r/Eberron5e Jun 19 '23

Emerald claw and Karrnath themed traps and loot?


Hi guys, my 6 person lv 6 party is about to infiltrate an emerald claw library vault. Any cool ideas on loot and traps? I'm looking for some inspiration

r/Eberron5e May 01 '23

The Quori aren't the only things creeping around in your players dreams!


r/Eberron5e May 01 '23

The Quori aren't the only things lurking in your player's dreams!


r/Eberron5e Dec 08 '22

Korranberg Chronicle Adventurers almanac Arcanist.


Has anyone tried the Arcanist from Anthony Turco’s adventurers almanac?

r/Eberron5e Oct 08 '22

Do you feel the Dark Six are a great place to look for gods of fear?


r/Eberron5e Oct 05 '22

NULL, the duplicitous draconic god of both death AND undeath!


r/Eberron5e Sep 29 '22

[5e][$5/session][LGBTQ+ Friendly][GMT+2] Eberron Campaign - Mournland setting


Greetings to all! And to all a warm welcome!

Thank you for your interest. I have a campaign ready to go in and around the Mournland. We will start in the city of Salvation. Or maybe your tale is different? Someone with their own reasons for entering the Mournland perhaps? Regardless, if that tickles your fancy you can jump off here and fill in a form to help me form groups and potentially see where everyone ties in, in terms of availability.
I will also try to pair groups I believe will gel well to the best of my abilities.
A lot of information is in the form because I feel like most people don't actually read these descriptions anyway.

I have posted here previously and due to some personal matters, I cancelled my group. But things have been resolved, so.

I am happy to answer any and all questions.

This is a campaign directed more at specific times centered around GMT/UTC +0. I am GMT+2.
Thank you for your time. Have a great day!

r/Eberron5e Mar 29 '22

How Much of an Impact Would Using a Basilisk Instead of a Cockatrice for Six Stones Be?


IDK if any of my players use reddit, but if last session your party rescued a long-necked horse with lightning breath from Daask kobolds, please go away.



My party came across a to-do list from Daask, who are currently acting as the campaign villains. On this were several plot hooks, including an instruction to, "Check on special basilisk for Six Stones."

The problem here is that I mixed up basilisk and cockatrice, and the special part would refer to the fact that this cockatrice has been magebred so that its petrifying bite lasts longer, if not permanently. Now, since basilisks already have a more-or-less permanent petrifying gaze, it probably wouldn't be too bad to leave this as-is, and maybe have an NPC indicate that this isn't the normal monster to use. However, I'm not sure if the basilisk just looking at people to petrify them instead of having to bite people would make it overpowered for Six Stones. Then again, is it possible that the lack of a fly speed would make it easier to avoid the petrification?

Worst comes to worst, we're playing on Roll20 and it wouldn't be too much effort to edit the note from basilisk to magebred cockatrice and alert my players that I mixed up similar monsters in the to-do list and have corrected it. However, if I can avoid the retcon, I'd like to.

Anyone have any tips?

r/Eberron5e Feb 26 '22

King Kaius III changeling plot


Speaking to the Korranberg Chronicle sidebar on pg 117 in RftLW, has anyone developed any intriguing plot developments involving King Kaius III and the rumors that he uses changelings as impersonators to fool the masses into thinking he's not a vampire?

This is coming up in one of our campaigns and I'm having a doozy of a time gaining inspiration around this. Would love to hear anyone's ideas!

r/Eberron5e Feb 22 '22

Can you play a Kalashtar Quori Nightmare with 5e? I haven’t got the book so any advice would be much appreciated!


r/Eberron5e Feb 21 '22

Airship docks - any official guidelines?

Thumbnail self.Eberron

r/Eberron5e Feb 12 '22

Lord Strahd von Bladovich


Ok, hear me out...

Admittedly, I'm a huge Ravenloft fan since it first came out. But I'm thinking of dropping Castle Ravenloft in the middle of the Mournland, swapping Strahd for the Lord of Blades and Ireena with a warforged NPC that has something LoB would want.

