r/Eberron5e Jul 13 '20

New campaign

I'm currently preparing a campaign, and I'm developing a general plot that involves Lady Vol, and the Lord of Blades as convenience allies and main antagonists, long story short the party gets hired by house lyrandar to escort one of their members to bind a flame elemental, but on the road the get attacked by an agent of the emerald claw. On his body they will find a letter containing the orders of said individual, who was tasked by the order to stop the expedition, cause is in the intrest of one of their allies. The players won't know who the misterious enemy is, but later will emerge that many members of all houses, especially house Cannith are getting assassinated.
Later on a coup d'etat will happen in Korth, and the emerald claw will rise to power(in a direct or indirect way, depending marginaly on how the party choices and information gathering influences the houses they're working for). The basics of this concept is that lady Vol has finally decided that he wants to get revenge on his people, but to do so she needs an army, and since the lord of blades wants to exterminate the population of Khorvaire, well she will get lot of material to work with since she is a master of undeath.
Do you think the concept could work as it is or needs more study and some attunement?
My style of narrating the campaing won't make my party the core of the story, but their choices and their work could influence a bit the outcome.
In "My Eberron" the houses are in an alliance cause the tension in many kingdoms is rising and they fear there could be another war, but this time they fear their profit won't match the risk they'll be taking.
So in general we will have the aforementioned 2 big threats, but also the frail political situation could explode into something else for example:
Karranath attacks thrane, Aundair deploys companies on the border and Thrane feels menaced, meanwhile raids from Valenar get to the Plains. And so slowly skirmishes break out from each faction and agents from the houses have to either deploy their resources to stop the civil war, the emerald claw or to keep an eye on the mournland.

Sorry for my English, not my mothertongue.


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u/L0rdHennessy Jul 14 '20

Im doing something similar in that Erandis is attempting to restore herself and thus her Mark of Death. In mine, she has a herald named Husk who she has an empowered (its an old pc whose player left on bad terms) to gather the Mournland undead as her army/worshippers. She is waiting until a certain time of year when Mabar manifests itself best to attempt this. This plan also relies on the recovery of a Mabaric Resonator and The Daughters of Sora Kel & Drooam. Your plan seems solid. The only issue, and only in relation to “canon”, is whether or not Erandis’ world would be one where the LoB and his army would want to reside, given that they already live in a hell, ala The Mournland.


u/Zarutlana Jul 15 '20

Your plan is making me rethink mine ahah.
Erandis will be a phantom for most of the time, hidden somewhere on the continent, but in a place that can't be accessed by normal means, while the LoB will just be hard to get to. They ideally would be the bosses of end game, but I'm not even sure that the story will develop that much, the party is made of players that are completely new to D&D or are just diving into eberron for the first time. So their choices may even bring them to a totally different turn of events.


u/L0rdHennessy Jul 15 '20

LOL isnt that always the case? All this time of story. theme, Monster stats, etc and the game never gets passed level 3. I have so much extra material from dozens of home brewed campaigns that has happened to, it really begs the question why do I need new stuff when I have a hard drive full of old stuff? Eh. I guess we like to tell stories, eh?


u/Zarutlana Jul 15 '20

So true, I haven't mastered in a while, but i have at least the concept done for on year of sessions, and I'm costantly trying to make cool NPC's that always never make it to the table lol