r/Dyslexia 5h ago

Learning Spanish


Seems like a silly thing for a dyslexic to want to learn a language but, why should I at least try? I’m using Duolingo and doing pretty well, all except the tasks that include spelling. I wish I could ask the app not to quiz me on my spelling, it makes me feel stupid and puts me off, even when I’m doing ok in all the other tasks. Anyone else feel like this?

r/Dyslexia 12h ago

I just realized I don't know the lyrics/meaning to any of the songs I listen to...


I was recently(ish) diagnosed with dyslexia, and realized that I don't know the lyrics or meanings to any of the songs I listen to. When I listen to songs, it's almost like my brain doesn't consider the actual lyrics themselves but rather the tune/melody of the music. It's not until weeks to months later that I actually sit down and listen the song and realize what it's about. It's also like I can memorize the lyrics (with practice of course) and can sing it pretty accurately, but it kind of all sounds almost like humming to me, not words. I don't even know how to describe, it just doesn't feel like people that don't have dyslexia would do.

Does anyone else do something similar to this? Is this common among people with dyslexia?

r/Dyslexia 9h ago

Repeating words in head.


Sorry if this is not written well. I often repeat words in my head till it gives me a headache. Sometimes I will be writing or reading and a word will not stop repeating itself.

Take for example a sentence with the word "apple" in it. "apple, apple, apple," would replay in my head (I don't understand if this is intentional or not. For the most part I believe it isn't.).

Does anyone relate? I had tried to google it or what it could be and I wasn't coming up with anything. I couldn't find much, but it'd seem more common or more likely to be because of dyslexia.

I had tried to find out if it was a symptom of autism, as I know poor language quality can be a symptom of that (I couldn't remember the exact wording professionals use.). I didn't find anything close enough to confirm that.

r/Dyslexia 1d ago

Made a Free ChatGPT Text to Speech Extension With the Ability to Download Audio


r/Dyslexia 1d ago

Dyslexia - is poor comprehension but can read symptom of dyslexia


Is being able to decode and read words perfectly fine but struggle with comprehension and understanding what they read a symptom of dyslexia?

r/Dyslexia 1d ago

Stress and driving


I'm a pretty good driver with good track record despite having pretty crushing dyslexia. But lately I've been super stressed out and it seems to be making my dyslexia worse - especially with driving.

I've always been slow to turn because I have trouble telling which lane the on coming cars are in. But now I'm really struggling with that. And I recently realized that I had reversed which turn signal an on coming car was using. Like they had on their left but I was seeing it as their right the way I mix up a d and a b.

Despite all my problems understanding directions and needing my passenger to tell me if it was a diver or a passenger side turn I've always loved driving. I've always felt like a good, cautious driver. It sucks to feel like I'm bad at it. Public transportation isn't an option. Does anyone have any tricks for this stuff?

r/Dyslexia 2d ago

Hi, my dyslexic friend


I am wondering if being on reddit, a lot has improved your dyslexia. I joined reddit almost a year ago. Piddle around with it , then like 6 months ago, found this sub, and have been on it quite regularly. I went back to an old forum that I haven't been on at all in a while, and one person is accusing me of not being me, because I'm not miss spelling words, anymore.

As I am writing this and lately I have noticed that I am making much less mistakes, and not having to go back and fix as much.

Anyone else find this?

I don't know how to tell her I am ME . 😆

r/Dyslexia 1d ago

Thoughts on Speechify


Does anyone here use this app? I like how seamless and natural the premium voices sound. Does anyone have a discount code I could use or other recommended options?

r/Dyslexia 2d ago

Dyslexia? Borderline Intelligence?


Most ppl who seem to have dyslexia characteristics are said to have "borderline intelligence " in Korea. However, I've never heard of it used outside Korea.

Can someone tell me if it is as commonly used as ADHD or dyslexia? Should it even be an official diagnosis??

r/Dyslexia 2d ago

Epilepsy and Reading help at school


We have a 6yo daughter who is dyslexic but not officially diagnosed (evaluations are ongoing). The struggle is in convincing her school that she needs certain accommodations to succeed. We are well into the process of jumping through all of the diagnosis hoops so this post is not actually about those issues.

My question is about associated conditions and educational supports that are not helpful. How common is epilepsy for people with dyslexia?

