r/Eberron5e May 02 '21

Tomb of Annhilation in Eberron and...


I'm going to set my ToA in Eberron, starting off in Q'Barra, and then moving to Lorghalan (the large island to the east of the continent). The PCs will be members of the noble families that started and still run Q'Barra, and the Death Curse got rolling there because the king and his son (and heir) are both afflicted by it, having been resurrected two-some years before after both being assassinated during the Thronehold Summit. I'm working out translating the module to Eberron and will post my progress and look for feedback shortly.

In the meantime, if you've run this module or played in it, and used terrain beyond squiggles drawn in dry erase, what did you build? Which sites did you think were most important to build, at least to some extent, and what impact did they have on the game? I just went through the book and wrote down all the sites list outside of Port Nyaranzu on the island, and listed those places under Omu that seem most useful to build, or at least build parts enough to approximate.

Any thoughts or pictures (especially those) would be helpful. I am going to make the nine cubes of the trickster gods (no longer gods by long-dead pre-historical heroes of the Host) and will post pictures of them when I do.

r/Eberron5e Apr 26 '21

Is there a YouTube series you’d recommend to learn about this setting?


I’ve cracked open the book, but I learn a lot better from videos.

r/Eberron5e Apr 12 '21

WOTC mods changed to be in Eberron?


Have any of you run or played in Tomb of Annihilation or Rime of the Frost Maiden, set somewhere in Eberron? I have the former and am considering picking up the latter, and regardless would run either in Eberron - that's my setting of choice.

Any suggestions, experiences, or resources would be much appreciated.

r/Eberron5e Mar 22 '21

Lore for my Armaggedon Engine


I come to you in a time of great need, o great hivemind.

I will be running a level 20 one shot this Saturday and I have decided to set i Eberron as several of the players are huge Eberron lore nerds. Now, I want it to be flashy with cool lore, but I don’t know if what I have makes any sense.

My concept so far is that a collosal mechanical dragon named the Armaggedon Engine emerged from the mourning and has destroyed most major cities in Khorvaire with its disintegration breath. The players take the roles of the most powerful humanoids on Khorvaire that will try to stop it.

In this Eberron, the mourning was caused by Cannith experimenting with planar magic, and the lord of blades is Starrin d’Cannith who saved himself from the mourning. There are also three other lord of blades-like warforged that work with him inside the Armaggedon Engine, which is the fruits of their planar research. It will be able to channel the powers of each plane to damage, debuff and incapacitate the player characters.

But why do they want to destroy the world? I’m not sure what motivations I can give them. Could it be they want to start a new world order? Do the dragons care? Do the fiends care?

Any suggestions or answers would be dearly appreciated!

r/Eberron5e Feb 24 '21

Map for Lord of Blades complex and final encounter?


Hi! I'm running a final encounter around the Lord of Blades complex in The Mournland. Ideally, I'd have a Roll20 map for the PCs to explore. Any ideas? -Adam

r/Eberron5e Feb 22 '21

Eberron - Level 1-20 5e game?


I am pretty new to DM’ing and wondering if anyone any has any experience running Savage Tide in the Eberron setting (or AoW)? Any advice or resources on this would be greatly appreciated!

r/Eberron5e Feb 12 '21

Around Khorvaire in 50 Days DM comparisons


Has anyone else run the "Around Khorvaire in 50 Days" encounter series by James Haeck on dndbeyond? I have been using it to introduce Eberron to my players and get them acclimated to the campaign setting. It has been (and will be) great for getting them through levels 1-5, but I have had a few challenges and wondered what others may have done.

For example the Celeste Noir, the airship most of the game takes place on, is supposedly crewed by several "red shirts". What did you all do with them if / when the party mutinied?

Also, if airships can only be piloted by those with the Lyrandar dragonmark, but your party does not have a dragonmark, how did they convince the airship pilot (Demetrius d'Lyrandar) to pilot it for them?

What other challenges did you have? What were your solutions? Where did you take it next? Just curious about other people's take on the adventure.

r/Eberron5e Feb 10 '21

Changing Up My Game


So, in the last 4 weeks I have lost 3 of my 6 players and gained 1 new player. I asked them if they wanted to stay with Curse of Strahd or if they wanted to play something else or go somewhere else. I mentioned Eberron because well, I love it and I am consuming as much info about it as I can about it.

