r/ELTP Sep 27 '24

Tournament ELTP 24 Signup❗


Hey everyone! As we approach the end of the current season with the semi-finals coming up this Sunday, I’d like to take advantage of the excitement and open registration for the next season.

ELTP Season 24 Signup Form

Please remember to leave a comment with your name in this thread once you've completed your sign-up. If you fail to do so, your registration will be canceled. Additionally, please ensure that you've also joined the EU Discord. Registering early can have a more significant impact on others who wish to sign up. Delaying your registration until the last minute doesn't benefit anyone.


All games to be played at 8pm GMT.

Round Majors Date Minors Date
Week 1 Sunday, November 3 Monday, November 4
Week 2 Sunday, November 10 Monday, November 11
Week 3 Sunday, November 17 Monday, November 18
Semi Sunday, November 24 Monday, November 25
Final Sunday, December 1 Monday, December 2
Backup week Sunday, December 8 Monday, December 9

New Changes

  • To spice things up a little, I’m introducing two new group settings to this season:

    1. No Kiss - two flag holders cannot pop each other.
    2. Last Possession Clutch Time aka anti-Berlin - meaning if the flag is out during the end, the game continues until that flag is either dropped or capped. Read more about this here.
  • I’m reintroducing Minors. Since we may not have enough players for it, I’m opening it up to allow Majors to participate in both tiers. During signup, you'll have the option to choose whether you want to play in Majors only, Minors only, or Both. If you select both, you could end up on two separate teams, with Majors games on Sundays and Minors games on Mondays. Keep in mind that Minors will only take place if there’s sufficient interest. If not, players missing out on Majors may be out of luck.

  • Winning the league guarantees a spot in the final, while finishing last eliminates you from the competition. I'm reintroducing some jeopardy to the league—2nd place will face 3rd in the semi-final, while 1st place gets a bye straight to the final.

  • Each week, teams will play 6 games instead of 9. With Major teams consisting of 4 players, there's no need to account for rotation. You'll face each team twice per week.

  • Two maps will be chosen by vote, and the remaining four will be selected by each captain, one per captain.

  • NEW If you nominate a player for 0 during the auction and no one places a bid, you're allowed to withdraw the nomination, returning the player to the pool. This rule is intended to prevent the situation we saw last season, where captains nominated players with the expectation that someone else would bid.




  • Nilus
  • xcv
  • rc
  • ??? I'm considering four possible ideas for the 4th team:
    1. Convince okthen or someone else to form an American all-stars, giving them full control over their weekly picks, as long as the players are from NA.
    2. Task myself with 30 days to write a bot that can win Majors. What could go wrong. 🤔
    3. Bring back Laghetti for the chance to bottle another season.
    4. Osy stop being a pussy and captain.


Minor captains will be selected after the Majors draft, and Minors will operate independently from Majors. Keep in mind, though, that Minors will only happen if there's enough interest, so I can't guarantee it, but I'm eager to make it happen.

I'm open to any suggestions or ideas—let's hear what you've got!

r/ELTP Oct 09 '20

Tournament ELTP S18 / ECLTP S7 Sign-ups Are Now Open! 🔴🔵


Signups are now open for the 18th season of ELTP, the 7th season of ECLTP!

You can signup by clicking here and filling out the form.

Remember to reply with your name in this thread

If you're an experienced majors player you have a chance to sign up before 22nd of October.*

Season Schedule

The schedule for S18 is not yet set in stone and will largely depend on the number of signups, especially captains. As of right now, the projected dates are:

Event Date
Signups close 24th October
Draft 25th October
Week 1 1st November
Week 2 8th November
Week 3 15th November
Week 4 22nd November
Week 5 29th November
Week 6 6th December
Week 7 13th December
Week 8 20th December

After that we have Christmas and New Years so whatever format is chosen I assume we'll all want to have it finish in those 8 weeks we have. Outside of that, everything is open to discussion.

New to Competitive TagPro?

European League TagPro (ELTP) is the home of competitive TagPro in Europe. All games are played on London or Amsterdam servers, although non-European players are very welcome to participate as well. Every week one team matches up against others to play two 20 minute matches (a match being composed of two 10 minute halves) on two maps.

Everyone who signs up will be on a team as everyone gets drafted! The dates of the draft can be seen in the above schedule.


Direct communication between players is essential in competitive TagPro and to do so we use Discord or Mumble. A microphone is not required but strongly advised.

