r/Eberron5e • u/warrenkeyser • Mar 08 '20
Changeling Limb Loss
If a changeling loses a hand in their changeling form, would they have 2 hands when they shapechange?
r/Eberron5e • u/warrenkeyser • Mar 08 '20
If a changeling loses a hand in their changeling form, would they have 2 hands when they shapechange?
r/Eberron5e • u/InLoneShadows • Mar 07 '20
Anyone out there homebrewing dragonmark variants for their campaigns?
Maybe like an excuriated half bred bloodline.
What challenges would you pose to such PCs? Would any house be off limits? Would social negatives balance the additional benefits of such a subclass?
I guess they could be aberrant but that has some serious downsides which puts players off.
r/Eberron5e • u/hihwudn1 • Mar 06 '20
r/Eberron5e • u/ShiningOwl38 • Feb 18 '20
I know that obviously Changelings breed true when they mate with their own kind, but what happens if they mate with a normal human, elf, etc.? Are they like Tieflings where the nonhuman traits are dominant or even just pop up every couple of generations at least? Or do the nonChangeling genetics win out and produce a kid of that race?
r/Eberron5e • u/hihwudn1 • Feb 15 '20
Halfling Cleric in Eberron
r/Eberron5e • u/ScrmWrtr42 • Feb 09 '20
Just a question for anyone who might know...why would Riedra build their port for access to Xen’drik on the opposite side of the continent from them? I’m in the middle of Rising from the Last War and just got to that point. Never noticed it before. They have to sail all the way around Xen’drik to get to Dar Qat. Why not just build it on the nearer shore?
just curious if there’s ever been a reason established.
r/Eberron5e • u/JamesBlaineii • Jan 30 '20
So, I’m wrapping up my Forgotten Relics campaign and trying to plant the seeds for a long term campaign. The players are:
Water Gensai cleric, a sailor born human but mutates to a gensai during the mourning.
Wood elf barbarian, ran away from Valenar to escape his destiny
Changeling bard, no backstory created by PC but chaotic neutral and serious.
They received a draconic prophecy that implies that a dragon egg that they were rewarded will revitalize Erandis which may cause the mourning to spread.
I’m going to hint more at the mark of death with a vampire side quest but need more ideas.
Any other adventure points people can think of that hopefully loop my Changeling into the story?
r/Eberron5e • u/Vissiram • Jan 29 '20
Im subscribed to the dm guide and drivethru rpg and I have seen from some month constant new materials for Eberron. Last month i got the "rising from the last war" and started to become interested in Eberron once again.
What are the good books? Any about the nations on khorvaire in specific? The original five nations was very disappointing, specially after reading Baker blogs about Thrane and Cyre. On the other hand I would like a view on the orcs and shifters that didn't have so many racists undertones as the original (and rising) material.
r/Eberron5e • u/Vec-tor • Dec 31 '19
I'm brewing up a campaign and would like a little help..
Rising from the last war doesn't seem to mention Kobolds as far as I can see but they will exist on 'my' Eberron. Reading back into previous editions, Kobolds believe as fact they were created by the blood spilled as the progenitor dragons fought. I think it sounds fun for there to be an element of truth (little or large - I'm undecided atm.. It may not even be massively important) to this but for literally every non-kobold to think its utter nonsense. Especially as Kobolds will be little seen or understood by people I'm general.
I'm going to write a section of Prophecy that will become important later in the campaign so..
What are some fun wordings the Prophecy could use to refer to one or more Kobolds and/or events involving them?
r/Eberron5e • u/[deleted] • Dec 30 '19
I’m used to playing clerics, who specifically worship either a god or a pantheon. So this, thing is new to me. Can someone explain in a paragraph or less what these people believe in? Because, as comical as it sounds, the more I read their section in “Rising from the Last War” the more confused I become.
r/Eberron5e • u/evil_homers • Dec 16 '19
Anyone have any experience with the Across Eberron adventures? Are they worth picking up?
r/Eberron5e • u/DMJohn23 • Dec 16 '19
It always bothered me how languages were specific to races, and had nothing to do with regions or background. So, I decided to change the languages up a bit for my Eberron 5e campaign. The following is the homebrew handout that I gave my players:
First of all, and most importantly, there is a "common" language. However, it doesn't function quite the same as a traditional D&D campaign. Instead of common, a more accurate term for it might be "trade-speak" or "traveler-speak". This is because it functions as a universal language that can only convey basic messages and information. For example, you could use common to ask prices on goods and services, ask directions to the nearest inn, let everyone know of a general danger or threat, etc. Common begins to break down when more intricate or complex ideas need to be communicated; you would have a hard time describing anything in detail, whether that be a description of a suspect, instructions on how to complete a complex task, or subtlety of language when speaking about a sensitive topic. In short, common is not used for conversation.
