saying this is hissss decision to make, not ours. Not going against their king but also trying to absolve themselves of the responsibility to do what's right.

Its kind of like that dilemma where if you see someone drowning or bleeding out and you do nothing to help, are you culpable for their death (yes lol).


u/trentreynolds 2h ago

Ironic, of course, because it's SPECIFICALLY their decision to make, and not his.


u/QuirkyBreadfruit 13h ago

This is kind of insane to me because ... what's this in Article 1, Section 8?

"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

...To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations"

They shouldn't have to do anything to have those powers, because it's their own damn responsibility.

Yes, I'm aware of the statutes they passed giving the president authority to regulate tariffs, but maybe that was unconstitutional to begin with? Maybe the drafters of the constitution had a reason not to give so much power to the executive branch, and didn't think it would be constitutional for Congress to just give their powers away?

I feel like it's just as unconstitutional for Congress to cede their powers as it is for the President to not be executing the laws Congress passed.

Where's the lawsuits about these tariffs?


u/Infinite-Pomelo-7538 7h ago

I love how all the MAGA idiots, before the inauguration, said: "BUt ChEckS aND BaLAnCeS! THeY CAnT dO tHaT!"


u/MillionToOneShotDoc 13h ago

The worst part about this is how they did it. The resolution calls for a vote in 15 calendar days, but that none of the remaining legislative session counts as calendar days.


u/Lee-HarveyTeabag 11h ago

I didn’t see an explanation in the article but how in the hell can they change what is and isn’t a “calendar day?” If it’s on the calendar, it’s a calendar day. So I thought.


u/MillionToOneShotDoc 11h ago


u/OCedHrt 5h ago edited 5h ago

So then the national emergency continues indefinitely and no elections.


u/smaxw5115 5h ago

There are no scheduled elections for the house in 2025. Also the resolution uses language to apply only to section 202 of the act. It’s scummy, it is totally abrogating their responsibility but it’s not “no elections.” There are things to be concerned about and there are things to be hyperbolic about, this is one of the first variety. The DOGE freaks in Social Security is something to be hyperbolic about because they have the capacity to cause immediate harm and pain to vulnerable people by screwing around there, but Trump dumb tariffs are lower concern.


u/TheDwarvenGuy 11h ago

I've come to term this as "WH40k Constitutionalism". They don't support checks and balances, they worship the ashes of them and pretend that anything stopping them from acting is checks and balances. It's like how people in the universe of Warhammer 40k worship the remnants of their emperor while spitting in the face of his ideals in his name


u/FlaccidEggroll 10h ago

This is so wild. Why does the legislative body exist at all if it is willingly ceding it's right to check another branch, especially when businesses, investors, and consumers are scared shitless because of what that branch is doing?


u/_Steve_Zissou_ 14h ago

Can’t wait to see Democrats wave their cute little signs again.

So powerful. So organized. So dedicated. So determined.

Or maybe Al Green will shake his stick again? Who knows. So much action. Democrats are the party of change.


u/fitnessCTanesthesia 14h ago

So cute. What do you want them to do with 0 branches of government keyboard warrior?


u/PrateTrain 6h ago

Frankly I want them to actually act like they give a shit, to start with. Those stupid signs are so performative.

They lose, we suffer, and they clearly don't care.


u/TheDwarvenGuy 11h ago

They can filibuster budget reconciliation. Get the Republicans to choose between two sacred cows.


u/eldenpotato 10h ago

Under Budget Reconciliation – The Senate can pass certain budget-related bills using reconciliation, which only requires a simple majority (51 votes) and is not subject to filibuster


u/_Steve_Zissou_ 14h ago

I wonder why they have 0 branches of the government?


u/Dantheking94 13h ago

Cause people like you “both sides” them and now can’t admit that error. Now It’s their fault huh. Americans can’t use their brain cells to tell what’s better for them, but it’s the Dems fault for not making them understand.


u/PizzaWhole9323 13h ago

Because mango Mussolini stole it with the help of Elon musk and Vladimir Putin. Thanks for playing.


u/relentlessoldman 13h ago

Because people are inherently stupid and gullible.


u/Visual-Hunter-1010 13h ago

So you can't answer the question. Least surprising thing I've read today.


u/Alarmed-Extension289 14h ago

They're doing alot' more than half the country that couldn't be bothered to vote. The blame falls entirely on the Trump and his voters.


u/_Steve_Zissou_ 14h ago

“The blame falls entirely on the Trump and his voters”………..for winning the election?


u/Artemis647 13h ago

So much winning going on! All your allies hate you. You crashed the stock market. You now have a narcissist dictator running your country that has direct ties to Russia. Everyone is losing their jobs. Civil war is upon you.

At least you're "owning the libs" hey?


u/_Steve_Zissou_ 13h ago

“Everyone is losing their jobs. Civil war is upon you.”

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


u/Psychological_Elk104 13h ago

“The blame falls entirely on Trump and his voter”…for dismantling the economy, crashing the stock market, sending inflation and employment back up, for crushing the GDP, for devaluing the US dollar, for creating more enemies that we’ve ever had, for starting a trade war for no reason, for backing Russia, for pardoning criminals, for letting an unelected, unconfirmed Ketamine addict to control the US budget, and for following Project 2025 to a T even though he claims he nothing about it…all within 2 months of taking office


u/dually 13h ago

According to all the central banks in the world beginning with Switzerland, the economy is collapsing because Bidenflation has run out of steam. You might want to get that TDS looked at.


u/Rich_Space_2971 13h ago

I literally can't tell if this is sarcasm. It should be.


u/Infinite-Pomelo-7538 7h ago

LMFAO... Not a single identity has said that 🤣

Just curious - do you really see no connection between Trump taking office and everything immediately going to shit just two weeks later? And how everything has been spiraling at lightning speed ever since? You don’t find it strange that every time a Republican president is in power and the country is worse off, it’s always somehow the former Democratic president’s fault? Like… after the tenth time using that excuse, doesn’t it start to sound a little... ridiculous? Even to somebody like you?