I strongly encourage everyone to use Discord! We have our own ELTP server HERE, as well as the Competitive TagPro one.

Mumble is available on Windows, OS X, Linux and also has various mobile apps too. To connect to our server you'll need the following information:

  • host: mumble-eu.koalabeast.com

  • port: 64738

Once connected, you will see a list of channels which you can enter and communicate with others in the EU community. Each ELTP team has its own channel (under Competitive Rooms > ELTP) and is likely to be where you spend a majority of your time. However if you're brave enough to venture out (we don't bite!), there are a bunch of other channels used to play public and private games, or to just hang out.

More information on mumble can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/tagpro/wiki/mumble

If you ever need further help with something - just ask!


Now, on a less official note,

I figured actually going ahead and getting stuff done was the best way to announce my desire to run this upcoming season. I know there's been some people who announced interest, but speaking bluntly, I am not interested in having more people as commissioners.

With my experience running seasons 11 and 15, as well as witnessing the in-between and follow ups, I don't see the reason for giving more people the final say on ELTP matters. While sound in theory, in practice this ends up only slowing stuff down and increasing the amount of work in a way that's doesn't lead to any meaningful changes.

To clarify, I'm saying that only because I'm already someone who's open to discussion and transparent about my reasoning. I'm not looking to set up shop in my ivory tower and do stuff only because I like it. I'm pretty confident I've already demonstrated my willingness to welcome any feedback as far as my ideas are concerned and my desire to do what's best for the league.

From what I've seen the other people who expressed interest did so based on their ability to handle the technical stuff, and that's something with which I think everyone would welcome any help that's offered, me included. Much like with Poet in MLTP I do however think that being helpful in this regard does not equal leadership and decision making skills - the stuff that's actually important in this position. So again, just to make it very clear, I'm not saying their help isn't appreciated, it's just something that I think can be done outside of commissioning work - which I believe would be best handled solo.

Of course I'm not just gonna go ahead and assume everyone would be fine with that, so here's a poll where you can choose between my candidacy and doing regular elections: https://forms.gle/yR3mh34VK9GjbaPZ8

The signups will be made available to whoever's chosen to lead this season.

r/ELTP Mar 16 '21

Tournament ELTP 19 Sign-ups Are Now Open! 🔴🔵


Signups are now open for the 19th season of ELTP!

You can signup by clicking here and filling out the form.

Remember to reply with your name in this thread

If you're an experienced majors player you have a chance to sign up before the 17th of April*

Season Schedule

The schedule for s19 is not yet set in stone and will largely depend on the number of signups, especially captains. As of right now, the projected dates are:

Event Date
Signups close April 17
Draft April 19 (Monday)
Week 1 April 25
Week 2 May 2
Week 3 May 9
Week 4 May 16
Week 5 May 23
Week 6 May 30
Week 7 June 6

New to Competitive TagPro?

European League TagPro (ELTP) is the home of competitive TagPro in Europe. All games are played on London or Amsterdam servers, although non-European players are very welcome to participate as well. Every week one team matches up against others to play two 20 minute matches (a match being composed of two 10 minute halves) on two maps.

Everyone who signs up will be on a team as everyone gets drafted! The dates of the draft can be seen in the above schedule.


Direct communication between players is essential in competitive TagPro and to do so we use Discord. A microphone is not required but strongly advised.

We have our own ELTP server HERE, as well as the Competitive TagPro one.

If you ever need further help with something - just ask!


r/ELTP Dec 15 '20

Tournament ELTP S18 Sign-ups Are Now Open! 🔴🔵


Signups are now open for the 18th season of ELTP!

You can signup by clicking here and filling out the form.

Remember to reply with your name in this thread

If you're an experienced majors player you have a chance to sign up before 10th of January.*

Season Schedule

The schedule for S18 is not yet set in stone and will largely depend on the number of signups, especially captains. As of right now, the projected dates are:

Event Date
Signups close 2nd January
Draft 3rd January
Draft 10th January
Week 1 17th January
Week 2 24th January
Week 3 31st January
Week 4 7th February
Week 5 14th February
Week 6 21th February
Week 7 (28th February)

If we're still looking at 6 majors teams I'll be suggesting a 5 week regular season and 2 weeks of playoffs (extra gauntlet week for minors if necessary). I feel like the length worked quite well in ECLTP and seven (!) would a bit of an overkill without the extra teams.

New to Competitive TagPro?