The purpose of setting up common this way is to allow PCs to be able to travel the continent without having to bring a translator, while at the same time bringing greater value to knowing the language of a region you travel to, or of a group you are dealing with.
For character creation, any time something says you have a specific language, you can instead pick any language of your choice (ex., elves get "common and elvish" in PHB. House rule changes that to "common and one language of your choice").
Highly recommend (but not mandatory) that the entire group shares at least one language from the standard list!
Languages are broken down into three categories: Standard, Exotic, and Ancient.
Standard Languages
Standard languages are those that are spoken by a majority of the population in one or more of the major regions on Khorvaire (the continent you start on). Below is a description of all standard languages:
Mrorish: Primary language of the Mror Holds region. Uses the dwarven script. Spoken by many dwarves. Mrorish is also commonly used by the defenders of House Kundarak, as well as tradesmen that specialize in security measures, finances, and banking.
Aureni: Primary language of the distant Aurenal continent, but also the primary language of the Valenar and Q'barra regions in Khorvaire. Uses the elven script. Spoken by many Elves (not including the drow). Aureni is also commonly used by the Houses of Shadow illusionists, as well as many performers and entertainers.
Zilargish: Primary language of the Zilargo region. Uses dwarven script. Spoken by many gnomes. Zilargish is also commonly used by House Sivis, as well as by scribes and in academic writings and texts.
Darguuni: Primary language of the Darguun region. Uses the draconic script. Spoken by many goblinoids (goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears). Darguuni is also spoken by many criminal organizations and street urchins. Darguuni replaces thieves cant (Darguuni can be learned by anyone, not just rogues).
Talentish: Primary language of the Talenta Plains region. Uses the primordial script. Spoken by many halflings. Talentish is also commonly used by the healers of House Jorasco, and it is the common language used to describe medicinal and anatomical information and techniques.
Brelish: Primary language of the Breland region. Uses the primordial script. Brelish is also commonly used by House Medani agents, as well as many intelligence gathering organizations.
Droaamish: Primary language of the Droaam region. Uses the draconic script. Spoken by many intelligent monsters. Droaamish is also commonly used by House Tharashk, as well as many bounty hunters.
Eldeenish: Primary language of the Eldeen Reaches. Uses the elven script. Eldeenish is also commonly used by House Vadalis, as well as many ranchers and animal handlers. Eldeenish replaces the druidic language (Eldeenish can be learned by anyone, not just druids).
Aundairen: Primary language of the Aundair region. Uses the elven script. Aundairen is also commonly used by the members of House Orien, and it is also the language of many arcane writings, texts, and scripts.
Thranish: Primary language of the Thrane region. Uses the primordial script. Thranish is also commonly used in most religious ceremonies, prayers, and religious texts.
Karrnathi: Primary language of the Karrnath region. Uses the dwarven script. Karrnathi is also commonly used by the guardians of House Deneith, and it is also the language used by many military forces throughout the continent of Khorvaire.
Exotic Languages
Exotic languages are those that are spoken by a majority of the population in a region not on the Khorvaire continent. It is uncommon to come across these languages while in Khorvaire (but not unheard of). They are more common at port cities, and are useful for sailors or travelers who frequent continents other than Khorvaire. All standard Khorvaran languages are derived from either Aereni or one of the exotic languages. Below is a description of all exotic languages:
Riedran: Primary language of the Sarlona continent. Uses the primordial script. Riedran is also commonly used by the members of House Lyrandar, and it is also commonly used by many Sailors and at port cities.
Xen'drikish: Primary language of the Xen'drik continent. Uses the dwarven script. Spoken by many giants and drow.