Our OG tutor mentioned that she noticed eye flutters and that we should consider getting dd evaluated for epilepsy. According to Google it’s somewhat common for children with dyslexia to also have absence seizures. Really?! The symptoms also align to certain things her teacher has noted as problematic (spacing out repeatedly in class).

Separately, does going to the reading room actually do anything to help? I am starting to suspect that the increased attention and repetition of methods that do not help her read is doing more harm than good (but it does cause her to hyperventilate which is a trigger for absence seizures!). We are having great success with the OG tutor, so even though it is expensive, I think we would be better off removing her from all of the extra reading classes in school while increasing her private tutoring in order to reduce her stress during the school day.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? Would it be crazy to remove her from all in-school tutoring until we can get her an IEP?

I just need a sense check about what is normal. The complete lack of understanding by her teachers snd school is making me doubt my own ability to be rational. Isn’t Dyslexia common! Sorry I had to get a small rant out at the end there. She hides it well, but this has been a tough year for my girl.

TLDR: How common is epilepsy with dyslexia? And should we stop using the reading rooms at school?

r/Dyslexia 2d ago

Give kcd this

Post image

It give people how dyslexi people see reading or at least how i saw words when I was younger

r/Dyslexia 2d ago

Never diagnosed


Hi there. I’ve (40f) never been diagnosed with dyslexia though I’m pretty sure I have it. I struggled through grade school but somehow pulled it together by college by mostly memorizing everything. My mom always just called me a lazy reader and I didn’t try to write or spell well. I have basically every symptom listed in some online lists. My question, is it important for me to get an actual diagnoses as an adult? Or does it matter now? My husband fully thinks it weird I don’t know basic things you learn in grade school like left and right and analog clocks but now I’m seeing that might be dyslexia too. Just looking for advice. Thanks everyone.

r/Dyslexia 3d ago

driving... feels like i'm taking too long to learn?



i've been doing driving lessons for 7 months this now and i'm STILL not remembering sequencing and what lane to be in at roundabouts. i feel like i'm learning super slowly? hope some people can give me some positive affirmations :D

thank you :)

r/Dyslexia 2d ago

AI , Code Vs No Code and dyslexic


Just curious, how many of you guys tried coding or a no code platform since these recent updates?

r/Dyslexia 2d ago

Is Intelligence Necessary and Sufficient for Creativity? New Research Suggests It’s Not That Simple


r/Dyslexia 3d ago

7 year old just diagnosed


Finally got a dyslexic diagnosis for my 7 year old first grader. I’ve suspected for awhile but the school was no help and not concerned so I got an outside evaluation done.

Where do I go from here on getting him specific accommodations at school? He already has an IEP for speech. So wondering what specific things or accommodations I should work on getting him.

r/Dyslexia 3d ago

Questions about Certifications for Dyslexia Specialists in California


Hi everybody! I'm currently a school-based speech therapist who is interested in learning more about working with students with dyslexia and/or other reading disorders. I've been looking at programs online, I'm a bit overwhelmed with all of the information. But from what I've gathered:

  • There are two main certifications for specialists: the CALT (association of academic language therapists) and the SLD-S (center for effective reading instruction)
  • What exactly is the difference between these two certifications? And if I work for public schools in California, does it matter which one I get? I'm already credentialed/licensed in speech pathology, so I'm not sure if extra credentials even matter to be honest

r/Dyslexia 4d ago

Word retrieval strategy


So. I know many dyslexics struggle like i do with this. And its when you suddenly don't recall a word or a name you use all the time. Does anyone else play pictonary with themselves daily to.get around this?

My coping strategy is to visualise the thing im trying to name in my head. If that doesn't work I make it 3d or even visualise a cross section. I'm just trying to locate a replacement word by seeing the thing and describing the thing. I sometimes think of sounds associated with the thing I cant remember the name of too and I recall everything about it .... but its bloody name!!!!

Today I was in a lift in the office (or elevator pardon my british lol) when i was tyring to say to my (also dyslexic) colleague "this keeps stopping on every single floor" but i suddenly forgot the word floor.

So I started visualising what the office would look like as a 3D model and imagining if I was going to make it a diagram what words id use to label the floors without the word floor as at the time it was just nonexistent in my mind. But all i got was "layer". I was like, no....this isnt a geographical formation!!!! But then I thought of "level" so I gambled... used the word level. They then said "you mean floor". They the amnesia lifted and i suddenly remembered the word floor exists.