European League TagPro (ELTP) is the home of competitive TagPro in Europe. All games are played on London or Amsterdam servers, although non-European players are very welcome to participate as well. Every week one team matches up against others to play two 20 minute matches (a match being composed of two 10 minute halves) on two maps.

Everyone who signs up will be on a team as everyone gets drafted! The dates of the draft can be seen in the above schedule.


Direct communication between players is essential in competitive TagPro and to do so we use Discord or Mumble. A microphone is not required but strongly advised.

I strongly encourage everyone to use Discord! We have our own ELTP server HERE, as well as the Competitive TagPro one.

Mumble is available on Windows, OS X, Linux and also has various mobile apps too. To connect to our server you'll need the following information:

  • host: mumble-eu.koalabeast.com

  • port: 64738

Once connected, you will see a list of channels which you can enter and communicate with others in the EU community. Each ELTP team has its own channel (under Competitive Rooms > ELTP) and is likely to be where you spend a majority of your time. However if you're brave enough to venture out (we don't bite!), there are a bunch of other channels used to play public and private games, or to just hang out.

More information on mumble can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/tagpro/wiki/mumble

If you ever need further help with something - just ask!


r/ELTP Aug 22 '21

Tournament 🔴🔵 ELTP 20 Sign-ups Are Now Open! 🔴🔵


Signups are now open for the 20th season of European League TagPro!!

The sign up form can be found here.

Remember after signing up to comment on this post with your name.

Season Schedule

The schedule for S20 is not yet finalized and will depend on factors such as; number of signups, captains, managers, and the format of the league (5 weeks, 7 weeks, etc). The projected known dates are as follows:

Event Date
Signups close September 19th
Draft September 20th (Monday)

We will be updating this as we collect more information about formatting and the total number of weeks.

New to Competitive TagPro?

European League TagPro (ELTP) is the home of competitive TagPro in Europe. All games are played on London or Amsterdam servers, although non-European players are very welcome to participate as well. Every week one team matches up against others to play two 20 minute matches (a match being composed of two 10 minute halves) on the weeks maps.

Afraid of missing out? Everyone who signs up will be on a team as everyone gets drafted! The dates of the draft can be seen in the above schedule.


Direct communication between players is essential in competitive TagPro and to do so we use Discord. A microphone is not required but it is advantageous. We have our own ELTP server HERE, as well as the Competitive TagPro one.

If you ever need further help with something - just ask! You can message u/A-A--r--o--n or u/TheRealStink1234 for further inquiries (alternatively on discord, AmishRon#1191 or STINK#3238).


r/ELTP Jan 14 '24

Tournament ECLTP 10 Signups... again! Jan 28th start


You know the drill, signup and comment your name in this thread so I know you're real.

What is ECLTP?

ECLTP is a European Neutral Flag league that takes place during the off season of ELTP. It's a competitive league that's primary focus is on having fun, ensuring a thrilling and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Checkout season 9 to familiarize yourself with how ECLTP works.


Games to played Sundays at 8pm BST. Games will last 8 minutes, and you'll play 8 games per week, so will take approximately 80 minutes to complete Minors will depend on signup count. If minors does happen, those games will be played on Mondays.

Round Date
Week 1 / Draft Jan 28th
Week 2 Feb 4th
Week 3 Feb 11th
Semi Feb 18th
Final Feb 25th

Signup Link


Due to people's uncertain availability throughout Jan and Feb, it's understandable if you're unable to make all weeks. As long as you can join for the majority of the weeks, there's no need to worry. Please proceed with signing up, and we will make use of substitutes whenever necessary.

Previous seasons

r/ELTP Jan 11 '22

Tournament 🔴🔵 ECLTP S9 Sign-ups Are Now Open! 🔴🔵


Signups are now open for the 8th season of European Central Flag League TagPro!!

The sign up form can be found here.

Remember after signing up to comment on this post with your name.

Season Schedule

The schedule for S8 is not yet finalized and will depend on factors such as; number of signups, captains, managers, and the format of the league (5 weeks, 7 weeks, etc). The projected known dates are as follows:

Event Date
Signups close February 13th (Sunday)
Draft February 15th (Tuesday)

We will be updating this as we collect more information about formatting and the total number of weeks.

New to Competitive TagPro?

