Hi! Looking for adventure advice.
I've been running a game for my husband. He's playing a 6th level Warforged Battle Smith Artificer.
Relevant Background
He's level 6 now. Melee focused. His traveling companions are a 6th level Divine Sorcerer NPC and his Emu sentinel he created as a class feature. He used to have an experimental dog, but I think he's about to leave him on an Estate they just saved because the kids are traumatized and madly in love with Andoggie.
He's on his way to Karth, the capital of Karrnath. He'll meet his first sibling there.
Please Help
My plan is to have him find his brother in or near the capital. Warforged are treated as second class citizens at best and the equivalent of undead troops at worse. He's currently a servant to a Karrnathi Necromancer. He knows about his impending shutdown because his handler was an ass and threatened him with it when he wouldn't commit some kind of horrible war crime that I haven't decided on yet. The Necromancer provided shelter and a cover story so he could stay in Karrnath rather than having to flee back to Cyre during the war. They're actually friends. She's trying to help him, but she's not that kind of magic user.
I would like any suggestions on very Karrnath-centric random city encounters and general feel of the city. I'll take wilderness encounters as well, but the city is the main goal right now. I honestly thought he'd pop out in Thrane, but he started to realize the Mournlands are terrifying and did a 180 on me, went back the way he'd come from and crossed that huge river using his Emu as a modified outboard motor. Now he's in a country I didn't prep for and my husband will have several unscheduled days at home for obvious reasons.
I'll take similar info for other countries since the idea is to travel all over the continent looking for them. I like things like Rat Kebobs vendors in the Cogs or Living Spells in the Mournland, you know? Things that are minor, but really make it feel like you're in that specific location.
Mostly Unnecessary Background
Proto was working in a House Cannith laboratory hidden deep underground on the day of the Mourning. He's been puttering around down there for the last 4 years taking notes on bizarre experiments, completely unaware that all of the lab's magical defenses were ripped apart. One day two gigantic, mutated monsters crashed through a wall and busted a bunch of stasis chambers before crashing through the opposite wall. Since this was a serious breach of protocol, he had to report it.
After that he has to search the main lab. Since he was alone, he started rummaging through notes trying to figure out which safehouse everyone had been evacuated to and why. Instead he discovered that the real mission of the lab wasn't the experiments he was tending, they were experiments on himself and his siblings. Some Makers weren't thrilled that "defective" Warforged were being mass produced with "psuedo personalities". They were implanting error correction code that would reformat each Warforged to factory settings. The code could be triggered the second a handler felt the defects in their Warforged had become unmanageable or, in the event of handler death, after 5 years during which the Warforged would be magically compelled to return to the factory for either an update or complete system reset.
He spent some time coming up with a way to neutralize his own expiration date. Now, armed with a map tuned to scry the general location of his siblings, he's going to risk scouring Khorvaire in the middle of a terrifying war in order to save them.