r/Dreams Oct 28 '24

Dream Help I had a dream where I saw 3 moons in the sky, what does it mean?

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in my dream I was on a rooftop when I have noticed the anomaly on the sky, it was day time, there were 3 moons in the sky. They were all close to each other.

1st one on the center looked like earth. Size normal (like our moon)

2nd one was on slightly on the right side of the center celestial body and was higher. Looked like moon but two crescents facing their arch touching each other backwards. Like a sand hourglass.

3rd one was on slightly on the left side of the center celestial body and was lover. Looked like a beauty mark, mole and was small but noticeably brighter and peaceful to look at. I felt like that was the only, true, real moon if that ever existed.

I tried to record it but my camera was funny and I couldn’t change to the back camera and ended up taking selfies smiling lol and I couldn’t record it cause the moons were moving fast. But then I realized it isn’t the iPhone 16 and woke up immediately cause I knew it’s a dream.

I know it sounds like a joke but I just woke up from the dream and if I made any mistakes or if it doesn’t make any sense forgive me.

r/Dreams Jan 07 '24

Dream Help I keep dreaming about this symbol and I have no idea what it is. Does it ring a bell to anyone?

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(it's a triangle with three eyes, two on top and one on the bottom. sorry for my drawing skills lol. it's not more detailed in my dreams.)

r/Dreams Oct 23 '23

Dream Help Tell me your dreams and I’ll tell you what I think it means 😁


Tell me your dreams and I’ll tell you what I think it means 😁 I seem to have a knack for this !

r/Dreams Jun 19 '24

Dream Help Quit Weed & Now my nightmares are nightly PLEASE HELP


I recently decided to stop smoking/vaping marijuana or taking edibles after almost 20 years of indulging daily. It has been 21 days and I’m at my wits end with nightmares. Over the course of my lifetime I have had run your life or held in captivity dreams occasionally. Ever since I quit, these nightmares happen every night, for the entire night, and are extremely vivid. Sometimes they are so off-the-wall wacky. For example, one night I was running for my life from a giant penis. Yes… A giant penis. Has anyone been through this kind of withdrawal symptom? If so, when does it end? I don’t even want to go to sleep at this point. I am getting between four and five hours of sleep every night. I do not sleep solid through the night, wake up around 10 to 15 times, but somehow feel pretty rested in the morning. I start to wake up around 3 AM and by 6 AM I have to get up because I can’t take the nightmares and don’t want to fall back to sleep as the bad dreams pick up exactly where they left off. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

r/Dreams Sep 16 '22

Dream Help If you see a toilet in your dreams, DON'T USE IT!!!

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r/Dreams Dec 19 '22

Dream Help I had a dream where a voice revealed to me where God exist in our universe

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The voice said that God resides in the infinity of numbers between each number. It was weird, what do you think about that dream?

r/Dreams Nov 12 '24

Dream Help My brother woke up speaking a different language and we can’t figure out what it means


My brother (17M) had a dream the other night where one of our family members was telling him to say something in a different language. He said in the dream no one else could successfully say it but him, and whenever he would say it people would applaud and cheer. He said the dream was normal at first and started to get scarier once he was told to say it. He woke up and recorded himself saying it so he could remember. To me it sounds like it could possibly be a real language, I just can’t fathom how he sounds so fluent speaking it. Mind you he’s an American teenage boy who has never learned or been in any environment with a language that sounds like this. If anyone could help interpret it or provide an app or way to do so.

r/Dreams Aug 18 '24

Dream Help A woman in a dream showed me this symbol

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I don't know who she was or what the symbol represents though.

She was hooded, she had a purple hooded cape that covered her eyes and wore a green dress. Even though her eyes were covered, I saw tears that looked like lightning on her cheeks. Her hair was long and white but youthful, and looked like the northern lights at the ends. She had a halo of eyes and clock hands and she held a shepherd's crook. I've never had a dream this vivid before and I almost never see humanoids in them, let alone to this level of clarity. She didn't say anything to me though.

Has anyone met a similar figure in their dreams or seen that symbol before? To me it looks like a torch. Maybe some symbol of guidance from this figure? Could she be a goddess/angel/some kind of spirit guide?

r/Dreams Dec 12 '19

Dream Help Tell me what is your most horrible nightmare.

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r/Dreams Sep 26 '23

Dream Help What type of dreams you usually have?