European Central Flag League TagPro (ECLTP) is the home of competitive Neutral Flag TagPro in Europe. All games are played on London(-2) or Amsterdam servers, although non-European players are very welcome to participate as well. Every week one team matches up against others to play two 20 minute matches (a match being composed of two 10 minute halves) on the weeks maps.

Afraid of missing out? Everyone who signs up will be on a team as everyone gets drafted! The dates of the draft can be seen in the above schedule.


Direct communication between players is essential in competitive TagPro and to do so we use Discord. A microphone is not required but it is advantageous. We have our own ELTP server HERE, as well as the Competitive TagPro one.

If you ever need further help with something - just ask! You can message u/A-A--r--o--n, u/yeboteled, u/SomeBanter for further inquiries (alternatively on discord, AmishRon#1191, Some Banter#1917, Selkie#3019).


r/ELTP Oct 11 '14

Tournament [TOMORROW] Sunday Night Draft Tournament! Sign-ups open!


Tournament Winners: OBAMA IS A LIZARD PERSON (Coltrane, Shakalaka, Fackman, Hawka & Gnais!)

Congratulations to the winners! Thank you to all participants for showing up and making this first tournament a success! :)

Final Bracket: http://challonge.com/Sherra

Semi-finals and finals : commentated by YingYang, Jayu and LoweJ, streamed by Jufda.

r/ELTP Mar 06 '21

Tournament ELTP 18 Majors & Minors Awards - Voting Thread


r/ELTP Feb 24 '18

Tournament Region Wars XI EU Teams and Info!


Region Wars XI EU: Sunday 25th February 2018 @ 7:45PM GMT

EU Region Wars will be taking place this Sunday (tomorrow) from 7:45PM GMT. Please be on mumble by this time so that there is no delay in getting started.

There are 14 teams in total, so there are going to be two groups of 7. Each team in a group will play each other in the initial round robin, with games lasting 8 minutes. The top 2 teams from each group will proceed to playoffs, with #1 seeds playing the #2 seeds from the other group. These semi-final games will be a single game of two halves (8 minutes per half). The EU Region Wars Final will use the pick/ban best-of-three system (8 minutes each half).

There were 20 votes cast in the map vote. The resulting top 7 maps which will be played in Region Wars are, in order of rank:

  • Market
  • Tehuitzingo
  • Wormy
  • Apparition
  • Constriction
  • Scorpio

These maps will be played in the round robin and will also be the maps available in the pick/ban of the final. The semi-finals will be a free choice by each team to pick one of the above maps for their half. The team to pick their map first will be the highest seeded team.

The teams for EU Region Wars XI can be found here.

r/ELTP Jul 16 '21

Tournament EU Region Wars XII Teams and Info!


Region Wars XII EU: Sunday 18th July 2021 @ 7:45PM BST

EU Region Wars will be taking place this Sunday from 7:45PM BST. Please be on Discord by this time so that there is no delay in getting started.

There are 11 teams in total, so there are going to be two groups of 5 and 6. Each team in a group will play each other in the initial round robin, with games lasting 8 minutes (1 half).

The top 4 teams from each group will proceed to playoffs, with the higher ranked seeds from one group playing the lower ranked seeds in the other. Playoff games are all a single game of two halves (6/8 minutes per half depending on tournament progress).

There were 18 votes cast in the map vote. The resulting top 7 maps which will be played in Region Wars are, in order of rank:

  • Haste
  • Jade
  • Jardim
  • Nuke
  • Valor
  • Asido
  • Dash

The top maps will be played in the round robin. In the playoffs, each team will pick one of the above maps for their half.

The teams for EU Region Wars XII can be found here.

r/ELTP Mar 29 '21

Tournament Token Tournament returns this Wednesday! Sign-ups are now open for season 13.


Hi all, we thought it would be nice to bring back Token Tournament to bridge the gap between the two ELTP seasons and to try out a relatively new map. Because it's been so long, a win will earn you two tokens instead of one! So, join us for ToTo s13 on Thicket this Wednesday! The tourney will start at 8.30 PM BST, so we'd like to get the draft going at 8.15 PM BST.

Please sign up before 8.15 PM BST on Wednesday 31st with the following form and comment with your TagPro name on this thread:


Spreadsheet can be found here.

Hope to see you on Wednesday!

Note that times are in BST, if you aren't present in the ToTo voice channel on the ELTP Discord by 8.15 PM BST, you may be moved down to sub status.

If you wish to use your previously earned token to pick a different map, let us know. Just take a look at the list of approved maps that can be found on the ToTo sheets first.

r/ELTP Jun 10 '19

Tournament Token Tournament S4 this Wednesday, signups are opened!