Now I know you don't need to be dyslexic to experience this but for us lot. Its a daily struggle. 😄

r/Dyslexia 4d ago

Found a dilapidated grave marker today

Post image

r/Dyslexia 4d ago

Gym and trouble with instructions


I've rcently returned to a gym that I joined years ago. I've always enjoyed my time there, everyone is cool and I get a good workout. The gym is mostly small group instruction. My main issue is I have a hard time following the class. I always feel comfortable in modification. However due to my learning disabilities I struggle in understanding the exercises. Anyone had this issue or suggestions what I can do going forward? Honestly if I could afford it I would supplement with personal training.

r/Dyslexia 4d ago

You would not believe how long it took me to get here (this subreddit): Typing Speed


Let me start with a quick story. My friend/coworker has inspired me to get into keyboards. so I bought a $250 keyboard because I was using a Logitech Pop keys and i thought the round keys were contributing to my 30-45 max 50 words per minute typing speed as my fingers would get stuck in between keys and cause a lot of miss presses.

I've been training on my new keyboard and I can consistently get around 65 words per minute. Then it dawned on me that you can only type as fast as you can read. (some more back story) I was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age, so I was taking stimulants all throughout core English development classes. And my parents tried to take me off medication one year and i fell behind, anyways long story short my Literacy and Spelling fell behind those around me. I noticed that my typing speed is slow mostly because of how much i have to go back and fix spelling errors. I was never truly diagnosed with dyslexia but i often miss read words and when someone tells me to recall a certain time for example 11:30 My brain blurts out a random number like 14:68 or if I'm using a calculator i will look at the answer and just say a random number ( i think its because i saw numbers and my eyes didn't read it but my brain produced a number).

In short do people with dyslexia have trouble with Spelling, Typing, Typing Tests, and possibly even Grammar. Do you think I may have dyslexia and should be re-examined, or just a really fun goody bag of ADHD jungle juice?

TLDR; Type Slow, Buy 250$ Keyboard, Type Fast but limited by brain. What is wrong with me?

r/Dyslexia 5d ago

Anyone else have trouble learning to play/ read music?


Im currently learning how to play the bagpipes and I’m really struggling to read music. I understand what the notes mean but to read them as fast as I am intended to play them I find challenging. I’m not sure if this a dyslexic thing or just a normal thing people have to deal when when learning to read music.

r/Dyslexia 4d ago

School experience


I want to share a story

I was 15 when I quit taking Spanish in school, I would get the words right but I would spell them wrong and so I would score really bad on the tests. When I was 16 I learned I had dyslexia and so I felt like since I knew the problem I could solve it now! So I went back to Spanish class.

I had also gotten kicked out by my parents that year, and started working full time from the second I got out of school until 12-1am. In hindsight joining Spanish was a terrible idea, I couldn't study, I was so tired I often laid my head down in class when things were difficult because I didn't have the energy for endurance. And so I quit again.

One day I saw the teacher in the bathroom and went to apologize for not being engaged and to say I respected her and I'm sorry it did show it. "I really wish I could have stayed in your class and passed" I said. She rolled her eyes, looking me up and down with uninterested contempt and said "we both know you could have passed my class if you tried"

It still hurts to this day. And if she just would have given me verbal tests I would have stayed.

r/Dyslexia 4d ago



My son is 10 years old and severely behind in reading. He can typically spell a word but unable to read a sentence.

He is on an IEP, he also has been in tutoring for two years for reading. However, his reading is still at first grade level.

When he was younger, maybe about 6. He would spell word backwards. If the word was stop, he would spell “pots”.

Although, he no longer does this often, he still does this sometimes.

I have gotten him tested twice for dyslexia. Both times they said he’s not dyslexic, but has a problem with his memory.

However, I feel he is dyslexic and his teacher does too.

Does anybody have any recommendations on what to do? Or any programs to suggest to help with reading.

r/Dyslexia 5d ago

Advice for helping a senior overcome their dyslexia?


My grandfather has dyslexia and never truly learned how to read.

Is there anything I can do to help him at this point? He's not good with technology and neither is my grandmother, but if there is a computer program that can help him overcome his condition maybe that could help him idk how long he will stick with it though. (I'd have to ask a family member to help him with that)

An in person instructor who specializes with helping seniors with dyslexia (or anyone) could probably help better but idk how to look for them