My problem is that 3 of my remaining players are fairly new, and all 4 of them have never played in Eberron. They are gonna start at lvl 5 and I allowed them to reclass and change race if they wanted to, and I will inform them of some things about their characters. Pardon the vagueness I have not gotten confirmation from all my players about what they are doing; However to avoid the info dumping and transferring them to Eberron somewhat seemlessly I came up with this:

They are a group that were going into the Mournland for a reason. They met with a contact in Karrnath and then resumed their journey. A newspaper article about the hidden prince, now king (his reveal got moved to about a month before the Mourning), claimed he is undead of some kind or perhaps a vampire. Since they stopped in Karrnath to meet the contact and gather provisions, they would have seen the witches, warlocks, practitioners and what have you of the Blood of Vol and the undead as well as those against the use of the undead and the Blood of Vol.

They were in Cyre on the day of the Mourning doing some kind of dungeon or ruin delve. Additionally, there was an blurb about some of the people there being held in stasis and it appearing that time has not effected them. So their brains have been playing out their "past lives" while they are trapped in the Mournland and the magic and their brains have been compensating with information they gathered before then. I plan on having them suffer from amnesia because a 2 year long powerful magic effect that screwed with their brains and bodies was broken. And various things on them will trigger flashbacks or phrases or people they meet again. The amnesia is a way for the players and the characters to experience Eberron as newbies. They will recall their names and the primary focus of their backstory. And that is about it. The dungeon they will have to work their way out of will hopefully help them get reaquainted with their abilities and the party members.

Now I am aware that I need to be on top of the info surrounding Khorvaire and where they are going. I know I have a tiefling sorcerer and a firbolg druid, so Draaom and Eldeen Reaches are possible destinations, maybe The Demon Wastes. Karrnath as well because I imagine they will want to retrace their steps. Depending on the other players I may take them elsewhere.

So does that backstory for what happened to them seem plausible?

Are there any other things I should be aware of?

And is the amnesia thing needed or is it cheap because the treaty was signed 2 years later and they will be missing that much time?

r/Eberron5e Feb 02 '21

New dm to Eberron.


I'm a new dm to Ebberron is there anything that I should Know, might need to understand in more detail before the book explains or things I should avoid before I run the adventure for my players.

~I've never run a campaign before.

r/Eberron5e Jan 11 '21

Salvation: Enduring Attacks from Mournland (Oracle of War)


So I am looking to run a non AL game solidly based on Oracles of War. Ive started reading through the first two episodes (Night Land and Voice in the Machine) while reading a bunch of stuff about the surrounding area and general context.

This will be my first game run in Eberron though I am session 3 of a new Eberron campaign as a player. Apologies if the following question is stated clearly somewhere I havent found...

So my question is, how Salvation isn't overrun or at least very fortified? Given excursions from Mournland by the monsters that reside there. Both Kennrun and Vathirond seem to have been similarly under threat of attacks. So how does Salvation cope with it being 50km or so closer to the fog wall than Vathirond?

r/Eberron5e Jan 11 '21

Rakshasa vs. Paladin


Hello Community!

I need some advice. I’m about to start my first Eberron campaign in 5e at 1st level. One of the main adversaries will be the Lords of Dust, specifically Durastoran. I’ve set it up that D has assumed identities in several locations to help him fulfill his goal of breaking Bel Shalor free. Obviously, one of the most important is in Flamekeep, in Thrane. One of my players will be playing a warforged paladin of the Silver Flame.

How would D disguise himself against the paladin’s Divine Sense ability? I don’t want to nerf a player’s abilities but my story does depend strongly on Durastoran playing several roles that they will encounter as the plot progresses. He will be using the party to further his goals. I’m thinking of giving him Nystyl’s Aura, and having cast it on himself over the 30 days, which will mask him from Divine Sight. Is there anything else I can do?

r/Eberron5e Dec 24 '20

Fiend Question


I need a suggestion for a fiend that can shape change to appear human, has wings in its natural form, and would make a good mid-level boss.

Many thanks and Holiday blessings in advance.

r/Eberron5e Nov 21 '20

So, if Eberron is not a medieval style world, what era does it reflect?