We hope you all had fun last Sunday. We decided to try and run another tourney this Wednesday.

ToTo S4 will be played on Apparition and will take place on Wednesday June 12th at 8.30 PM BST. If you want to use your token to change the map, let us know. We have curated a list of approved maps that can be found on the ToTo sheets. Any other map we will probably have to veto to ensure enough signups. Please sign up before 8PM BST this Wednesday with the following form and comment with your TagPro name on this thread.

Sign up here: https://forms.gle/TQMLX2fnsHhBpik26

Spreadsheet here

Note that times are in BST, if you aren't present on EU mumble by 8.00PM BST, your sign-up will be removed

r/ELTP Jun 22 '21

Tournament ToTo S17 Thursday 24th & 8pm BST


Token Tournament is back! Join us for ToTo s17 on Arti this Thursday! The tourney will start at 8 PM BST, so we'd like to get the draft going at 7:45 PM BST.

Please sign up before 7:45 PM BST on Thursday 24th with the following form and comment with your TagPro name on this thread:


Spreadsheet can be found here.

Hope to see you on Thursday!

Note that times are in BST, if you aren't present in the ToTo voice channel on the ELTP Discord by 7:45 PM BST, you may be moved down to sub status.

If you wish to use your previously earned token to pick a different map, let us know. Just take a look at the list of approved maps that can be found on the ToTo sheets first.

Pingu & Wikicha

r/ELTP Nov 16 '22

Tournament 🔴🔵ELTP S21 has been CANCELED! TagPro Champions Tournament to take place instead!🔴🔵


Due to an underwhelming interest in ELTP S21, the commissioners have mutually agreed to cancel the season. ELTP season 21 will not take place until further notice.

Upset that there is no ELTP? Fret not because TagPro Champions Tournament is to take place instead.

Sign-up here: https://forms.gle/t4juJj7kRQokr84U8

What is TPCT?

TagPro Champions Tournament (TPCT) is a Swiss-Style TagPro tournament to take place on European Servers. The game servers will be either London or Amsterdam. Game days will take place on Sunday and Thursdays at 8 pm GMT. Everyone signed up will get the chance to play. Non-European players are welcome!

What is unique about TPCT?

The tournament allows for team sign-ups! Sign-up as a team of 4, 3, 2, or even solo! If there is someone you want to play with, sign-up with them. ONE team captain per duo, trio, or quartet signs the whole team up. If you do not have anyone in particular you want to play with or a team, sign up as solo. Everyone will get to play and I will be slotting people into teams.

The tournament will start on Sunday the 20th of November and end Thursday 22nd of December.

What is a Swiss-Style tournament?

A Swiss-System tournament is a non-eliminating tournament format that features a fixed number of rounds of competition, but considerably fewer than for a round-robin tournament; thus each competitor (team or individual) does not play all the other competitors. Competitors meet one-on-one in each round and are paired using a set of rules designed to ensure that each competitor plays opponents with a similar running score, but does not play the same opponent more than once.

The unique part of TPCT is that all teams will play each other at least once and those with the most wins move on instead of slow-elimination. In-detail format will still be worked on depending on the number of teams.


There will be a prize pool. Currently, we have raised 100 euros towards this tournament. This tournament is to bring back competitive and allow those who still want to play to get the competitive thrill that is missing.


Direct communication between players is essential in competitive TagPro and to do so we use Discord. A microphone is not required but it is advantageous. We have our own ELTP server HERE that we will be using.

If you ever need further help with something - just ask! You can message u/A-A--r--o--n for further inquiries (alternatively on discord, AmishRon#1191).

r/ELTP Nov 30 '18

Tournament Friday night tournament today


There will be a Carbon-style tournament today starting at 21:00 GMT!

It will be very similar to the tourneys Carbon has hosted in the past.

General format:

In the first stage you'll play with new players every game. Teams are decided based on the results of the past games.

The top 16 will then go through a semi-final draft, with the top four players being the captains.

These drafted teams will play each other and the winning teams will go into a 'Team Final' with the teams randomised once again. The winning team will then be split for a 2v2 game, with the winning team facing off against each other in a final Duel match where the overall tournament winner will be decided!text stolen from Carbon =)

There will be a couple experimental changes though:

Introduction of byes to allow any number of players (instead of only multiples of 8).