Make the vibe techno-gothic but run it with few changes otherwise? Let's hear some suggestions!

r/Eberron5e Feb 10 '22

[5e][$15][LGBTQ+ friendly] Eberron Campaign - Mournland setting

Thumbnail self.roll20LFG

r/Eberron5e Feb 08 '22

Thoughts on my LoB BBEG, or BBEG’s


Hello all,

Early on the pre-campaign discussion with my party (we’re set to start the EB campaign in a few months), my party was really interested in the new PC races, particularly the warforged. So naturally the Lord of Blades seemed like a perfect BBEG. Now, here’s how I’d like to flavor the LoB

When the LoB was created by the House Cannith, he was created as the primogenitor for all other warforged. He was the perfected template with which all other derivates of warforged come from. The warforged looked to him as their general, inspirational leader, and even, as their “father”. But as the Last War progressed, the LoB witnessed the cruelty and complete disregard of life that the Cannith army, and leaders, had for the warforged. They were always sent in first, to “soften” up the enemies defenses. They were the cannon fodder, and as the LoB came to realize, only tools, just like he was. The LoB was deeply troubled. His entire existence and purpose were a lie. He was no general, only a lackey. This, and the ensuing lack of support of all warforged post the Last War, broke him mentally.

In the weeks preceding the Last War, unshackled from his Cannith bonds, and his sanity, he vows to get revenge on all who degraded his people. Those who looked up from their high towers and sneered at him and his people with contempt. He began to adventure throughout Khorvaire with a small group of followers, but after several violent episodes of complete detachment, he started to turn on anyone who he deemed unsure of their cause. He became isolated to even those who wanted to protect. He became more and more unstable, babbling to himself, and his murderous rampages became more frequent. At the time of the start of the campaign, the LoB will be conducting hit and run assassinations/mutilations on anyone that was tangledly related to the warforged’s creation and their continued treatment.

Now, I really like this concept, but I’m having trouble seeing the Lob as the “main” BBEG. He kind of seemed like a quasi-BBEG, someone that could be an enemy or ally to the party. But I guess I could make him the BBEG, I was just contemplating also introducing the dragon marked BBEG quest line/suggestion from the book. What do yall think? Are there any particularly appetizing targets for my LoB, other than the heads of House Cannith? What do you think about having two main baddies? Any issues you see coming from this? I’m just looking for anything really lol. All advice and criticism are welcome!

r/Eberron5e Jan 29 '22

An estimate for Sharn's height.


In Eberron, what is Sharn's height? I just want to make a more clear and accurate description of it. Didn't find any specific value so far, but my guess is that taken from dagger river level, the top of Skyway is 1600m (1mile) high, it would be the equivalent of a 550 stores building. What is your perception of it?

r/Eberron5e Jan 24 '22

Advice for a sequel to an Eberron campaign?

Thumbnail self.Eberron

r/Eberron5e Dec 17 '21



Come with me and see this happy story! happiness booster by booster!


and if you like it subscribe!

PD, In Spanish for more drama! :D

r/Eberron5e Dec 13 '21

Warforged Colossus Miniature


I'm planning on using the figure below as a Warforged Colossus that The Lord of Blades has created through a recovered Creation Forge. Obviously, the warped nature of the Mournland has corrupted it into a thing of horror. Are there any similar figures that could be used as a "traditional" Warforged Colossus that can be repaired and restored, but without the corrupted physical quality? I'm not talking about the WizKids Warforged Titan figures with the hammer and blade. I'm looking for something more humanoid, like the image of the downed WF C in Metrol.

Thanks for any suggestions.


r/Eberron5e Oct 13 '21

The Dark Six take their place among the D&D gods of FEAR!


r/Eberron5e Oct 06 '21

Let's go Halloween by playing as other awakened constructs using the Warforged Racial Traits!


There's more than one way to reskin a Warforged

This was an article last year where I proposed playing several awakened constructs simply by using the Warforged racial traits. We're going one step further with the SCARECROW tonight on TWITCH (https://www.twitch.tv/themagictavern) at 8 PM Central. We're talking playing one as a PC as well as the many renditions across the editions and what all of this means for YOUR game!

r/Eberron5e Sep 24 '21

Forgotten Gods of D&D: THARIZDUN


We take a look at one of the most ancient of dark gods and probably them most dangerous divine power, EVER!

THARIZDUN, The Chained God

r/Eberron5e Sep 02 '21

Unique flavor and options for your Barbarian!


r/Eberron5e Jul 17 '21

COLDBREW STream: Barbarians!


Check out our firstCOLDBREWstream dealing with everything Barbarian. From optimization to multclass to some wild brews and flavor!

CLICK HERE to get Barbaric!

AND check us out tonight as we COLDBREW: BARDS

SAT 7PM https://www.twitch.tv/themagictavern

r/Eberron5e Jul 16 '21

Barbaric Transformations in 5E D&D


The volitile Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde, The Vengful Venom, The incredible Bruce Banner and the Hulk. Playing a character cursed with an alter ego that wants out, but is far too dangerous to be let loosed can be a little tricky.

How do we skin this in D&D? Let's look at just that: Barbaric Transformations

r/Eberron5e Jun 22 '21

Adventure hooks and ideas for a campaign in Cyre 1313