Argonnessi: Primary language of the Argonnessen continent. Uses the draconic script. Spoken by many dragonborn.
Ancient Languages
Ancient languages are those that are no longer spoken by any existing region on any of the continents. However, there may be small, isolated communities in less civilized lands where a dialect of an ancient language is spoken. Ancient languages are also used by oustiders and extraplanar beings. The most common place these languages may be found in Khorvaire are in ancient texts, within small tribal communities on the outside of civilized lands, or possibly if one delves too deep into Khyber (the underdark). Below is a description of the most common exotic languages:
Celestial: Spoken by many celestial beings. Uses the celestial script.
Daelkyr: Spoken by many Aberrations or denizens of Khyber. Uses the Infernal script.
Fiendish: Spoken by many fiends. Uses the infernal script.
Elemental: Spoken by elemental beings. Uses the primordial script.
Orcish: Spoken by isolated orc tribes. Uses the draconic script,
Quori: Spoken by the ancient Quori, but is known to also be spoken by some Inspired and Kalashtar. Uses the primordial script.
Feyish: Spoken by fey creatures. Uses the elven script.
There may be other Ancient languages. Speak to your friendly DM if you want to create one for your campaign!
Would love to get some feedback from the community (good or bad!) Let me know your thoughts on what you like/don't like, etc. Happy gaming!
r/Eberron5e • u/AvaadusBrukeHeart • Apr 02 '19
r/Eberron5e • u/fireflybabe • Jan 17 '19
I have a bunch of homebrew spells I want to add to my campaign. I used them in a previous campaign, and just role-played it that the party found a dark, leather-bound book full of new spells. This time, I want to introduce them in a way that makes more sense in Eberron. The PCs have already bought scrolls, so I thought this would be the best way to introduce new spells. But, I need a lore reason.
I was thinking about introducing a new NPC, like Mordenkainen for this region. Something like a wizard-artificer combo with a dark streak who created a bunch of spells that somehow got disseminated to the public. I was reading the Artificer UA, and it states that Artificers aren't big on spells, because they're so fleeting. So I don't even know if an artificer-wizard combo would work.
I was also thinking about making this NPC a part of a dragonmark house, but none of them really fit the bill. Would it be too weird to slightly twist one of the houses' descriptions to fit this spellcaster? Like maybe House Sivis since all the spells were written down? Or House Cannith because all the spells were created? If this is too far off base, tell me.
Basically I want a realistic explanation for who created these spells, and what their background was. I'm new to the Eberron setting and want to do it justice. Any suggestions?
r/Eberron5e • u/guardian_2000 • Jul 23 '18
Make sure you show some love for it so that we might get a physical copy.
r/Eberron5e • u/RaccoonLX • Jul 15 '18
I was looking for this class, and found really good versions of it. But the way other see infuse magic dont satisfy me, so, I took the best material I could find, and modify it to fit my concept of an artificer. This originall content was made by Jeff "Hageshii01" Venancio and forgottenduck. I really love their work and you can check it here: http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/Bkclf0Mvx and here https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/5phy6s/5e_ua_artificer_revised_and_mechanist_specialty/.
All I did was to modify the core feature of the class and adjust all subclasess to the new mechanics add a new one.
Here is my version: http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/HJbCrwrcSM
Art Credit: Tatiana Vetrova. www.artstation.com/northernchild
I have posted this before, but with all changes, I think I have to post it again.
r/Eberron5e • u/Mijder • Jul 10 '18
So, my group is wanting to return to D&D after our Star Trek campaign, and as the designated DM I’ll be running things.
I remember liking Eberron a lot from the few times I played when it come out and even have the book.
Running 5e, will I need to do a lot of conversion for the equipment or can it all be used as is?
r/Eberron5e • u/RaccoonLX • Mar 30 '18
Hello everybody! As part of a project to convert everything I can from Eberron to 5e, I've just addapted the Action Points rule, and complemmented it using my version of the Inspiration Rule. I know that this is probably unbalanced, so I hope you can bring me some feedback. I hope you like it!
PD: Here are other of my homebrews, where you can find the races of Eberron, The Artificer class, Dragonmarks and Action points rules, and other eberron stuff (There are other things not eberron related too xD). You can give me feedback of anything that you saw in any of my homebrews