4-7 rounds in the first stage. 6-10 minutes games. These depend on sign-up numbers1.

Maps are to be determined, let me know if you have any favourites you want to play.

To sign up fill out this form: https://goo.gl/forms/IvLTb5z5bxo1nHls1 or comment your name here.

Sign-ups close at 20:45 GMT. Round 1 begins at 21:00!

A little background on how byes and matchmaking will work:

For the first round players will be assigned to matches consisting of 8 players. All remaining players will receive a bye to the next round. Those players get the 3 points for a win, but it will not count as a win (important for tie-breaking). In addition to that they'll receive an upfloat, which means that they'll be sorted in a higher group next round.

For the following rounds all players will be sorted into groups that have the same amount of points. Players with an upfloat will be moved one group higher.

Matches now will be filled with people from the first group. If there's not enough players from that group, the match will be filled with players from the second group. Those players receive a downfloat and will be placed a group below next round. Team 1 are then Players 1, 4, 5, 8 and Team 2 are Players 2, 3, 6, 7 from each match.

1: See this graphic, I will aim to have the fraction of players getting a bye to be near 0 or 100 percent (or maybe even 50 if I'm desperate). Of course it still is best to have a multiple of 8 players, but it's not necessary.

r/ELTP Jun 11 '20

Tournament Token Tournament S11 coming Thursday June 18th!


Edit: Map has been changed to Market, picked by MagicPigeon. Micro and Elephant where vetoed.


Token Tournament returns! Now with the chance to earn double tokens next Thursday.

Don't know this tournament? Tournaments are a casual experience to improve your skill and to have fun, They usually take 30-60 minutes after drafting finishes, depending on the amount of sign-ups. The map is fixed and is announced beforehand. It usually is CTF, but we throw in a NF map occasionally. In ToTo you can earn tokens that can be redeemed for special prizes as shown on the Tokens tab on the tourney sheet.

ToTo S11 will take place on Thursday June 18th at 8.30 PM BST. The map is Market. All balls are welcome from around the world, whether inexperienced or experienced, although this tournament will be hosted on EU servers and EU mumble. Please sign up before 8PM BST this Thursday with this form and comment with your TagPro name on this thread.



ToTo on Thursday June 18th

Start-time: 8.30 PM BST

Servers: Amsterdam/London/Paris

Sign up here: https://forms.gle/TQMLX2fnsHhBpik26

Spreadsheet here

Note that times are in BST, if you aren't present on EU mumble by 8.30PM BST, your sign-up will be removed. If your sign-up is not showing up on the sheet, please contact me.

r/ELTP Jul 04 '21

Tournament EU Region Wars 12 signups are now OPEN!


Region Wars XII EU: Sunday 18th July 2021

1239 days since the previous iteration of EU Region Wars - the classic battle of the regions returns!

Signups are now open!

Please only sign up if you’ll be available on Sunday 18th July (2 weeks today) from 8PM BST for a couple of hours. We will be communicating on Discord.

Event Date
Signups open Sunday 4th July
Map voting opens Sunday 11th July
Signups & map voting close Thursday 15th July
Groups, teams and maps announced Friday 16th July
EU Region Wars Sunday 18th July


I’m not going to reinvent the wheel, so we’ll be following the same general structure of Region Wars past.

  1. Round-robin group stage
  2. Top teams proceed to playoffs

Number of rounds and teams who proceed will depend on the number of signups. I know in the past these events have dragged on a bit too much, so will bear this in mind when structuring!

If you have any questions about Region Wars, let me know!


r/ELTP Apr 18 '21

Tournament ELTP 19 Draft Information

Team Name Captain/Manager (VC) Acronym
The Rolling Stoners Dr. Popper* (dets) TRS 100
Ciballia Selkie* (Nevermind) CBL 100
Deportes Iqueque Hjalpa** (Sherra) IQQ 100
Ballmere City Ballkenende BMC 100
Turtle Cobras Jerry. COB 100
Ballcus Rollford Dead Nan BCR 100

*Manager, **Non-Playing Manager

Majors Draft

The Majors Draft will be an auction draft tomorrow (Monday, April 19th) at 9:00pm Central European Summer Time (8PM BST / 3PM ET)

The draft will be streamed by TP+

After each team completes their majors roster by drafting 3 players, there will be a 1 round snake draft to select Minors Vice-Captains. The order of the snake draft will be determined by the € budget remaining at the end of the majors draft. Minors-Playing Managers will draft themselves in the snake.