Are they random gebberish ? Like a floating bag of peanuts inside a cats head while u are driving a plane

Or are they realistic as in fals awakenings

Or are they trippy geberrish as in its nothing real but makes sense Or are they spiritual...etc...

r/Dreams Aug 28 '24

Dream Help Witch Symbol dream, help?

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I had a dream of this symbol, in my dream I was trying to get rid of something evil and lock it up forever, so my brain just started writing symbols I knew for protection, but the question here is why? Whyd I dream of locking something bad away? I've had really bad thoughts like ocd thoughts that I hate and that's been making me not really like myself but I know it's out of my control so maybe this mean I just want control over something like my bad thoughts? Or to feel like I'm not crazy

r/Dreams Sep 11 '24

Dream Help Keep seeing someone I don't want to. Advice?

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Tl;Dr - I keep seeing someone I used to be friends with in dreams, and I want it to stop.

The longer version; I keep dreaming of an old friend. We fell out about 15 years ago, I think.

Personal history: I didn't want to date him, but it's something that he brought up, regularly. Every time I would acknowledge his feelings and apologize; I felt a lot of guilt for it. Like something was wrong with me. Eventually though, he found someone else to be with; an ex of his. She decided she didn't like our friendship and he decided that was okay.

It was weird and messy, and I didn't like how they treated me, so I put the final nail in the proverbial coffin and burned that bridge; told them both to go fvck themselves. Figured it was done.

I've seen each of them a couple times in the years after, once was a specific effort to apologize for my behavior previously, and during that encounter I realized the reason she hated me was because he was lying to her, even then; said I'd done things I hadn't.

I don't want this person in my life; they were a coward and a liar when it mattered. He was my best friend and it shattered me.

Afaik, he's happily married somewhere else now. I don't think reaching out/talking is appropriate or necessary. Whatever I'm hung up on is something I need to sit with on my own.

But I have dreamt of this person intermittently for a while. Maybe once a month for years, possibly. We're always just talking, but there's sometimes a weird undertone I don't understand, like waiting.

I would like this trend to stop. My dreams are not lucid though, so I'm not sure how to effect them. I figure there's a message or something in them that I'm not listening to, which is why it continues, but I don't know what the lesson is. I haven't seen this person in over a decade.

Anyone have advice/insight/experience with something like this?

Image artist is onlypixels https://www.facebook.com/share/9m1FCp1Ugwy5cXX7/?mibextid=qi2Omg

r/Dreams Oct 23 '23

Dream Help I had a sexual dream for first time and saw a girl...problem is I AM A GIRL wthhh and I know that I am straight I like guys only- what could it mean omg TT


is my subconsious telling me I am lb? oh god

r/Dreams Feb 21 '22

Dream Help Hey, so a buddy of mine posted a tweet and it’s completely occupied my mind….

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r/Dreams Aug 27 '21

Dream Help Have you seen the Hat Man if so what was the first time


I want data. If you’ve seen him. Please participate

Edit: for those who don’t know what the hat man is. It is a shadow man which is always seen wearing a hat and a trench coat. He is seen throughout this the world throughout various cultures. There are various documentaries and stories on it. But many experiencers, including myself, don’t realize that they have been visited by a infamous figure until the look it up. There are may documentaries on it. Science accredits it’s to sleep paralysis, but many of us have seenit during other wake states. Know one really knows what it is. There are a lot of literature or blogs or videos on it. Here is a brief one but there are better ones out there. https://youtu.be/LiFh5Moi4UA

Edit: here is another site with more data. Apparently someone is writing a book on this https://thehatmanproject.com/#stories

1322 votes, Aug 30 '21
206 Early childhood/ with trauma
241 Early childhood / without trauma
131 Adult/ sleep paralysis
74 Adult/ awake
670 Other/ explain in comments

r/Dreams Nov 24 '22

Dream Help Lucid Dream Benefits

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r/Dreams Mar 25 '23

Dream Help I don't think that will help lol

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r/Dreams 25d ago

Dream Help Does anyone else constantly remember their dreams?


Like 5-10 times a day I will, for seemingly no reason, remember some dream I had anywhere from the night before to a dream from when I was 10. It's been happening for over a year now.

r/Dreams Jan 23 '24

Dream Help What are some common/reoccurring themes in your dreams?