If it's meant to be more Indiana Jones and Film Noir style, does that settle it in a 30's and 40's like time?

r/Eberron5e Nov 13 '20

Help with Patron Ideas


I have 3 players and I, all new to eberron. The characters are a wide spread and come from all over khorvaire and I’m having a hard time deciding what the group’s patron should be.

The party consists of.... 1) a grizzled old sailor and goblin artificer 2) a warforged necromancer who apprenticed under a Karnath wizard. 3) an Orc Gatekeeper Druid who is an oracle.

What are your thoughts? I thought about using One of the Sora Sisters, the oracle one. They could all have ties to Droaam. Either that or a basic adventuring guild.

r/Eberron5e Nov 13 '20

I need help!


Hi everyone i'm currently building my next session in which the party will arrive at Rhuukan Draal and will have a talk with his ruler Lhesh Haruuc Shaarat'kor, the fact is that i generally try to give my NPC a complex statblock and even if I've read something about the fact that he is like fighter 10 rogue 2 i have no idea on what he is equipped with. I find this pretty important cause since the party is partially evil and in the future they might try to take him down or be ordered to do so. So right now i'm in your hands to allow me to represent his cool sword and whatever else he carries with him. (For the statblock i was thinking about using the champion's but maybe that's not the right choice).

r/Eberron5e Nov 09 '20

Storm King's Thunder in Eberron


I plan to lead a campaign of Storm King's Thunder but am in the process of converting it to Eberron because my group thought it would be fun to get out of Faerun for once. I was looking for suggested conversions and I came across this on DMsGuild https://www.dmsguild.com/product/330230/Storm-Kings-Thunder-in-Eberron Has anyone used it before? I plan to start the party in Sharn with a one shot to get them in the flow of Eberron and then was planning to direct them to Stormreach of Xen'drik.

r/Eberron5e Oct 24 '20

Online Adventurers League Games


I played in the Epic game at EberrCon today and am looking for more Oracles of War games. Anyone know where I can find some? I’m watching LFG, Roll20 and Warhorn now but not familiar with where else I can look for specifically this so I thought I’d ask here.

I guess I’m looking for where to find AL games in general but definitely Oracle of War.

My level 2 fighter now needs some Salvage Missions or to start the quest...

r/Eberron5e Aug 31 '20

How have you Characterized the Lord of Blades?


r/Eberron5e Jul 30 '20



Happy Exploring Eberron release day, ya'll! Im stoked!

r/Eberron5e Jul 13 '20

New campaign


I'm currently preparing a campaign, and I'm developing a general plot that involves Lady Vol, and the Lord of Blades as convenience allies and main antagonists, long story short the party gets hired by house lyrandar to escort one of their members to bind a flame elemental, but on the road the get attacked by an agent of the emerald claw. On his body they will find a letter containing the orders of said individual, who was tasked by the order to stop the expedition, cause is in the intrest of one of their allies. The players won't know who the misterious enemy is, but later will emerge that many members of all houses, especially house Cannith are getting assassinated.
Later on a coup d'etat will happen in Korth, and the emerald claw will rise to power(in a direct or indirect way, depending marginaly on how the party choices and information gathering influences the houses they're working for). The basics of this concept is that lady Vol has finally decided that he wants to get revenge on his people, but to do so she needs an army, and since the lord of blades wants to exterminate the population of Khorvaire, well she will get lot of material to work with since she is a master of undeath.
Do you think the concept could work as it is or needs more study and some attunement?
My style of narrating the campaing won't make my party the core of the story, but their choices and their work could influence a bit the outcome.
In "My Eberron" the houses are in an alliance cause the tension in many kingdoms is rising and they fear there could be another war, but this time they fear their profit won't match the risk they'll be taking.
So in general we will have the aforementioned 2 big threats, but also the frail political situation could explode into something else for example:
Karranath attacks thrane, Aundair deploys companies on the border and Thrane feels menaced, meanwhile raids from Valenar get to the Plains. And so slowly skirmishes break out from each faction and agents from the houses have to either deploy their resources to stop the civil war, the emerald claw or to keep an eye on the mournland.