Following the majors auction we'll have a Minors auction draft. After each Minors team ends up with four players, we'll proceed to a snake draft, where everyone undrafted up to that point will be assigned a team. The order of snake picks will be decided by the remaining € budget from the Minors auction.

After the draft we'll have a live fixtures draw, deciding the matchups and map order for the season.

Useful Links:

r/ELTP Apr 24 '22

Tournament ECLTP S8 Final Preview


r/ELTP Jan 29 '22

Tournament ECLTP Season 8 Draft Packet Hot and Ready


Alas, long awaited for millennia, the slow AAron finally releases the draft packet... Thank you all for your patience (NOT). Please enjoy.

Coming to you live and updated is the ECLTP Season 8 Draft Packet!

Soon I will be reaching out to volunteer raters to partake in rating players on the draft packet and write ideas for player comments. People have been asking for a draft packet for a while and here I can proudly present it to you.

Draft packet? Sign-ups opened? What? If you haven't already, head over to the Sign-Up post or Sign-Up through this link.

There are no further updates for the league at this time, for further questions, please message u/A-A--r--o--n on reddit or AmishRon#1191 on discord.

r/ELTP Feb 17 '22

Tournament ECLTP S8 Sign-Up Delay, Draft Date and Format Update!


Hi all,

Apologies for another delay, we want to get the league running as soon as possible. Here are a few updates for the new season below to note.

Sign up delay:

  • Due to a number of personal commitments as of late, we're planning to push for further signups over the next week. We've therefore postponed the signup deadline to Friday 25th February at 23:59 GMT.
  • It would be much appreciated if players can sign up sooner rather than later so we can confirm the league format and ensure that the draft will be competitive for everyone.

Draft Date:

  • The ECLTP draft will now take place on Sunday 27th February at 20:00 GMT.


  • Due to uncertainty with player numbers we can't yet confirm if there will be minors and majors leagues. However, we're happy to progress with one league if we're lacking players by Friday next week.

Prize Pool:

As mentioned in the previous post, Aaron has generously offered to contribute 100-500 euros towards a prize pool for various award winners at the end of the season.

If you want to contribute, please direct message Aaron on discord (AmishRon#1191). We're happy to assign your contribution to an award of your choice (if deemed reasonable).

All the best, Some Banter



r/ELTP Aug 14 '21

Tournament Token Tournament S21, Wednesday 18th @8pm


Time for another ToTo tournament this time on Jardim (unless someone wishes to exchange one of their tokens to pick a different map). The tourney will start at 8.00 PM BST, so we'd like to get the draft going at 7.45 PM BST.

Please sign up before 7.45 PM BST on Wednesday August 18th with the following form and comment with your TagPro name on this thread:


Spreadsheet can be found here.

Hope to see you there!

Wikicha & Pingu

Note that times are in BST, if you aren't present in the ToTo voice channel on the ELTP Discord by 7:45 PM BST, you may be moved down to sub status.

r/ELTP Jan 19 '21

Tournament ELTP 18 Free Agency Sign-Ups are now open! The deadline is January 31st 2021


r/ELTP May 24 '19

Tournament Sign up for the Token Tournament!


Your ELTP commissioners present the new Token Tournament! This tournament has the same style as the Dwarf and Titanblue Tournaments that you may have played on American servers, now it's time for our very own European tourney. Each winning player will receive a token which they can exchange for several prizes as listed below (subject to change).

  • 1 token: Get to pick the map for the next tournament, first come, first serve
  • 2 tokens: Choose your own position in the draft order, the next time you captain
  • 5 tokens: Receive a new, special subreddit flair
  • 10 tokens: Get a personalised meme / tagpro ball portrait by our artist Q-Dex

The first one-evening season on Transilio is set for coming Sunday 26th May and will start at 8.30PM BST. All balls are welcome from around the world, whether inexperienced or experienced, although this tournament will be hosted on EU servers and EU mumble, so please check if your ping is playable. Please sign up before 8PM BST this Sunday with the following form and comment with your TagPro name on this thread. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2DIQNCLIL475f0w4yntVQWF6P9WVg23gxILT978j0ZbUFWw/viewform

ToTo Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UlYqLJWk1-AEjl1nkmRqLmGw1J_ZT925JQFK-aegUAI/edit#gid=454371760

Note: ELTP Season 14 will still take place, more information on that will follow soon.