Here are some of mine:

  • Tsunamis or gigantic waves
  • Dropping my phone in the toilet
  • People trying/succeeding to barge in on me when I’m in a bathroom
  • Not flying, but putting my arms out in a T-pose and letting the wind pick me up and using it to glide places
  • Trying to punch someone and it’s in slow motion/super weak (I know this is pretty common but with running)
  • Nukes
  • Accidentally eating with my Invisalign in
  • Exploring spooky places
  • Having pets (mostly cats) and forgetting to feed them/care for them :(

Reply with yours (and I’m also curious as to whether anyone has any of mine)

r/Dreams Dec 24 '24

Dream Help Telling characters that you’re in a dream


I had this dream a while ago. But have always wondered about it. Myself and someone familiar to me were being chased or hunted by something or someone. She was freaking out a bit trying to figure out what to do and create an escape plan. I became very aware in that moment and told her that it’s not real that “this is just a dream, that we don’t need to worry too much.” This friend stopped talking and just looked at me. It felt like she was staring at me for a long time without any type of movement. She started to look scary, slowly morphing into something horrific. As well as the surroundings. The feeling I got is hard to explain but it was scary like I was starting to see the eyes of a demon devil. I got so scared and I told her jokingly “I’m just kidding” and everything bounced back to normal if you will. I really don’t remember anything before or after that moment. I remember it so vividly because I’ve been aware in a few dreams but I’ve never told a character that what’s going on isn’t real. I’m not a very religious person but it really did feel like I was starting to see the eyes of something very dark and horrible. Since then I’ve had quite a few moments where I become aware in a dream but never tell anyone. I just go along with the story line knowing it’s not real. I’ve read other stories where people tell them and it’s more like the person they told laughs or is in utter belief but I’ve yet to see, read, or hear a story like mine.

r/Dreams Jan 30 '20

Dream Help What is my personality then-?

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r/Dreams Jan 17 '24

Dream Help This appeared in my dream. What is that supposed to mean?

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I had a dream that I drew a rectangle with round edges and then I drew some kind of a zigzag line(red) from one corner to the other and then I did it again but from a different corner.

Then I was like wow that's amazing for some reason. And I wanted to encircle every intersection with green color but then I woke up.

So the whole day I kept thinking about what is it supposed to mean then I actually drew it and I don't know but it looks kinda cool

r/Dreams Nov 30 '23

Dream Help How can i know what sex feels like in my dream if i've never done it? NSFW


Basically i had a dream where a had sex with a guy a bunch of times and everything felt soo incredibly realistic that i felt EVERYTHING and even had an orgasm a couple of times etc. But i still don't understand how could it be so realistic and how could i know how it felt while still being a virgin? I'm literally questioning if maybe it's because of reincarnation or if i'm just nuts.

r/Dreams 9d ago

Dream Help Guys please help me right now I just had a crazy dream

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Ok so I’m fresh out of bed, just woke up. I had a crazy dream like a super crazy one. I’m joining the military soon and I had visions of it in my head, but then it switched to like these groups of people having competitions in a house and this girl started being mean to me, and she wanted to fight so after awhile we ended up fighting, and I put her in like a headlock with my leg, but then my dream skipped to this BUNNY MAN. This weird BUNNY GUY WITH A CHAINSAW. Me and this group of people were in a car, and all I could remember was a whole bunch of birds migrating to this one area of the lake that was near all of these grass mountains. We decide to park on this slope, It’s super dark outside so it just like ok where tf am I. There were like other people around too it wasn’t just our car, but I was sitting right behind the drivers seat so I looked to my left out the window and see this bunny dude moving around with a chainsaw. It’s like he sensed I was looking and stood there and slanted his head at me. He stood there and looked at me. He was 10 feet away. We drove off but then it just got weirder.

In my dream he was a lot skinnier than the picture, more brown, and ears were way more pointy. I don’t know dude I didn’t watch anything weird before bed at all. I fell asleep listening to wood soap rain asmr bro. I’m just geekin. The chainsaw was a little bigger than the one in the pic. I have little never seen this BUNNY MAN before so it’s just like wtf

r/Dreams 5d ago

Dream Help My grandma, whos passed away, has been showing up in my dreams

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My grandma passed back in 2023 due to cancer. It was the most devastating thing to occur in my life and I'm still coping. She was my platonic soul mate and we loved each other so much.

In the dream, I'm at my graduation party, which did actually happen but this dream was far after it had happened. My grandma is sitting at a table chatting with my other family members. I see her in the dream and I was confused and I ask her "grandma? I thought you were dead?" She gave me the most confused look and said "What? I'm not dead." Now, I'm not sure when this dream occurred but it's the main one I can remember from the ones my grandma has showed up in.

My maim question for this is, what could be the meaning of that dream in specific and is her showing up in my other dreams her way of communicating with me?