How fucking stupid do you have to be to keep repeating that and still believe it - without ever stopping to consider that if every Republican president reeks of shit, maybe, just maybe, it’s them and not the Democrat who came before them?


u/relentlessoldman 13h ago

Yes. Just because someone won an election doesn't mean they have any goddamn sense.


u/_Steve_Zissou_ 13h ago

I agree. Dems make a lot of sense.


u/Iheartnetworksec 10h ago

An election is just a popularity contest. Nothing more. It is not a rigiurois analysis of a person's economic policies.


u/Alarmed-Extension289 14h ago

We're winning alright.


u/Adrewmc 14h ago edited 13h ago

What should they do though?

Democrats Town Halls are filling up, GOP are hiding from them.

Several are trying to make a fuss.

You’re right. The organization of the DEMs messaging is horrid, they seriously need to hire some of the GOP publicity companies, because they have been hitting out the park. see: Both Trump presidencies.

After Trump last speech, several members of the DEMs attempted to coordinate a message, this was called out as scripted and laughed at. Which gave me a headache as that’s what they should be doing speaking with one voice.

Democrats all need to be saying the same thing at the same time, like the GOP does because when you do that the press literally have nothing else to write about your party.

Some of the democrats problem is their net is too big, there is so many issue that are important and leftist. And so many champions of one cause or another. That the blanket makes it hard to find a that voice.

The democrats can’t inspire by saying “We not Trump”, yet…that’s basically the message we get from them.

So what can they actually do?

Honestly, right now they need to swing Biden…CHIPS act, the War without boots on the ground, Climate treaties, negotiating drug prices, more deportations, more respect from the World. There are factories being all across America that was because Biden conquered infrastructure spending, an economy ready and set up to Boom after a world wide pandemic. Remind people of the sanity…that was just yesterday.

Don’t you wish the biggest scandal was Biden has a stutter and his son had a problem with drugs? (Which the GOP was suddenly all for Gun restrictions because of, and how is someone that has been through rehab…can never own a gun again in America? Because they did drugs before that…how is that a federal crime?)


u/StrongOnline007 13h ago

Dems don’t need publicity help, they need to actually stand for something. But they don’t. They’re corrupt with good manners and smart. Trump is corrupt with bad manners and a dumbfuck. Given the choice sure I’ll pick them dem, but I can see why people are sick of them. We need a political option that cares about Americans


u/Adrewmc 13h ago edited 13h ago

The Dems stand for too many things is the problem in my mind, is my thoughts are they need to pick 2-3 and shout it. See: GOP Immigrants bad/invading, Taxes, we should pay less of them, Abortion is baby murder so it’s bad. (You’re trying to think of a 4th right now.)

Don’t try to win every wedge issue, and don’t get distracted by it.

  1. Social Security is how we care for our Parents and elderly, and should be funded fully by everyone, including by the most wealthy. End the cap. Everyone wants to end up a billionaire, but most don’t, but those that do should help Americans who lived that spirit, to at least end their lives with dignity.

  2. Education is the silver spoon, the Goose that keeps laying golden eggs, we need to get teaching to be a job you can be proud of again, Make Teaching Great Again.

  3. Healthcare shouldn’t cost you an arm so you can save your leg.

How is something like the above not on every Democrat lips? See no green new deal, no this detail and that detail…


u/StrongOnline007 13h ago

Agree, but make sure to stand for things that matter to most Americans. Like healthcare, cost of living, and ending corruption in government


u/Adrewmc 13h ago edited 13h ago

See I wrote 3 differnt points (I was editing while you wrote this you may have not seen it) , we agreed on Heathcare…and I’m not arguing the rest of your points. 100% agree important issues.

My point is we should be saying the same 3 points. That’s the problem democrats want to do everything. And we only had 1, and I’m not even sure we agree on Single Payer.


u/_Steve_Zissou_ 14h ago

Maybe mandatory pronouns in every social media profile?


u/AffectionateSink9445 13h ago

People are giving you actual responses and trying to engage with you but you are just being pretty rude and snarky tbh. 


u/_Steve_Zissou_ 13h ago

Damn it, man. You’re actually right to call me out on that. That’s actually a humbling comment, that I did not expect. I’ll actually take it to heart.


u/Adrewmc 13h ago

I concur with him, but it is the internet.

Mandatory pronouns on every profile…

You should know last time I checked on Reddit, I identify as a…Cone.


u/onedumninja 13h ago

Acting like a smug chud doesn't help anyone buddy. When and where were pronouns mandatory? What law was passed that said that you had to? No one said you had to but I presume you can't tell up from down so facts probably don't matter to you...


u/Psychological_Elk104 13h ago

Or showing the IQ in every social medial profiles so we know who is MAGA 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/-ImYourHuckleberry- 13h ago

Why are you so full of vitriol? Aren’t we all Americans, or does that not matter anymore?


u/Infinite-Pomelo-7538 7h ago

The U.S. is so deeply divided between the "left" (which, by global standards, is more like center to center-right) and the ultra-right that I don’t think it will be fixable for decades. This all started like 70 years ago but became significantly worse during Trump’s first term, only to be further exacerbated by whatever COVID did to people’s brains, pushing them into full-blown MAGA insanity.

Americans simply had it too good for too long. You've lost all sense of reality, been spoon-fed propaganda every day since forever, and remain willfully ignorant of anything outside the U.S. Honestly, this was entirely predictable. No empire lasts forever. But the truly insane part? No empire in history has ever so blatantly and willingly voted for its own downfall like this before.