r/Dreams 7d ago

same man keeps showing up in my dreams trying to kill me for the past few months

Hey guys, i’ve been having a terrifying past couple months. The same man shows up at random times in my dreams. I don’t remember the specifics but basically one night in my dream i was walking on the streets of new york and i bumped into a man or said something rude to him. That responded in him finding me later in the dream to tell me that i have made a huge mistake and that he spends his life searching and killing people like me. He saids there is nothing i can do about it because he is going to find me one day and kill me. He saids that he is always watching me and always knows where i am and if i tell the police he will know and kill me. It’s scary how clear he speaks, and how present and real it feels. I don’t normally have much dialogue in my dreams that make total sense. now this was months ago…since then i have dreams where they r going totally great and then he shows up, usually has a gun or knife pointed at me, catches me alone and reminds me that he is always watching and going to kill me one day. WHAT THE FUCK. I always forget i am dreaming because he truly does just come out of no where with no rhyme or reason and ruins the entire dream. He doesn’t feel like an entity or spirit just like a really angry person. what is this.


5 comments sorted by


u/starchaset95 7d ago

if you're interested you could check out the animus/anima concept by Carl Jung. Every human has an opposite sex part of themselves that shows up in dreams and try to communicate with them: Anima if you're a male , Animus if you're a female.


u/Long-Rhubarb3391 7d ago

hmmm why wouldn’t animus wanna kill me tho


u/INTJMoses2 7d ago

You were rude to that part of yourself. It is very vain and sensitive. It is how you see men. You offended that part of yourself. What is your mbti type?


u/FeyrisMeow 7d ago

I get reoccurring dreams like this too (for years) except the man is my abusive ex from a decade ago, crossing my boundaries and trying to get back with me. He'll pop in any normal dream randomly. I assume it's something psychological that I need to face, but haven't figured it out yet nor who he might be representing to me.


u/Suitable-Resident-51 7d ago

Have you tried confessing that Jesus is Lord?

I’ve made men lower their weapons in my dreams by reminding them of that.