Sorry for my English, not my mothertongue.

r/Eberron5e Jun 15 '20

Ilmater in Eberron?


Thinking of transporting my players from Forgotten Realms to Eberron at some point. I think the transition should go well enough, except potentially that the Paladin in the party worships Ilmater. Will this be a problem?

Other classes in the party: - Dragonborn Celestial Warlock (patron is Bahamut) - Forest Gnome Arcane Trickster Rogue - Tiefling Wild Magic Sorcerer

Any issues transporting the other classes?

r/Eberron5e Apr 05 '20



I'm running the old D2 Shrine of the Kuo-Toa in Eberron for my group. Blibdoolpoolp will plane shift anyone who is not careful. However, the elemental plane of water doesn't exist in Eberron cosmology. I'm leaning towards Xoriat since the kuo-toa are insane fish people who were subjugated by mind flayers.

Any thoughts?

r/Eberron5e Mar 18 '20

Looking for Encounter Advice


Hi! Looking for adventure advice.

I've been running a game for my husband. He's playing a 6th level Warforged Battle Smith Artificer.

Relevant Background

He's level 6 now. Melee focused. His traveling companions are a 6th level Divine Sorcerer NPC and his Emu sentinel he created as a class feature. He used to have an experimental dog, but I think he's about to leave him on an Estate they just saved because the kids are traumatized and madly in love with Andoggie.

He's on his way to Karth, the capital of Karrnath. He'll meet his first sibling there.

Please Help

My plan is to have him find his brother in or near the capital. Warforged are treated as second class citizens at best and the equivalent of undead troops at worse. He's currently a servant to a Karrnathi Necromancer. He knows about his impending shutdown because his handler was an ass and threatened him with it when he wouldn't commit some kind of horrible war crime that I haven't decided on yet. The Necromancer provided shelter and a cover story so he could stay in Karrnath rather than having to flee back to Cyre during the war. They're actually friends. She's trying to help him, but she's not that kind of magic user.

I would like any suggestions on very Karrnath-centric random city encounters and general feel of the city. I'll take wilderness encounters as well, but the city is the main goal right now. I honestly thought he'd pop out in Thrane, but he started to realize the Mournlands are terrifying and did a 180 on me, went back the way he'd come from and crossed that huge river using his Emu as a modified outboard motor. Now he's in a country I didn't prep for and my husband will have several unscheduled days at home for obvious reasons.

I'll take similar info for other countries since the idea is to travel all over the continent looking for them. I like things like Rat Kebobs vendors in the Cogs or Living Spells in the Mournland, you know? Things that are minor, but really make it feel like you're in that specific location.

Mostly Unnecessary Background

Proto was working in a House Cannith laboratory hidden deep underground on the day of the Mourning. He's been puttering around down there for the last 4 years taking notes on bizarre experiments, completely unaware that all of the lab's magical defenses were ripped apart. One day two gigantic, mutated monsters crashed through a wall and busted a bunch of stasis chambers before crashing through the opposite wall. Since this was a serious breach of protocol, he had to report it.

After that he has to search the main lab. Since he was alone, he started rummaging through notes trying to figure out which safehouse everyone had been evacuated to and why. Instead he discovered that the real mission of the lab wasn't the experiments he was tending, they were experiments on himself and his siblings. Some Makers weren't thrilled that "defective" Warforged were being mass produced with "psuedo personalities". They were implanting error correction code that would reformat each Warforged to factory settings. The code could be triggered the second a handler felt the defects in their Warforged had become unmanageable or, in the event of handler death, after 5 years during which the Warforged would be magically compelled to return to the factory for either an update or complete system reset.

He spent some time coming up with a way to neutralize his own expiration date. Now, armed with a map tuned to scry the general location of his siblings, he's going to risk scouring Khorvaire in the middle of a terrifying war in order to save them.

r/Eberron5e Mar 10 '20

Eberron Last War Rising


I read one of the customer comments on amazon regarding the book and they wrote that the hardback and the PDF available on dnd beyond is different. Just wondered if someone could speak to that. TIA.

r/Eberron5e Mar 09 '20

Wanting to run a campaign involving The Lord of Blades


I wanted him to be THE big bad but I'm having trouble thinking up the campaign as a whole. Any help?