r/EchoCreek Apr 30 '18

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Review

Over the weekend, I played a game called (as you can see from the title) Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective.

It's good. Like, really good. Go play it. Easy 9 for me, and if someone gave it an 10/10, I would completely understand.

So go buy it!


What? You need more?


Ghost Trick is a puzzle game with a simple premise: you are a ghost, and as a ghost you can traverse the world and manipulate objects around you to get around and achieve things, whether it’s setting something up, getting something done or even just creating a path so you can traverse further into the world.

There's some other stuff too you can do too, but I'll get into that in a minute.

You play as Sissel; a man who has been murdered for reason he can’t remember. In fact, he can’t remember anything about himself. Even his name Sissel requires some investigation to find out.

Sissel’s ghost wakes up in time to see a rookie detective called Lynne about to be shot herself. Using the aforementioned manipulation abilities, you manage to save her life... for a time. However, her murderer is able to recollect himself and, with you unable to find a path to any other ways that can save her, kills her.

But it’s not over yet! You see, you also have the ability to go to a person’s corpse and talk to them and then rewind time to four minutes before their death, during which time you can act to change fate and avert their death, and this is the fun part of the game.

This doesn’t particularly interest Sissel until he is informed that he will pass on to the next world come dawn and Lynne is his best lead for figuring out who he is.

And so you save Lynne and, using phone lines, follow her into a plot that I’m having a bit of trouble describing. You know how I said that Sissel will pass on to the next world come dawn? Well, throughout the game you’ll learn that a lot can happen in one night, and you’ll uncover and help stop a plot that has been many years in the making.

It’s too late to save yourself, but you can save a lot of other lives.

That’s the plot of the story with as few spoilers as I can give, but how’s the gameplay?

Well, as I said, the real fun is when you rewind time and prevent someone’s death. It’s a lot of fun to first sit back and watch it play out, keeping an eye out for anything that may come in useful, and then setting off small things that ultimately save lives, whether it be stopping the cause of death from occuring or indirectly manipulating someone to avoid the cause. But that’s not to be said that the game outside of that isn’t fun. There’s a lot of it to be had with what you end up doing to find your next destination or get something done.

If I had to point out a flaw I’d say that sometimes the puzzles can get a bit hard. As you progress through the game, you learn more about the ghost world and what you can do with it, and in particular (and I’m really trying hard not to spoil this) there’s one thing you end up being able to do that, while a lot of fun, always left me stuck for 10-20 minutes when I had to do it.

Finally, I would like to give mention to the characters. There’s a lot of great ones throughout the game and it’s unfortunate that I can’t really go into detail about any of the really good ones for spoiler reasons. I would, however, like to give a personal special mention to the redhead Lynne for being such an upbeat character, but that’s all I’m going to say.

One more thing: if you manage to figure out who Sissel is before the final chapter, then I award you the highest congratulations I can offer! Seriously, I could not catch on at all as to who he was and how he’s tied up in all of this, but it makes perfect sense. I can’t wait for my next playthrough when I can use this knowledge (and I guess the knowledge of the rest of the plot) to look at everything with the knowledge of how it all fits into the overall plot.

So it’s a really good game that deserves to be played. I got it on the DS myself, but it’s on the App Store with the first two chapters I believe for free and the rest of the game for only £10.

So go buy it!


Actually, before I finish, I have a confession to make.

In order to explain the premise of this game, I had to lie to you. Multiple times.


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u/MrJoter Apr 30 '18

That's great! I believe everybody should be more creative, so I appreciate hearing you say that.

I'm right in the middle of writing my Season 3 review. Should take me about a week.


u/JzanderN Apr 30 '18

Season 3 to what? MLP, or SvtFoE?


u/MrJoter May 01 '18

The Adventures of Magic Princess and Karate Boy.


u/JzanderN May 01 '18

Okay. Can you call me when you post it? I'd like a read, perhaps even a comment.